/dfg/ Dwarf Fortress General

Boats edition
Previous thread >Download the basic game here. Current version is Dwarf Fortress 0.43.05

>Official forums:

>Find a bug? Don't tell us! Tell Toady! Complaining in the thread will accomplish nothing.

>Have a question? Check the wiki first:

>Fireden archived threads:
boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/Dwarf Fortress/

>Dwarf Therapist (Out of Date and pointless):

>DFHack (Out of date. Beta version available):
Beta: github.com/DFHack/dfhack/releases

>Starter Pack (Out of Date):

>More DF stuff:

>Dwarf Fortress General IRC chat:
(to connect yourself: webchat.freenode.net #dwarffortress)

>A bunch of guides to various parts of fort-based living:

>Video tutorials:
youtube.com/playlist?list=PLD1A3FE72C0DCAC66 (Dated, but good)

>Text tutorials:

>This pasta:

Strike the earth!

Other urls found in this thread:


Remember to buy the newest necromnicon volume from master necromancer Neil Shamebone

Ok it was a bit early but at least it wasn't another rimfag attempt to insert their shit into the op.

anyone want to share some cool interactions,I know someone on Bay12 had some cool werewolf transformations for adventure's but I can't find anything

Will dwarves in a burrow start cancellation spam if they can't haul stuff outside burrow?

I'm tired of all the goddamn vomit in my fortress every time something needs to be done outside and I want to have some dwarves dedicated to outside stuff.

All of mine are cross linked with my various creatures and other modded stuff.

Why are caravans such pussies?
I need their damn iron/steel to melt down for more ammo!
And now they are gonna pussy out about a small pile of ~50 goblin/troll/beakdog corpses in front of my walls.

I can't tell, is that cat in the north moat walking along the fortifications or down inside it?

The cat is in the 1z deep moat (TWBT multi-level view) that will be filled with upright spears soon.
Would have done that ages ago but I have 0 useful ores in this damn desert, every piece of metal is either melted from a caravan, or straight up goblinite.

Stop shilling neil shamebone here wtf

Is it better to have retracting bridge trap as a lever activated or pressure plated?

Neil Walker? The noble?


Wipe this meme off the face of the earth.

I think it would be cool if you could fully customise a dwarves appearance and personality, then be able to send that file to a friend so he could have that dwarf in his fort too

Could have a big /dfg/ dwarf pack with all our retarded creations

>someone in a DF general talking about another games "poor coding"

Oh the irony.

I don't remember there being descriptions of organs like this.

Speaking of mods I remember way back when 34.0 was new somebody made a mod that "enhanced" female dwarfs/elfs even kobolds with noticeable breast but it seems to have fallen off the face of the earth

Will this finally be far enough for my fuckers to use ballista?
Siege operators really shouldn't run away at first sight of dangers, its their damn job to be there!
Also how far do the arrows swivel, can they hit the walls on the way out?

Yeah but how are you planning to get the gobo's into firing range?

Just had my first webber FB

its bloody horrifying to battle it, whats the best way to deal with webbers?

Gobo sieges are dumb creatures that have been feeding my metal industry with goblinite for past 13 years.
And every damn time they enter from the north of my fortress and move to the right, giving me enough time to fire 1-2 salvos of ballista arrows before they reach my walls and get gunned down by marksdwarves.

or at least that's the plan, last siege fucking ballista operators got scared from seeing a goblin on the other end of the embark though a fortification, so I had to move back the siege engines.

use hallways as coke points to funnel them down a path,wait until they web a trap then voila captured GCS!

It only says that for goblins.It's raycis.

New to dwarf fortress in general,I know the basics(building,stockpiles,food and workshops),but is there any mods I should download as a beginner(and how do I apply them?)?

Just stop

Well at least it's not terminal he can be fixed!

>grind up poetry until I'm skilled enough to be hired at a keep
>don't realize that it's just a cover band until I've already joined
I guess it's apt tho. I only know one poem, and it was taught to me by a 4-year old that said it better than I ever have. ;_;

You don't need any mods to enjoy dwarf fortress, and especially not as a new player. Get used to the basic game first, and then have fun with different mods.

Oi don't u be mean 2 the newbies

>one of his arms is thicker than her entire torso
That size difference does things for me.

Tell me the secret to a successful fort?

booze and being really really autistic.

According to my duchess... millstones.

I'm building a new computer soon, and I play a lot of Dwarf fortress. Would it be better to get a 7700k over a 7600k or faster ram?

>keep waiting for a siege
>get uninvited cyclop instead
>oh boy here we go
>hammerlord hits cyclop in head, felling it
>2 more hits to kill it

well that was disappointing

Check out the /g/ pc building thread. Their OP pasta literally mentions DF. IIRC i3 or i5. The high end intel stuff only makes sense if you're running several resource intensive programs (multiple virtual machines, rendering, regularly applying specific photoshop filters to a lot of images).
But yeah, you're mostly looking for single core performance and fast ram (timing or latency? I don't remember. There was bay12 forum research). Don't forget that your motherboard has to support that ram speed.

My halberds have finally done something worthy of notice

After a decisive battle against a Troglodyte incursion the caverns are once more safe.

only 2 injured

How the fuck do I stop the dwarves from eating in the library?

Make it less comfy.

>download newest version
>Keep fighting gobbos with full armor
>All animals are called Animal recruits

Why toady

Equip the Liberian with a morning star

toady u r fuckin perfect m8.
you're a flower. you're also a rainbow and a river. you are the manifestation of all perfection and i want to i don't fucking know. i want this to not sound gay, but you are fucking perfect, toady.
ty for listening

Toady is such a shit tier programmer

What happens if I send a squad to hack a disgusting goblin bard that's visiting my tavern?

no u

well this is different,did they attack right as I spawned?

am I being rused?

Cave in trap or obsidianizing trap.

GCS aren't trapavoid. You don't need a webbed trap to catch them.


The goblin will probably die.

No flowing water.

Water flows utterly decimate the framerate when not inside a strictly 1-tile trench. You can go from 300+ frames/sec on a 2x2 map to less than 100/sec, just because you had water move around too much.

How do you make baths and stuff then?


>no flowing water
>use a waterfall

With flowing water.
user is being melodramatic. Water/magma flows will ding your fps some, but they're not going to make the game unplayable. And once you're done moving the liquids (or your "flows" reach 7/7 depth throughout) your fps goes back to where it was before.

Drain cavern water or surface pools into a cistern, using a screw pump to pump it into a separate cistern to clean it if it's muddy

A screw pump can also desalinate ocean water, if necessary

Gobbos are probably already at war with you.

Just make sure that the gobbo isn't actually the Dorf King's Son's Best Friend From School, because that would totally probably piss off the Dorfs.

But I don't really know.

What's a fun embark? I wanted to Embark next to a haunted ocean for the fabled zombie whale

try embarking near a goblin tower or human town to have em show up more often

Here we are, sorry it took a thread and a half.

>not modding the raws such that no creatures are aquatic
Until there's actual ways to do anything with the ocean, this is the only way for any of the aquatic creatures to mean anything other than random meat deposits from beached whales.

Anything with a volcano.
Terrifying biomes in general, like a terrifying glacier.
Any embark site very close to a Tower.

Honestly, I'd say any evil biome in general, since it seems to be random which ones have evil clouds or automatically bring back corpses from the dead.

>signed up for the bay12 forums a week ago because you had some ideas you felt would fit better in long form forum post
>toady sama hasn't approved you yet

do they even check it anymore?

It took around 2 weeks for mine to approve, but yeah they do check it.

These are new(ish), right? Do they do anything?

Probably not. Anything they'd help is probably better off being trained directly.

Flows did nothing wrong.


So I killed some dragon but the local lord keeps telling me to hunt down the dragon. How do I make him aware of how I killed this fucker?

I haven't adventured in a while so my conversation is a bit rusty. You want to either spread rumors (from the continue a conversation prompt) or brag about your kills (it's random which kill you'll brag about). The rumors list is a real pain in the ass to navigate.
You can also tell a story, I think the menu option is "begin a performance" or something like that. Even if you're a shitty storyteller it will still spread the info to anyone in earshot.

What do you think, /dfg/? First floor of the fort.

>let me just bring this finished good to the stockpile, that's much further then necessary

They make scholars more likely to ponder/discuss/write on the subject. This doesn't have any mechanical benefit except in the cases of medical skills and mechanics.

Boring, but functional enough I guess.

How about this?

Or you could bring him the corpse

>one staircase

what's a bottlekneck

The outer layer walkway doesn't really have much purpose. You're better off building your workshops on the z-level above or below the stockpiles with a stairway connection in the middle of the stockpile space itself. That enables quicker access to and from the stockpiles.

Bedrooms can go literally anywhere.

Still yawning, anonymous. You gotta kick your square habit if you want better than a 5/10 from me.

Well now I know animal-people can become a werewolf by desecrating a temple

Jesus christ your screencaps always make me want to track you down and murder you.

Hey, you got a good one. Could've been a wereshrew or a wereskink or something. Just out of curiosity, do your extra limbs disappear in wereform? I've never wondered how that worked until now.
In any case, you've got a dude who flies, has extra arms, and turns into a bear every month. Sounds like a keeper.

Yeah they turn into a four legged killing machine that can sprint without getting tired at all it's amazing

Poor doggo. Too stupid to actually attack his prey.

I don't want approval from people like you.

Wait, I forgot the bedrooms aren't shaped, they just radiate in an N-by-N square from the bed. Gonna hafta redraw that.

Your stairs will impede with the workshop placement. You're generally okay with building large workshop spaces, and then building several workshops in that space. That's what I recommend you do.

If a dorf moods, you have plenty of time to evacuate and lock him in.

>4x4 bedrooms

god damn nigger, not every dwarf is a noble, give those fucks 1x3 rooms

this is optimal bedrooms desu, I use it all the time, need around 2 layers of this layout to hold all your dwarfs

meh I just go with what I would want to live in myself

Okay, slightly larger because it needed to be square but still works.
Alright, thanks!
I appreciate your attempt to help but I'm not a communist so my dwarves don't live in commieblocks.

Also, this is the last dwarven fortress in the world (or something? when I embarked it said my civilization was dead or dying) so it might as well show why dwarves are the best.

In all fairness, your rooms are more blockier than mine

How're these rooms? Please ignore the staircase

2 small

What's with the staircase?

Here they are in their dastardly dungeon.

Could you try drawing a mothwoman who's into wood chopping


Is that bloke who's always playing with worldgen around?

I'm trying to learn how to gen worlds to my liking but it's pretty complex. All I want is a pocket region where the dwarves aren't all dead yet, maybe some volcanoes and adversaries, but I can't seem to get it right.

set min volcanoes to high, set civilization sites higher, don't gen so long so they don't all instantly die out or turn down the semi/megabeast caves and titan numbers

Generating a large world to sail for a new adventure was a mistake. I can't stand these mountains anymore.