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Tharja a best

Good god fuck this Veeky Forums post timer

What are the best hacks?
I once saw a gba hack that used skills as items (like thr fili shield in ss), something expanding on that could be neat.


>Lucina WILL NOT be in Warriors whatsoever

This is an OFFICIAL Tharjafag prediction. screencap this. He firmly believes this.

Azura a best

He probably only thinks that because he's obsessed with #FE and that was the only game that has Awakening characters but not Lucina.


Can we have a nice civil discussion about LTC playthroughs this thread? It's one of many valid ways of playing FE games and is quite fun.

Celica a shit.


Which of the Fates games has the definitive kino moment in its story?

LTCcucks are the worst. Go away.

No, fuck off.

No, fuck off, I'm sick of LTC niggers by this point.

Careful, Ayrafags will get mad.

How much would you spend on Celica in the next banner?

>Please shove these up our butts!

I'm going to keep saving my orbs for the cutest Echoes mage, Luthier

Probably nothing unless she's top tier and has good odds to get.
I'm saving everything for the SS banner.

0, since she's getting STAFF'ed

If she had good art I'd whale for her.

Her or Delthea. Or Saber. Or Kamui. Or Alm. Or Deen or Mathilda.

Echoes has cool-looking characters.

Breed with Nowi!

I was the one, who kept asking about Apotheosis. If I can pick, which one is better - Ignis or Luna? Assuming both str and mag 50 or more.

Anyone interested in a PoR or RD stream?

Now that there's no more free orbs I'm really gonna have to pass up on a lot of characters. Even in the base game there was a lot of "would be tempted to roll for if they had a banner" type characters but now I have to conserve even harder. Just have to hope they show up when I do start rolling.

5* or no?

In my experience Luna is more useful, but I can't present any hard facts at the moment. Luna is just much more available to a wider-range of units and has more consistent damage output. So, if you need a skill for someone who isn't Robin, I think Luna should be a good choice to go for.

If you have no better lances, or you want to use one of the Tome users that feeds on buffs, you can't go wrong with her.

aw shit
i was doing great up to this point
how did you beat chapter 10 in conquest lunatic?

I like Hana

Klein-sama a best!

I have 17 orbs

Both Morgan and Cynthia have this skill in my team, as well as Luna. I just wanted to know, which would be better when you have access to both.

Also, I kept them in Dark Fliers classes but another user suggested to change them to Sage or Sorc classes. Is that slightly higher mag cap worth it? I thought that with both Celicia's ale and Brave Lance, they are more balanced for Apotheosis.

OK. Could you tell me why you dislike LTC playthroughs? Or are you simply opposed to all gameplay discussion?

Why would they get mad?

Celica is going to get staffed.
Ethlyn is going to get staffed.
Nanna is going to get staffed.
Micaiah is going to get staffed.

her and hinata are kind of suck

staffed with my dick if you know what i mean

I like them a lot but I am bad at them
Why do people hate them
I think it's one of the best most fun ways to play

play aggressively but fall back when tacomeat uses the dragon vein

use camilla

if you captured haitaka in 9 rally def helps

buy javelins and hand axes for people; on one playthrough i'd picked up an umbrella in my castle and it alone made a difference

They can be kind of suck together!

I've got 95 ish orbs saved for the gaiden banner. I was hoping to have a 100, but close enough. I'd like Celica or alm, but I also want to see who else is in the banner....

Sumia is the cutest! I love spending time with my pretty wife! I`ll never let anything hurt her or make her sad! Every second spent with her is perfect! I want to stroke her soft hair and give her little kisses on her cheek! We`ll have each other forever and always! Nobody could ever make me feel as happy as she does! She is truly perfect in every single way to me! I want her to always be happy and smiling! I could never ask for more! I love Sumia!

Roy is shit

ltc is fine

people for some reason are conflating it with "efficiency" which is the real cancer

stinky slut

Ethlyn will break the curse by having the light brand!

I'm hoping Boey will be on the banner. I also hope he's a red mage.

D-dont say such things about her! She is pure and wouldnt never take part in any lewd acts!

>Have 5 orbs
>Do one last hail Mary on the spring festival.
>Get a five star Merric


Redpill me on the Boey meme.

Maybe she'll bring Altenna as her weapon

I only have six 5 stars, and most of them have Attack bane, so here's what i got brewing so far

Eirika -Att +Speed
Ephraim +Att -Def
4 star Michalis
4 star Gordin +Att - Res

1 of my 5 stars is a Klien with -att, so im tempted to give deathblow to my Gordin who would get Brave Bow+ anyway


What the fuck does "efficiency" mean in a Fire Emblem context? I've heard it used to refer to LTC, real time speedruns, slow but safe playthroughs, casual play, and just about everything else.


He's a meme? I just really like his design.

Depends of her weapon and of the other characters

Eh, they're not too bad. Probably like borderline.

He never even mentioned any acts she would partake in. What's she doing that you're getting all defensive?

Come home, little princess! We can be a family again once more!