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Gelatinous Cube edition

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> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio

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doesn't look like much, but you're looking at progress

elite remake?

found a workflow to crank out decent rock assets real fast.
Gonna make a cave asset pack with that shit

it was a battlezone remake.... but that sounds much cooler, so yeah, i'm gonna do that instead.

go for it

Redesigned the card system so now it's a simpler (but more intuitive and appealing) system similar to Magic. You have temperament cards (similar to land cards) that have a limited amount of charge, every active card you play drains the energy until the temperament card is destroyed. You can play one temperament card per turn, and endless active cards so long as you still have energy for them. Easy.

Also giving the Sanguine deck it's own mechanic - oxygen. Every active Sanguine card you play gives other Sanguine cards oxygen, which makes them more powerful (if they use oxygen).

Came up with 7 cards for this system so far, but 2 (momentum and energetic) don't have card art yet.

Excuse the jerky camera snap when battle starts, I'm trying out a static camera angle for combat.




no, you'll make two or three rocks and lose interest and never amount to anything

What's the best way to make a game like minecraft? Me and my game devolping friend have been designing one, heres a model I made for it.

just keep blindly making random assets and a game will eventually materialize

hrees the main character

I'm learning unity from youtube is that good?

kek, that sleeping pose.


Wow, a pixel platformer. What a neat idea, user

Thanks user! I'm sure you're game is good as well, and I wish you the best.

>Built around VR but will be playable through PC still.
>Solo dev
If y'all need a punching bag, I'm here user


Trading card game


I have no idea whats going on but it looks very polished as is, I can't wait to see more of this and or try it out some time when you make a demo version.

>Trading card
I'm still confused.

That's pretty neato, I don't know if you've added in dual pistols, or shotgun type firearms, but if you make some waist high carts with wheels with that same skateboard acceleration, you could add some John Woo flair to your sandbox.

Made a system of tutorial bokubes, other darker shades of bokube out in the world that when you get near them, accidentally die to natural causes to teach you what will kill you.

i'm trying to stretch myself out of just doing soundfont+chiptune music just because its comfortable. does anyone want some cheapish music for their game? also just general thoughts are very welcome too


OP, what is your pic from?

>brown bokubes die only for the white bokube to advance.

>brown bokubes are naked while the white one has clothes.

We know what you're trying to do here bokudev.

Looks good, albeit a bit cramped.

If you don't need to teach the player about all three of those obstacle conditions at once for the next stage, it might be a bit much.

Perhaps consider maybe making each of those tutorial sections it's own thing at the start of a level, then a level or two with that as the main obstacle, then the next tutorial level, then start combining them.

Did you put this system into real models
or did I dream about your game last night


>Start off, was a nodev with lots of C# experience
>Know how to code, don't know how to code vidja gaems
>Find course on udemy over the exact thing I want, is 15 hours of video tutorial
>One simple youtube search later
>Entire course on youtube, 4ish views per video
The videos are half the length what they should be (around 7 hours of video total), but all the info seems to be there and it has proper intro/outros.

I don't care for chiptune stuff personally, but the top 4 non-chiptune tracks were genuinely good. They sounded like something I'd expect out of a professional game, albeit quite JRPGish.

I don't think using the word 'cheapish' will do you well

Starting on a new project.

this edit is repulsive

Yeah, but can you get the turnips pregnant?

thanks! i'm trying to devote more time to the non-chiptune stuff but it can be harder to conjure something up out of nothing when you have every possible sound at your disposal and you aren't making it for a specific game. that's one of the reasons i'm looking to write some stuff for other people.
hey, i'm not too sure what you mean by this - could you explain?

Where's the guy that made this?

You know this is actually a good mechanic in its own right?

I don't think anyone's looking for poor quality music, not that it is

No, user. You can't.

Well, okay. But what about the hoes?

ah right, got it. i'll keep it in mind


Thanks mate

Final Fantasy X Harvest Moon?

This is an historic day

I've ran into a problem, if anyone has any advice - the healthbars above people's heads take up too much room. Once there are 4 players (standard party size) and however many monsters in a battle it's going to be way too cluttered.

How can I fix that? I can make the healthbars smaller but that doesn't feel like enough. Hide healthbars unless you mouse over a target or it's their turn?

>I have no idea whats going on

That's my bad, probably shouldn't record progress in the spooky dark forest. I'll have to do a demo at some point if just to stress test the server, but I'll need an actual server before that happens. One that isn't running off my PC.

wheres that bot thing that posts all the games being worked on? interested in what is being made.

Damn, writing tests feels great. Fixed 4 bugs already, and they're bugs I would probably never have found out until it was way too late.

Kind of. More of a focus on the Harvest Moon aspects with a bit of JRPG thrown in.

Some weird-ass Harry Potter magic.

>Hide healthbars unless you mouse over a target or it's their turn?
Yeah exactly give it a try and see how well it works

You should always display the whole grid, otherwise you can only guess the distance between units and it does nothing but frustrate.

I'd recommend a less-chunky health bar. I don't think the border width around the health bars need to be that thick, and the "4" and red dots take up a lot of room. Do they serve an important purpose?

Provide a toggle (including a button) for healthbars. They're good as is most of the time but there are situations where you want to disable them for a second.

Ok I'll give that a try next.

Good idea, I'll add that tomorrow, probably with it turned off by default with a toggle option.

>I'd recommend a less-chunky health bar

I figured, but wondered if that'd be enough. The 4 and the red dots are movement points and attack points. They're both important combat stats to tell if a monster can reach you and how much damage they'll do.

How are those laser shots being done? Particles or are they just moving along some axis? It's very apparent that they are inheriting the rotation of the gun/wrist, upon firing you could set the parent of the laser blast to null, and destroy it after some time after being fired.

It's a particle system attached as a child to the blaster.
I'm trying to figure out how to make it work regardless of player's transform.

a simple fix could just be to make them press a key to show the health bars.

>6billion polygons

~*epic farming*~

>normal maps

yea i did, metanoia dev gave me some parts to mess with.

i have a john woo webm somewhere.

I'm beginning to think I'm the only one coming to these threads actually making a game.

Whats the best way to screen record webms?

shadowplay and wevm for retards

easiest fastest way to make high quality weeblooiums

I count 6 games posted so far, and we're less than 10% into this thread.

webmcam if you're lazy and want a single click record. you have to do one take and you can't cut it afterwards if it goes long. takes some practice to stay under 3mb
obs + webmforretards / webmforbakas if you want more control.

There's already been several progress posts this thread, what are you talking about?

OBS + WebmConverter

Began working on a crab mini-boss

As someone who has eaten a lot of crabs

It doesn't look like a crab I'd want to eat

Xbox app on Windows 10. Press Win+G at any time, check "yes, this is a game" for the first time you run your game, and it will record the screen.

people telling you nobody will buy this for $5 are retards.

$5 sounds like a totally reasonable price point. Don't let nodevs cheat you out of what you're worth.

Just imagine how much nice white meat there must be on those plump claws, user

I bet he doesn't even post his crab models in the /3/ thread lmao

I'm more interested in knuckle, but those joints are weirding me out. It looks mutated.

Okay, so right now you have it something like, when ever you receive player input, you play the particle system?

I think you could instead place an empty object at the barrel of the blaster, as a child of the blaster.

Then make a prefab out of the particle system.

And whenever you want to shoot, you would instead Instantiate that particle system at the barrel emptys location and rotation, and set to destroy itself after a few seconds.

There's a /3/ dedicated to crabs?

The guy shitting on him didn't even know shit about the genre or its demographic so he'd be ill advised to listen to anything that person had to say.


What kind of weapon will the player have to defeat such a cave demon!? Surely a knife would be useless against those massive claws, they could rip a tank apart!

I'm in pose mode in Blender and I'm clicking on the bones joint to move it, but it's selecting the whole damn bone every time. How do I just select the joint?


Scissor cut between eyes this kills the crab

snib snib

I would have concentrated effort on the single most compelling feature in the game. Your game reminds me of the guy who made gunpoint, because in a talk he was talking about this new game he was making, a top-view 2d spaceship game similar to yours.

His visuals are lacking compared to yours and without any fleshed out world or lore yet, and yet I'm more interested in his game, because of this: he toyed around with the idea of letting you hijack an enemy spaceship while in mid-fight, ejecting out of your own spaceship, forcing entry into the enemy's ship, cause some havoc, maybe tackle enemies into emergency doors, out to space, then fly right back into your own ship, maybe plant a time bomb in the enemy ship before you escape, it sounds a lot of fun

tl;dr there's many ways to create a compelling game, but if you're a cash-strapped indie, sandbox elements in your combat works wonders

It's going to be an arcadey game where you are a rocket trying to get as high as you can.
You use your jet to boost yourself upwards, but the jet flame particles are also your only weapon - So to get past blocks (like pic related) and hurt enemies that come for you, you have to turn the jet towards them and try not to get thrown completely off course or fall to your death.

snib SNAB 3D


You can't in pose mode, only in edit mode can you select joints. Why do you want to click the joint?


One of the first replies he got and never seemed to notice was "there's no hook", and it's the truest feedback you can give the guy.

>sandbox elements in your combat works wonders
If you limit it to combat, sure, but trying to make a linear game nonlinear can easily drive up costs/dev time

>Try to start a new project in pygame because I'm learning python at school and it seems like a neat and intuitive language.
>pygame is awful and the community is shit
Looks like it's back to GM!

something something ancestors smiling, can you say the same?

>but trying to make a linear game nonlinear can easily drive up costs/dev time
yup, I kinda meant they should've focused on the gameplay prototype (one that's actually fun if you give it to some random dude to playtest), before all that world and lore-building

how about this crab