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>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd in Sumaru City: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

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Ryuji is for Ann!

Ann is for Ryuji!

I don't know why people focus on Morgana being a jerk to Ryugi. All the group always on Ryugi back to not mess up and make fun of him. I don't like this kind of dynamic but I guess the writers wanted to write a different kind of group compared to P4 who tried to always being together. Same for Yusuke being threated like a weirdo by the group and I'm not even not talking about Futaba who had a forced rehab. So no STOP Ryugi isn't a victim at all. You're over thinking this.

P5 heroes are a lot more... well summer vacation just show how each don't really blend together. Specialy the girls drawing a clear line and didn't wanted to have fun with the guys.

I prefered much more P4 group that really wanted to be friends, P5 are together because of their goal but don't pass time with each other.

Wish there was more "random floors" in Mementos like in Tartarus when you happen to end on a floor with only golden enemies, or a floor with no enemies at all

That prolaps scene after Futaba was hot as fuck.

p5 seems like it'd be a pain to replay. you're forced to be inactive for story reasons for so long

Analysis with Makoto!

What stats do I need to fully romance Makoto?

>they would straight up have to go into hiding/leave Japan

P6 will be PT's backpacking trip!

What did you think would happen if the IT's identities were revealed to the public after the Okumara case

Hifumi is for me!

Ann > Futaba > Sadayo > Hifumi > Chihaya > Haru > Tae > Makoto > Ichiko


3 int and 5 charm.

joker looks so stupid without his coat

How would they prove it without having to go into the metaverse thing?

Like the Phantom Thieves would be screwed if their identities were revealed considering the police can go to their homes

Knowledge 3 to start her link, and then you'll need Max Charm. Trust me user it's worth it just focus on raising your charm she's so amazing

I want to sniff her used panties.

I fucking love how the game lets you shit on Mishima.

>Kind of want to use Yusuke.
>Ryuji seems to do everything Yusuke does but better.
>I would miss Ryuji's shouts when he summoned his persona too.

Is Yusuke the worst party member, combat-wise? Certainly seems like it.

Reminder that NTR is the natural state of P5 doujins since all the girls except Aoi Yuuki would end up as sex slaves without Joker's help.

P5 is a lot better than P4 because they all treat each other differently.

It got boring to watch Yosuke always be the butt monkey, Kanji always get called stupid, Naoto always getting positive attention, etc. Some people in 5 think Ryuji's an idiot, some think he's awesome. Some people think Makoto's great, some people think she's not really cool at all. It feels like they all have their own personalities whereas P4 they just fell into general group roles.

That's because it wants you to. The whole point of Mishima's confidant is to make it clear to you what a loser he is, and then let him redeem himself.

Endgame Yusuke is way better than Ryuji,

He starts off trash, but becomes absolutely unstoppable at around level 35-40 ish.

But they don't have any chemistry

>red eyed mary sue

why do people like this cancer? worst persona teammate ever

Goro already knew they were the thieves, i would plant a bug or at least a listening device like Futaba did and wait for the PT to slip up confirming their identities as the PT and then broadcast that video

pretty much. If they gave yusuke charge as well it would just be down to preference

>worst persona teammate ever
You're thinking of Chie.

i know and i agree i was just posting a post from a certain other internet community for free (you)s

you may not like her personality, but she's not a mary sue, come on. Plus she makes for a decent support

The fuck are you smoking?

Even after his rank 9 I don't like him any.
He was way better when Kamoshida was pummeling his face with his balls.

Surely someone with Shido's authority must know how to bug/plant a device to capture footage in an area.

Chie had character flaws. Makoto is a fanfic-tier character. Even Naoto wasn't this cancerous.

Total gaijin here. Which genre does "Last Surprise" fit into? Bass line is so groovy.

>Doesn't get Charge.
>Doesn't get a skill to enhance rate of Freeze to combo well with someone like Makoto.
>Get's Masukukaja instead of Matarukaja.

I don't see it.

>tfw hate mishima's guts almost immediately
>get to ranks 3-5 of his confidant
>hate him even more
>but keep ranking him up for the EXP benefits
>hit rank 7
>hey this guy is alright I guess
>hit rank 10
>fucking hell this guy is great
bravo hashino

>You can call me Crow
It's like Goro wanted to make it as obvious as possible.

Notice how you never fight Kamoshidas human form because it would be bad to show kids beating an actual teacher up in Japan

Hell even naming the Phantom Theives on live television is proof enough for their arrest. Plus the evidence

yusuke should have been a healer tbqhwyf

i want to kill the designer of space station

>Even Ryuji could outwit the majority of the IT

The idiot that got recorded shouting about his involvement with Phantom thieves? Hell he even call Joker and immediately starting blabbing about it not even making sure Joker was by himself. Is shiting on the IT some sort of meme?

>omg she's so smart even though we never see her do a single smart thing

>omg she's got all this old repressed anger even though that's just Ryuji's gimmick done even more poorly

>she can totally outwit all the phantom theives and blackmail them into working for her!

>she has red eyes because she's so cool and unique!

>also she has an evil sister who hates her but is secretly totally jealous of how pretty and smart and awesome and perfect she is!

Literally donut steel tier.

The Phantom Thieves would be fugitives on the run since the goverment is going after them

>makoto is so perfect that people with other waifus are legitimately mad that she is so perfect

>why do people like her

answered your own question there buddy

That's the point, half the IT (Chie, Kanji, Teddie, Rise) are literal retards who can't deduct their way out of a paper bag. Ryuji at least is able to stick with a plan and keep up with Morgana's scheming.

It's compensated for with there being a much greater variety of shadows weak to ice than other elements in late game. Also his mechanics revolve around finishing baton pass combos instead of status effects/starting BP combos

>Hating on her eyes
I bet you like some girl with shit eyes like sensei.

>The idiot that got recorded shouting about his involvement with Phantom thieves?
So, Anne too? She was also recorded.
The real reason anyone was caught was that Makoto was smart enough to do so.
You're really underestimating the incompetency of the IT too.

>Sojiro rank 10

Holy fuck I miss my dad so much. This is cruel and unusual punishment, it's only been five weeks.

You're probably right, she appeals to all the fans who want a literally perfect anime girl who still somehow has crippling self-esteem issues so she'll never leave them.

She'd be fine if it wasn't pathetically obvious how all the writers are fapping every time she appears on-screen.

>That's the point, half the IT (Chie, Kanji, Teddie, Rise) are literal retards
Yet they never did anything as retarded as Ryuji.

>still this buttmad
>resorting to 'lol the writers were fapping' when really they just liked a good character

RIP user's dad

Probably because the P4 villains were too retarded to exploit them.

I like girls who look like human beings instead of rejected magical girl anime designs, yes.

Does anyone know when the last date to do NG+ sideboss is?

I cant seem to kill their final phase in time and would like to be able to grind the final end game area before fighting them, but I assume once lavenza is kicking around the fight is no longer available

>good character

It's fine that she gets you hard, but don't kid yourself.

Yeah, those REAL GIRLS like Tae or Chihaya! Yeah!

>Makoto was smart enough to do so.
She wouldn't have been able to if Ryuji and Anne weren't retarded.

Jesus fucking Christ I'm half way through NG+ and I still can't fucking stand Ryuji's fucking yelling like a monkey at every god damn situation that comes up.




I wish he died in that ship explosion.

Literally the worst thing Ryuji did was talk too loudly. Compare that with even the smartest IT member getting herself thrown in the TV.

I feel exactly the same fucking way.

Friendly reminder that brown hair and green eyes is the best combination.

"The last possible day to do this fight is 12/22."

You can do it when you're going back into Mementos on your way to the Grail.

I finished chapter 5 and I need to rant on it!

1. It's stepback compared to chapter 4 because it's a a repetition of chapter 3.
2. How the fuck, the group is surprised they're being framed ?!!! We had 2 chapters about a bad guy that go into palace for godamn sake!! It should've crossed your mind earlier that something super shady is going on specialy with Futaba revelation!!

I though finaly we would've gone deeper in the investigation but no that was a godamn filler arc with a poor execution on Morgana developpement and Haru execution! And don't say they lacked time, 80% of my playtime is about reading and reading the story so no sowhere someone messed up that chapter 5 and made it super boring.

Guys please, whoever you prefer Ann or Makoto, let's agree on one thing.

How beautiful Goro is.

I mean shit, never seen a villain that hot before, it makes me question my heterosexuality.

If only he was real...

You could say the exact same thing about Morgana

As opposed to the oozing chemistry between Ann and MC outside their coop, right?

>villains were too retarded
Sounds like Goro to desu.
>I'll just let the rest of the PT go unwatched now their leader is dead

lol your dad is dead

thanks user.

The "smartest" member of the IT also denies her Shadow after being told not to deny her Shadow and the whole time the rest of the IT stands around like mongoloids letting it happen.

i don't know why they let him live.

we needed another main party death like P3 and he was lovable enough at the end of his social link that it would have had a good impact.

>I don't ever see women in real life

Nice blog.

>i don't know why they let him live.
Holy shit user chill your edge a little

On my next playthrough I'm literally going to screenshot every time morgana insults ryuji and vice versa just to shut you idiots up. Morgana throws shit but cant take it, and often ends up threatening violence because he's a dumb fucking cat.

They'll never sacrifice anyone other than blatantly temporary guys like Goro and Shinjiro.

Morgana started throwing shit back because Ryuji specifically said "You're pretty useless, Morgana.". Morgana even expressed that it bothered him and Ryuji just doubled down and was even more of a dick.

Looked at him and said he didn't even have a use now that they had Futaba.

>Compare that with even the smartest IT member getting herself thrown in the TV.
You mean like Makoto getting into a direct confrontation with Yakuza or Futaba leaving the PT calling card in her room for Sojiro to find?

The problem with IT and P4 in general is that the mysteries it presents are so simplistic. Honestly i would have guessed Adachi much earlier than the IT did. Most of the mysteries other than Goro being traitor were much more difficult for the PT to solve

>we needed another main party death like P3
>hasn't finished the game


Nobody in the main party dies.

it's not edge. they had the right idea in Persona 3 when they killed off Shinji but he wasn't around long enough for the correct impact. killing off Ryuji right there woulda been great.

God don't even try. From the literal moment you meet Morgana, he's spouting shit like "hey joker you're pretty clever, unlike that other FUCKING RETARD BLOND IDIOT" and "oh wow you actually got it you fucking idiot skull," and "you wouldn't understand you idiot". It's fucking impressive Ryuji doesn't kill Morgana.

To be fair Makoto was pretty desperate and reckless (the game calls her out on it) and Futaba - that was more a mistake but an understandable one

Goro doesn't count.

As much as I like Goro, you can barely consider him a main party member. He's there for one dungeon, betrays the group, then dies/fucks off wherever if it turns out he survived.

Shinjiro wasn't nearly as obvious.

>all this damage control and bias
wew lad

They aren't going to kill off a longstanding party member.

For one that would be screwing the player over if they took away the power charge physical attacking guy.

>doesn't have a use
>Morgana is still more useful than Yusuke

dude spoilers!!!

Ryuji wanted to go to the fishing pond but I had to turn him down, did I fuck myself on unlocking it?

The point is that they throw it back and forth and Ryuji doesn't give a fuck, but when Morgana stands there and legit says "hey thats too far" and Ryuji goes "lmao fuckin kys" and then when they're trying to make up, he goes OUT OF HIS WAY to walk up and say "lol kys again my man you're still shit" it's like alright, calm the fuck down,

The difference is Morgana didn't say that shit with intent to hurt/ was just joking around, while Ryuji wanted Morgana to fuck off forever.