I bought 87 octane with 10% ethanol from the Husky gas station for my honda civic. I was out of gas and I needed to get home and this was the only gas station nearby. Redpill me about what will happen to my car. Will this gas fuck up my engine?
I bought 87 octane with 10% ethanol from the Husky gas station for my honda civic...
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inb4 Euros think they have octane superiority because they don't understand AKI vs RON
you are already dead
10% is fine for the vast majority of fuel injected engines. There shouldn't be any issues.Pretty much all fuel in the US these days is 10%.
>3k Honda Civic destroys itself with 10% ethanol blend
>Civic fags on suicide watch
Ayy lmao
the 10% stays in your gas tank. and every time you get more ethanol infused gas it adds up. eventually you will end up with 100% ethanol in your tank and then you die
wtf this is what i get every single time???
r u dumb? gas is gas, put it in the tank, light it up and burn some tires
HOOOly shit
Put vodka in the tank to mix with the ethanol, since it's basically the clean version it will make all the dirty ethanol evaporate.
you should have got gas at the place with the Pegasus on the sign.
fyi we still do have superiority after converting the numbers.
sauce pls, wiki page on octane ratings show even some 100 RON fuels being 93 AKI
You're finished. Sell your car now.
Idk about petrol, but in the world apresentation of the new Land Rover Discovery last month that happened in Utah (i think), Land Rover had to bring their own diesel fuel from the EU because the diesel quality in the US is really poor for their engines.
So i wouldnt be surprised if petrol were also low quality, just like everything else in america
wowww is their anything amerifags dont fuck up??
Diesel is measured with Cetane, not Octane. Different from RON, MON, or AKI.
Euro diesel is minimum 51 and up to 60
the US varies by state. North America's minimum overall is 40, California is 53. All fuel made in Texas must be a minimum of 48. The national average is 42-45 though, so you can blame middle east oil for shitty refining.
you fucked up, next time fill your tank with sugar+water+yeast, maybe add some sweet fruits. couple weeks later you'll get ethanol way cheaper than you can get on the station
If it's a late 90s onward car, nuffin'. They're all designed to handle some ethanol in the fuel. Before then, it might fuck up your fuel lines with repeated use.
You'll get worse gas mileage and that's it.
OP is a leaf
87 AKI is about 91 RON, if I remember correctly.
91 AKI is 95 RON, 93 AKI is 98 RON.
It's only $1.04 for gas?
Probably per liter. Because cucknada
> buying regular