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Protect That Smile Edition

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Reminder that there are decks out there that /svg/ has no clue about that stomp shit with ease

Seriously guys, how do I have fun playing against dragon players? Are you basically forced to netdeck yourself?

Post elf

What are the chances that Ginger actually becomes playable next expansion and we aren't being rused by Cygames

Is that edited?

Apparently decks that noone else play.

Because you're forgetting that you can open a deck from just packs. It would be like if someone opened a full aggro shadow deck, and then just said, "Nah, I'm going to liquify all of this and build discard dragon, so that I can lose half the vial value of my cards play a respectable deck." Laughable, and anyone who would suggest this is a cuckold.


That can't be the same dude.


I'm not going to post about it again but just a reminder to watch your ass if you join the NGE Shadowverse Open. The admins will apply the rules however they see fit.

The rules provided on Battlefy are just suggestions apparently.

People have tried saying this for every single format of every single card game and it never turns out to be true.

They announced it unlike Eidolon. It's gonna be playable.


>from B1 to AA1 during RoB
>from AA1 to A2 in ToG

How do I make it stop?

About the same chance of Desert Rider.

I thought I was next, but I'm up after this match.



You can't fall out of a lettered bracket. The lowest you can go after reaching AA1 is AA0.

There are clans/guilds for this game?

Go team rocket! Lmao

Who are you?

They'd have to make some high cost follower with an absolutely retarded end of turn effect. Otherwise no, Rune you can just dshit and kill you with snowmen.

You can meme exploit her now though. Apparently if you evo her and get her killed, her restriction disappears but you keep the 0 costs. Some nip pulled of the dream and dropped a bunch of Zeus' after it, but it's a 1 in 20 twenty match thing.

>Got too lazy to sandbag
>Takes me literally hours to do missions now

Fun fucking game

good luck user!

You can do it!

tramps, but they changed my name to spmart.

Everyone ding your dongs for /ourguy/.

Because people open full decks from packs all the time, right?

Just REKT this Elf fucker from the UK. Shitter thought I'd let him put down the same roach and roach me again a third time. Conceded like the cuck he is at 20 life.

This is the -real- OTK


you probably thought your post was witty but it's not

Just make a shitty neutral aggro deck for every class and concede until you run into a favorable match up?
That's how I do my dailies


Left is my current incomplete build
Right is I'm currently planning. So far I have 2 Sahas already and I have enough vials for a 3rd Saha and 2 Isras.

I feel that possible future build is too damn greedy and I'm better off crafting a 3rd Forte and Sibyl.

Should I pull the trigger for Saha+Isras or just upgrade my deck with Fortes and Sibyls?

Or be a total cancer and make midshadow?

Are you gonna be on the stream?

How do I make Daria work in the new meta?

>it's uncommon so it doesn't happen
Not an argument.

t. Someone who opened full Daria, Dshift, and aggro blood without crafting a single card or spending money on the game.

There are clans/teams for literally everything, no matter how little sense it makes.


t. proud team magma member
I support your ideology don't go against me!

Just unranked it. I just avoid ranked like the plague now since learning your rank affects 'unranked' MMR. Not going to make it any shittier, I like seeing more than 2-3 decks over and over.


team plasma was the best pokemon team, objectively

>want to play swordcraft
>don't want to play babbies first shroud enchantment shitstain meme

ganbatte user


You just like to parrot stuff don't you?

Albertcraft ''''mid-sword''' still works fine.

Fuckin REKT that MOM fag


mah boi sword is beating shadow

Any advices on improving this mindrange shadow deck? I played plenty of games with it and have positive winrate but sometimes it bricks or just feels off something about I can't tell.

Cut off: 3 Breaths, 2 Eachtar and 2 Thane


cut 1pps if you want to make a mid-range deck.

they are useless late game

>Nothing costs over 5pp


Next game is literally already over.

>shadowbricks to no end
How does that never happen when I face them?

If I was going to run a list like the right, I'd cut the Emissaries and one Ouroboros to add Rahab, Sally Breath and a Sibyl. Cutting back on your early game seems like suicide in a meta like this, with all the aggressive Shadow and Sword decks running around.
If the choices are only between those two decks, then I'd stick to building up the left one.

I don't have the deck but Unica sounds dumb. Cut it for Goblins. Also you need more Soul Squashers.

MOOOOOM is a catch-all reply for people bragging about their insignificant victories.

Read the actual post, brainlet.

Flame Rat spell

I wish there was more to his post than just the picture and the first sentence.

>can't read
Dumb underage faggot

Enjoy having a harder time completing your daily missions, rankercuck


Holy shit Daria is so bad, how was this deck ever top tier?


But landing Pamela, having an actual board to buff with her and wining with dirt in general is an achievement in itself.

Soul Conversion. Bone Chimera. More Squasher. No Unica/Fighter.

Even midrange Shadow runs 1 drops because of Catacomb curve. Usually only 5 though.

/ourboy/ is the next

/our guy/ match next

You don't know if it's a girl or not, shitlord

So easy to trigger these Shadowcucks

Is anyone not having fun anymore? Did anything change this meta or did I just burn out / get bored?

Stop promoting yourself, tramps. Good luck!

>"These haven't been Gawain decks."
Yeah, because he was added as a legend for Support Cannon, which isn't playable because of Dragon.

I realize Shadow is really good in arena, but for someone who's had a shitty day in ranked and only had 1 5-0 prior to this which was months ago, this felt pretty damn good.

>acts like a retard
>lel I was only triggering people

Seems like you are the one who's triggered by precise deck archetype naming.

Post deck?

Saha luci was a lot weaker last expac and that was already a favourable match up for dragon

Haven was good against it aswell

The reason daria was good, was because ladder was filled with nothing but alberts and daria is really good against """midrange""" sword

How do I git gud at Dragon Ramp? Honestly I feel like I'm playing the deck wrong other than "lol play ramp cards and big monsters". Do you just try to stall with taunts until overflow? Maybe I'm doing bad mulligans too?

What blood lists are people using?

Man. I really want that Olivia figma.


this is the worst list i have ever seen

Our guy lost already.

>heaven watching a 14/14 on board don't know what to do when he used 2 themis already

this is fun

I pulled a moonbun
Is she useful in anything other than storm haven

What do you guys think about Lurching and Necro in this deck? I can drop unica and orthrus and replace them with this epik 6pp combo.


The dumbass tournament that had to practically beg Cygames to let them have an NA tournament is getting overshadowed by a fucking sponsored stream of someone who doesn't really give a fuck about the game XD

why did they make him change his name to spmart? don't tell me it's because Tramps sounds like Trump

not really. But if you really like her you can always just put her in your deck, its still a value play

They were already strong in RoB take 2 and the rotation change removed a lot of their trash/meme golds and leggos. They also have two legendary silvers with Khawy and Catacomb.

Post list you're running

You want to play different against different crafts

Against haven and d shift hard mulligan for saha baha zell combo pieces and fervor

Against dragon hard mulligan for bahas, ramp, fervor

Against shadow hard mulligan for your early game and drop zell on turn 2 even if you can ramp
Only ramp if you have rahab in hand on turn 2

Nothing else on ladder so that's it

The balance is pretty bad right now. Control is impossible unless you play Aegis or Dragon. It's near impossible to win with DS against every popular deck. Elf is still stuck doing roach combos. Royal is mediocre at everything now. Vampire has to win by killing itself, although I actually like how this concept is decent now. I feel like it's possible to balance Dragon pretty easily if they wanted to, but balancing Necro is harder since it's not like any one card is causing grief.

literally who? also that name sounds g/a/y as fuck

Do you not know what "tramps" means?

Reynad's stream is over already.

I saw moonbun in some sun decks

Cygames is making too much money to care now, they are throwing money at NA scene and hope it grows. They have 1/10th of HS' playerbase but making 1/4 of their revenue. They are already winning in the race for profits