>Sleeper Hit of the Set Edition
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/hsg/ - Hearthstone General
Why aren't you destroying the ladder with Tempo Petal Rogue, user?
first for quests ruined hearthstone more
>lets give some classes broken quests, some playable quests and some completely garbage quests
>Seriously considering cutting Darkshire Councilman from Discolock and adding in Quest + Deathwing to just shit out the quest in one turn and force endgame
Somebody tell me why this idea is shit, i literally never get value out of councilman, ever
Because it needs 8 epics?
Post dicklist pls user i have two vanLeafs already
Why Hearthstone is so expensive compared to other digital card games:
To answer this question, we have to go back to Hearthstone's inception, before copycat games like Shadowverse, Duelyst, Faeria, etc. were made. When HS first launched, it was the figurehead of a genre that had no contenders. Online card games were almost nonexistent. The closest, most popular thing to HS was MTG, and in terms of business model, HS blew MTG out of the water. In MTG, you had to spend literally hundreds of dollars for a single competitive deck, and top-tier rares in some formats cost thousands of dollars. In comparison, HS, with its daily gold rewards, Dust system, quests for newbies, and small giveways during new content releases, was extremely generous.
Then came the other card games. Following Hearthstone's massive success, similar games like Duelyst, Shadowverse, etc. popped up with extremely similar business models. But players were already heavily invested in Hearthstone, and few people were about to quit a game they invested hundreds of hours/$$$ in for a similar game in the same genre. In order to compete for the same playerbase, these new games had to come up with ways to draw new players.
Thus came extremely generous business models. Free packs, tons of gold, more common legendaries, one-time fee for everything, etc. lowered the barrier for new players, allowing them to build huge collections in a small time frame and incentivizing them to step away from their HS accounts
on a scale of 1 to 10 how broken is this card
>Jeweled Macaw, Coin, Alleycat
>Turn 2 Scavenging Hyena, trade, trade , trade
>Turn 3 Animal Companion
>Turn 4 Houndmaster
Zoo is not very good at playing the long game.
Sounds memetastic especially with the discard imp on the board, but that's about it.
quest reward is not worth discarding any cards
Let's just shorten this a whole bunch: Because Blizzard is fucking greedy.
Hearthstone, in comparison, stuck with its same old business model with almost no changes. As time passed and more new digital card games popped up, Hearthstone became the odd man out in its stingy business practices.
When Hearthstone first released, nobody complained about the business model. It was only with the release of newer, more generous games that players began to criticism Hearthstone's expensiveness. But the most accurate criticism of Hearthstone's business model is not that it's too expensive, but that it's failed to adapt to a changing industry.
>tl;dr - Hearthstone is expensive because it was the first of its kind, copycat games that sprang up have very generous business models in order to compete for the same playerbase
>Turn 3 : Egg
>Turn 4: That card
...makes me want to punch the screen.
out of dust, trying to make this work
any input would be greatly appreciated
>Rewatch streamers reviews of this set
>So many of them called Rogue's quest shyte
>All these unbelievably stupid calls for card of the set
>Going nuts over a few of the quests that are now confirmed shit not even a week deep
Holy shit this is hilarious in hindsight
Should I craft deathwing for quest warrior? Seems good for a last push of damage and a good way to clear murlocks/tokens/rouge hand vomit.
Not broken because it is a conditional class card but very strong. 6ish
Even more so in arena because it's a common so you can probably pick one up reliably as warlock
Don't play biteweed, it's shit. This is eloises list, it's good. Play it.
If you are having trouble closing out games swap a vilespine for Leeroy. Do not take out the arcane giants. Do not undervalue Hallucination, do not overvalue Cold Blood. You play board early with aggressive minions, your late game consists of deleting big threats with assplant and drawing 20 cards with Auctioneer. Prep goes on mimic pod or fan of knives. Do not undervalue fan of knives. Sherazin is core to your board power, you craft it.
Any questions?
No but Deathwing is. Sometimes when you get behind lategame, since zoo kind of sucks dick lategame, throwing down Deathwing is a good answer. Having a portal spewing 2/3s cant hurt either
Shit I gotta get me that Pterosaur. Here I was gonna make egg Druid.
>Kripp was the only one that even saw potential in the Rouge's and Warriors quests
I feel like I should have Imp Gang Boss in here, but I can't figure out what to take out for him. Suggestions?
Is there a replacement for arcane giant that a new player can use? I want to play pic related
this fucking druid just got the longest, luckiest chain of cards of a fucking top deck auctioneer like holy fuck i most be dreaming. easily 6 cards chained, two midrange jade idols in there as well. DONE
Kipp also said that time mage was viable and that priest is fine. Kipp is the guy to listen to.
Trump can go fuck off.
One day, I will play Rogue gardener because Druids can't be gardeners for some reason.
>Classes with weapons have had the most cancerous decks in the past
>The class with a weapon hero power has always been top tier despite multiple nerfs
Are weapons the cause of broken decks? Them being able to hit face is most of the cause
Honestly I think I would cut the fledglings. They're good but kind of a snowball card Imp gang boss is straight good.
Trump was so badly wrong on so many cards it's almost incredible
Is he's still trying to make the plantlock meme real?
Just how fucking many Epic/Legendary cards this Expansion are auto-slot-ins in various high-end decks?
is there a reason to run the 3 drop over the 2 mana naxx egg card? 1 more mana for 2 stat points is not a lot.
I'll give you Pre nerf Miracle but that's it lad, double Sstep on Leeroy guaranteed because turn 5 you're drawing your whole deck was kind of disgusting
Earth Shock is not needed in this deck, double Hex is more than enough.
Bilefin counts as a 1 murloc, it's not worth running.
Double Murloc Tidecaller is what you need, it's a compact-size Darkshire Councilman.
Warleaders are a must. You can go without Finja even though he's great, but you can't go without Warleaders.
I find overload cards not that great in murloc shaman. Even though you play cheap stuff in general, being down 1 or 2 mana can really fuck you up. The only overload card I think is worth running is Jade Claws since you kinda need some efficient small removal. Lightning Bolt is kinda okay because sometimes you need to kill something on turn 3 before you can Jade Lightning. Anyway, that's why I'd replace Lightning Storm with Maelstrom if possible.
Holy shit is midrange hunter ever OP. I've just gone 40-9. It's impossible to lose to rouges with it.
pls respond
not sure. but for epic I have seen a lot of people run hydra and drake so far.
over half?
this is the most p2w expansion yet
Good point, I forgot about that.
It really is. It's kind of ridiculous.
>beautiful sunny day - not a cloud in the sky
>sitting in my favourite pub's beer garden with a pint
>playing hearthstone on my iPad Pro so I can see all the action
>playing Quest Warrior
>before I know it a huge gathering of people starts cheering me on
>drop a Tar Creeper
>some kid shrieks with joy telling his mum he wants to buy packs to get one
>turn to him - "you ain't seen nothing kid"
>tip my fedora in a gentlemanly way
>an attractive 8/10 bar wench starts waving her hand across her face - she can't handle this
>people gasp
>drop a fatty big boy - Tar Lord
>people going fucking crazy as it finishes my quest - hear some guy saying "holy shit 11 health, my pirate warrior is toast against this deck"
>skip forwards a little bit
>board full of fatty bad boys, 30 health, 20 armour, everyone cheering waiting for the kill
>have lethal, but decide to give the crowd something to go wild for
>drop a Brawl
>people shouting in disbelief
>the 1/1 Murloc on my opponent's board survives
>hear the same pirate warrior from earlier laughing
>drop my Sulfuras + new Hero Power
>bellow at the top of my lungs "by the power of Ragnaros!!!"
>kid is crying as I accidently screamed it right in his ear
>my hero power hits him in the face for lethal
>people literally screaming and cheering
>can hear that pirate fag saying to his boyfriend "what the fuck, is he a mage or a warrior!!!?"
>people lift me up, taking me outside
>just as we get outside the clouds clear, and the sun is shining brightly - almost feels right on my like I am some sort of God
>check my rank
>fuck yeah win streak, just hit 20
Today - fucking awesome lads
>Rogues consistently completing quests on turn 5 like its absolutely nothing
>Mage needs the sun and earth to align, Venus to be in the 12th house and for jesus himself to bless your deck if you want to have a prayer of getting your combo
>rogue can just unga bunga face with smorc charges and win by turn 7
>play net decks on any gamemode
>or lose
what rank did reynad finish his 14 hour stream at?
>Mage quest
>Hard to complete
Disappear, retard
kek nvrmd
i look at the VOD, started at rank 13, ended at rank 10
>Quest Rogue is a problem
this has never not been the case johnny is dead
it is a problem
the fact that rogues can complete the quest so quickly is really shit
>Mage needing all that shit
Just survive nigga, you have 6 freezes + 2 Ice blocks (and who knows how many else you could discover) you can draw your entire deck no problemo.
its easily worse than ever
budget decks are fucking gone now, you could play a entirely basic and classic zoo deck and have success in the past
PO killed that
Haven't played since early 2016, I just came back and have 33k dust
Should I start again/ how far can I get with having most base cards and 33k dust
Who cares about that when 90% of the decks can kill you faster than rogue completes its quest?
It's mostly rng if you can play the cards you're given and comparing it to old freeze mage it's much harder to pull off anything
It's a problem because nothing can beat them if they get the quest early, same was with pirates and still is but they're trying to fix that
pirate warrior and meme murloc decks aren't valid strategies
Anyone else ever had someone add you who doesn't even play HS? I had someone add me randomly and I don't even know how or why, because it looks like he's always playing Overwatch.
>draw nearly flawlessly as Zoolock
>get the rogue down low by turn 4
>turn 5 he preps quest, drops 4 charges and deals 20 damage to face instantly
yeah no problem here fampai
desu a proper midrange hunter list is still cheaper than a proper pre-Un'goro zoo list
>Deck draws well
What a shocker
If you're playing decks that don't autowin when they draw their best play (assuming the opponent didn't draw theirs, matchups forgiving) you're playing a shit deck
>When Hearthstone first released, nobody complained about the business model. It was only with the release of newer, more generous games that players began to criticism Hearthstone's expensiveness.
Eh, I think most people are complaining about the business model only now because they are releasing 3 expansions a year. It wasn't to bad when there was one set you were slowly but surely collecting, leading you to a permanent full collection eventually. Nowadays you spend $50, you don't even get all the cards from the latest expansion, and they're going to be worthless in two years, during which six more expansions will come out. The game has become a treadmill, while it used to be a slow, steady jog to the finish line.
Rogue quest nerf when?
This shit is absolutely fucking retarded
if you can't kill them by turn 5 it's over
probably never because blizzard are shit
Post list dude
Sniff my BODY
ah yes mage has unlimited ice blocks
ah yes rogue can completely their quest awfully quick
ah yes warrior can just play like a retard and just win
what a fun game
>Nowadays you spend $50, you don't even get all the cards from the latest expansion
that was true for every expansion, including the old ones
>The game has become a treadmill, while it used to be a slow, steady jog to the finish line.
That's one way to look at it. But another way to look at it is that the rotation system allows new players to catch up easier. Instead of having to buy every card from every expansion, they only need to focus on the new ones. Plus, Wild cards are still playable, especially in stuff like tavern brawls, are ostensibly getting more tournaments for them, and you can just dust them if you want to go full standard. Overall, the rotations are significantly better for new players while being marginally worse for vets. I'd say it's a good balance.
why did they change eaglehorn bow to not gain durability from enemy secrets?
It has never triggered from enemy secrets
fuck is it annoying and so easy to pull off it's ridiculous, not to mention how strong having 5/5 for the cost of 1 on a class whose weakness is supposed to be control decks
yes it has
many years ago
Top 5 legos to craft from Un'goro?
>rogue quest
>any other cards you're missing for said deck
congrats on legend
Hunter Quest
>that was true for every expansion, including the old ones
Sure, but there were still (comparatively) affordable adventures, and not three expansions a year. Now it just became painfully obvious, the community is realizing what this model is going to mean moving forward. Back then GvG was a long-awaited new content, TGT was a breath of fresh air, and WOG was too good for anyone to notice anything. Un'goro is the start of customer fatigue.
>That's one way to look at it. But another way to look at it is that the rotation system allows new players to catch up easier.
Don't get me wrong, I am not against there being a rotation. Standard is a necessary format in a world with 3 yearly expansions, and it being different every year might also be good for veteran players who are easily bored. I just think it's not very compatible with the current business model and customer satisfaction.
Im no shill but i think this is definitely the best expac since gvg. Prove me wrong
>draw flawlessly on zoo
the dream of dreams.
>Getting to Legend with a deck that loses so consistently to aggro a.k.a all of ladder
since im at a safe rank, im trying adapt pally. its kinda feelin like poop. then again it is pally. is pally just dead for now?
i bet they did it only to make that bouncing rogue they were talking about after reddit outburst that time they annouced bad brewmaster a thing.
in the same set as pirate eating crab. 3 expansions in advance my ass, blizzard
Most expensive expac and first of the 3 expac for the year of the mammoth. You are 100% a shill
Been dead for 2 years, Brode hates paladin.
he shouldve got priest quest
I don't understand the meme some anons are spouting that paladin is shit when murlocadin is LITERALLY tier 1.
Also in other news, hey guys they reprinted shielded minibot, cool.
Only if you let me play my cancer quest mage.
Classic > WOG > GvG > Un'goro > MSG > TGT
Prove me right, faggots
it is still fucked up though. kripp payed like $1000 or some shit for a ton of packs and did not even get all the cards. For that much money ben brode should go over to his house and personally suck him off.
I'm late!
(cute! CUTE!)
Already done. Sorry brah.
Classic is the worst set and easily one of the main reasons why the game is so fundamentally broken. It never rotates out, all class cards are made unevenly. Only an idiot will think classic is good.
This game has NEVER been good. Just enough to keep you playing and paying.
I nearly lost to one rogue by having the worst draw possible (starting hand was all 5+ mana).
I skillfully top decked skill command though and that kept my streak.
>class cards are made unevenly
lol, of course the Classic class cards are uneven in terms of power level. The hero powers are also uneven, so it has to be balanced out.
3 games in a row my opponent has had absolute perfect draw turn 1-5.
just "fought" a handlock who dropped twilight turn 3, shambler turn 4 AND 5, mountain turn 6, felfire turn 7 for lethal. like come the fuck on...
Yes Brode. Priest hero power is shit and so is their class cards in classic. Please explain that.