What did Karl Marx mean by this?
What did Karl Marx mean by this?
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/pol/ is shit but when will /leftypol/ realize their memes are cringey as fuck and give up?
It means you need not nuance for you have in your possession memes.
Real fascism hasn't ever been tried.
>What did Karl Marx mean by this?
Maybe Karl Marx was trying to say that he doesn't want you to pay any attention to the people on this list:
Also, if you want to know how the people on this list got to be where they are, start reading at page 12 in this book:
>socialism was a mistake
This. Mussolini was just a social capitalist.
>nazism is the same as fascism
nazism is inspired from fascism but it's its own thing
Can you stop shitposting in every fucking thread?
leftypol memes just come off as desperate faggots trying to 1-up /pol/'s already shitty memes
also i cringe at leftypol's memes while /pol/'s memes are just shitty
This. They're beyond cringeworthy
/leftypol/s entire existence is from the same mind set of a kid wanting a toy only because another kid is playing with it. They are bargain bin knock off /pol/. All their memes are just /pol/ memes, but changed around to dick ride Marxism instead. And while /pol/ is at least self aware, they arent.
>Karl Marx
The fucking irony involved in a communist making this meme unaware the quote applies just as well to modern day communism. Blinded by ideology
i love memes like this
Anything to the right of Lavrenty Beria is "fascism" for those guys.
desu although few ideologies are "pure" fascism I'd say the falange were fascist in the same way the italians were.
although it's not just commies, even today your average person calls trump fascism and it shows how little the education system really has taught about fascism.
I only posted in one thread on Veeky Forums in the last 24 hours, so I have no idea what you are talking about.
>implying national socialism was true fascism
You wouldn't happen to have that in depth explanation of actual fascism, and the one that argues that many people are fascists without knowing it would you? It gets posted here from time to time.
I've seen a lot of autistic shit on Veeky Forums, but you posting these links in every fucking threat for the last few days has to take the cake
>even today your average person calls trump fascism and it shows how little the education system really has taught about fascism.
There's a colloquial definition of fascist.
yes it's called "everything i dont like"
No. I was just shitposting
Not really. Far-left/progressives that are #NeverHillary don't call her fascist.
>We can called literally everything we don't like "fascism" and call it colloquial
>If anybody says that the Soviet Union was communist we will bring out the utopian definition of communism and insist that everybody accept it exactly as written
>implying I'm communist
>writing something this irrelevant
True fascism has never been tried
/pol/ memes are just as cringeworthy. Seeing far-right rhetoric paired with Pepe and the like is embarrassing to see. It's like Reddit or /b/ invaded or something. Stop acting like fucking teenagers and take it seriously.
how do you expect depressed and socially impaired NEETs on the internet to get their shit together? They cant even get jobs
Personally I find /pol/ memes to be funny.
yeah but /pol/ memes are just teenagers being edgy /leftypol/ memes always have an undercurrent of "OMG FASCISM IS THE ON THE RISE HOW CAN WE COMBAT THEM" seriousness to them that just exude butthurt in every pore
You mean obsessive of idolatry and iconography?
Does this mean /pol/ is /rightytumblr/
leftpol isn't a real thing, the lefypol '''threads''' on polcuckistan are made by regular Stormblrs for pretending to be libtards and shitposting, like the majority of threads on /pol/
If anyone thinks the History and Humanities board is somehow leftypol, despite being a board dedicated to the study and evaluation of history, they're retarded
Shoo shoo /leftypol/
Go back to the subreddit from once ye came
This ffs
uh no?
fascism isn't what racists don't like
it's everything *I* don't like
They are the go-bots of the shitty memes.
Also Shillary shills and rightwwingers called Sanders fascist and national socialist too.
>fascism isn't what racists don't like
>it's everything *I* don't like
Benito Mussolini's Italian Fascism is actually anti-racist (i.e. Mussolini did not believe in the existence of races and he was opposed to racism). You are confusing anti-racialist Italian Fascism with pro-racialist German National Socialism, watch this video that explains the difference:
It is important to note that the Communist USSR and the Third Reich were both on the same side at the beginning of World War 2 because they both invaded Poland at the same time in 1939 but this does not mean that Communism and German National Socialism are the same thing.
/leftypol/ is a board set up by traitors that ran away to cripplechan to create their own hugbox. They ran crying out of /pol/ and out of Veeky Forums because they literally could not handle the banter.
Now they sit in their shit chan and cross-post here in a pathetic attempt to "awaken" us "classcucks"
But you could say that of cripplechan /pol/ too
Italian Fascism=Dionysian
National socialism=Apollonian
Prove me wrong.
Of course. Anyone who ran off to cripplechan should be treated like the traitors they are.
This meme applies to them too btw
Marxism was a tragedy (USSR), cultural marxism is a farce (BLM, feminism, LGBT...etc)
I love how Marx was literally a fat guy with a top hat holding bags of money, fucking rich neets telling people about work.
I agree, but I know a couple people who post on cripplechan, not /pol/ or anything, and they do it because of the huge refugee/immigrant problem Veeky Forums had.
>the lefypol '''threads''' on polcuckistan are made by regular Stormblrs for pretending to be libtards and shitposting, like the majority of threads on /pol/
You don't know what you're talking about
/leftypol/ is a board on cripplechan, it's not on /pol/
>And while /pol/ is at least self aware, they arent
Nah leftypol is pretty self aware. Still pretty cringy though
Alt-right memes are cringe worthy. Although I enjoy shit posting on /pol/
He was a fat guy that got his money from the son of a guy who was son of a fat guy with a top hat. Engels was the class traitor. Marx was just salty that there were people who made lots of money and it wasn't because of work and he wished he owned lots of capital so he could make money for no reason but owning capital.
/pol/ crossboarders are probably one of the least self aware posters on Veeky Forums. They unironically think that self aware ironic bait posting is actually posted by leftists, and lots of them can't seem to draw a line between memes and reality.
>mfw OP actually did his job
You could post this shit in any other board, and still cause massive butthurt.
Veeky Forums's hivemind is a giant tumor.
True. A few months ago I asked /pol/ what they liked about Trump's economic plan (I'm generally apolitical myself). The responses were considerably worse than I expected. Of course there were the typical "kys", "OP is a faggot" type responses, but what was much worse were the legitimate responses.
They were rambling, barely coherent, and showed little to no knowledge about their candidate's economic plan or economics in general.
IMO, /pol/ has become a bigger circlejerk than Reddit. The fact that CTR triggered them so much is proof of that.
le ebin XDD
But that's wrong, you fucking moron.
I hate /pol/ now
>True Fascism
Die meme
Basically what it looks like.
kek'd and saved, much appreciated kamerade