bittersweet QT edition
OT: eyoson is bad and you should feel bad
bittersweet QT edition
OT: eyoson is bad and you should feel bad
Other urls found in this thread:
Xth for best girl
look at this little cock goblin
Would lolg be less autistic if there were more girls here?
yordles a best
Lulu is cute and adorable!
The most autistic of our posters are all girls.
we have girls here, theyre just as autistic the only difference is that they have a partner
>Death's Dance buffs
>Spirit Visage buffs
>Sterak's buffs to both damage and survivability
>cleaver nerfs not too unbearable
it would be even worse
go spam somewhere else faget
fuckoff no need for threadwards
fuck you and the horse you rode in on
girls can be autistic too, check your privilege
Lolg would be less autistic if waifu-posting was banned and if the playerbase was capable of getting laid.
I swear to god, autism is like a gland that goes into overdrive unless you swap bodily fluids with another person every 6 months and feeds off of loneliness.
i-i'm not a girl!
>if the playerbase was capable of getting laid
wishful thinking aside, how do we deal with the autism gland?
>5 extra attack damage, 5% extra base attack damage, and 5% extra healing
Barely gonna help her when her kit is so fundamentally bad.
>you share a thread with low elo shitters who think top warwick is bad
based jannies
Please vote, its important
who are we talking about here?
Give me your best greentexts about these two
t. lulunigger janny
>check my winrate bro ur shit lol i got an 85% winrate on my main
>look them up
>less than 15 games on their main
why do people keep doing this
Is there any news about that Dreadnova Darius skin? It looks like it just fell off the face of the earth, s@20 doesn't even put it in the bottom of the notes anymore.
Did it get sewn chaos'd?
Dreadnova Darius is in the game.
>enabling the obese pedophile
Also curious, but I thought it was already available.
>tfw no gems
>wewuz magicksnsheeeit
Exchange bodily fluids.
Saliva sounds like the easiest one to trade until you get to know the person better.
All jokes aside, every single spaz and wizard apprentice I have ever been in contact with that managed to even obtain a one night stand seemed to have his symptoms immediately dampen. It was almost as if being intimate with another human being changed their priorities on the spot.
>calling anyone else cancer
im not jhinfag i just needed a quick image to post with it
in all reality i could become mordefag if i wanted, he's more enjoyable to play anyway
When do I pick Xin and when do I pick Olaf
For jungle
I wanna fuck that bird (female)
post em
some of us are fugly and dont want to fuck 3/10s
Im probably about 3/10 myself too, but hey I didnt ask for this life
Pick Olaf when you're in an elo where you can properly coordinate dives.
Pick xin zhao any other time
why is zac top not a thing when gragas top is picked up so much in competitive? it does literally the same thing but better
>implying anyone that says yes is actually going to report the threads
>implying you fuckers arent just greedy for the first posts in a thread and dont care what the op is
pretty sure im one of the only people that report his threads and filter his posts
time flies
I'm not terrible, but I have depressive epsiodes that I try to hide from the public.
It's not like I have any other choice looking like Seth Rogen.
What's your normals MMR?
Well, naturally the majority would never as obsessively do the autistic screech everytime they are forced to endure the posting of a cute girl.
>you guys let cancer win
sometimes you disappoint me lolg
comfy bfs~
>Go to sleep on Sunday
>Wake up on Monday with a weird feeling on my eye and can barely open it up, look in the mirror and see pic related
>Go to bed on Monday
>Wake up at 4am because i was bleeding in the area between my asshole and my ballsack
>Cannot get keys anymore at legal legends
What the fuck is going on with me?
Fate determined that you were meant to be the greatest at the most autistic role then.
what role is it?
Wait a second, now that Ahri is retconned to be a vastayan she's no longer a succubus Korean fox-demon so you can fuck her without losing your soul!
>Xayah and Rakan autisticly screeching "MU-TAKL" at Ahri while she participates in Ionian Summer Camp activities.
Fund it.
>tfw not fugly or weird and have a good looking gf and multiple friends
Too bad none of them share my enjoyment for legal legends
jfc have you ever laned as illaoi? her kit is super strong + really strong in team fights
ever notice how teams like to clump up in team fights?
if you dont like smol girls with penises you are homosexual
It's unfortunate.
Yeah, that isn't normal. I'd recommend seeking medical help.
i sing the body electric
>tfw fireden lost a fuckload of images
>had some shit saved only as a link from there
no, but she's a pain to lane agenst
>tfw your friends try to get you laid and come up to visit you without telling you they're coming
>they drag you to clubs and bars and try to coach you to pick up girls, all of this unprovoked or unasked for on your end
>not sure if they pity me or if they're ashamed of me and planning to drop me if I don't get laid
Gonna do a 2 unit lunatic in Fates, i've already done a hard mode run and had really good success, but is lunatic that much harder?
either that or there just stupid and she's still a fox slut
wrong thread
>Illaoi ults
>just fucking walk away
someone said her kit was bad so that was my response to them
in particular is who i was responding to with
Is it?
Do i gotta go somewhere else to craft it?
Oh shit, my bad.
>got dragged to a club once
>music too loud,plenty of drunk people,i dont even drink alcoholic drinks
that was the least enjoyable night i had
>lulu thread was made second
>cuck jannies deleted it
what thread were you even going to post in anyway
>attempt to walk away as soon as she starts walking toward you
>she flashed in and got a free 2000 damage
>like no hp
>hits that slow water thing that makes an image of me because point blank
>get to 2nd turret
>a tentacle is still following me and spawns on the turret
>free 400 damage
>this shit started at levels 6-7 and will continue for the rest of the game
>have to keep backing non-stop
>get really far behind in lane due to this stupid bullshit for a kit dyke mermaid gets
Fire emblem general
No, women ruin every fucking board.
They're even starting to take over /tv/ with their fucking cooking threads
They already ruined my r9k and half of the Veeky Forums generals
They are trying to cure you. Just let them help.
mandatory SONA A SHIT for staying on topic.
ah ok
Darshan has some nerve streaming after what he pulled on Sunday.
then better rush over there, you're in no man's land
just get a chest and key
6300 IP
Who do I buy?
Was thinking Kalista because I love her kit, but she's kind of weak and I hate playing adc.
Is Camille still strong, or has she been nerfed too much?
but i want dreadnova darius, not a 1/500 chance of dreadnova darius
I just wish they'd understand that some people aren't interested in the club or the bar, and that it's okay, some people are content to go through life, alone. That's fine.
I'm also in the lolg threads, but sometimes I get them mixed up when both threads are new at the same time.
>dodge her e because no decent illaoi will ult without a spirit
>use the mobility in my kit to walk away from her ult
>or at the very worst stun her
>then re engage when she misses e and has no r
>she dies because all of her damage is in her tentacles and she has none
>when you're stomping so hard in 5 man arams we start surrendering when their nexus is at 50% hp
While her hot insides clamp down on me, milking me for all my seed, her lust only saited for a brief moment before she demands more
>just fucking kill the tentacles and stand in the minion wave to block her E
it's not hard user.
>completely forgetting the fact that her W is on like a 2 second cd
I know that feel user
I cannot at all understand how people thing going to bars or clubs is fun
I'm top and the other guy just locked in Tryn
What can I pick to make him miserable?
shitposting game modes to be honest
>but is lunatic that much harder?
It depends on if you're conquest or birthright
Hey buddy I think you got the wrong thread, /feg/ is two blocks down
>stand away from her tentacles which only spawn on walls
>W doesn't do anything
W does 0 fucking damage if you don't get hit by tentacles it queues up.
If you're looking for cancer buy Fiora
First three replies ending in 8 decides what i get.
Shen, rammus, kite yordle
Gnar or Kled.
Already have Fiora
Was thinking of saving the IP for Xayah but I kind of want a new champ, and I can get Xayah on my alt
Is Kha'zix still good?
>mana intensive
>needs CDR first
>short narrow skillshot
Sounds like you're just bad.
>a teammate starts shit talking or being a complete asshole
>instead of muting them i have an uncontrollable urge to make them lose
>will sit afk under tower getting maybe 10cs/min or roam around their jungle taking all their camps just to put them behind
>the more they rage the more justified i feel in doing it
>could probably be plat+ if i actually tried to win all of my games
>instead im sitting at silver 1 because i intentionally throw 40% of my games
help me
w doesn't even hurt much unless you're near a tentacle