/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Gank-squadded in Mensis: >A google doc with basic information. If you're new to Bloodborne and /bbg/ READ THIS FIRST BEFORE ASKING QUESTIONS

>Accessing the DLC
Note: If the eye isn't showing up, go to: Settings > Playstation Network/Account Management > Restore Licenses

>Co-Op & PvP

/bbg/ Fight Club:
Pthumeru - n6rc9jh8
Loran - jjpkdcgd
Isz - 9v8qndas
Every Saturday 6pm EST, general rules: a.pomf.cat/jzmnvh.jpg

/bbg/ Spelunking Club
Create a new S/FRC chalice dungeon and beckon anons to join
Use the Short Root Chalice with the password /bbg/ to be summoned or invade
(every Friday 6pm EST, anything goes)

>Resources Pastebin - Planners, Calculators, Spreadsheets, Stats Info, Where to go next in BB, Guide Scans & Wikis

>Chalice Pastebin - General Info, Glyphs for Gems, Best Gems Setups, Multiplayer & Speedrunning

>Media Pastebin - OSTs, Concept Art & Screenshots

>Beasthood & Claws Info

>Wheel, Fight Club, Arc 101 & other Misc. Info

>Bloodborne AR Calculator

Other urls found in this thread:



Could it ever be viable? How could it be improved?


Only I will hold hands with the doll.


Any suggestions for my build? I just killed the queen and now I'll start farming gems, I hope I can get it ready for the weekend FC.

>Miyazaki's next game will be best on Xbox Scorpio



2/5 bait

>Increase firing speed
>Increase physical scaling in tricked form to compensate for low damage

If I'm being honest, I love two handed spears and polearms in general in games, and I'm upset that Bloodborne's only spear turned out like this when tricked.

It still performs decently on my 50 SKL/25 BLT build, with the shots doing decent damage and so it feels good to use the entirety of the moveset, transform attacks and all, but at the same time I just prefer to use the Reiterpallasch in this fashion.


Reminder that the Kos Parasite is the most based weapon in the game.
You're a shitter if you don't even have a build dedicated JUST to the Kos Parasite.
>you do have a kos parasite build, right user?

Wheelretard detected

>the oroboro classic

>50/50 required
>heavy abyssal
Don't be a shitter user.

No no nooo

Chikage users are redpilled as fuck

>using 2 handed weapons

>one handed weapons
People actually use those?

Is there anything else out there in books, games, movies or other media that is like Orphan of Kos? Is there a specific influence? Why is he the way he is? Because I've never seen anything like him

Anyone up for Isz Ebrietas? pass bbg

I did not make this thread for you to make that comment

Still ringing? I'll hop on my murderfuck build, if so.

Yea I'm still ringing. I'm curious what a "murderfuck" build is as well.

The one with a gemmed out Whirlisaw and +32.5% charge attack stake driver, of course

Ringing, lets see how long this takes

>full +32.5% charge attack stake driver
I would kill to see that sort of damage on a 50/50 build.

Am I doing this right? Co-op quicksearch on the makeshift altar?

3000 damage on a charged R2 with 50/25 STR/DEX



Yea. Make sure you're set to the right password (bbg) and to worldwide.

found what

Well, if you've got time, I can wait, but my internet connection can be shoddy at times. Might be a while, because I've had the settings right :/

you're in the know, right?

Did it drop from a L4 One Reborn?

Well I got frustrated because I do no damage, and can't get the weapon I want for this build until I beat Ihyll, so now I'm ringing while browsing /diy/. I got time.

'evening bbg, just your friendly autistic neighbourhood pretty princess passing through :^)
hope your hunt's going well today friendos

i see there was a dramatic increase in autism earlier

Alright man. Can't promise I'll be amazing, but I'll do my best segalt what the fuck are you doing sleeping?

you've come to the right place


>he doesnt know



segalt has replaced hibiki as king of the cuck, contrats segalt

>although it upsets me as i suspect hes the one who always tells me to fuck off :^)

But I would never do that, Max.

glyph pls


anyone want to help me with logarius? i unload all my arcane into but then has second stage makes me go awoo

ringing at lantern password is bbg

I'd like to think that seeing as youdid help me fuck up OoK made even more awesome due to the fact you were bugging out

Yeah, I've found out myself that he doesn't give two shits about Blue Elixirs.

Well shit man, I've been ringing this whole time. Guess my internet IS that bad, sorry.

>Goes to share chalice

>deletes chalice by mistake.....


I would be kinda pissed if this kind of person found it before I did.

Coming as well, don't you leave

Weak bait.

maybe the true guidance was friendship all along

Did you try restarting?

Don't worry, user. I did the same thing when I found it too.

im working on my arcade build right now because i failed the milkweed quest first playthru

im level 99 and my arcane is 75

am i failure, living?

Sorry user who's ringing for me. I'm just gonna go try something else. It's been like half my life since I started, and I don't want to take up any more of your time.

Well, alrighty man. You sure? I could restart my PS4 and try again.

Don't worry about it. I should try and do it on my own anyway. I just got frustrated.

Best of luck, I'll be puttering around for the next two hours if you ring again.

what do you think micolash does all day when he's not spoiler]awoooooooooo'ing at super high speed?

how do I obtain Insight IRL

haha thanks you guys, ridiculously short fight. where were yall when i was fighting the chalice bloodstarved beast??

>that one hit kill exactly 2 seconds after entering after waiting 20min to find cooperator....
okay new question : i like the queen, but i also want the roar gesture from alfred. So im going to let him kill her, but then i kinda want to fight him in the queens throne room. do i have to let him become an hero in order to get the gesture?

watch reruns of Friends

Do not to reply to tripfags

You can get the roar gesture in the throne room from him, I'm fairly certain.

>tfw got cucked out of co-op

Anywho, somebody wanna kill Defiled Hot Dog with me? Ringing at lamp, pass is 'penne'

Did these ledditors really find this or is this old?

talk to him when he's in the room to get the gesture then you can attack him


Indirect replies are usually OK, it's the (you)'s that must be avoided at all cost.

cool then hell drop the rune afterwards? i wont be missing anything ?

nope you wont miss anything think brother

i dont think*

>tfw when I realized you were booping the snoot

Smart, forgot about that weakness. Thanks! Now I just gotta beat Amy solo

Indirect replies to tripfags are hardly any better than just giving them a (You). The best bet is to just completely ignore them.

That said, Meme Machine is the anti-trip, so he's a bit of a special case.

Man, having gotten back to Chalice Amy... jesus, is 400 damage a hit enough? I'm just pecking away at their health for ten minutes until I get to the stage 3, and then it feels entirely luck-based. Are you guys sure it's harder in co-op? I've done it solo once but it too three hours.

Stage 3 = hit in the nuts and when it jumps walk where the tail was last pointing

Cainhurst is so COOL

The strategy for Amy in general is to get behind them to bait out the jumping attack. Your position should cause the attack to miss you and leave the head relatively close to you for easy pickings. Rinse and repeat until dead. Stage 3 actually becomes the easiest since Amy looses all of the attacks outside the jump that can hit you in that area.

Attack the glowing, blue arm safely until Amy tears its arms off. Afterwards, jump cheese by hugging its tail and staying aligned with it. You should be able to stand still and land a fully-charged R2 to the head without taking any damage.
During co-op, Amy starts spinning like a top and god forbid anybody so much as glances at its tail because it will leap and crush somebody. The jump is almost a death sentence in co-op. Sometimes you don't know who it's aggroing, and if you don't dodge correctly, you're a human tomato. You also can't jump cheese for the exact same reason.

For the honor of Cainhurst.

fuck off cucks

Did some research and I'm dong a BL43 twink.

Anyone else into this? have any fun builds? Gonna do the wheel thing


shut up you gay church CUNT

>Unironically being a Vileblood

The Church is bad and all but Vilebloods are the worst of the worst. Please leave the general and kill yourself if you're a Vileblood.

>tfw got it down to 10% health without issue

I ain't even mad, I understand it now. Thanks /bbg/, gonna go rape it.

go away Alfred

atleast i dont collect bloodcum fucko

Nice, good luck

>he can't into the sublime art of Chikage

Don't forget your fedora on the way out my dude.

あなたは私のことについてちょうどファックしていましたか、あなたは小さな雌犬ですか?私はネイビーシールで私のクラスの一番上を卒業したことを知っているでしょう。私はアルクエダの秘密の襲撃に数多く関与しています。私はゴリラ戦で訓練されており、私は全米軍の一番の狙撃兵です。あなたは私にとっては何もないが、もう一つの目標だ。私はこの地球上でこれまでに一度も見られなかったような精度であなたを拭き取ってくれるでしょう。あなたは、インターネットで私にそのことを言ってもらえると思う?もう一度考えてください。私が話しているように、私は米国のスパイの秘密のネットワークに連絡しています。あなたのIPは今のところ追跡されています。あなたの人生と呼ぶ哀れな小さなことを払拭する嵐。あなたは死んでいるよ、子供。私はいつでも、いつでもどこにでもいることができます。私は700以上の方法であなたを殺すことができます。それはただ素手でです。私は非武装の戦闘で徹底的に訓練されているだけでなく、米国海兵隊の兵器庫全体にアクセスできます。あなたの惨めなお尻を大陸の顔から拭き取るために全面的に使用します。あなただけが、あなたの小さな "賢い"コメントがあなたを倒そうとしていた、どんな悪質な報復を知っていることができたのであれば、あなたはあなたの舌を握っていたでしょう。しかし、あなたはできなかった、あなたはしなかった、そして今あなたは価格を払っている、あなたはばかだ。私はあなたの上に激しい怒りを吹き込み、あなたはそれで溺れるでしょう。あなたは死んでいる、キッド。


>stomps on me again

If it didn't take ten fucking minutes to get to this state, this'd be alright. Is there a place I can stand where those stomps don't hit, or do I just gotta dodge.

Are you just fucking about me, are you a small bitch? I know that I graduated from the top of my class with navy stickers. I am involved in the secret raid of Al Qeda a lot. I have been trained in gorilla warfare, I am the first sniper in the US Army. You have nothing for me but it is another goal. I will wipe you out with precision that I never saw on this planet ever. Do you think you can tell me about it on the Internet? Think Twice. As I'm talking about, I am contacting the secret network of the US spy. Your IP has been tracked so far. A storm that wipes out the poor little things calling your life. You are dead, kids. I can be anywhere, anytime anywhere. I can kill you in over 700 ways. It's just bare hands. I am not only thoroughly trained in unarmed battles but also access to the entire US marine arsenal. I will use it entirely to wipe your miserable ass from the face of the continent. Only you would have grasped your tongue if you could know what kind of malicious retaliation your small "smart" comment was trying to defeat you. But you could not, you did not, and now you are paying the price, you are a fool. I will blow fierce anger over you and you will be drowned with it. You are dead, Kid.

Stay at the tip of it's tail, or a bit further back

at what ng cycle does the game get hard?

>I can kill you in over 700 ways. It's just bare hands.

My fucking sides, good lord.