/tosg/ - Tree of Savior General

Previous Thread: >Future Improvements: Chat UI and Trade Policies

>Future Improvements: Auto Match, EXP Tomes and More

>Plans for Combat System Changes:

>GM QnA Session : April 7th, 2017:

>Latest "Patch Notes":


>Can I play the game now?
International version available on Steam RIGHT NOW. The Korean and Japanese servers are non-steam (Nexon)

TOS Info: pastebin.com/3YcrrJkd
This includes more detailed information, as well as tools, resources, patch notes and official links.


>Cards List:

>Extra Stat Points

- iTOS: Klaipeda (NA) Fedimian(EU) Silute(SA) Telsiai(SEA)

>/tosg/ Guilds info:
There is no /tosg/ guild in Varena/Orsha, if you want one, either wait for someone to make one or roll a Templar.
If Guild is recruiting, please post in the thread.

Futureproof (ApplyAFineHorse3)
CuteNotLewd (Plasmagica)
cute (Merigolds)

Comfy (neshoi)

CoffeeHouse (Capyba)

Lewd (Nanaumi)

Other urls found in this thread:


/Uoyaho/ when?

maces on suicide watch


>suicide watch
>transcending both patk and matk
>both get doubled by henge stone

Are Vubbe gloves going to be meta now? 10 STR and 2 AAR is too strong.

vubbe is still meta

Str = +2 Max Attack/Sub ATK Per Point,
+4 Accuracy every 5 points
+1 every 2 points
+5 ATK every 10 Stat Points Invested

Int = +2 Max MATK Per Point
+7 MATK Every 10 Stat Points Invested

Con = +45/46 Max HP and +2 HP Recovery Per Point
+182 Max HP and +5 HP Recovery Every 10 Points Invested

Spr = +7 Max SP, + 2 SP Recovery Per Point
+29 Max SP and +5 SP Recovery Per 10 Points Invested

Dex = +4 Critical Attack Per Point
+1 Block Penetration, +1 Evasion every 2 Points
+4 Block Pen, +4 Critical Attack, +4 Evasion Every 5 Points
+14 Crit ATK Every 10 Points

The first week of TBL were we will be able to test a lot of builds will be SO fucking fun lol

Sweet. Now we need a working stat simulator.

'Giant' mobs from HG are now everywhere and pretty common
more HP, DMG and use def break, freeze, stun, etc

So is dex as useless as everyone says? Isn't dex still good?

necromancer are worse than ever now it seems? you get even less bonus damage damage to minions and everything scales worse.

smd desu

I am officially back into the game. I'm starting over as that lil swordsman in the middle.

How's everyone tonight?

melstis = double's buff duration now

top kek

I guess that's what people get for abusing the class and AFK farming for months on end.

But yeah, the class seems shit now.

Is Crit attack affected by skill damage multipliers or is it a flat bonus same as now? Similar question for blessing, they said in the dev blog aspersion and blessing were going to be multipliers. If Crit atack is flat it might be that crit is best for high hit count moves with low multipliers while Str favors single hits.

>End game content might actually require defensive clerics like Priests and Druids
>Maybe even tanks

What a time to be alive.

That reminds me of RO and I really like it.

증가하는 시간은 20초를 넘지 않습니다.

maybe cant afk farm anymore soon

Are these damn badges bugged again?

Is there still the +80% def boost from rank up or is that removed with the log system?

Did Kim forsaken wugus?

I hope so. Just to spite the wugu spammer.

So it's no longer a channeling skill?

that is not very nice

So I downloaded the Manager but there is no exe in it. Am I missing something here?


No, it's not.
You can now play krivis miko properly

>monk gets a broken spammable skill that costs basically nothing
>fencer gets shitty high SP spammable skill
How is this fair?

>Skill factor malleus maleficarum 180 at level 6

So Inquisitor as the mobile pvp shotgun is dead, right? I'm wondering if it's still going to be as popular.

Monk is the new meme.

HP rate
Swordsman: 1
Wizard: 0.65
Archer: 0.7
Clerics: 0.8
SP rate
Swordsman: 0.6
Wizard: 1
Archer: 0.7
Clerics: 0.8

Archers suck at both HP and SP. Clerics are better just because.

Thanks, IMC.

How much con should a Leather wearing Shinobi have, minimum?



>sorc bats are 440% x 15
covering fire? lol

Cryo3Sorc3Sage new meta?

>850% 0s cooldown spammable splash skill costing 2 stamina
>not broken

I have a character whose goblin gets stuck halfway through loading and won't load... is this the stuck bug people are getting?

50% chance of costing only 1!

Yeh, the channel/map is probably dead

It's actually all of my characters and some channels say 19/100 3/100 etc.

Keep getting kicked out of a dungeon instance, fucking buggy update.

A lot of people are experiencing this. Also in instances.

It wasn't even the update that caused this.
It was their emergency maint that was supposed to fix another issue.

How does IMC fuck things up so bad

>boys and girls in the same lodge

No wonder everyone calls you a whore.

welp, guess I'm not doing my badge daily


I'm just gonna try doing dailies regardless and if it doesn't work we'll probably get instance reset vouchers later.

I can't even get into the game at all is the thing. On any of my characters. The goblin just stops and nothing ever happens.

Whoops, temp maintenance going on in 20 minutes now.


Orange showed up in silute, fixed klaipeda and said that we're going to get a maintenance soon.

>buying the Swell Left Arm dmg% attribute makes the skill do nothing

thanks Kim

That's not nice!!

gear Enhancement values are broken ktest neets

So is Kim really refunding all silver from attributes? That's going to cause some huge inflation. From just one of my characters I'll get back at least 70mil and that's only counting the couple of higher levelled attributes.

No, dev blog said it'll be refunded as attribute tokens that can then be used for other attributes.


nah, you buy attributes with points now (you buy them 1=1k silver) and they give them back

So using this token I'll get 3 cubes instead of 1? Great, especially when I hadn't any problems yesterday.

IT's just to speed up things. You do one instance that is worth two. Or three if you use both.

Good to combo with exp tomes or dungeon clears or simply to do a lazy full clear worth of three.

I forget, it affects Artilonium too, right?

Welp, this is a kick in the nuts then. What with them reducing attributes effectiveness. At least we can redistribute them, it's a lot more than I'd expect them to give.

So what would Musketeers invest in after the stat rework?
Still pump everything into DEX?

STR since all your things scale with your attack even more than before

Yeah. Be aware it doesn't actually boost the chance to get arti, just IF you do you'll drop extra.

Man, what a time and effort saving risk.

STR, DEX and CON are all valid. How much depends on your build and purpose. There's no point in going "full x" anymore since you don't get bonus points from investing in the same stat, but rather by making them multiples of 10.

Is cleric 2 still 100% a necessity? I kinda wanna do Chaplain druid 2 inquisitor and stab things with a dagger as an insect for the defense boost and Carnivory with Malleus boosted damage but I'm not sure if everyone is more durable and pure protection with stoneskin+stereatroph is viable or not.


In the end, the build I made because I want to have fun with this game instead of being an autist minmaxer will never be nerfed.

When skels got too weak, fire became op, next it'll be about hail, prominence, meteor. My only regret is that there's no way to fit in linker, but maybe they'll make scrolls cheaper or R9 will be shit. Maybe I should go hunt a hail gem too.

I also need to use my skill reset before it expires. Maybe I'll play around with electrocute and higher flesh hoop for now.

>test down for patch

this does not look that bad after-all.. for free stuff

instance multiplier works even for jolly roger steals (I'm at 2x)

did they fix the instance crashes?

From what I am hearing all the mobs on KTOS test currently have lowered hp values and players do less damage? Is that true? Usually these Kmmos just embrace number creeping, seems sorta strange.

some lower lvl have more HP, some higher have less

and looks like many classes do less dmg now

that is dumb

or temporary stats? not all high mobs are 'special' anymore. something with the mob stat modifiers


oh this

instead of 2 times the same link



Is this game good? My friend said that the game was not worth it, but he hasn't played since about a year ago. His reasoning was that there was nothing to do after a certain level, and most classes felt boring.

Also please tell me pet classes are fun and at least usable.

Seems like it.

Seems like it

Pet classes are usable in PvP only except Falconeer which is a support 0 damage class
At max level there are just dailies and dailies and more dailies, instanced too in the same instance
Other than dailies there is crafting mats which purpose is crafting a weapon to do your dailies 10-30 seconds faster and the only "raid dungeon" is limited to 5 man parties
There are also guild events but 99% of the guilds either don't get to unlock the rewarding ones or don't bother at all because they are doing their never ending timegated dailies

the fuck

Pet classes are pretty strong.

Cataphracts are great at surging thru and quickly skirting in and out of battle.

Falconers are top tier supports that can help your allies demolish a pack of mob quickly.

Hunters are extreme single target killers that can hold a single foe down and can make them hate life itself. (Only counter to this is actually "parrying the pet" by constantly killing ti every time it revives 10 sec later)

Necromancers are the premier quantity based summoning class of skelletons and flesh thingies that can farm while you snooze.

Sorcerers have the biggest summons with the biggest impact specially while using their riding skill. Basically summons bosses in "dark mist" form.

There are more details to be had here but I can't be arsed to list them all. Just research them.

Oh wow, thanks.

Game is fun. End game is a bit lacking if you don't like pvp or BiS farming. Classes are fun as fuck, lots of options. A bit unbalanced, yes, but lots of shit ae viable.

>pet class

Mounting pets or using pets/summons?

Sorcerers are good. Necro is meh. Hunter is suffering but it's a niche 2vs2 S tier class. Falconer is great but the birb plays more a supportive role.


Cataphracts (spear 'horseman') is very good. Schwarzer Reiter (mounted gunman) is also great.

Nice, thanks. Sounds like I would enjoy the Necro or Sorcerer. I will have to do some research while downloading the game.

>Typed with one(1) less zero.
I feel bad for the poster...

Do you think he really wanted 18 million for that pink cumrag?

The devs love pet classes, though they tend to be more for PVP.

Hunter is a PVP god, Falconer is one fo the best supports, and the two riding archers a pretty ridiculous.
Swordies have cata, which again, is a pvp god, and mediocre at everything else, but the devs just keep buffing them despite being top fucking tier at what they do.

Shepherd Never Ever, though.

(this is me)

What the hell...

> Sounds like I would enjoy the Necro
No you won't
Necro is probably the wost class in ths game and it's getting nerfed too because LOL
The only thing Necros are good is botting on alt accounts for farming silvers from low level monsters and they need to be online with almost a 24/7 uptime too for make good money this way
Sorc is shit too
It's better for you to avoid them

>The only thing Necros are good is botting on alt accounts for farming silvers from low level monsters and they need to be online with almost a 24/7 uptime too for make good money this way
they (maybe) cant even do that anymore.. soon

Hold your horses there champ. The devs seem to be moving necro from a 50%nuker+20%debuff+30% summon class into a 20%nuker+30%debuff+50% summon class.

The SPR change alone means that the summons increase their def and atk depending on your SPR stat. Imagine an almost full SPR necro with SPR stacking gear.

Look at how many things necros can summon that is affected by the SPR stat.

5 skel soldiers
5 skel archers
1 shoggoth
1 corpse tower

Is corsair good now?

I thought it doubled posted at first and tried deleting the other one too, but then it wasn't me. Spooky.

Stop memeing the new guy about changes.

New user. Ignore every single person that mentons "future changes".

First: it will take at least 4 months to reach here and NOTHING is defined yet.
Second: when it reaches us everyone will be able to COMPLETE RESET the character and build it up again.

Regarding Necro... It's possible to build a very strong necro based on the current meta classes of the wizard tree (Pyro Linker into Necro) but the ~summon~ part of it is very disappointing. It's not like Diablo 2 necro WELCOME TO THE BONE FIELDS MOTHERFUCKER. They work but 80% of your damage will come from your other spells from earlier rank and Flesh Cannon (a necromancer nuke, good stuff).

Probably the one thing they did right this time is stat proportions.

You get less than 1 accuracy/evasion for each 1 point in STR/DEX, which reduces the accuracy/evasion gap and frees you from the "lol I either go full STR or my hit chance will be locked at 20% against full DEX".
You also get significantly more HP and SP recovery, so instead of something silly like 5k max SP and 300 SP recovery you'd get like 3k max SP and 800 SP recovery. This makes it worthwhile to invest in SPR for classes that depend on spamming skills. It also makes it so you don't fuck yourself over when investing SPR if you're a druid or a sorcerer.

What's the new Meme Build now?