Dream car thread

Dream car thread.

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Rubbish thread.

Oh and if that's your dream car, prepare to be devastated. It was a one off and it's in the hands of a Saudi Oil Prince now.




My personal dream car - bulletproof sleek coupe form GITS.

I honestly think the Veneno is the best looking car ever made

That's why it's called a "dream car". It's a car that you aspire to get your hands on, but is unlikely or impossible for you to ever get.

Personally id rather stare at the inside of someone's asshole. i guess its like one of those girls who looks weird to you but they have someone else's dick throbbing.

>Personally id rather stare at the inside of someone's asshole
That's because you're a faggot, not because the car looks bad

Even if i wasn't a faggot by any metric id look at trannies and traps before that thing.


Unironically, an AE86 straight out of factory.
Tuning it would be the shit.

I think it looks retarded

>rear engine
>CF chassis
>looks are mixed between the classic 60s porsches, the 80s oes the old CTR was based on and hints from the 2010s
>700 lb ft


agreed, but I would go with an AW11
desu I'd be perfectly happy with an AE86 or mk2 Supra

80's toyota >>> all other cars


A V8 trim of this.


I've got a real desire for a T Tourer in this kind of condition.

good taste

037, stratos, or alfa romeo montreal for me

I was gonna post this last night but I was too stoned, extremely beautiful car

love these pics of exotic cars in sort of "normal" city enviroments

this one's fun to think about since it could happen some day

One of these on a Panther platform

hello there, Ivan



your ideal car has a massive bird shit on it?

Remind me to shoop that out later. I didn't take that pic, silly Aussies couldn't break out a rag and some water before they took it.


my dick


Preferably an F version if it ever comes out.

Maybe I can afford one used in a few years.

Inb4 benchracers "muh 0-60"

It's easy to make cars fast, difficult to make them nice. I'm sure the 5L V8 they put in a bunch of their F vehicles will get an aftermarket eventually, there's just not a lot of ecu's that can handle 16 injectors for a reasonable price right now.


>Fisker-Galpin announce a special one off RTR version of the GT with a V8 spitting out 850 HP

I would shit my pants.

>Inb4 FnF

It's one of the quintessential muscle cars of the era and the villain car in Bullitt.

I fucking wish I could afford one of these, they're just plain majestic
if I had the money I'd start a company building replica kits with modernized suspension and stuff

Too big


Could of bought one a month ago, but mortgage refinance was the smarter decision.

I bought a $2300 MR2 for my buddy and I to track. He'll be buying it from me in December after he buys his first home. First round of parts are on the way.

Are you still a tranny?

Basic bitch detected



Also an F-type

>Could of bought one a month ago
>Could of

Somehow I doubt that....

one day...


How do you see the mirrors if they're under the window line?



I'd shit if I saw this driving in town. And I'm guessing 93% of people would have no idea what it was or even give it a second look

Which is a bonus really... drive it around the city and you wouldn't have people climbing over each other to take pics with their phones.... and every now and then you'd make a grown man shit his pants. Win win, really

Saw one driving earlier this week... totally made me a believer. Made every other car on the road seem 30 years older. Great looking

Anglomaniac, perhaps?

Its the bastard son of Cadillac and Lamborghini. Fucking hideous.

do you really think a basic bitch would find this attractive?



good taste


great, non-porn Veeky Forums thread, guys, keep it up!



>Toyota forklift delivering Lexus
Stars are aligned
