/ndg/ - NieR/Drakenguard General #58


Touching Devola's cheek edition

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>[Official NieR:Automata page]

>[DRAKENGARD/NIER COLLECTION ARCHIVE] - World Guides, Novellas, Lore, etc.

>[PC Troubleshooting]

>[NieR:Automata Unit Data & Fishing Encyclopedia] - Untranslated, use Chrome

>[/ndg/ Downloads Pastebin] - Ripped OST, Lewds, Steam Reskin

>[NieR: Automata Mining and Moddin Steam Group]

>[Nier Automata Lossless OST + Bonus HACKING TRACKS Disc]

English track list

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2B x 9S cutest lewdest couple.

Remember to assert your will before you become little more than a slab of meat.

How did toobie get infected with the logic virus when her thingy was disconnected with the bunker? And what is to stop her getting infected again after ending E

2B is QT!

She got emp'd during the flight and that infected her again.

NieR > Automata
Automata's story is just derivative garbage in comparison

I took 9S' line about them not getting the virus on the Bunker to be regarding that outbreak specifically. In that case the machines attacked the Bunker through the backdoor and virus'd everyone up, but you can still get the virus like any other virus: exposure.

but 2b is way hotter than nier

It's like nobody played MGS2.

got hit with EMP from virus-infected flight units

Narrative, Lore and Characters: Nier > Automata
Soundtrack: Nier = Automata
Gameplay: Nier < Automata

I still like both.

tfw no wolpis kater 9s impression bf


should I?


Highy agreeable opinions


Nth for I'm keeping true to my word and shilling the story again.


Chapter 9 is up! Chapter 8 got some additions.

T-Shirt scene incoming.

That's a fine opinion.
I still like Automata better.

I've played it. I still like Automata better.

Commander is cute. CUTE !

Automata had a much better narrative desu. The only place Nier really outshines it is with its characters.

Does anyone have the video of the singer for Weight of the World (Chorus, you know) where she starts crying when the chorus joins in?



She has a baby face.


It had the potential to, but I don't think it delivered because it's main cast was handled poorly by comparison. Nier outshines Automata in every category except gameplay and character design but only regarding some characters. Both soundtracks are good. For what it's worth, I find Automata to be a lot more replayable at least.

This need to be mandatory in every thread from now on

What are they doing for live broadcast? Why is the image teasing the inaccessible doors?

Nier 1 vs. Automata comparisons are silly. It's not a contest.

At least when trying to establish superiority they're silly. Analysing them for shared themes and such is great, obviously.

Not like any of us would know. That teaser image makes it fairly obvious, though.

DLC accessed through those elevators.


I want to punch Zero in the face!

One of the dudes did a tweet eariler that we would soon learn what's behind the apologetic machines.



Yeah, it was Saito: twitter.com/SaitoYosuke_Z/status/846983046146506752

She doesn't wear a leotard user

from what I've seen, she goes commando

0-3 Play Warframe
4-6 Start Automata
7-9 Play MGSV

It's going to be poop. Please let it be Pearl Harbor mission.

Welp, maybe tomorrow

That's a meme.

i'm sorry user.

it's fatal.

i would've said the same thing if you got 7-9.

Did they shape him in the form of someone who single handedly finished off humanity?

She does, it's just really high cut because Taro said so.

What is the best weapon type and why is it fists

Hiighhh cuuttt.

With a greatsword youtube.com/watch?v=9fTyDooQIzQ

I enjoyed Automata more than Nier, but I think Song of the Ancients was better as Fate than Atonement, and Shadow of Ashes a stronger song than Weight of the World.

Nothing can top grandma

Just got ending C and it said I got chapter select now. Does this mean I can go around to get all the joke endings I have missed and achievement hunt in general?

holy fucking kek, I know what I'm exclusively using

You can do whatever you want.
Play all you want.

Yup, just remember to save before switching chapters. This game does not have autosave. There's no autosave. You have to save manually, because there's no autosave.

I had to redo a large chunk of bullshit in the Desert zone early game because I was arrogant in the face of no auto save.

I hate the sand. It's so coarse.

This desu. Automata could have competed with Nier, but Taro fucked it up because m-muh tweest. If he had just said fuck it and let us know from the start what 2B's situation was, the game would have been so much better. There's enough to dissect and reflect on after completing the game without holding 2B's characterization hostage.

Listen to me, Adam. I never disliked fighting. But I didn't want you to be hurt. And I especially didn't want to lose you. So let's go somewhere quiet. Together. My brother...

Why is MGSV even an option?
Automata is everything that TPP was supposed to be.

What's stupid is they tried to "hide" it while still basically putting it in your face. It makes you wonder what the point is then? The way they handled it just limits them from developing the character in real depth, for the player to see while in-game, and ultimately makes them feel very straightforward and boring. It didn't do the cast any favors. With Nier, you knew everything about the cast sans Kaine and you learned about the world as they did. With Automata, characters are essentially withholding information, intentionally, for "twists" that are obvious anyway.

>ask machine head what happens if I die during route C
>she tells me to remember to save 5 times in her answer.

I bought the collection when it was on sale and I haven't beaten it yet

Fucking save, you shit.

Apples and oranges, user.


That may be, but I was expecting an emotionally driven plot where the main character is driven to madness by the tragedies he experiences. Instead I got a bunch of irrelevant missions in boring environments starring Venom "Deadpan" Snake.

I know it's a matter of managing my expectations but I'm still pissed.
Just about everything from this gen up until that point had disappointed me and TPP made me give up hope for the industry.
The fact that my favorite game in 2016 was an early access game made by one person says a lot.

This year has been a really good year.

So, I'm on route B of Automata now. Should I bother with trying to do as many side quests as I can, or just play through normally and do what I see? I noticed that all of the quests I completed on route A are still marked as such.

Play quests how you feel user, savour the game.

There are a bunch that are unique to Route B as 9S, so you can pretty much only do them now or after you unlock chapter select for beating Route C.

Just play through normally and do what you see
But definately don't miss out on
All of 21O's requests
Hopefully you've done Emil's Memories if not make sure you do it.

Looks like I've got plenty left to do, then. Cheers.

the machines didn't attack the bunker through the back door. They were let in by the system that manages Yorha since a new line of androids was ready to be deployed.

>All of 21O's requests
Don't forget the Desert Rose quest for 6O.

>the machines didn't attack the bunker through the back door. They were let in by the system that manages Yorha
They're one and the same idiot.

He's already in Route B.
So if he didn't do them back in A. Tough luck.

He's on Route B already. If he's forgot it's too late until chapter select.

YoRHa isn't managed by the machines.

And nowhere did anyone imply that.

>finish Ending C

>openly weep


Now go watch 2B's sword take 9S's life, one final time.

Try to get a bunch of hacks in against A2 when you're doing D. She tends to die fast, but there's a neat thing if you get 3 (or 4?) hacks in.

Make sure hack A2 four times successfully now

Is it Will you come with us?

No, you get that either way. We're talking about pic related, if you want to spoil yourself.

It's something unique to A2's fight only.
Now go and hack her. 4 times.

Was there anything special about the hacks right before that?

Yes and no. They all take place on the same stage, the ones before that are just way more zoomed in. Pic related is one of the top level menu items, for example.

I see what you mean.



Delete this.

Muh dick
Please continue



please more I fucking love this kind of shit

>who are you?
Everyone else treated the pods as tools, but A2 treated 042 as a person.
That really stood out to me.




Her conversations with him probably ended up giving him sentience. You can tell that Pod 153 was less developed than 042 until Ending E


These fuckers can't resist losing their shit to it either.

It's the same filenames every thread too. I'm guessing you enjoy making them lose their shit. I would've hoped they got over it by now.

You know, her situation isn't so different from the YoRHa androids

should have nuked the gooks too desu