/pso2g/ - Phantasy Star Online 2 General #1255

■ New Year Carnival Boost Week (until 4/19)
└ EXP/Meseta/RDR/Rare Enemy +150% for all quests, Plus an additional RDR+100% for select EQs

■ Current Update (4/5):「光の果て、幻創の未来」

■ Next Update (4/19):「光の果て、幻創の未来」Part2

■ Weekly Boost & Events Schedule
├ Google: google.com/calendar/[email protected]
├ Random EQ Hourly Advance Notice (JP): twitter.com/pso2_emg_hour
└ Regular Maintenance: Wednesday @ 11:00 ~ 17:00 JST

■ Scratches: pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/
├ Galaxy Star Heroine (until 4/19)
├ Winners Design 4 sideA (until 5/10)
├ Gurhal Collection 3 (until ???)
└ [SG] Bright Dark Heroine (until 6/14)

├ General Information/News: bumped.org/psublog/
├ Basic English Patch: psumods.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=206
└ Buy AC using PSO2es: pastebin.com/raDBtSpa

□ Database/Wiki
pso2.swiki.jp/index.php (JP)
pso2wiki.net/ (JP)
pso2.arks-visiphone.com (EN)

□ Simulators
├ Skill Tree: arks-layer.com/skillsim/skillcalc.php
├ Affix: pso2affix.seilent.net/
└ Damage: 4rt.info/psod/

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Maint time, post a screenshot from this week.


I don't see any tomboy in your image
probably because you fucking ruined a perfect tomboy you had made


>kawaii cartel can get into expert blocks
>pso2g can't
Can't make this shit up.


>tomboy fighter
>no muscles
Back to the drawing board, kiddo.


2E a cute

>tfw haven't taken proper screenshots in weeks because always busy

Episode 4 was meh

Story was shoe horned in Meta nonsense
Summoners are are gay
No new harem waifu for the MC
Unnecessary level cap expansion

Episode 5 can't come soon enough

in the end, it is implied Hitsugi has the hots for the player in a typical tsundere way, but fuck Hitsugi

hope you enjoy medieval fantasy land with the new bard class

But girls cant love girls

too bad that waist shirt clips through fucking every outfit, i regret buying it

Sorry to burst your bubble but even Solus looks more boy-ish than you, that's a good action though GJ

>Hitsugi comes visit player via PSO2
>have fun going on missions and semi date situations on the ship
> Kori see's
>off's herself

SEGA doesn't discriminate
can be gay or straight

>bard class
No lie. I'd main this.

When is there going to be lewdshots of you both?

>dancer for females

dance lobby actions become PAs

Oh shit I'm sold. I have every dance in my possession.

The scene where the ARKS ship jumped was pretty cool

They don't show a lot of the techno science of the oracle fleet enough

>that moment when you realized Kori's Vita saved the planet.

Kohri would've been better waifu material.

A lot of people seem to have hated all the filler bullshit spent on Hitsugi, so I'm wondering how many feel episode 4 would've been better if they just cut her out completely and tweaked things like making the MC go undercover at the school and establishing pre-actual plot shit that way instead while keeping the general story the same. Feels like you could remove her entirely and still have the core of the story going.

To be honest, thats what I thought the EP4 story was gonna be about, except with some minor appearances of the PSO2 anime cast

You also get a few opportunity's to flirt with Xiera in the extra dialogues and she doesn't really tell you to stop just kinda gets embarrassed

also she is your special operator or whatever so she will still be with you

If she didn't want to rape girls and little boys yeah

her crazy laugh made me diamonds though

This bugged me too

Aika references Itsuki and Rina a lot but they never appeared in the main story

>tfw Xiera is PSO2 version of the fire keeper

Nah there was no saving it when they decided to start with the high school stuff, and even Earth in general. I like to ignore the story and pretend that Esca Falz Mother is just some random alien who needs to be eliminated by the ARKS fleet because it's dangerous, and is causing trouble around the moon. Likely gonna think in a similar fashion for Deus Esca. I do hope we move back to the series' sci-fi roots in EP5.

>Feels like you could remove her entirely and still have the core of the story going.
Have the MC there to supervise the purified Falz, they meet Kohri while doing it, she does the same shit, yep, it's more or less the same story except now you're actually fucking involved as the PC.


>If she didn't want to rape girls and little boys yeah
Blame Sega for that. If she was crazy over the PC they probably would've voted her into Mothers rank #1.

What's her story?


>all these worthless katana PAs
why won't they do anything about this

What were you trying to find?

Right after they fix all the other weapons PAs

Those 2 were the Arks ball video and the livestream that was in it, i've never seen them claim and take down videos on youtube... fishy.

>all these 4 (four) jet boot PAs

>making new PAs
>making new techs
>buffing/nerfing PAs/techs
take your type-zero and enjoy it you piece of shit, we're never doing those again

I wonder if they hit a limit or something or if it's just laziness

dripfeed, gotta stretch the games lifetime somehow

Going to agree with mostly. I believe the anime is to blame primarily for shoving us into this bullshit. This entire episode and the anime was about showing off new characters and the only thing that happened of importance was the Mother and Ardem thing, unfortunately they dragged their playerbase along for the ride and as many people have pointed out, this episode doesn't feel like your character is important at all and you're standing quietly in the background more than ever before while the "real MC" does things (except actually fighting outside of cutscenes)
I also want to call a few other posts to attention on this:
>Not to mention fucking Ai having the audacity to think that YOU of all people needed to be tested. Bitch if it wasn't for the player you would even have a fucking universe to exist in and you have the balls to tell them they need to be tested?
>Aika references Itsuki and Rina a lot but they never appeared in the main story
That's something: Why are we hearing about Itsukis accomplishments in defeating a single Falz in the game/being "tested/informed" of this, but according to sources the anime never mentioned anything about the main character saving the fucking universe/defeating multiple Falz? Something that should have been brought up seeing as that's 3 episodes worth of content, why is it not even mentioned vaguely in a passing comment? That seems immensely belittling to what is actually PSO2, because it's not the fucking anime.
Seems like the game was being changed to support the anime, but the anime wanted very little to do with the actual game other than exclaiming "PLAY PSO2 TODAY!"

Then again I'm probably just autisming because we seem to care more about the games lore and direction than Sega does. Fuck high school animes and fuck the suits that decided on that shit.
Back to playing Persona 5 because I have had zero desire to play this the last month or so.

>I believe the anime is to blame primarily for shoving us into this bullshit.
PSO2ES is STILL churning out anime character chips.
I can't confirm or deny the anime shit but I know I'm sick of seeing them period.


esca units better be good, I can't imagine doing the EQ at all otherwise when the weapons, even including the 14*s you'll never get, are shit


Which costume is that?


Layered wear with ボアジャケット, and メディックワンピース for the base

Ep4 really seems like the suits in SEGA shitting on the playerbase in terms of story direction. I'm glad we endured the fucking awful anime shit and can only hope that will be the last of them once ep5 hits.

I'll see you in arena

Thanks man


I want to put my penis in this unconscious elf then moon her right before I cum.

Xiera a cute

she needs to stay


probably the only good waifu to come out of Ep.4

Can we all agree Echo is worst Elf?

>that one time she complained about her chest size

Whenever they've added more or a type zero craft more just become obsolete
It doesn't really change anything, variety wise
This ends up being true for a lot of things really

Its boost week and I ran out of 100% triboost. Fucking asshole shit bitch mother sucking dick

I'll crush you if i encounter you 5 letter name

use 125's


Will Deus Esca's theme btfo Loser's? Hope it gets datamined with today's patch so we find out

There's no patch today.

I'll agree with that.

Hitsugis expression looks like DO IT FAGGOT

can someone pls carry me in dfo

git gud Zext

more like what the fuck this bitch weights a ton

Servers up niggers.

>30 scratches for basewear

prove it faggot

>It'd be better if we took the bullshit filler with Hitsugi and cut and paste it on to another character
Yeah nah
The problem was that it was filler, it doesn't matter who it's attached to, it's still fucking filler

That sort of thing has to be kept mostly separate, I think, since you have different writers in different places working on each.

It was the same sort of deal with tri-Ace and Phantasy Star Nova being a mostly separate thing despite taking place in the same narrative universe.

here's a prime example of it being up:

>Forgot to save Keys to use during boost week

Does it bug anyone else that this says Falz Arms and Apos Dorios' quests but not actually the Falz battles

I mean, it'd be a little silly if they weren't included but maybe they just didn't have the space on the card

>use a gold tokyo key
>get 7,651,447 exp
feels good man.

>Use Magatsu Gold
>Only 3,000,000exp
Thanks Sega

When does PSO2es maint end

I have no magatsu gold, so i can't tell you what I'd get. Did another tokyo gold and got 7,772,866
this time because a higher level. Only 2 more levels (and 2 more tokyo golds) to go.

either in ~15 or 45 minutes.

i want rappies to be real


>last featured
>present box
>please don't be pietro
>press E
>its fucking him
Come the fuck on, not single key 4 days straight

I got su from 75-80 in 4 silver/4 gold today, so I'm happy that I don't have to play it (I bought 2 of those keys, got one from daily reward, last was the panel one).

donto bii saddo, mai furendo


Seems like a waste of time if you're not even going to use the class in any capacity

I guess you get a couple of SG out of it

wait a fucking minute you can trade bonus keys?

I bought them from the treasure shop for 5 million meseta each.

Ive been buying them but it just doesnt seem fair when i can just get them for free like everyone is, fuck this game

>boost week
>the week before escadesu
this game should hang desu

nigga you should know by now they do this every fucking time

How do I FI/BO with Astral Blaze?

There is one in the sega cafe. It just pretends to be a statue.

Give yourself an enema with the blades and then bleed out and die

As fun as that sounds I would prefer some advice that doesn't involve me killing myself.

You don't.

Fighter is super boring and I don't really want to play any of their weapons right now but I still need to level it to 80.