This is a general about all Zelda games, mainline and spin-offs like Hyrule Warriors, and all discussions related to the LoZ series. All Breath of the Wild discussions are welcome.
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You don't know what it's like, you don't have a clue. If you did you'd find yourselves doing the same thing too. Breaking the law, breaking the law. Breaking the law, breaking the law.
>In the Korok forest >Saria gets a beautiful lake spring named after her >Mido gets a shitty swamp Serves that dickface right.
Ethan Long
>Update 1.1.2 on Switch
I have this inescapable feeling that the game is running in native 1080p while docked now. It looks REALLY good and it's not like I didn't already log 200 hours in the game before 1.1.2 hit, so I'm pretty familiar with how the game looked before. I -really- think it's been improved. I bet Nintendo will brag about it tomorrow during the Nintendo Direct.
Nathaniel Sullivan
They're both pretty shitty
Jaxon Wright
Don't worry Zelda, let him fall into depression and he's all yours
Adam Morgan
why is he wearing the hoverboots in the lost woods?
Dylan Clark
>very compelling evidence that OOT Link ended up with Ruto
interesting. do you remember any of his points?
Jordan Martinez
I thought Ruto's dialogue when she awakens as a sage makes it clear that they don't.
Xavier Davis
Not enough of it.
Logan Adams
Sage awakenings are at the adult ending of the game. Link doesn't even stay around for that.
Jaxon Johnson
Yeah, when he went back in time he went straight back to Zelda
Jordan Anderson
The Hero's Shade from Twilight Princess has already been confirmed to be the ghost of OOT Link. So we know he grew up to be a Hylian knight, and a pretty accomplished one by the looks of it.
David Kelly
Shut up Link.
Shut up Scrapper.
Ryder Williams
MM Link more specifically.
Cooper Walker
They certainly meet before the children tattle on Ganondorf and Link leaves to Termina.
Jack Perry
>Find a Throwing Spear >"Oh cool, a spear I can throw more a bunch of times?" >Throw it >Breaks on impact
Jeremiah Peterson
All we know of Link does in between OoT and MM is that he hangs out with Zelda doing...something.
Jacob Carter
Whatever they did, they were children, so no shipping should apply.
Nicholas Roberts
>throw boomerang/giant boomerang >hits a tree/rock/1° slope on the way back
Nathaniel Nelson
Would Mipha and Link be good parents to their hybrid Hylian-Zora kids?
Luis Brooks
But you threw it further!
Christian Evans
>starts sliding down a cliff
Aaron Lee
There is such a thing as childhood romance and the scene in MM with Zelda sure as hell suggests there was
Jace Diaz
Sure user. Sure.
Ryan White
No she's dead
Brody Lee
In your shipper imagination maybe.
Tyler Butler
There may have been a childhood romance, but considering the facts regarding Hero's Shade, that's probably as far as they got
I'm not arguing for Link/Ruto though, I don't think that happened either
Michael Gray
>throw another boomerang >by some miracle it actually makes it back to you >miss the timing to catch it >flies right off the cliff behind you
Jordan Diaz
>Fucking trailing missions >In Zelda It doesn't help that this korok waddles as slowly as possible.
Wyatt Hall
It's literally the easiest part of the game
Christian Gomez
It's fucking boring.
Hudson Thompson
You can stand still on the start for two minutes then just run to the end.
Jonathan Taylor
This is irresponsible parenting.
Christopher Hughes
I want more enemy types.
Julian Jenkins
I want more enemies in tights
Noah Lewis
Did Link love Mipha? I know Mipha loved Link and with how much time they spent with each other and how that one Zorian talks about how Link chose Mipha over her says that he did love her.
Too bad he didn't even cry when he saw Mipha again
Ian Long
The Zorian you mention seems to be the key thing. She and Link and Mipha all knew each other, and knew each other well enough to have those kinds of interactions. It's not just a case of guessing if Link and Mipha were a pair, because in this case we have living Zora that saw it.
Ethan Hill
Mipha was pregnant when calamity ganon hit.
Easton Lee
I'm happy that third Zorian is happy. She definitely seems to be someone who was Mipha's best friend too. It was cute when she called you Linny after a long time.
Now I don't know if she's too amused that I hooked her daughter up with a human guy,
S-stop it. Don't make it any sadder that her salmon roe eggs carrying Mipha and Link's children got ruined
Mason Carter
>As with a seahorse, Link is carrying Mipha's eggs around in his body. >They went with him into stasis. >Imagine his surprise when they eventually remind him by being born.
Daniel Sanchez
I forgot the nickname. Link must have spent all his off hours in Zora's domain.
Eli Garcia
What are some easy to miss Taluses? Kilton says I have 3 left but I can't seem to find them. According to the interactive map (which has some slightly off markers btw) there's nowhere I haven't checked yet either.
Aaron Hughes
There is no indication of how Link feels other than Paya speculating that he loves Zelda
Carter Hall
Well I don't know if what I do counts for lore at all, but I love spending time in Zora's Domain since it's so beautiful. I love all the people there, even the racist old people
Paya is also a child who has no concept of what love is and is unaware she even loves Link.
Elijah Cook
>he then has to explain himself
Cooper Rivera
The Zora give some pretty clear clues about Linny. Ignoring all the Zora dialog would require assuming that all Zora women just impulsively try to marry any hylean they see, even to the point of fighting about it with each other and impulsively making wedding garments. That's more of a Gerudo trait.
It's a pretty place, but dang there is nothing to do there.
Aiden James
Yfw the dlc hard mode included constant rain when not in the desert or mountains.
Luke Campbell
>Fish-pregnant Link in a Gerudo maternity outfit.
Elijah Lee
>Tailing this piece of shit korok >Crouching behind a tree and literally not moving at all >Korok is maybe twelve feet away at best >Suddenly everything goes white >"Oh hey you got lost in the woods, Oaki brought you back" WHAT.
Alexander Rivera
So many people would complain. That's how you could tell rain was the right way to make it harder. Most people that want a hard mode are just wishing for things that play into their personal play strategy so that the game is still easy for them and not others. Only when they are all struggling can you know it is actually harder.
Wyatt Bailey
It's still the Lost Woods, you can't go too far from the path.
Adam Morales
Juan Ross
So you say, but why should we believe the word of a stalfos?
(Don't worry about all the .cs files, you don't need to compile anything. We only care about the ./Debug folder. Run the .exe and it's self-explanatory. The sound manager should be one of the tabs on top.)
I hope everyone is having a good night!!
Levi Diaz
>you can't photograph the Master Sword after you take it out the pedestal >forced to buy it from Purah's jew assistant wtf I hate nintendo now
David Barnes
you can take a selfie with it dumbass
Leo Ramirez
But that's wrong, idiot.
Jacob Sullivan
Ok I hadn't thought of that in all honesty, but I'm sure it looks like shit. >Link takes 85% of the picture >Master Sword tucked on the top and cut in half I knew it looked like shit.
Adrian Fisher
It's because the compendium crops your pictures.
Tyler Adams
It only needs to see enough to get a radar lock.
Logan Barnes
Is it possible to beat Ganon without the Master sword?
Chase Ortiz
Brandon White
Yes it is.
Jeremiah Robinson
I beat it with elemental and royal swords because honestly using the MS is full on bitch mode. Once you know what you're doing it's piss easy.
The second "fight" is a complete joke though.
Chase Hernandez
I did it with the Master Sword only because of cinematic feel, using only champion's tunic and hylian pants, no bow or shield either
Was good
Landon Reed
So until it happens no climbing in areas that aren't desert or mountain challenge? Looks like I have a new game once I'm finished. Second question whats the weakest weapon?
Colton Lewis
Most Zelda end battles are easy in the games, if you've gone through the trouble of pumping Link's stats up. Last time I played OOT, I walked into the final battle with 20 hearts all running in half-damage mode, and a pocket full of bottled fairies. Didn't need a fraction of what I brought in with me. Kinda the point of the game is to build Link up enough to make Ganon dead.
Lucas Bailey
Squeaky hammer
Jack Nelson
Well Tree branches? But even with a fully space upgraded inventory of branches, don't expect for a second they'll be enough to kill Ganon.
Jaxson Hughes
If you were a sheikah sage, what kind of shrine would you leave behind for the hero, and how would you be posed at the end of it?
Zachary Gray
I would go further. Thunderstorms everywhere, even the desert and mountains. You can still get lightning in the snow, I've been hit before. Raise the water level in lakes/rivers/beaches by half a foot to make shallows more challenging.
Ayden Hill
I won't even lie, I did go fight the fucker with 120 shrines beaten, and I did get Mipha'd once and ate a couple times because I was getting hit by everything like a jackass, but once I figured it was basically the 4 divine beasts combined it all got so much simpler. After that, when he started glowing I got stumped and took more hits trying to figure out what to do, until it clicked after doing it to guardians so much. From there on it was smooth sailing ez pz. If I were to fight him again I doubt I'd even need food because I know the patterns and the pseudo-puzzle in between I guess.
Noah Bennett
>that face she makes when she says "I'm embarrassed that you had to save me again" cute!
Christopher Torres
Which one's the stable where Beedle sells Fireproof Lizards?
Angel Reyes
To be honest, that one Zora who calls Link Linny was prettier than Mipha. A lot of the generic Zora are better looking than Mipha in fact
Aaron Rivera
I didn't Beedle sold them anywhere. I can usually get a whole mess for free under rocks in the Goron Mines. If you want pre-made elixir, talk to a horse wench at the foothill stable.
Andrew Allen
She's just older and fully developed now. They were probably the same size 100 years ago when they were both trying to taste Link's fish stick. If Mipha had lived, she's be fully developed now too. As royalty, shed probably be even bigger than her little brothers are.
Matthew Turner
>tabantha rice >goat butter >one (1) hearty ingredient Why is this allowed? Almost any other meal is literally irrelevant and a waste. This shit needs a nerf tbqh family