/rsg/ Runescape General

Supreme Gentleman Edition

Official World: 42
Official FC: "grindanfc"
Clan: GrindanScape (For an invite, go into the FC and ask for one. No requirements.)

>I've been inactive, what did I miss over the past x years
>Latest Patch Notes

You're late you cunt

Does Ring of Fortune increase the drop chance of clue scrolls? I've been using it at hounds and it seems like it's taking even longer than RoW for them to drop.

It might not effect them, the t4 one is the only one that has effects the same things as the previous one.

Why? Is Jagex actually this retarded? They make RoF increase the rewards of hard clues but not the drops of the clues themselves?

fifth for questing makes me want to kill my self

Heya /rsg/!
How's the grinding going?
What's your go-to grinding music?
What're your short and long term goals?
Are you hyped for Menaphos?

>This is a retarded question
>google it
>see that no other tier besides dorf gives lower tier benefits
It literally is only useful on hard clues and 81-99 slayer monsters wtf
I automatically assumed it gave all lower benefits

>just unlocked invention

So I augumented a crystal halberd after unlocking level 5 and put 2 scavenging perks i got, now I'm off to slaying. I saved a Dragon slayer gizmo left because I thought it was rare. Am I on the right path?

Quick, post doings.

Because they want you to spend all your shekels buying a 50m+ ring so you have none left for bonds

yeah just go around wrecking shit and crunching up weapons

don't bother worrying about optimal perks until you're 99+ otherwise you'll just waste a ton of time and money trying to get the rarer perks

does the multiplier reset daily or does it stay all week?

>he didn't get fortunate components for dirt cheap the day Timbo announced he was using them
your own fault desu

I have the components, but not the level.

all week

>finally unlocks Soul Split with 83 def/90att/90str 87rng/89magic/85summ
>go to god wars for easy money easy life
>got my ass handed to me at armadyl with royal crossbow and armadyl armor, couldn't stay more than 10 kills
>decided to go to bandos
>saw no real difference in tanking that if I were to just have protect melee on, got 16 kills but shit for money
What am I doing wrong?

Combats are a little low, and do you have overloads?

SS really starts to shine with ovls

Yes, I cleaned herbs to buy torva and powered it to 96 so I have overloads to use
I should mention with bandos I have full torva and drygores

Torva and drygores are pretty good for GWD1. Aura and yak will also help when you can get them. What do you have for ring, amulet, gloves, and boots?

Literally the best TH promo

Literally THE BEST.

>implying that's good
What you actually want are 7x large+ prismatics for 80+ skills. I guarantee that time & mats saved for said skill usually nets 10m+

bonus xp doesn't count for shit when you're maxed

Armadyl full gear
Royal crossbow and royal bolts
amulet of fury (normal)
penance aura
skill cape
ring of wealth (thought it would help with getting dank drops, does ring of fortune work downward or is that only luck of the dwarves?)
prayers were SS and sap range
Torva full gear
dual drygore longswords:
fury amulet
skill cape
ring of wealth
penance aura

Both had war tortoise with overload flasks, super restores, prayer renewals and rocktails

If you're going to use leech curses, get amulet of zealots.
Only luck of the dwarves goes downward, which if you'd bother to read the wiki or the thread, you'd know.
Ring wise you should be using the asylum surgeons ring.

post action bars

I spent 6 USD to get 500K bonus agility xp plus other stuff

did i do good

get split dragontooth/demon horn necklace and unicorn stallion, though you should rarely need to even use the latter in the first place.

No, you spent real shekels instead of digital ones.

but its only 21.95 shekels

But if you spend digital shekels, you steal real ones from a whale.

neither does 3.5 mil.

not true, that saves you like 20-30 minutes of grinding

there's plenty of non xp related stuff to buy post-max

would asylum surgeons be useful when my issue is tanking? I can kill either of them within 30 seconds starting with full adrenaline. I assumed since I was going for loot ring of wealth would be better
will work on that, I'm laptop posting right now
which would be better? Amulet of zealots or what you recommended? and would unicorn stallion really be better than a BoB with food?

>and would unicorn stallion really be better than a BoB with food?
yes, unicorn stallion lets you stay for hours, then again as I said you shouldn't be needing it much in the first place, only for screw ups like not debilitating/killing kril before his yarr.

Luck rings kind of suck stat wise, you can switch at the end of the kill if you really want. IIRC some of the GWD1 bosses have a special attack like 20 seconds in that will hit harder than usual so it's ideal to speed up dps, plus asylum surgeon helps a little with adrenaline.

Amulet of zealots is when your issue is dps.
Demonhorn is when your issue is prayer supplies.
You don't have the turmoil set yet, so you can't really do anything for accuracy.

Luck potions exist, so you shouldn't really be wasting a ring slot for something so trivial.
The basic luck potion will work for the gwd1 bosses.

>went to hop worlds
>game freezing on Loading please wait
>quit game, relaunch, repeats
>quit, wait 30 minutes, relaunch
>still wont load me into world

Well, fuck.

with my gear and levels would there be anywhere else I should try to boss for money other than GWD1 bosses?

QBD, obviously, if you've bane.
There it's just a matter of gitgud.

I have experience with QBD
melee I can do 3 kills a trip but with that I usually barely cut profit
don't have access to dragonbane ammunition yet, so melee is my best method

Melee is the worst method, period.
Go get bane.

Will do, guess I'm still not ready for high level bossing

You'll get there.

and honestly not being able to survive at a boss indefinitely isn't the worst thing in the world. GWD1 us kind of annoying because of kill count but 3 QBD kills is nothing so scoff at.



>when someone is so desperate for yous it might actually be a mental handicap

too obvious

If you have max zaros or seren rep do gwd2 with melee, otherwise do qbd.

I have not done much with gwd2 other than one kill on zamorak

>lotd is almost 40m again
what the hell happened?

its ok here

I got 95 pray and 96 herb from this event thanks to all the bogus xp and lamps

Fat Fuck Timbo confirmed that it's a unnecessarily rare rdt drop

Why doesn't Jagex just adjust it to drop more appropriately? They never hesitate to nerf shit when they decide it's too good for us.

also lotd doesn't have the teleports the two lower tier ones have
jagex is a bunch of memers

>finally hit 90 thieving

Hnnng, now I can boost elves instead of spamming traders


>Scavenging finally pays off
>Still need to get 3 more components

I didn't even realize the fortune ring had the wealth ring teleports
why the fuck doesn't the fortune ring cover t2 and 1 luck as well then it doesn't make any goddamn sense

Another one has joined the fold

Ice > Blood=Shadow > Smoke


>not buying LotD but jewing and complain
It's literally only 40m

This one goes out to Schumi and/or the other retard in the previous thread that claimed it was impossible to find people to carry them through raids
All the FCs are full of betas that want to kill the bosses but for whatever reason are too afraid to host their own groups.

>muh lack of experience
You can literally have zero kills on both bosses and still get through the entire thing provided you make your own group and invite the desperate retards that fill up the various friends chats

It's more efficient to pay for a leech than it is to waste hours doing it with tards

40m is all of my spending money

Efficient for the person that gets additional money for carrying your useless ass through their regular loot run, yes
If you actually were a muh efficiency autist you wouldn't be so bad at runegame that you needed other people to hold your hand through raids anyway

what do i do with this divine shit i keep getting from treasure hunter?

How the fuck does this TH promo work? Newfag here, I only get the option of 1x rewards, how do I unlock 2x - 7x?

They're drops from playing TH.

Use it, bank it, or drop it.

>If you actually were a muh efficiency autist you wouldn't be so bad at runegame that you needed other people to hold your hand through raids anyway

You can't solo raids bro

PVM is the real way to play any MMO

skillers are just plain autistic

Is anyone else's debuff bar refusing to stay in the new spot once you saved it into a layout and load it again? It keeps going back to a random spot on the left of the screen.

Anyone know why I randomly gain +5 to attack, strength, and defense while running around Prif sometimes? I seems to happen randomly, but I have no clue why.

PVE is the real way to play any MMO


Passive effects from one of the districts

it gives the items purpose for those that don't want/can't pay 36m for the big cheese lotd.

Nope, mine stays in place just fine. Maybe it has something to do with where you're putting it? I know I was having trouble with it when I was trying to have it sit directly under my buff bar.

I just have buffs on the top right corner of my screen like WoW, and debuffs at the top left corner (wanted it right below buffs like wow but it was bugging out)

It was like 16m on day of release.

you get that boost from the iorwerth altar.

Just tried to move the debuff bar around to a random spot and saving a few times. It always defaults back to the left edge of the window at the same height I put it at.

So I did it, I finally unlocked Prifddinas. As I understand it, you can semi-AFK the following skills:
Prayer (at a cost)
Firemaking & Cooking (still better to use portables)

Am I missing any?

fishing, full afk agility for 20k, semi during hefin hour

Don't bother trying to sell Prime Codes, there's so many being thrown around for free no one will bother paying

You can duo them.

If you can't find literally one (1) other single human bean who can tolerate you, I don't know what to say.


>you can duo them
Not everyone is a turboautist user

Then how come I can't find any?

>lurk on reddit and twitter
>sort by new
>make sure you're already logged in to the billing page

What's the appeal? Isn't it just some fruity looking leg. pet?

Sounds like a bad case of gitgud.

I've done a few successful trios but have yet to pull off a duo. You can coast through a trio based on player ability, but duo takes a certain amount of luck. Even with perfect play sometimes the rng gods just fuck you over.

Leg pets are useful user.

month of membership
a handful of keys
200 runecoins
gaudy as fuck L.pet

normally it'd be worth around ~9 bonds but there's a ton of keys floating around and the pet looks dumb
no real market demand (as of now)

So people that don't play Runegame are tweeting out their Twitch Prime codes out of the goodness of their hearts so strangers that do play RS3 can get the things you listed?

Help. I wanna sell it but I don't want to see it go.

>Even with perfect play sometimes the rng gods just fuck you over.
How so? Not the guy you're replying to but I'm legitimately curious

Also realistically speaking why would anyone bother trioing (or low manning in general) yaka aside from the muh personal accomplishments and dick measuring meme

pretty much

>Twitch Prime is currently only available to customers in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy.

You're playing with fire holding onto a lot of that stuff with the smithing rework on the horizon.

half that shit is going to crash hard