/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General

smug spaniard edition

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Mira is Cute!

Will the Hong Kong chick be even cuter?

Their track record isn't so good when it comes to attractive female faces.

Possible to get 4.5k points in hardest Terrorist Hunt mission?


nth for where's twitch drawing?

Miras a good step

Can someone explain to me why shit like this happens in R6S ?
happened so many times to me when using the shield
the guy in front is seemingly in front, but he kills me anyway

How does this make you feel?

there is no such thing as an attractive asian (excluding plastic surgery that bumps them up to passable).

We've already answered your question twice. Don't ignore answers just because you don't like them.

ass doesn't matter. tits are where it's at.

Uncomfortable that you're violating basic gun safety rules.


reminder that TAA actually blurs your screen, adaptive aliasing cuts the rendering resolution in half and applies AA to that, and basically the description for these options are complete horseshit

>Do not point the weapon at anything you do not want to destroy

But what if user wants to DESTROY DAT ASS?

user would probably have to buy her dinner first.

TAA plus injected luma sharpen actually looks really good

rape is free though


Does a more satisfying feeling exist than this?

cav ass included

>Glaz still has smokes
>They haven't swapped his smokes for stuns
>This sort of balancing of game code requires a formal patch instead of server side tweaks that can be done without having to have Microsoft & Sony certify your shit so everyone gets patched at the same time

Ubisoft was a memestake

Its a mix of ubisoft and the consoles

>dont trust triple A companies
>dont trust kickstarter shitters

Good siege clone when?

>modern video games prevent you from modding shit
>Battlefield 3 / 4 would have been ripe for making not only clones of Siege, but the shitty Battle Royal video games like H1Z1 and Battlegrounds

This new era of gaming sucks ass

>hate ubisoft
>yet ubisoft is the only company that will actually try new shit

I know they like the open world memes but ubisoft likes to experiment alot with bullshit

>experiment alot with bullshit
wildlands is so uncreative it hurts to play. there's nothing new and it's dumbed down to the max.

>ubisoft is shit
>literally got lucky since Siege was the only "normal" shooter that released at the time
>actually like the game
>hate the company

More and more that shitposter who wants to bomb them convinces me everyday

o the user working on catgirl #9 for the booru, you have until this saturday (the 15th) at midnight (EST) to submit your piece.

by that time it will have been:
19 days since the original claim
17 days since a progress pic
9 days since a post saying that you've been busy and that you're still working on it

this is more than enough time to complete a picture, especially since yours looks 90% done. i'm sorry for being a bit harsh but we can't be waiting around forever, especially when other anons have already finished their parts ages ago.

Did I make the right choice buying Echo?

should have killed ash too

Just get someone else to do it ffs why is everyone in the general autistic


I know we like to think Ubisoft "experiments" but the problem is they stick to their super safe zone which ruins shit, which I imagine is part due to overall incompetence of the teams involved and partly due to corporate not wanting to take risks

Look at the track record recently

>Rainbow Six Siege
>Great game that did better than expected
>Shown to have ability to massively grow if invested in, game should be expanding and evolving to keep community engaged and entertained
>Literally phone it in on patches, DLC and new content, have stated they will not change the game in any ways and they will only add operators and a few maps and that is it
>Every single patch hampered by technical issues, or design flaws similar to indie devs

>Tom Clancy's The Division
>amazing marketing appeal
>The "Dark Zone" designed as the primary end game content, as PVP
>Literally does neither
>Loot is 100% RNG so you have no real long term goals of "I want to acquire this item"
>Replay missions endlessly
>PvP aspects are hampered by some weird meta involving the rogue system in which it basically sucks to play the Dark Zone in any way entertaining since it's a death sentence
>Dark Zone loot is primarily shit, and you can't even tell if people have good loot either, so you have no way to determine if it's even WORTH the risk of going rogue
>Killing a dude means he will just respawn 50m away and come after you
>Heavily invested in the game and put a ton of work trying to revive the game after the player base already moved on never to return, kept throwing money onto the tire fire

>Tom Clancy's Wildlands
>Massive, beautiful open world game
>All the shit from the trailers is taken out
>PVP, despite being announced way back, removed - even tho the multiplayer in Future Soldier was fucking amazing

I want to love Ubisoft, I really do, but atleast with a company like EA I not only get exactly what I paid for, but what I expect out of them.

No, don't buy Capitao either wait for Hong Kong Operators or buy a current DLC Op you like

im getting tired of seeing this stupid fucking chart every thread

>not even playing jackal

nothing like seeing the cav freak out that you're tracking her

Cav is the only DLC operator I don't have, and yeah I regret buying Capitao for sure.

From what the leaks have said about the Hong Kong operators I'm not too interested, suppose it's time to just buy some nice skins then

>he thinks jackal actualy counters cav


>Regret buying Capitao

Did you buy him pre or post fal nerf or grenade nerf

Cause Capitao used to be amazing (and, agreeably, far too good) but Ubisoft fucked him hard down to cucked tier

I bought him when he first came out, and honestly I still didn't enjoy him. I thinks its a combination of me never really getting the hang of his arrows and him not fitting my playstyle.

Buck's in the same category for me aswell, but I play on console and his AR's recoil is fucking ridiculous on it. I've heard that's not the case for PC, but idk.

you're right the guy who can reveal her to his team doesn't counter her

TAA doesn't look good because it makes things blurry WHILE being taxing on your computer
whats injected luma btw?

>For Honor
>Good concept
>Great gameplay
>Graphics and art style look great
>Hampered by the one choice of using P2P
>literally look on the steam reviews
>all the bad reviews are just based on the connection issues
>like people love the game but thats the only thing holding it back

>Great gameplay



>a friend lives in the sticks
>slow internet
>downloads For Honor over 2 nights
>if you're outnumbered, you die
>if someone walks around and hits you in the back, you die
>uninstalls it

Fuck you im the last of the 3D fighter fans



If you're tracking a cav then he's fucking trash regardless.

As someone with other 100 hours of For Honor, it's such a shame.

The game's balance is pretty good with a few exceptions (Peacekeeper) but it's a 50/50 chance you'll actually stay in a game, less so with 1v1s and 2v2s but the point still stands.

Ubisoft fucked it by going P2P and have no justification other then they're stupid fucks.

Rattles me to this day.

>If you're outnumbered, you die
If you're fucking shit, sure
>If someone walks around you and hits you in the back, you die
Fucking what?? The game has tracking lock-on and there is no bonus damage for back hits

Please don't comment on shit you don't understand

>PVP, despite being announced way back, removed - even tho the multiplayer in Future Soldier was fucking amazing

I would kill for that shit again it was like MGO2

The only think that came close was ghost recon online but it got fucked

Sounds like your friend is a shitter



Should be purged from this world

you're actually at a disadvantage if you 1v2 against anyone who isn't a shugoki/lawbringer

with how revenge is and light attack spam all it takes is juggling damage and activating revenge at the right time to win

unless they open with a guardbreak charge you're probably better off having an idiot initiate a 1v2 than not 1v2ing at all

>not chickenbringer


>play Future Soldier
>game kind of fucked by weird menu settings, since when you queued for match making it forced you to select a game mode, but 99% of people played the first one on the list since it was the first one on the list, so the other modes rarely got played
>learn the meta of the game
>allllllll the dank ass gadgets, how intel works, how sensors work
>learn that when using the sniper, never use the auto intel item, as it informs enemies a sniper is looking at them
>act as team leader for my team of friends
>track which objectives in map have already cycled on the map
>make probability based calls on where to move our team before the next objective is even announced, sometimes giving us a huge ahead
>do the roadie run weaving through cover and acting like a fucking boss
>come around corners with dirty auto shottie and blow people away consistently

There was so much I fucking loved about that game.

Even if he does track her footprints, she can silent step before each ping and she won't get tracked

What if we send in Solid Snake to steal For Honor and Sieges source codes?

Really? The more you know

>posts 40k image
>get reminded Dawn of War 3 is shit


TAA only costs about 7fps.

Lumasharpen sharpens the image and counteracts the blurriness of TAA.

Here's an image comparison of regular TAA and TAA + Lumasharpen.

daily reminder that rank only matters for the end of season.

This season's color is purple, think about that

I'd rather not have my game look like a perpetual jpeg

Doesn't BattleEye disable this kind of stuff?

Fuck me, that charm looks sick, what rank is it?

I stopped playing after Skull Rain, so I'm stuck with a diamond SR charm which doesn't look awful

I've been playing for 380 hours with injected luma sharpen and SMAA and had no issues.

Nvidia even suggests using it in their tweak guide.


Aesthitically it definitely looks the best, its kind of a shame you don't get all of the lower rank charms as well but I can see why you don't.

Anyway, thanks for sharing

It's not to late to just play Gundam Versus user




Guys, how do barrel attachments work?
If I put a flash hider, which affects burst fire, does it work normally or do I have to switch the gun to burst fire?

YES you've done it

They work in all fire modes

No it doesn't.

If it existed in a vacuum, maybe.
But it doesn't.
It exists in a system where it identifies you as fucking trash.


Valkeyie teaching CQC?

So how much sex is going in the barracks. Especially when montagne and bandit look like this

Sorry, didn't mean to strike a nerve

pls rate



its fucking shit

it's better than anything i could ever make.

Better version here

So this....is the power of Montagne.

New here, around 50 levels and I can't stop playing Capitao

How do I play Capitao without getting fucked. I kept dying on him but I realized after every firefight I won I typically had ~16 health, unless I headshot them unaware. Is Capitao just shit that I can't kill anyone without them shredding my HP or am I a baddie


>Playing casual game
>0-2 we're losing
>let's just end it already
>Gold sub .8 kdr gold shitter talks shit when second round ends
>One person on team leaves
>third round
>proceed to win 4v5
>win again on fourth
>Another teammate leaves
>Final round is 3v5
>Proceed to win
>Comeback Victory
>Enemy team rages at shit talker teammate
>We tell him he fucked it for his team
>Response "Eat my shit"
>Leaves game
I'm not that great at this game but by god does it feel good to deliver

>yfw they only bone men

project harder queerlords

What am I projecting exactly

i know what im projecting

>fag on enemy team shit talks while his loses
>spawn peeks next round
>mfw dies instantly, gets no kills and quits right after

Someone make a jager or bandit and call edit of this

>join game
>my team all has the clantag "Le."
>enemy teams clantag is "Autistic-"

is it free weekend or did i just get matched with /r6g/

Don't worry. /R6S/ does not play. I joined TS and they only play with ppl they know/no new operators.(10% of the time...rest is just ppl playing other games)