Why are car and bike vloggers awful pieces of shit?
>clickbait titles
>90% of the video is the camera shoved into their face as they talk about pointless bullshit
Why are car and bike vloggers awful pieces of shit?
>clickbait titles
>90% of the video is the camera shoved into their face as they talk about pointless bullshit
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Every youtuber becomes a Jew once they surpass the 100k subscriber mark.
because it is mostly generated by americans fo americans, all this vlogging started because of those stupid reality shows where they interview the protagonists every 5 minute
>bike vlogger
>doesn't pay any regard to traffic laws
>gets angry when cars around him don't follow traffic laws down to the T
Every one of them.
>hates cops
>hates when other people don't follow the law
>loves the cops only when he's being robbed by a nigger
excuse me?
he really has the autism stare
don't watch the ones that do that. there are plenty of better channels than the most popular ones.
I've got to say though out of all of them i think TJ Hunt is the worst.
hate all you like this nigger straight out of school making $80k-a-year off eating junkfood and laffing at you fool
im not hating???
So do it yourself and get paid faggot
Best one is noriyaro
Because they've vloggers. Generally, it takes being a narcissistic attention-whoring douchehole to become one, and spend that much money and effort on it.
Anyone who doesn't want to see their face on screen doesn't vlog.
And now this thread turns into sucking youtuber dick because everyone is obsessed with fake celebrity attention whores.
love seeing happy smiles
fuck this faggot
I follow snowcat but this is pretty damn true
However I do get mad when assholes are face deep in their phone when I'm next to them. Like fuck my life I guess.
Holy hell, did the blue fairy turn Howdy Doody into a real boy as well as Pinocchio?
>proceeds to yap to a camera and talk to buddies over bluetooth
>reverse image search
>find a couple of this guy's videos
Oh...no wonder that stereotype about motorcyclists exists. This guy's a dick.
Honestly this.
>driving 30 in a 30
>shitbag babyboomer on a HURRLEY DAVIDSUN is riding my ass
>signal a block before I turn that I'm going to turn left
>shitbag boomer still keeps riding my ass
>brake and then turn
>Boomer Davidson downshifts and BRAAAAAAAAAAAPS past me
Why are bikers all such entitled impatient "everyone but me has to follow the rules" faggots
>actually going 30 in a 30
are you either 70y/o or just gay?
>dude #FUCK the speed limit LMAO
Are you a nigger/spic or are you underage?
Why is Veeky Forums full of jealous poorfags who hate to see others suceed in life?
I'm white like you my white brother
>driving 30 in a 30
>signal a block before I turn that I'm going to turn left
jesus, gramps
Ok bro you should totally do a vlog on your #YouTube Channel about how you fucking #HATE speed limits
It was a residential neighborhood with two elementary schools within about 3 blocks of where I was driving. Again: I'm not a nigger or a spic like you trashy losers, so I have a modicum of patience in my personality.
Why don't you just take the fucking bus if you're going to go that slow? Some people shouldn't be allowed on the road.
>going the posted speed limit in a residential
>#DUDE why are you going so #FUCKING slow brah I'm gonna record this for my YouTube(tm) channel so I can show other #bikers in the #bikernation how fucking #STUPID you #CAGERS are
Nigger or spic? Which one are you?
This. I'm pretty sure it's unspoken law that the real speed limit (as in, you exceed this and now risk getting pulled over) is 5mph over the posted speed limit.
No police officer would ever pull someone over going 35 in a 30 because of variables such as your speedometer accuracy and the radar's calibration.
>mfw I actually got a printed "warning" from the Texas Highway Patrol for going "3 over the speed limit"
Do you just pull these things out of your ass
I'm white and can afford to drive properly unlike you. It's 20 fucking 17 we don't need to be going fucking horse speeds. Take the bus if you're going to be a speed limit cuck.
Do you let people just shove things into your ass, bootlicker?
Throw a bitchfit and say your speedometer was reading the exact limit. Nobody is going to try to prove you wrong at that point.
You probably drive some riced out piece of shit, That's why.
>Calls himself white
>advocates driving like a niggerspic
>his entire argument is "ayo mane itz [current year]" and "I got dem stax I can afford it niqqa"
Uh huh, sure thing Da'juan.
Nope. Also, not an argument.
It was just a warning? I didn't have to pay a fine or anything, you emotionally stunted manchild.
>t. nignog or wetback
Chances are they just wanted to pull you over to see if your 1991 Tercel smelled like weed
I fucking hate snowcat.
Niggerspics are usually the ones driving 20 under the limit in the wrong lane and never get the fuck out the way. They're too poor to speed. You seem to be projecting a lot.
>driving exactly the speed limit in a residential
>the same thing as "driving 20 under the limit"
I like how you pre-emptively bring out the "ayo mane projecshun" thing because you're the one who's using literal niggerspic logic to justify speeding in residentials.
Also who the fuck "moves out of the way" in a residential two-lane? Oh, niggerspics who feel entitled to have everyone move out of the way for them because they all feel like they live in a Gucci Mane video, that's who.
lol look at this geriatric having a meltdown
Nah I'm white because I'm the guy ITT who advocates for speeding because I can afford it :^) If you disagree with me, you're clearly projecting and you're clearly a shittier driver who drives a shittier car than mine.
Why don't you just volunteer at your local precinct cleaning the cum from the showers or something? It seems like you want the cops to fuck you one by one.
>niggerspic resorting to emotional-context ad-homs because he has no valid counterargument
Not an argument. I win.
Why do you niggerspic millennials always end up defaulting to gay shit or ad-homs when people call you out on your entitled retardation? You don't have an argument so you just kneejerk default to "ayo mane #FUQ da speed limits, if u don't speed u must b sum kinda gayboi 4 cops mane", or "UGH its #2017, who needs speed limits anymore????"
This shit doesn't fly with actual adults over the age of 18, and you know it.
Does your wives bull pass you everyday in his CPO Escalade or something?
>mfw white people call eaching niggers/spic itt
top lel
>mfw white people calling each other niggers/spic itt
top lel
Why arent americans rangebanned???
ever watch a car vlogger?
Watch one of their videos and look at the views and try to understand why people want to watch an annoying piece of shit like that
>Implying you don't want to smash tanner fox's face in
Is this the guy who was smashing everybody's mirrors in Florida?
Look at this face and tell me you wouldn't want to put a bullet through his fucking skull
These vloggers who have expensive hyper cars have never touched a wrench a day in their life and they are most likely just leasing it or renting it
Because they're lifestyle bloggers
>Yo guys look how rich i am
>Just spent 100k of a drift car (can't even drift lol)
>Gonna wrench on my car today (some grunt does all the work while they pose)
>Why is there liquid in my torque converter!?
Its all about selling an ideal that sad teens eat up, fuck TJcunt and Adamlz
ur destroying these niqqas
coming from trip fag when the trip isnt necessary in the slightest
his head sure looks like a good place for a bullet
I've lived in a majority niggerspic equivalent state for most of my life. Do white people on the mainland actually go the speed limit?
most car youtubers are cringy and awful
especially gaskings, my god
I don't think you know what a trip fag is
Only people worse than car vloggers are people that complain about them all the time and start threads about them every few hours
Nobody actually likes him. Guy is shunned in my city (Calgary) where he resides.
Yeah right the whole city shuns him. Get tf outta here
>signaling a block before turning while going 30mph
>it was the biker's fault for getting angry
Bait. No one is this much of a delusional cunt.
Anyone who gets mad about bloggers is too retarded to be a successful one.
Seriously, go start a channel right now and build it up for 2 years. This is such an easy segment to get popular in. If you can't get it by the 2 year mark, you're too dumb to do basically anything.
No Reddit, you get out of here.
Its not hard
Just make your video YouTube analytic friendly as possible and hope you get YouTube to put you on the front page
da'jaun made me lose
No way that guy isn't wearing makeup.
Yea, he was being a total faggot. If the cars had actually done anything it wouldn't have been a big deal, but he basically smashed their mirrors for no fucking reason.
Buffalo Bob: Say kids, what time is it?
Kids: It's Howdy Doody Time!
It's Howdy Doody Time.
It's Howdy Doody Time.
Bob Smith and Howdy too
Say Howdy Do to you.
Let's give a rousing cheer,
Cause Howdy Doody's here,
It's time to start the show,
So kids let's go!
Pretty much comes down to luck.
Literally not even famous enough to have a Wikipedia page.
Why are we caring?
Thankfully YT understood the "not interested in this cuck" button and has long stopped suggesting him.
also ask if you are being detailed and remind them that you are a sovereign citizen.
I suppose a detail job would offset the ticket nicely.
>Good Video titles
>non clickbating thumbnails
>actual good content
>decent powerlevel outside of initial D
>fluent in moon
10/10 would watch again
fuck i hate that fagot, his whole vlogs is him talking shit about other peoples driving. Also his eye's are really far apart he looks retarded.
The longer I look at this picture the more I hate the subhumans that are auto vloggers. Why do people watch these self absorbed talentless cunts who know nothing about cars and make shitty click bait?
Californiaism is poison
>plate literally says Dubai on it
While I don't agree with this statement, what were you trying to convey in response to that picture?
Or is he actually a Californian with Dubai plates because the black and yellow vanity plates weren't cool enough?
They don't know any better/They think they're awesome and their friends will think they're awesome for watching.
Mostly just living vicariously.
Nobody is worse than TJ Hunt.
>"""builds""" 370Z for car show
>muh stance
>muh $4000 widebody kit
>muh $4000 wrap
>runs 100mm non hub centric spacers
>posts 3 videos about "WHY IS MY CAR VIBRATING"
>trashes suspension
>does burnouts on public roads in daylight with people around
>can't drive
Maybe chaseontwowheels.
>rides bike he's never touched for 20 minutes
>20 minute video
>shitty futurebass vaporwave music to slow pan and zoom shots of showroom new bike
Adam LZ is god tier. Big Boost is god tier. ThatDudeInBlue is Paul Walker's ghost.
SmurfinWRX is a gay. Cleetus McFarland is the white trash stig.
I met Jakethegardensnake once. Actually a super chill dude.
Dudeinblue is garbage, annoying gay ass voice and no talent.
What do you guys think of him?
that's all of youtube. not just automotive content.
there are exceptions though.
and i'm sure there are others.
though to be fair both these guys were rich before they started doing youtube videos so i suppose they don't need to go full jew.
Proceeds to rice up his GTR top kek.
What about Boosted Boiz?
Shmee literally has the most punchable face & voice combo on Earth. That said, I don't mind his content.
>vlog cunt buys a brand new gtr just to stance the shit out of it to the point where it becomes a hazard
literally why
>stance the shit out of it
You mean tanner fox? No stancing was done, familia. Just a big wing, wrap, tints, & exhaust
BoostedBoiz are top tier
>Do basically everything themselves
>Actually do shit with their car
>Would smoke basically all these other posers
Who names his kid Tanner Fox?
>Tanner Fox
>Tan (v); to cure / preserve the pelt of an animal
>Fox (n); an animal
I don't know if that's the meme they were going for, i.e. Fox Tanner, but it's a possibility.
only thing worst than people who complain about car vloggers are people who complain about people who complain about carvloggers
>video of him drunk riding a borrowed ducati
>runs in to a taxi and wrecks ducati the next day
>makes video saying there was nothing he could do to avoid said crash
Chase is fucking awful.
>I met Jakethegardensnake once
Jake is cool. He just does whatever he wants. Dan is pretty good as well. His videos can be boring sometimes, but he also doesn't really give a shit.
Vlogging, like social media sites, were the worst things to happen to the internet.
The internet was perfect circa 2005
>live in Britbongistan
>new driver
>if I speed I can lose license
>at discretion of police
>even the police disappear as they speed without sirens and lights
>stay exactly at limit when they are around just in case