League of Legends General -/lolg/

Urgot edition

Old: eyosongive.us

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>Ban finally wore off

I've been waiting to do this for three days.


join vg vs vg

Results of Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
new one up on NA!
pw: vidya

xth for Syndra

+ zed

>play braum in ranked
>know I shouldn't because he's hot garbage
>lose every time
>do it again for some unknown reason

He just needs some QoL buffs to help him out.

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Updated Husbando Chart.

>Xerath is STILL not disabled


Do Xerath mains have any fucking shame? WHAT in the fuck is Riot doing?


>GP, Garen and Darius have their armor pen built into their kit but Illaoi doesn't
>her positioning based playstyle already provides the opportunity to make the armor pen extremely conditional and skill based instead of just straight up free like the others


i dont understand the bug, does he just need to shoot his q at a specific point in base or what? why is it only xerath

The new champion has crazy dick sucking lips

Which female champion is the best at fellatio?

>waifu has butt made for anal
>no r34 pics of her doing anal

that guys just looks like a good player or scripting
he isn't abusing the bug from what I see

what's happening isn't a bug and is not necessarily fixed on riots end
it's literally a hack and chances are even if disabled it could be accomplished on another champion

Riot literally doesn't know how to disable things after the client shift.

join vg tomoka is playing

That's a normal Xerath player you fuck

+4 Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
pw: vidya

Does anyone have that one chart that gave a pokemon type to every champion please?

Rate, hate, and berate please.

its the comfy bfs~


I want to BRAND Riven with my family crest!

wow that makes me not want to join thanks

i almost joined thanks dude

>no milk chocolate loli champion

Explain this, lolbabs.

>not playing stupid shit on vg vs vg to trigger tomoka

man it was funny as shit back in LAN ranked try it out now here

Because riot doesn't condone pedophilia and they already fucked up enough with lulu

delicious brown girls aren't allowed in trump's white supremacist america

Ahri duh

Blind pick is a magical place

>Jax that low.

Shit tier chart.

>B-but muh lore shift, no longer able to say he's the strongest in the League because no League!
Good job retard he still faced the entirety of the Void on his own and managed to hold on for a good while and survive. He's definitely WAY above just "Elite".

Post sona art that is cute but also features her large bust

Lulu is an old bitch.


Hey, could you delete this? I'm not a pedo but this makes my cock erect. So it's causing a bit of an awkward situation. Thanks!

just sits at one spot and fires his Q and it hits all monsters creep etc on the map

>Lulu is an old bitch.
Technically all the yordles are old since we don't really know how they age or anything about them really.

he isn't an ancient being, literal god, and hasn't given up his humanity.
seems his spot is fine

S-since you asked nicely.

>A Sol and Bard on god tier but not Kindred.

And seriously, fuck this hateboner you powerlevelfags have with Jax.

Your mmr would go done by almost nothing for losing this while it would go up quite a bit by winning.

unbalanced matches are what prevent people who are better than their current elo from being hardstuck.

Fucking kill me, senpai

>da champ
>isn't da champ
user pls

>common fucking mortal soldiers

>TF, a human who lied and cheated his way into magical abilities
>Jhin, an assassin so great there are tales about him being a demon
>a tier below

>Talon (the deadliest assassin in noxus)
>a tier below fucking Katarina


shit list

Unacceptable. This have to change
And I'm not even picky, even a regular is enough to make me happy

Literally a fucking mutant.

Literally Kassadin+.

How are you this retarded to place Kassadin a tier higher than Jax when now Jax has done the same shit but on a bigger scale.

>Not a busty elf slut


>hyperfed Twitch
>against that team

How did you lose lmao

Remember when Xerath used to be the strongest champion in League of Legends?



>Play Mundo jungle
>Just walk into the lane and remove niggas from existence
>Still lose

I wasn't hyperfed
Draven got an early lead in lane against me and then traded kills with me repeatedly trying to dive like a fucking moron instead of just sending me back every time I walked into lane.
We both walked out of lane at 10 minutes with 9 kills.
Also Draven literally killed me Auto > E > Auto. Even as twitch I can't do damage that quickly.

We won_
How the fuck normals mmr work anyway?
Wake me up

is he a mutant?
I thought he was just a creature of some kind
did he become a mutant for power?

woah dude thanks for the information i already knew, cleared it up for me

Jax basically has the same effect One Punch Man has on animu powerlevelfags.

>Lore is just "he's the strongest".
>Powerlevelfags immediately go apeshit, start bleeding from their anus and making autistic as fuck millimetrical comparisons to prove X character from another series is possibly stronger, without ever getting the concept of "kills anything in one punch and survives anything".
>Eventually they give up and just try to ignore it while everyone who's not retarded laughs at them for caring this much about some shitty imaginary dick waving contest.


oh, the entire enemy team were boosted.

So if you complain enough on reddit or the main forums, you can get anything you dislike changed?

YOU FUCKING MORONS, YOU KILLED SUPPORT MALZAHAR. One of the best things to happen to the role is soon to be removed from the game.

I imagine one day they'll decide Brand should also be a primary solo laner again and remove him from support too.

Yes he is a mutant. He was full human, from Icathia just like Kassadin and Malz, and then shit broke loose and he fought the ENTIRE VOID trying to hold it from entering Runeterra, and mutated during that.

Jax is basically combining Kassadin with Doomguy, but with a lamppost.

>Hate boner you have for jax
Since this user already put it so nicely
Sounds like head canon user. Point out that part of the lore where he says he should be in ascended tier and I'll move it.

>Being the last of your kind
>not "elite"
>Leaders of races and factions
>not elites.
>heads of armor divisions
>not elite
>Being the best musician on all of runterra
>not elite
>being the best hunter in all of runterra
>not elite

You're right about talon's placement.
And Xin should be knocked down 1.

Notable means notable user. That's exactly what Jhin is. He's note worthy, but he's not the head of any house, family, division, order, etc. He's literally a lone gunman.

Though that makes me wonder if kled should be notable instead of elite.

>So if you complain enough on reddit or the main forums, you can get anything you dislike changed?
brb posting about Riven nerfs

>They will never know the joy of beating people to death with a discarded cardboard tube.

>a literall ancient godess in the new canon
>notable mortal

user pls.

Jax is probably the last Icathian, who were the generic ancient civilization more advanced than any current civilization and composed of people who transcended humanity. Think ancient Shurima but even earlier than them. They made the voidborn, that's the reason Vel'Koz is a sentry drone and Kog'Maw is literally living artillery, biological war machines engineered by them and what destroyed the civilization.

Jax is so strong he stopped them from destroying the rest of runeterra and he's basically fucking immortal.


Riven has been shit tier for ages though user.

Unless Boxbox is a shit player, he evidently doesn't do much on her either from what I glimpsed lately.

You're right. She should be upped to Ascended

>the unranked player on the bottom team is highlighted
Am I being baited?

>sneaky listening to MBV

forever my guy

camille should be in at least elites but probably ascended

>Disagreeing with the frontpage of the internet

>support Malza
>good thing

Get that cancerous shit out of botlane.

>Play Maokai
>20 minutes hit
>Autowin every teammfight with a non-stop train of CC and engage

Why don't more people play the tree?

why name the fucking image power rankings if it's not going to be based on power

Is that part of some older lore?
I have never heard that story but it is cool as fuck

I'm not sure where he should be put then since he didn't lose his humanity for power

riot says he is from ionia
its hard to know for sure though since riot keeps changing lore and fucking over cool ideas

>Riven has been shit tier for ages though user.
If you look at top-10-challenger listings there's almost always 1-2 Riven onetricks in there.

She's hilariously broken if you have any concept of AA canceling.

being the last of your kind doesnt make you elite, kill all the lulufags in the world and the last one will still be cancer

and titles do not make you great

leaders of races and factions sure, darius and garen are not leaders and they would die to any mage in the land

every single man whos only merit is their size and skill with melee weapons would die to any mage in the league

>Is that part of some older lore?
It's the new one, to replace his older one after they got rid of the League.

Leading an army isn't power?
Being the head of a nation isn't power?

For the same reason don't play stuff like Kayle.

He's boring.

No bait, they were literally boosted.

You posted an image of Soraka unless you're joking.

The reason Mage Support is healthy is because it keeps shit like Soraka or Janna at arm's length. If you remove mages, it will be back to either them or tank supports of the patch.

Doesn't that sound fucking lame as shit to you?

I'm not sure about Mid, but most Top Laners don't play Kayle because they have an ounce of self-respect.


being one of the strongest known beings in the lore isn't power?


Look at the top lane mains of Diamond 1+. There's SO many Riven autists. Riven is probably the champ that has the most OTPs in Even in lower ranks, Riven has a 50% winrate while maintaining a high playrate (11%). That's not bad.

where can I find it?
I have looked in the wiki and client and only see the old 1 or a random story of him beating people up on a bridge

*in Challenger

Tanks and enchanters are things which should be played in the support role because their kit cooperate with ADC's in bigger or smaller degree. Delegating midlaners to the support role just to win lane is beyond stupid. And for Soraka, Sona, Janna, etc. you have Blitz and Leona.

Is a cute and pure-hearted girl from zaun who is just trying to find creative ways to express what's going on in her head

Most of these players are the ones that give her a bad reputation though.

I mean you won't go and say Singed is good because his select autist following are usually high elo will you?

>Strongest known beings.
Which Jax is not. No where in the link provided in
does it say anything about him being a mutant, holding of legions of the void by himself, just that he's a great combatant and took out some demacian soldiers on a bridge.

Nothing in his lore page on the league of legends page, or the link provided shows any evidence he should be higher than elite.

>the sentiment every single waifufag shares about his waifu

how predictable, interesting how the only good waifufag in this general is ahricuck

but only because hes different

I want to be in Jinx's head.

There are nowhere near as many Singed players in high elo as there are Riven players. Saying 'Riven is bad' when she's one of the most played champs, not only in top, but IN THE GAME is absurd. And these people are making her work in the highest of elo, so it's not like she is some noob pubstomper like Master Yi. No matter what you say, statistically Riven is good.

Gold generation was a mistake

>every waifuposter wants her to be human
>ahriposter just wants her to be a tool for his own machinations
really makes you think

anyone else feel like the retard population was particularly high today? awful games all day.

>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

Or she's just batshit crazy. Either way she's the girl for me.

I bet it's crazy in there~