/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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>decide to roll to see if I get a good blue
>roll 3 blues, get Fred, Jagen, and Florina
>roll again, no blues
>get this instead

I'm ok with this
+DEF/-RES, not complaining

i like hana

Getting out of hand now, thanks for the badges though ISIS

Uhhh so I just rolled a 5star Sakura

What the fuck good is she for??

Does she have any good abilities that would do better to be inherited by someone else ?

Got a Spring Chrom With my 20 free ones
-HP +Res

what should I do with him besides jack off to cute bunny boi

Who should I 5 star?

Sharena , effie, or eirika

Right now I'm rolling w
5* kagero, 5* Azura, 5* tharja and either 4* Gunter or 5*takumi or 4*palla (I know)

I need a decent green user but I'm not sure I have anyone I'd want to promote rn

Whats this new golden "S" skill slot?

Who should go to 5*?

>even FE is on the payscale progression trend now
FE is dead, Nintendo is dead. Switch is going to be a failure for sure.


No. Literally nothing set her apart from other healers.
Healers in general are a wasted slot


If you have other dragons, Old Tiki isn't a bad choice. Even if she winds up garbage you can give her Lightning Breath+ to someone else. Same goes for CorrinF and Dark Breath. Cherche is decent regardless, but you don't need to get her to 5 stars to pass around Pivot if she's not a fit on your team, not to mention you might want to give her a better axe unless she's desperately needed to smash up Effies and Hectors.

read the in-game notifications

I love Severa, and so should you! But it's okay if you don't!


To the people criticising Claire's art in the last thread - Thumbrings are a thing in archery.

She's drawing with her thumb (that you can't see) not her fingers (which you can).

>Blarblade, Moonbow, Defiant Atk 3, R Tomebreaker
Man, Odin has the perfect fucking toolkit. Too bad his attack is hilariously fucking low and means he can't actually use any of it.

Did I break the game yet, or can I go even further beyond?

And by claire I mean Faye? probably.

I haven't played those games.

You mean Faye, Claire is the blonde peg.

when will this moonbow meme end?

what is hero merit

Have any of you keks managed to datameme the Zephiel banner yet

Personally I would never use a thumbring because they're lame and a bow that small doesn't need one, but girls are really weak so maybe she does?

Are there any beefcake archers in FE?

Well, he can Ignis for 28 bonus damage if you're into that, but the AoE for 75 neutral PA might be more useful in some situations.

>Are there any beefcake archers in FE?
Most warriors.

>you don't actually have to keep Subaki and Cecilia alive to clear the lv35 quests
Nice to know. Got Subaki to kill some reds 10 levels higher than him before he died.

>Personally I would never use a thumbring because they're lame and a bow that small doesn't need one
Her bow is taller than she is ().

Ok, should I blow my 100 orbs on trying to get a Bunncina, or should I just wait until the new banner is out?

she's a 3' tall anime girl

wanna see pics of how ripped her upper back must be tho

I'm ready to marry Felicia.

She's not worth it. And you might even end up with a -spd like me

The bunnies are shit, don't fall for the "Limited Edition" scam

What's the best A skill for a +HP -Atk Eirika? Obviously she's not a real attacker, should I put something like Fury on her or Triangle Adept?

What would Fury accomplish?

What do you want her to do for you?

She pumps iron abd works her muscles day and night for the day she pins Alm down.

I figure a bit more Attack wouldn't hurt her. I suppose she still won't kill most reds, so Triangle Adept probably makes sense so she can attempt to manhandle greens if she needs to. That said her main role in a team would be to buff either Nino, Tharja (lol) or Bunny Lucina if I inherit Blarblade onto her.

Is this not the real thread? The fuck /feg/

I want Alm to pierce me with his big thick Falchion!

ITT: maps that make you want to kill yourself

How is this map even fair?

Raping Faye!

Anything with ninjas in Fates

Forgot pic in rage

that map is piss easy with mages and repositioning assists

>with mages

not my fault your team is 3/4 melee unga bunga plebs

Guess mages are balanced enough to need 4 to play the game

Balanced enough to steamroll all the content in the game while you struggle with your 1 range attacks and get cucked by walls/pits/meleebreakers

Anyone else bother trying to farm as low level as possible to get more SP? Feels incredibly inefficient on EXP honestly but I don't believe the SP per kill scales does it?

My main team is all fliers so every map is fair to me.

Deen, you say?

>Raping Faye!
You don't rape Faye, Faye rapes (You)