Sunwalker Edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
Sunwalker Edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
What are the skillful decks in this meta?
Any good Combo decks that aren't Curvestone (TM)?
first for sluts
sniff me
I'm still waiting for a good quest paladin deck
inner fire meme priest
You could try new Handlock, new plants Miracle Rogue, Purify Priest, or Quest Rogue / Mage.
Honestly it's a good meta for that sorta stuff.
dear blog post
today i started playing and i made it to rank 24
Exodia Mage can be difficult to navigate consistently, miracoli always has a fairly large number of lines to take, handlock/silence priest are a bit unintuitive, I have no idea what I'm doing in miracle/tempo priest half the time, control paladin has no room for mistakes
I'm sorry user, I was replying to this shitter but for some reason it has been misquoting me repeatedly and I don't know why, I 100% agree that decks like all forms of priest, midrange hunter, all paladin has some growing room in deck list optimization as opposed to things like quest rogue and pirate warrior which are already at their final lists for the most part
Whoever suggested deadly shot, thanks. It's been doing serious fucken work.
Deck even works great against pirate warriors.
Made me climb so far I'm actually seeing decks I haven't played against before.
Rexxar has been Made Great Again
I keep trying to tweak hand buff elemental paladin but I just don't think it's strong enough.
It has it's moments and it's fairly fun to play, but board clears rapes it and fast agro out paces it.
I bet there's a few cards I haven't realized that could push it into greatness.
how does a midrange hunter tech for other midrange hunters
I have yet to get a single good beast out of this fucker.
Not that it's ever stopped me from winning and it's really just another body to adapt, but fuck RNG has not been nice.
do you guys ever wonder if maybe, just maybe, we are the cancer?
I dropped dire wolf alphas for timber wolves to buff all of my hounds instead of just the adjacent.
when things like pirate warrior exist, no
If you don't have a 1 drop you lose, much like how the greedier/slower a warrior list is the better in the mirror it is, with Rexxar ya gotta go fast. If you draw alley cat into razorfen into misha or a hyena combo it's basically over, going first is a massive advantage
This is the old cancer you know and love. It's gotta cut out the new cancer before it takes hold.
why not just do 1 of each?
Shaman, Rogue, or Priest for Arena: What should I pick?
also, what's the best class in arena right now?
Nope. Feels good to be back.
Because then I'm living the dream when I get 2 timbers in on a hyena hound play.
I might just do that though.
Also just FYI, agro druid is faster than any agro deck, well, ever, and completely shits on hunter.
>evil horde
Thanks for destroying the lore Blizzard.
I would say shaman from my limited experience. I've seen two different shamans get both elementals and murlocs to work and they always seem to get fucking volcano.
Why is it in a modern tub, why is it in a bathing suit in a tub, why is there giant diamond dicks around a modern tub? I have so many questions.
Rogue is the best class, if you can draft and play it.
Priest is probably the easiest to get to 7.
Shaman can be good if you get the elemental synergy going, but feels kind of weak.
should i craft sherazin or elemental package?
i have all the other cards for both decks
>being an alliancefag
What is wrong with you?
This fucking midrange hunter deck is really getting on my nerves, it was always a decent deck now its better than ever before
if you pick rogue and get envenom weapons you win, but i think shaman is more fun this expansion
if by "decent deck" you meant "the worst deck in the game", you're right
that's what I was thinking... I have more experience with rogue, but if I can get lucky in the draft Shaman has insane synergy with elementals.
In the most recent patch before this midrange hunter had suffered, but prior to that it has a long history of being a great deck.
Holy fuck people are starting to just run the buff and taunt cards from silence priest to tempo priest and it is absolutely infuriating. So this is what a priest meta looks like
I fixed up the fledgeling pic I made yesterday. Thanks to whoever added the eye thing.
Taunt cards? Priest meta is long overdue btw
>prior to that it has a long history of being a great deck.
yeah, I like that, it means we're back playing hearthstone again instead of brode's wacky adventure
Priest will be the new cancer by next week when people realize quest warrior gets wrecked by aggro that runs early removal.
Priest is fucking worse.
I'm pretty sure this is the lowest point the game has ever reached. I've never seen this amount of bm and angry emote spam and I think it shows how frustrating the new "meta" decks are to deal with. At least before we were only dealing with pirate warriors, now we have three or four decks (including pirates ofc) that just absolutely rape the shit out of you if you don't have a proper match-up. And if you counter one you typically get countered by another.
No problem friend. Big taunts from Purify Priest, Handlock and Taunt Warrior go down like nothing. Glad to help. I run double deadly shot and it's gotten me to rank 3, how far have you gotten?
It was a guy with argus and sunfury, on second thought the way he played didn't seem fast enough for tempo priest, he probably had a Hugh Mungus and purify somewhere. Priest has traditionally been a complete AIDS class but they somehow managed to make him fun
Nesting Roc vs. Anduin tho... now that's just dirty
ecks dee
>turn 1 cats
>opponent coins innervates Fandral
>Razormaw into poisonous
t. Spain
Is Divine Spirit/Silence Priest the only way to go if you don't wanna do the quest?
t. Alejandro González
There is tempo priest.
There is miracle priest.
There is dragon priest.
There is quest priest.
There is silence priest.
All are appearing on the ladder. Pick your poison.
dragon priest also exists. and quest is shit anyway.
>Playing my Anti-Taunt Warrior priest deck
>He plays Bloodhoof
>He plays Alley Armorsmith
Potion of madness also works.
So what the fuck are you supposed to do against midrange hunter and pirate warrior as secret mage?
Feels like 20% winrate at best. Did I fall for the meme?
Dragon Priest is literally t1 you cunny sniffer
Quest is shit,
You can go OTK Priest with Stormwind Champion and the Divine Inner fire combo, just stick lots of draw in and it works like a charm.
Or you can do the same thing with Lyra and Arcane Giants for infinite spells.
if you get sub 30% wr in any matchup with any deck you're probably trash lmao
Tempo / Miracle / Silence
... What's the difference? I know the silence deck but I haven't seen the other two.
Post dick
>pirate warrior as secret mage?
did you somehow not notice that freeze has been extinct
You are not supposed to get matched with them
Arena is crazy
put in drakonid OP and netherspite and press auto complete.
Tempo is the one that runs pyro and cycles card quick
Miracle is one that runs Elise + 2 mind vision combo
Silence is the buff one
Twelve but I lack kindly grandmother's and vicious fledgling hasn't been very productive as a replacement, but still rising.
Aggro druid mopped the floor with me and dragon priest with the new legendary either got lucky my pulls and hand were shit or it's an amazing deck, circle of healing wrecks us.
But I shit on quest warriors and quest mages, pirate warriors and quest rogues. So I'm happy.
I just started playing the game today and here's my Druid deck:
>Earthen Scales
>Jade Idol
>Wild Growth
>Feral Rage
>Jade Blossom
>Jade Spirit
>Druid of the Claw
>Gadgetzan Auctioneer
>Jade Behemoth
all x2
However, I'm missing 2 cards. I was running Acidic Swamp Ooze just in case I encountered any weapons, but I got tired of it. Any suggestions that are ez to craft or just came out in Un'Goro [spoiler[because i'm a degenerate who loves to gamble and already bought some un'goro packs[/spoiler]?
Yeah, seems like it.
It is pretty fun to fuck with quest mages and quest rogues, though.
I'll give it to you but I just want you to know I despise you for wanting it in the first place
Time to shit up the ladder
What is the win condition here? Out value your opponent and hope you win?
ravasaur runt is a way better replacement bro, fledgling doesn't rly fit the deck
Dr OP is the wincon
You're stupidly likely to pull a Secret Agent off Netherspite, the deck basically has 3 or 4 of them.
Be lucky to break past eighteen.
Full jade is actually decent against quest warrior, just shit vs nearly everything else.
There might be a new jade variation floating around in haven't seen that adds adapt or something but the current meta assfucks it.
Dr OP?
Gonna test it out but that is quite a dust investment need to craft at least 4 epics.
2 drake
1 new ooze
1 glimmerroot
But it will suit my golden Lyra
Maybe I could craft 2 Mana Addicts?
Nice. I opened a Golden Lyra too. I've been thinking about this deck but I'm waiting for the meta to settle some before I craft the epics as well.
I crafted Elise and 2 shadow vision and have been fucking around with miracle and silence. Both are incredibly fun to play with.
As a poor player with no Primordial Drake and only 1 Twilight & 1 Potion, what can I fit in?
I guess I'll stuff 2 Fairy Dragons and a Black Knight?
love to go second against quest rogue
love to interact with the board
No. You need 2 potions or quest rogues will absolutely run you over.
interact with her cunny instead
>Playing Secret Mage
>Go first against Rogue
>Draw Counterspell and Kabal Lackey in first three cards
heavy breathing
You sure showed that coin
>implying Quest Rogues have enough brain cells for that.
>Mills his own quest
What did Spain mean by that?
Those cards are absolutely crucial to the deck, especially primordial drake. As someone with decency, please don't play this deck anyway, there are so many fun ways to play priest now that isn't this
Why the fuck did I have to climb?
R5 meta is fucking cancer, 40% midrange hunter, 30% quest warrior.
>Hunter is being called cancer again
I thought i'd never see the day after gadgetzan
mid-range as in they don't go for the quest?
>fucking taunt warrior gets to live with two health because couldn't draw one of my 3 fucking silences
Fuck taunt warrior, it's the most rng swingy deck in the meta right now and I hate it. Dirty Rat, Brawl, and rag hero power are just fucking stupid.
Tech hard against those decks, you have edge against literally 70% of your opponents.
wait, I just realized that beardo still exists.
Is it playable in taunt warrior?
>have "edge" against 70% of opponents
>get bent over and pounded by the other 30%
uh yeah sounds good for your winrate bro
What is the best deck to ladder with right now?
I've been stuck in rank 13/12 for 2 hours now with taunt warrior and quest rogue
70% winrate isn't good enough for you?
I did turn 1 Lackey into Mirror Image and the priest just casually played his quest without even testing for Counter Spell. What a lucky fucker.
What happened to that guy that used to stream only priest? What was his name again? Is he still streaming?
>have 30% winrate because you lose to 70% of the ladder
>have 70% winrate because you lose to 30% of the ladder