How do we make money off of the rising tide of color?

How do we make money off of the rising tide of color?

Shitskins are the most predictable and brand-loyal consumers.

Other urls found in this thread:

short dog food, beer, music, and bikinis

Anti-rape panties for goats.

long machetes, trucks, and bomb-making materials

Invest in war. Then oil.

Great answers, but I was thinking on more of a entrepreneurial mindset. What are some products that blacks, muslims, and/or spics can't live without? Is there a way to tap into the sneaker market? Guns that are designed to be fired sideways?

Halal foods.

US fag here... I'm a musician, made a load of cash selling shitty beatz to niggers. Would take about an hour to make. No skill involved just pumping out dumb shit niggers love lol.

>yea homie. When my mix drops I'm gonna keep you lit bruh

how much do you normally sell your beats for

They already invented the rape condom so idk

i like this idea. how/where did you sell the beats? fiverr or some shit?

Is it basically the same process every time with minor alterations? How long does it take to learn how to make nigger beats? How long does it take to make each one? How much can you sell each one for?

$150-$300 a beat. Depends on what it is. Length, time, sound.

Started on Craigslist. Then after a while people would just call. No advertising at all after the calls started.

Same process every time. I've been playing music since I was a kid so I can do their shit fairly easy. Takes an hour. That's recording to editing. Literally all you need is a drum pad, and a keyboard. Some shitty recording software and BAM.... nigger music

Please elaborate.
What's your technical level?
Do you have a studio, or just use headphones and/or some speakers?

Can you show us a sample of the typical beat (in terms of complexity and general quality) please?

man, Veeky Forums has the most interesting people
best of luck with your nigger beat business my dude

Save $30,000 and start a church's chicken in a ghetto. You should be guaranteed at least minimum of $200,000 in profits every 2 years, imagine being successful with several church's chickens in several ghettos.

1. Bacha Bazi feasts. 2. Use the migrant children. 3. Claim its culturally insenstive to not let them happen. 4. Replace Oktoberfest. 5. Profit

I know you're probably memeing, but opening shit in the ghetto is a bad idea.

Your store will be robbed constantly, niggers will destroy and vandalize everything, and the only people that willing to work there will be niggers who are every bit as unreliable and lazy as you'd imagine.

t. worked in a churches in a ghetto

Middle class ghettos, you know where there are lots of blacks, but they at least have some common sense.

My technical level? College classical/jazz. Numerous years playing different insturments. Dude listen, I do all this on my laptops. It's not a studio, just something I have for when I need to record for an audition or need a backing track to practice. And as for a sample? Buy any mix tape from a nig in a walmart parking lot, it's all the same. Simple rhythmic bass heavy tunes with a splash of piano or whatever. Try it man, guarantee you can do it

Thanks. Don't do it to much any more. No need

So you're good with the musical side, but I was asking about your skills with DAW and such.

I've been making electronic music for a few years now, but I'm nowhere near pro level, and making a few bucks extra with it despite my lack of skills would be nice.

Don't know what DAW is.

Dude I go into a interface to pro tools. Simple, clean, cheap. Don't let guitar center cuck you into a full blown studio. No need for it now days

This was wildly underappreciated

A DAW is a "Digital Audio Workstation" (a software that allows you to do things you would otherwise need actual studio equipment for), like for example FL Studio, Ableton, and Pro Tools.

Here's some old stuff (I'm a bit better now, but I don't know exactly how much since I haven't done an actual song since):
https:// soundcloud . com / same le um
(remove spaces).
Would it be good enough, or do I need to work on some aspects more?

Hey user, shit's pretty decent. I was wondering if you have any page to check out your new stuff

Thanks man. I really appreciate it.
If I ever put out something new it's going to be either there or on my YouTube: SamE le um

Your stuff is good. "Late" was really cool. I don't know who you'd sell it to though.
When it comes to nigs, it's gonna have to be simpler. Look at "whip and nay nay" or whatever the fuck it's called. Not alot going on musically. Just look at the one hit wonders, that's what everyone is looking for.

>tweak your sound
>dumb it down

If you don't wanna deal with craigslist. Go to vinyl shops that sell rap. Talk to dudes looking at rap, tell them you make beats

I'm literally a musician that heard that one soulja boy song and thought "fuck, I can do that".

>Your stuff is good. "Late" was really cool. I don't know who you'd sell it to though.
Thank you. It means a lot (too bad I literally forgot to set the piano's velocity and timing because I was late on the deadline I set myself, so it sounds totally artificial).
These songs aren't made for sale. They're just exercises for me to get better.
If I had to sell beats, I would make new stuff (or at most recycle some older parts).

I'll keep your pointers in mind, thank you very much.
I'll just have to change a couple of things since I'm Europoor, but I think it'll be pretty easy to find a few alternatives.

Reflection is gr8 user. wouldn't expect to find something like this in Veeky Forums

Oh snap, euro poor you say?

>make Edm
>get booked at small house parties

Wow, thank you.
If you want something, they're all downloadable here:

Yeah, I was thinking of getting into DJing, but that's a step I'm leaving for when I actually make serious music (and maybe be signed to some label), since here (Italy) we don't really have house parties like in America, due to everyone living in apartments.

The further I listen, the more I like user. Basic is dope af. It's not the same radio shit you hear everyday, but it's also not to complex for non-musician fucktards to understand

Thanks user. If you're not fucking with me, your words are really motivational.
If you are, then don't tell me kek

Would kill to go busking in Italy. Eat so much spaghetti I would be spaghetti.


def not fucking with you. Actually produce some shit myself, trying to get an EP together to actually get into music Veeky Forums

Ah, that's cool.
What genre/type?


From personal observations of my travels in the South, in ghettos the nicest lot is often the local Chick Fil A.

Trying to make some type of electro/deep house, very experimental shit.

Sounds interesting.
Do you have a SoundCloud or something like that?

Not yet, always kept my practice beats to friends and me. I've been more concentraded in making music than actually finding a way to promote haha

No Time Vol. 4 is fucking good user. damn.

That's very wise my friend.
I did the same too. Besides me, my friends, and the /r/edmproduction weekly meetup (I strongly suggest you to try it and specifically ask for feedback. It's VERY helpful), almost nobody knows about my songs.

I think it's better this way, since when you're an amateur you're probably not going to gain anything by showing your work to people, and when you actually do get better, some of them might remember your old sub-par stuff and think less of you, resulting in them thinking you're still shit and having a negative bias or even not listening to your new stuff at all.

I'd say, show it only in occasions where you can learn something, until you're objectively sure it's on par with what's being successfully sold, and then start actually thinking about selling it. Until then IMO it's better to just focus on getting better.

I'm glad you like it user. I was actually debating myself wether to upload it or not, since I had "no time 4" working on it (hence the name), and it came out produced very poorly.

Pretty much the reason I haven't put anything on the internet. My buddies have pretty good taste in music imo so their feedback is good enough for me.
Grew out of the fear of my shit not being good enough for everybody else, that's why I decided to start working in an actual project on the side.

I'd actually like to start building up a small circle of people from all around that actually know more so they could also give me feedback.

I'll probably post it on Soundcloud when I'm done. just paste /avo23.

That's good man.
Reminds me of some video/lecture that KSHMR made where he said that when he was in the producer duo "The Cataracs" he had a collaborator whose job was to just smoke weed and hang out with him while he produced so he could interrupt him and tell him "yo bro, that's fucking tight!" or "cut that shit man, it's whack" or stuff like that.

Or that how LMFAO had a group of party girls in the back of the studio, so if they got up and started dancing, it would mean that the song is catchy and ready for its target audience kek.

I don't use Soundcloud except for uploading the songs and logging off, so following you would be useless, but I'll set up an ifttt or something to get notified when you upload something.

This one if you're interested:
Not exactly as I remember it, but pretty much the point is there.

kek, never really heard of it. shoot me an email maybe?

What do you mean?

>Veeky Forums actually teaching each other something and having a useful conversation

Well now, this isn't something you see every day.

As someone living in Germany I'd recommend starting a small business and hiring refugees. Something like building cleaning can be learned pretty quickly and you can pay them below minimum wage. All you need is the equipment and one guy who can speak your language and Arabic or w/e. That guy will be responsible to oversee the other employees and make sure they don't fuck up or steal shit. It's going to be easy to land contracts, because you can offer good deals and your clients can pretend they're doing something to support the immigrants. Maybe you can even get your hands on government subsidies.

no one pushes your faggy rubber pads anymore user


Whites are the true people of color. We have red hair, blond hair, light brown hair, white hair. In many different shades.
WHITE PEOPLE are the most diverse looking race.
All the other races are just brown all over.

>since here (Italy)
Oooo nigga where you at in Italy?
Facciamo il business conosco gente


All those.....centuries of mutation, the rain.

That's not how genetics work


didnt read all this /pol/ shit but cell phones, unironically

for some reason, middle east and india love their cell phones. iirc they have better coverage and more phones per capita than some western nations even though not every city has clean running water

also BMWs, open a beamer dealership and you'll roll in abdul stacks

I write and record shoegaze but I'm too ashamed to clean it up and put it online. Oh well.

>/pol/ shit
>implying that you have to be a /pol/ack to notice that the world is being overrun with non-whites

I know this is a day late but that's some good shit user, keep it up

Basic after the drop at 1:36 to 2:07 is pro level. It has some real emotion in it. Listened to it a while on loop

General advice: Try to put some 'mistakes' in your timing. Do something with the grid manually. I usually take drum hits and make them early/late by the tiniest bit. Or just record the percussion by hand with a launchpad or something. Make it feel REAL and get some anger into it

Wow, thanks for the kind words Anons.

>General advice: Try to put some 'mistakes' in your timing. Do something with the grid manually. I usually take drum hits and make them early/late by the tiniest bit. Or just record the percussion by hand with a launchpad or something. Make it feel REAL and get some anger into it
You're 100% right. One of the things I like the least about my music is that it's too "robotic" and doesn't feel natural. The problem is that fixing this is more of a polishing and finetuning thing that I leave for the end when I have time, but I had a time managment problem and ended up rushing everything just to meet the deadline I gave myself, so I at least had a complete song to upload.
Next time I make a song it probably won't have a deadline, so I'll surely do what you're suggesting (plus velocity, "grooves", etc).

>also BMWs, open a beamer dealership and you'll roll in abdul stacks
They get together in groups of 2-4 guys and lease one car that they share. You're not gonna make much money off them.

I fucking dying right now

Not to mention collecting insurence when they fucking burn it all the time

I chuckled. Its true too

No shit. I keep waiting for beatsbro to be like, trolled! Shoulda bought my (insert shitcoin here) that i made in my moms basement

Maybe because they blow them all up

No lol

Don't sell new BMWs they can't afford it. But if you open a mechanic/dealership that focuses on selling and servicing used BMWs in an ethnic area you will make tonnes.

>Buy busted up BMWs and get them running
>Arabs who want to be cool will pay 8k for a 1998 3 series you bought for 2k and spent 1k in labour and parts to repair
>When it breaks they will come back to you to service it or trade up
>offer sharia loans

Hire Persians to be your sales guys, they hate Arabs and have no compunctions about ripping people off.

Mid range sneak emphasizing the urban trodder

Market to browns and wiggers

Hire some Chinese factory to make a batch

Do a pop-up shop here and there to establish bran presence

Sell primarily online and hire local couriers