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please stop posting lewd images of my daughterfu

Rope and disconnect every shadow player

Diversity is the code word for elf genocide!

Stop elf genocide now!

Here was the deck that won last night

For game to be balanced Zell should cost 3 or 4pp, Prince of catacombs should cost shadows to activate it's effect and Tarnished grail last word should change cost of cards it gives to zero

Since you're all such skillful Masters players, post your best deck featuring this card.

And you can exist, go farm shadow shitters.





She's old enough to be your great grandmother.

Meant to link to:

Reminder that this is the worst meta the game has ever had by a huge margin and Cygames are just as bad at game design as Team 5

>muligan against haven
>full hand of removals
shitty game always does this

Post the other one


What do TCG nerds use to make their casual contraband decks these days anyway?

New leaders when?

Are for lewd.

Grimnir goes in every deck. Because unless you're a tightly designed combo deck, why would you not play Grimnir?

>play against dragon
>7pp saha+israfil
>kill saha
>8pp saha+israfil
>kill saha
>9pp Israfil+evo
seriously fucking needs to destroy the follower at the end of the turn not return it to the fucking hand

She must have had a lot of sex then.

Too slow for aggro shadow/aggro blood.

They really need to stop printing core neutral cards. I'm sick of seeing the same neutral cards in every other match.

Also elana should give follower wards and themis should be 5pp and banish desu

It should put them back randomly inside their deck.

They should nerf him. I don't care how and I don't even care if they make him unplayable. Fucking why would you print a card that is super good in every deck?

>killing saha
You monster

My favorite part about Saha is how she completely rendered limited EP pointless. Ten out of fucking ten design. Just keep rushing all game fucking faggot.


Anyone have a forest deck list that uses elf queen? I pulled two and I'm not sure what I should use them for. Never made a forest deck, but I have a couple of its staple legends and golds.

Saha should cause you to automatically concede when you play her

Jesus christ all these fucking horrible post im glad cygames never listened to any of you fucks

Except it can't. Just stop posting, it's embarrassing.

There are a lot of "hard turn count" caps on the game, Satan for one. Nep as well, though you can banish the Morde. Aegis is unaffetable but its also slower than Satan and Nep buy 1-2 turns and still gets slowed down by wards. Kaguya also stops it dead in it's tracks.

This is the list I used to climb to masters. Last time I posted it people said that barrage was dead in the Dragon matchup so it shouldn't be in, but if ourguy last night proved anything, you don't need to tech cards against dragon when they just fold to your standard combos.

The followers I run are fairly standard. Some lists run Yulius but I find that he doesn't do enough to stop Shadow and is completely dead against Dragon. Some lists also don't run Baphomet but I think they're retarded because Baphomet helps you get your turn 4 vengeance more consistently. Vampiric Kiss is also in a lot of lists but I've never needed the heal that badly so try it out yourself.

need a concede please

Because the fucking kikes want you to feel the squeeze in your wallet the longer you didn't draw him while losing to him. That's why they keep making such bullshit neutrals

Wait a week or two for better forest lists to mature. They're working on it.

Elf Queen is currently played as a 1-of in most Forest decks.

You only want one in your deck because she eats your shadows. Just find a wolfbolt list and replace it with one of the lion.

Saha isn't even that good in this meta.

The bleeding edge

>people complain about saha now

Shadow is extremely unfun right now. Their opener is impossible to beat.

>Aegis is unaffetable but its also slower than Satan and Nep buy 1-2 turns and still gets slowed down by wards.
You shouldn't lie to people like that. Wards are shit against the deck


Gas every single one of them. I mean, rope every single one of them.

They should nerf her. I don't care how and I don't even care if they make her unplayable. Fucking why would you print a card that is super good in every deck?

Veight leader when?

Shadow was literally never fun. They've always been a super frustrating class to play against. Now that they're top tier cancer you'd have to pay me to play ranked


She doesn't hit my face so she is ok in my book. Also aggro doesn't run her, and forest never run her.

>Comparing a 2 drop with a usually irrelevant effect and typical stats to a 3 drop ward that essentially wins you the game in the late-game
There's a big difference between the power level of Unica and Grimnir

Wards are not a counter against Aegis but they can slow it down long enough to give you a chance to go for lethal. The whole point of the game after Aegis is played is to win before the other guy and if you put even one 2pp ward down that can mean the difference between life or death.

If you aren't racing to the finish after Aegis is played then you're doing it wrong. Just like wards are relatively shit against Satan because they can Dis over it, that doesn't mean that ward can't slow them down in case they draw a Raider instead.

The shitter sub-AA rank mentality is trying to counter aegis instead of looking at it for what it is, a timer that you've got to race against. If your deck can't win by turn 10+ then you deserve to lose to Aegis.

>Implying every deck use her.

Only certain controlcucks use her.

In my opinion catacomb would be completely fine and balanced, if the craft didn't have orthrus to follow up next turn and snowball to victory.
Orthrus is the strongest reason why shadow has such a high winrate by going first, nothing that is played with 3pp or less can survive orthrus' tempo swing. You gain massive board control and simply won't let go.

Grimmir is way above the fucking curve, you'd need some serious mental gymnastic to say otherwise.
The only other 3pp 2/3 ward in the game is soccer mom, a class legendary.

Thanks. I don't think I have the vials/stuff to melt to make wolfbolt but roach may be possible if I buy the forest prebuilt.

This one runs two queens. Is it that bad an idea? Odds are you aren't drawing both in one game and late game healing seems pretty valuable.

not even nearly as bad as grimnir

In my opinion shadowcraft needs to be banished from this game. 6 crafts are enough.

Give me one (1) reason why Catacomb shouldn't cost 4pp.

Midrange Shadow "Midrange Necro" - 58.8% Win Rate

Storm Dragon "Dragon Running" - 58% Win Rate

Storm Blood "Sparrow Vampire" - 55.1% Win Rate

Silverbolt White Wolf "White Silver Elven" - 55.1% Win Rate

Aggro Sword "Agro Royale" - 54.8% Win Rate

Aggro Blood "Aggro Vampire" - 52.8% Win Rate; included in case Sparrow Vampire isn't what I think it is

Storm Haven "Running Bishop" - 50.5%

Aggro Rune "Agrowitch" - 47.5%

>aggro, storm, storm, stall otk, aggro, aggro, storm, aggro
>it if doesn't hit face the turn its played, its useless
Nice meta, shadowbabs. A fun gameplay experience for all.

That's not what I'm talking about you Aegis cocksucker.
In what world does ward slow down Aegis?
They ALWAYS have grimnir/tribunal/baha/themis. I have never had a single ward successfully slow down Aegis. Maybe I'm just unlucky but it doesn't fucking work. When Aegis comes down you have to win that turn or you lose, don't even pretend you can actually stall them.

>Wards are not a counter against Aegis but they can slow it down long enough to give you a chance to go for lethal.
Just Themis bro.

Cygames still wants pedophiles to play their game.

>He wants the Seraph meta to come back.

>Prince Catacomb
>3pp 1/1
>Give "Last Word: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton" to 2 random allied followers.
Can't choose himself obviously.

>seraph meta
You mean Albert meta, right? Because even ER smashed seraph.

Nah, just delete Haven instead. We don't need a class that stalls and spams removals all game till they can drop their win button.

4pp is evo country. You can't afford him at that point and he also doesn't combo on t5 either. That'd kill him.

>Prince Catacomb
>3pp 1/1
>Fanfare: Dust every gold and legendary in your collection (including those in your deck), then give "Last Word: Summon a 1/1 skeleton" to all allied followers
Seems like a fair price to me

better would be
>Prince Catacomb
>3pp 1/1
>Necromancy(2) "give all your followers Last Word: Summon a 1/1 Skeleton"

>I never played during DE the post

Either way that poster is a faggot. Haven meta was the worst in the game. Storm Haven was fine but Elana was just the most garbage deck to play against.

Do you think Grimnir would be played less if he didn't have his enhance? A vanilla 2/3 ward for 3 is still very valuable. His enhance is infurating and unnecessary, but even if they nerf him, they won't change his stats. I don't like the card, but I don't think they will nerf him.

At least I can storm the haven to victory. Shadow decks just play themselves, they don't even need the player's input, so it might as well not exist.

>Storm Blood "Sparrow Vampire"

>That'd kill him
Oh no and we'd NEVER want that to happen. How horrible!

Wow, you need to choose between killing enemy followers or make your board sticky instead of being able to do both.

>Shadow decks just play themselves, they don't even need the player's input, so it might as well not exist.
Same goes for whatever deck that you play so might as well just delete it.

Is this where we're at? Where Storm Haven players get to pretend their deck isn't a brainless autopilot deck as well? Despite being the premiere play on curve and hit face deck of DE?

What are the chances that KYS blood will become king of the meta after cygames guts shadow?
Not even the current dragon can resist them and their winrate is only held down by luna.

Yeah, bird haven is the only deck where haven actually plays the game.

I remember guardian sun release haven with card that made the cards use hp instead of attack.

>if it doesn't hit face the turn it's played you lose to removal + Aegis/Orobro
Seem s right.


If any of our forest friends want to bully dragon, this deck went 17 wins 0 losses vs them. Goes 50/50 vs Shadow.

Need a concede

Nerfing Catacomb to 4PP is the correct nerf and it WILL happen. Star this fuckboy while you can.

That would actually be pretty ok.
makes going first dropping him on t3 for buff inmpossible.

Yes, now the play aria into dogma and bird into birdman deck is one of the most skillful decks.


I refuse to play it out of principle. Might sub it with AE and try it out though.


Are you the same guy whining every thread just because you lost to a boardclear against Haven? Yes, wards can work. Yes, they might not have a board clear.

If they still have every answer by the time they played Aegis you got outplayed and didn't put enough pressure on to force those cards to be used early. And sometimes you still lose but thats ok because Aegis needs a way to win too. The deck has a completely average win rate in Masters because people know how to play around it and know how to play against it. Again, if your deck doesn't have a wincon by turn 10 then you deserve to lose. And that includes board wipes. Albert, zell, Laura, Azrael otk, Shadow refilling the board, roach/wolfbolt, dshift, every craft has a way to win past the Aegis timing and well before.

And in case you didn't get it, I don't even play Haven, see the deck list I posted for more details.

That's a meme for a reason.

It already has 3 AE's you blind fuck.

Thanks for the help, Soh.

I'm doing the same, every time I netdeck something I replace Grimnir with another card.

>I refuse to play it out of principle
I used think like a faggot like you, but then I learned winning was fun.

Reminder that /svg/ called Catacomb a worse Chimera and then proceeded to jerk off over Lightning Blast.

>That's a meme for a reason.
No it isn't. Haven players legit hold at least 1 Themis in their hand to use after Aegis hit the board. Coupled with the dozen of removals, Aegis will go face every time.

>Not expanding your board by 1 and adding 1 skeleton to all followers for each gold and 5 for each lego
If they weren't such a pain to get, a consumable mechanic would be neat as fug

Pretty likely. It's just too strong.

They tried that for 3 metas. They couldn't keep a board, keep a hand, and do anything with said board.

>Alternate art AE

Ops I missed that. Forget about it then.

Good job blizzard, you killed it.

i agree, people will still run him in every deck because he's a neutral 3p 2/3 ward. I would even say his enhance effect isn't nearly as bullshit as his inherent card value

>tfw I literally haven't vialed any tempest cards while I wait for the first wave of card changes
I'm ready user

>play vs dragon
>turn 4 cavalier, 5 israphil, 6 forte evolve, 7 sahabahazell ded
What exactly am I supposed to do? Play haven and drop hard removal every turn?