/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

>MHXX News
Update 1.1 w/ Eng Patch v2.1: my.mixtape.moe/bkbjso.png
English Patch Project: gbatemp.net/threads/465296/
MHGen to MHX Save Transfer: pastebin.com/Z1PPuX5F
Ping's Dex and Kiranico now support XX.

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243
In XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集 (page 1, middle right)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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I love it when a new soundtrack comes out. For G Rank games you generally get some of the new tracks in the form of a 'Hunting Music Collection', which may feature some remastered tracks.

Released today: Hunting Music Collection XX
FLAC - mediafire.com/?5g5cjdlr7bzg9mh
MP3 - mediafire.com/?3kl1ffdc5vcc7vo

Thanks @everyone who helped with refining translations. I've included some decent scans. Enjoy.

P.S. this release is really good, but be sure to check out 2015's amazing 2xCD album if you actually haven't yet. mediafire.com/?ec6bu3pxm8g9dk4



how do you avoid: his instand death scream?

his fucking I roll over you and you die fuck?

L i t e r a l l y E Z °¬°b

That's part of what makes the Tri soundtrack so good. Whoever composed it wasn't afraid to go all over the place and make really deep compositions layered with all kinds of stuff. The transition from 3rd gen to 4th gen was like someone accidentally put the percussion section in a different room and half the orchestra called in sick. There's no floor, no bass to back up the melody, and it makes the tracks feel like they have no energy to them. So many battle themes start out like they're going to build into something good, and then the bottom falls out and you're left wondering where all the energy went.

Then you have tracks like The Ship Has Arrived that take it to another level: youtube.com/watch?v=B6lvI0fxMeA


its the only game with good content and balance but everyone fucking shits on it...... why do casual 3ubabies think they can make fun of purple cave rajang gq? they wouldnt know good game design if it hit them in the face

inb4 "b-but muh fun" fun is a buzzword to hide behind wanting to be pacified

Nah man, sure, Tri/3U's all over the place tone worked great for all the other OSTs but it just doesn't work with PoH, if I used a more particular wording for how I feel, it sucked shit and I enjoyed Tri/3U's OST so much

Akantor is basically a big slow Tigrex

His giant scream can be avoided by getting the fuck away, since Akantor will take like 3 seconds to stand up before roaring. Plent of time to run

>Be Kaname Fujioka
>Get a job on a JRPG about kids brainwashing monsters with magic rocks
>Surprised when it flops while Animeshit Spinoff is a runaway success
>To rub salt to the wound, said monster from Animeshit Spinoff appears as DLC(shocking, I know)
Ichinose won the 2nd Generation with FU
Ichinose also won in the 3rd Generation with P3rd, with an honor of having 5 million sales
Ichinose won YET again in the 4th Generation with the X/XX spinoff, despite salesfags declaring the series dead in the water

It is clear that Arts and Styles are here to stay, as so do monster designs like Valfalk. Don't like them? Stick to your Guild Style+No Arts, problem solved. Better yet, go replay 3U for 15000th time.

3Ubaby here, I like MHXX way the fuck more than I liked MH4U. You're preaching to the choir there. It's 4Ubabies that can't stop crying about
>m-muh anime

>モンスターハンターダブルクロス 17/03/18 65,672 1,322,152



t. casual kids who couldn't bother learning black gravios because of their ADHD


I like MHXX because it's easier lmao

t. casual kid who can't complete a hunt without a full party of four hunters online

Call me when you can actually solo Black Diablos.

I hate fighting Raths

Spam water CB ultra?

I like XX because it's fun lmao

I dont fight shit monsters kid

I hate fighting gen1 monsters

I hate fighting monsters

Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the Heaven's Mount next wednesday.

I'll post a happening on that day if I can survive.

So long, fellow hunters.

Sorry @ the current /mhg/ room

My internet cut out and I'm on phone now

I hate MHXX/gen not because it's "anime" but because most hunter arts and styles are imbalanced and half assed
transmog was a retarded decision when frontier already did fashion slots
evasion arts make the game too easy and adept almost invalidates evasion skills
hypers are such a weak attempt at replicating frenzy and would be better if black spots were alway 45+ hitzones or something so the actual fight would change a little I don't know, would also compensate for the annoying amount of health hypers have
game looks worse than 3U and 4U
2 new actual maps, wow! pathetic
then they bring back some of the worst possible maps from previous games and place 3-4 conga and apceros in every zone

Still fun, but with a lot more "god that's so annoying I don't want to do that" than other games because of all the half assed nostalgia pandering. 4U had this issue too but not as bad.


I LOVE Monster Hunter

>hunt gravios
>hunt black gravios
>hunt two gravios
>hunt frenzy gravios
>hunt gravios and black gravios
>hunt two frenzy black gravios

tritards dont know how much content they're missing out on enjoy underwater lol!

Monster Hunter!

holy shit masterlinkx is like relay good, he didnt even cart to a high rank kutku, and when we fought a level 10 he only carted once.
how do i become more like him

he's actually a legit player though

one of the best in /mhg/ the only problem I see is that he litearlly only uses CB like a fucking autist

how do i fuck my dog as good as masterlinkx does

>not Advanced
You done fucked up user

shut up faggot we all know he sucks and uses derogatory shit to inflate himself

10 years of Monster Hunter Frontier

I only hunted with him once and it was g1-5 deviant diablos and he consistently knocked the thing out and didn't die once, hunts went real fast.

No idea where this meme came from.

>not being a complete casual makes you the best hunter
its because he isnt that good man he just doesnt be a scrub.
your either rely bad or him so either way shut the fuck up faggot

is it time to shit on tritards and 3ubabbs now?
>shit and easy roster
>introduced exhaust
>monster ai is fucking trash (huge telegraphed attacks when they do attack, most times they just run away like bitches and waste time)
>all those rotating "advanced" quests
>charm tables
>no end game
>50 base defense

purple cave

4th gen speed increase fixed a ton of 3rd gen monsters, looking at that HH run against brachy the other day was weird because he was so fucking slow.

>tfw have 3 different Esurient XR Head, Helm and Arms for different transmog
>all need to be fully upgraded
>need even more for the gunner versions
>have been fighting Hyper Jho 20 times straight

Alright anons, have you downloaded my song yet?
Its worth the bandwidth usage.

That definitely is a factor in what makes 3U so comfy. It was really focused on entertaining impact users with probably the most balanced head hitting out of any title. As an impact main however I do appreciate 4th gen for the challenge. It really helped me up my game, but it is almost to the point where it sends HH and Hammer to the bottom of several tier lists.

Gunsword when?

*shakes behind you*

shall we continue the longtime tradition of shitting on fu grandpas?
>garbage roster roster(12 chicken reskins carried over from the worst game)
>monster ai is even worse than tri and is heavily biased towards gs and hammer
>literally unplayable without earplugs because you get 1shot if you get roarstunned
>1-frame attacks thats prevalent in the entire roster
>constant trip damage makes sns/dbs fucking useless
>the grandpas' definition of ultimate challenge is a grandpa dragon(rofl) that can go into shitzone mode
pic related: a grandpa who used fu to cope with the bullying back in high school

She's always watching you

Whoa MHX looks like shit





He is watching you too

I'm waiting to download your doujinshi


GH hates Frontier with a passion

Does he hate its gameplay or business model?


he's a tribabby

His daughter screaming Jho Ceana was pretty funny tbqhwyfam




I love the series as much as anyone, but how do you stop yourself from getting bored by essentially playing the same game for years?


Unlocked Turns: 60-7566-2197-1040

By not playing the same game for years.

Try different weapons, try to master a single monster, speedrunning, custom quests

>essentially playing the same game for years?
lmao are you blanche?
you play the game for 2-3 months, then play other shit the next 1.5 years until the next MH comes

people here don't play the game, just shitpost about it

When should I take skills into consideration when choosing armor? Should I wait for endgame?

if only the huntresses didn't have the same man body build that hasn't changed since fu

i hope to god mh5 actually updates some of the fucking assets for once and not just put in a bunch of useless particle effects

>2-3 months
lol wat a drone
1 month tops or 100 hours, whichever is first.


If you want to get to endgame quickly, you can take skills into account from the beginning.
If you're new or don't care, whatever you want.

Fuck off with your normalfag memes

Ok thanks

p-pls hunt with me

There's always new things in new games. Sometimes new maps, new monsters, new skills or armors, new mechanics etc. I main DBs and as of XX there's now 5 new ways to use them with styles. And of course there's so much other content, I haven't touched gunning other than making a Seregios bow set in 4U, I could easily sink a few dozen hours learning how to HBG

What are the 5 new ways?


I've commited to looking forward to every new monster since Dos. It was a simpler time back then.

is aerial hammer good?
played it yesterday while pushing a friend through key quests and it was pretty fun

>it was fun
then play it nigga


I think you answered your own question

okay thank you my men

lol you like zamtrios too?


Post >yfw you didn't fall for the Mantis meme

>yfw you didn't fall for the mantis meme

>tfw no Blanche to drag into Superhunts with

>tfw no one to drag on any hunts with

i'm so alone...

Just how many of these are there?

Monster Eggs for the Switch!

Missing Murder Death Diablos and Napalm Fire

Animeshit ruined mh

mh ruined my life

i thought element was a meme?!?!

Animeshit ruins s m h

>tfw like Zamitros for different reasons

>brave bow sucks
back to guild

MH anime is ruined