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1st for Achilles by thread #400

You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #300!
The featured map is "Sandbox"

>Previous 50 threads
#299 - ITT We Discuss Halo #298 - Scorpio Specs #297 - /hg/tage #296 - Main Menu #295 - Hunter Leader Inbound
#294 - All Systems Critical
#293 - Failure
#292 - Kinsano
#291 - Hayabusa
#290 - I Want to Believe
#289 - Implying
#288 - Re-Write
#287 - Place Your Bets IV
#286 - Exploration
#285 - Warthog Rush
#284 - Let 'Volir
#283 - Dinos Playing Hoop
#282 - Standard
#281 - Halo Wars 2
#280 - Ultimate
#279 - Early Access
#278 - War of Wits
#277 - Imminent Hexagons
#276 - Soon
#275 - Never Forget
#274 - Opinions
#273 - Halo Wars is the only good Halo
#272 - Definitive
#271 - Blitz
#270 - Inauguration
#269 - Also on PC
#268 - Halo Wars
#267 - LOL Cards XD
#266 - Pulse
#265 - An Image for Drones
#264 - 2017
#263 - New Years Eve
#262 - Golden Shee
#261 - Christmas
#260 - 20 Pounds of Pussy and Ass
#259 - Betrayed by the Euros
#258 - Scripting
#257 - Place Your Bets III
#256 - Monitor's Bounty
#255 - Wrath of Balaho
#254 - Finish the Fight
#253 - New Friends
#252 - Baby Chief
#251 - Primoridal will Never be in a Game

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Based map for a based thread

So is the Installation 01 demo actually out?

>So is the Installation 01 demo actually out?
Seems so.


>Saves muh Forge World for #200
>Saves babby's first Forge canvas for #300
Let me guess, you played a lot of fat kid and other dumb shit on samey-looking Forge maps when you were 12?

I'm actually glad 343 doesn't listen to community feedback that much because it would no doubt be dominated by 3babbies such as yourself.

Whats your problem autist


Jesus Christ, did Halo 3 rape your parents or something?

>still taking the bait
last /hg/ thread for me. Hope the rest of you let it die after this one

Fucking hell its just a map you sad cunt, glad to see this thread is off to a good start. Muh 3babbies

See you tomorrow

Sandbox is a fun map

Posting explosion mage

Was the college the only actual thing that's gonna be done for thread #300?

Does anyone even play halo in this general?

Just notify me who the 3 shitposters are and I will swiftly see to it that they are removed from the Company

Damn straight

Unknown Kai, I A Mclovin177, and Lemmingscanfly

>ywn play protect the president again

MTN DEW VOLTAGE, Sigmund82, Tabris The 17th

Shitposting is a talent that none of you have.

It's dog

I didn't think he meant list the actual shitposters user

The only shitposting you could accuse tabris of is not liking Halo 3, but he's welcome to his opinion

Yeah but its fucking wrong.

The Enduring Conviction gets blown up and the enemy can still use glassing beam in the next mission

Of course he is welcome to his opinion but there is no need to be so loud and autistic about it, he's even worse than the 4 shitposters

Meant for

>people who don't like my favorite game are WRONG!
Fucking 3 babies

>"3 babies"

Normal people
>hey guys, I kind of liked Halo 4, it had some fun bits
>yeah, I can see where you're coming from, but I still thought the OT was better

>hey guys, I kind of liked Halo 4, it had some fun bits


>3 babies
>not babbies

If you're gonna use the term at least be correct.

>normal people
>"hey guys I kind of liked Halo 4"

Normal (adjective)
- conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected.

I don't know who you're referring to when you say people liked Halo 4, but it's certainly not the "normal" or majority group. Everything we know about the way the game was recieved backs this up.

t. Not a 3babby, just a NORMAL person.

It's rare I get to see such thorough ass whoopings these days.
Well fucking done, sir


Jack season 5 is some of, if not the best animated anything I've ever seen.
So glad to see it catching on.

You uh, might want to check your reading comprehension, user.
After you do that, you might realize the context was pointing at the second portion of each, as the first was a copy.

Which game had the best Forerunner architecture and why was it Halo 2: Anniversary?

H2A has the best anything, period

You stopped reading at the first line didn't you, autismo

It did not have the best Cortana design

You're right, that was halo 4

Just making a point that's all. The idea that Halo 4 consistently gets brought up in some positive light by "normal" people and not an overwhelmingly negative one is a false narrative. Plain and simple. It's one thing I'd you like 4. Hell, I like 4. I think the narrative is underappreciated and the modding scene provided for some truly memerable fun times. But I'm not going to play history revisionist and pretend I'm not part of a small minority.

>implying any of you are more or less autistic and bias than anyone else
Bungiefags, 343 shills, whatever. You're all equally cancerous.

This might be the most enlightening post in the history of /hg/

>just making a point
>nevermind that it's obvious I only read one sentence and ignored the point the post tried to make while at the same time proving its point
Don't you ever respond to me again

Actually, it's the final sentence that implies that implies that only in /hg/ will you find such a knee-jerk reaction to Halo 4 being brought up, and the counterpoint being made is that that's not true. It's like that pretty much anywhere.

Even if he's only responding to the first sentence, his point stands. Most people don't even feel somewhat fond or forgiving to Halo 4. You were wrong, user.

I don't think I'd ever get *autistic screeching* from talking to some guys in college about it

Fair enough

Holy shit we actually reached equilibrium.

This is like winning the lottery.
Just leave it.

Quick! Somebody talk about something else!

>first example shows understanding that people have different opinions and accepts that, while mentioning that it is his held opinion that the other games were superior
>second example shows textbook ghgg autistic screeching, evidenced by a lack of understanding that opinions are subjective and that due to their autistic tendencies, cannot accept that people have different opinions
Anybody have that autism picture about ice cream flavors?

God ducking Damn it user.
We were so close

Aaaaaaaaaaaand he just couldn't leave it without his last word.
Most autistic base goes to the 4shills I guess.

Seriously man, go fuck yourself. I don't give a shit about your dumb argument, but for once we had something seemingly finished on its own terms and you just couldn't contain your novel and 2 sequels of greentext.

Maybe it's my fault. I should know better than to expect more from this place.

Go Quack yourself, m8

Who here smell mobile-posting autist?

Fresh on the scent!

So this is what the Scorpio dev kits look like.
The final build that consumers get could be similar, though not necessarily.




It's almost noon, you hingeheaded fuck.

>what are different time zones

Decent size.

So are we playing Halo as celebration tonight or what?

Yeah that sounds good.
Let's get a lobby going. 8PM eastern time zone sound good?

Well i think that's a good time in general but i might join a bit later. Just remember to post in the thread if there's a session going.

I'm disappointed /hg/, is this the best you can do?

>doesn't give 10/10 and Recon to the ones that are clearly Bungie Favorites

>random spartans sprinting gets 8 and 8.5
>blasting out of the sun and chain gunning gets 6.5 and below
This has to be bait

>Just an 8
You wound me user


>simple gets low scares
Fuck off, flashy fag

What shit opinions

Credible Reviews coming through

Halo will never be great again

This is actually correct. Are you me?

>stay at home Dad
The best life

>tfw as a PC player you will never finish the fight

I still haven't played H3/Reach/4/5 etc.


You can play the good bits of 5 on PC, though


>You can play the good bits of 5 on PC, though
True, although it can be a Hassel to get friends together to play. PC players are surprisingly lazy.

Of course, it's tiring being superior

Is yeem /ourguy/?

>300 threads
>16 months
>3 company leaders
>1 Halo General
Who /patriotic/ today? We made it!

Lower Kai to like a 3 and it's fine. It's just him standing there, doing fuck all. Even Sigmund's was at least the match-end pose.


I'm starting to believe no real challenge exists out there

I'm pretty sure taking a decent picture is a challenge you have yet to surmount.

There's no screenshotting on 360 and my TV reflects quite well. If I took a direct pic, you'd see me clear as day... and we can't be having that now can we?

Nonsense, I'm sure you're gorgeous

Post dick

Which one is ka-
Oh, the one wearing achilles.

>the one that was on middle right was moved to top right
>it was replaced by a copy that is less interesting

In the final pic, top left is on Empire sprinting to the right, and top right is on Eden sprinting to the left.

TL;DR poetry

Wouldn't it be more poetry if the machine gun one and the top left were swapped then?