Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
reminder that sfv is straight fucking dogshit lmaooo
Reminder that SFV is still a good game at its core and season 3 will fix literally and absolutely everything.
fighting games reanimated my love for vidya
trying new genres is fun
how do i deal with defensive players as birdie? people playing keepaway by chugging projectiles at me all day really fucks my shit up
all my anti projectile stuff is so fucking slow that they can avoid and punish it on reaction (chain, leap grab) and my jump arc is abysmal
If you cant figure that out on your own, you shouldnt be playing grapplers
I'm from the future. 2023 to be exact.
Street Fighter 6 Season 2 will fix literally everything.
hard reads & commitment
not as dull as your predictable shitposting
Patience and walk em to the corner. I'm not a Birdie player, but everyone has at least three options: Forward jump, neutral jump and block. Use these until they have no room to move. At this point, most players will break.
There won't be a season 2 of SF6 because they'll have moved back to the Super re-release model by then
who cares with 10f jabs 2bh
So if nobody cares about Tekken's huge input delay doesn't that mean that Tekken has no footsies to worry about
tekken framedata is different from sf. 8f input lag when the fastest move is 10f isn't the same as 8f input lag where the fastest move is 2-3f
still wish it was lower though
im finally teaching myself to not touch my dick while browsing these threads
Tekken having big input delay is nothing new
Buy Karin's game!
I've been able to resist the ichi for 3 weeks now and I feel great.
anyone marvel pc eu?
Invite me
And yet not many people call them out on their bullshit. At least Tag 2 input delay was the same on both console and arcade IIRC.
Oh fuck sorry I forgot to give out my steamid
Add me as friend: lmaoooooooooo
Play blazblonde.
Play Jive
Christ I hope the PC version is better.
I do
Did this input lag meme start with Jive?
Maybe i'm old but I feel zero difference between SFIV, KI, SFV etc
I press a button and the attack instantly comes out, I dont feel 2 frames of difference that sounds like horseshit
when they remake the entire game and fix online
wow me2
It's a matter of fractions of seconds, meaning only autists or pros actually notice it.
If you have experience with a game 2 frames are pretty easy to feel, let alone more than that. If you're not very experienced with it you won't notice as much.
On the other hand, there are also plenty of redditors claiming not to notice a difference between 30 and 60 frames per second
>It's a matter of fractions of seconds, meaning only autists or pros actually notice it.
lmao @ this
Its mostly noticeable when you go from one version to a more or less laggier version because it can fuck with your bnbs.
anyone PC UMVC3 US?
Looks like TFH beta is starting soon as they seem to have updated their backer forums in preparation for it
In 10 hours when I wake up.
>donated 100 dollars to this and forgot about it
>mfw I will become the horse king
Sorry but technically none of the characters are actually horses and Sonicfox will be dominating it anyway
>he doesn't know about the hidden Akuma horse
Is the new version of Revelator going to be the last one?
I'm so fucking sick of buying the same game over again I wish I paid more attention to how fighting games worked before getting into it
She's a unicorn and she's not hidden
BROSKI u illuminati right? We need info on the new character asap
Iori's being revealed at NCR
i know the next character is being revealed sometime between now and the end of sunday, but no idea specifically when or who it is
>Not a horse
Fuck off horse fucker
>sfv players
before i die...
Its gonna be Naruto
Traditionally unicorns have actually also been depicted as goat-like creatures or a mix of the two
if its not e honda i will kill myself and my hamster
pick me ono
>People have died waiting for Tekken 7 to come out
>I can die any moment before June 2nd
Stay safe lads
You didnt hear?
Tekken is pushed back 2 months
It will release early late 2017
Tekken 7 came out over 2 years ago.
our guy dogura is streaming sfv on twitch right now why arent you watching?
>giving a shit about tekken with supers
im gonna make you feel real depressed
>people died waiting for sfv
>people died waiting for sfv to get good
>people died believing that someday, sfv will be good, balanced, and fun
the only thing i hope is that i dont die before watching capcoms demise
Not for the civilized world
Es a cute. Cute!
>tfw late 2017 is in 24 months
There was an anonymous who had some serious health problems and was really waiting for Tekken 7. I hope he made it.
>Tekken 7
I don't care about that laggy shit
>you can give all of Hawkeyes projectiles tracking like Gimlet has if you wanted to
its a good thing theres no modding scene for UMVC3
do you agree that SFV is a gay game?
ive been in a persona coma, is the seaon 2.1 patch out for jive
Morgana betrays you and you have to enter his palace
should i main ken or guile
>june 2nd
>tekken 7 is finally here, everyone is happy
>2 weeks later at E3
>tekken 8 coming this winter to arcades
I already no lifed and beat the game, fuck off idiot
>tfw inflitration, one of capcoms biggest supporters, drops out of the cpt circuit because the game is so shit he cant even play it
itd be extra funny if it wasnt sad
kys retard
>I hate this game, man! It's fucking shit!
>Continues playing it
SFV players in a nutshell.
Didn't realize I posted this in a dead thread:
Are there any Hsien-Ko fans in here? I have time reserved on one of my artist buddy's stream, and I was thinking about having him draw some lewds of her. Not sure what to get though since I kinda missed out on their games. Do you guys have an suggestions?
What is the best game between SF4 and SF5?
Her having some romantic, sweet sex.
i hate you but i keep coming here
Same thing, more or less.
>using "gay" as an insult
this website is 18+
>tfw didn't learn how to draw
Huge fucking mistake. Even shitty artists have it so good now
What would be the setting for your fighting game?
aw, did tumblr get triggered?
Anyone wanna play Jive? EU
what's your rank and cfn?
okay guys nvm false alarm, he says he loves the game now
Of course he loves the game now, he's winning.
You're lucky I'm a huge vanillafag
Everything has its downside. If you draw porn for a living you're pretty much guaranteed to get paid shit and have to draw people's terrible WoW OCs for weeks on end.
how do you guys pick a main I'm struggling to stick with anyone because I doubt my choice once I start losing a bunch
Is there any way to make a stick more stiff? I've got a HORI RAP4 kai if it matters
He is right though. Gay as insult is only used by sub 30 IQ rappers and their fans.
What if there was a 2v2 fighter where you and your partner have individual super meters, and the point character gets meter from offensive actions and throwing out attacks while the other character gets meter from the point character doing defensive actions like blocking or when they get hit
you're only confirming that you're underage
Best Capcom girl.
Tekken will be dead on arrival anyway if it releases around the same time as TFH