/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

lost it's ember mode.

Dried finger edition.

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First for FUGS

Post fashion souls


If you say his name three times, he comes...



don't you dare

Can anyone drop me a Ringed Knight Spear on PS4?

So what's the lore behind these not being able to plunge attack?

So what fist weapon is the best to blessed infuse to actually punch people with? Caestus?


Alva Helm
Herald Armor
Silver Knight Gauntlets
Lothric Knight Leggings

My computer is a piece of shit, so no images that aren't about 20 pixels.

No shield can plunge, BS or riposte

Shit fashion

I'll drop you mine if you drop me the Iron Dragonslayer chestpiece on this new char.

thank you for the ring, user

good luck on your travels

For what builds is Prisoner's Chain even viable for? Pretty pointless for spellcasters. Mostly see it useful for low SL or builds that needs VIT.

So I want to make a dragon bro, but other then the stones I have no idea what a dragon bro is/does. Someone redpill me.


The blank slots will be filled soon, one by a Crucifix build and the other by dunno what. Taking suggestions.



A shame he had wifi-at-uluru tier internet

>tfw quit playing on my first attempt once these guys became a thing because they were too much for me
>after playing bloodborne and trying again they became one of my favourite enemies

Y-you too
I let you win btw I'm actually a god gamer IRL

What sort of stats do people aim for in SL80 builds? 40/27 with ~39vig and ~20end?

It's almost always worth it because the increase in defense from 15 more stats plus heavier armor from 5 more vit will counter the abs loss. The increased defense will also make weapons drop out of the 2.5xDef breakpoint which means you'll take significantly less damage.

I can do that, but it's on a different character.

How many humanoid races are there?

The humans as you know them are called pygmies because they're pretty much manlets compared to the rest of the world.

Then you have the one and a half humans like gwyn, silver/black knights.

But also the even bigger guys like Vendrick, and Lorian who are almost giants.

>The ss in Abyss is censored
Ah yes, the power of FromSoft programming

Thanks again for the Londor Pale Shade set, user.

I see you.

>the 2.5xDef breakpoint
Spoonfeed me?

>implying i didnt pound that huntress pussy by force

That's fine. I'll put my red sign down and drop you the Spear first, then we can both switch characters so you can drop me the Armor. What'll be the password and where should we meet?

FromSoft hates /ss/.


>can't pretend to be legolas and slide down stairs on them while shooting bow

Pass: boytoy
Anor Londo bonfire

Don't you know what ss is, kid?

It isn't. "xx" is, though.

wow i hate fromsoft now
shit taste miyahacki

Can't say that on a Christian imageboard

Don't hack me bro

Old Wolf of Farron

>35 vigor
>get one shot by flaming splitleaf combo

Fucking AIDS.


- M


Which chime/talisman will let me do the most damage with lightning arrow??


Yorshkas for pve, Canvas for pvp.

pls respond

What's the difference?

Lucifer is dead.
He will reincarnate when the last tripfag perishes.


You don't even need it. Just cast at a distance and enjoy.

You know it just occured to me that you summoning me would be the better option.

Thats what you think. I've said the words, now all we have to do is wait for him to come. MY guess is he will say how much better BB is then the DS series.

favorite rings?

>Prisoner's Chain
>Steel Protect?

You just put on the fire witch armor. 6/10 lacks originality. But the armor itself is pretty cool, and I like that you're using the flame gargoyle weapon and what appears to be the pyromancer flame.

where do I need to put my sign down to be summoned in dark souls 2

If you only use arrow, yeah, but who doesn't want to trade stakes my man?

>Prisoner's chain
You Fotm fggt.

Well now I don't know who's who anymore. Why don't we make it easier and have you drop your sign at the High Wall bonfire with the password as dsg.

Damage reduction is different based on the incoming damage compared to your defense. You want the damage you're doing to be above your opponent's defense or above 2.5 times your opponent's defense. This is why split damage is mostly bad. The dark resin buff adds 95 dark damage but will only add ~20 damage per hit against a quality build, and that's before absorption.

>invading chink primetime hours
What an adventure. I don't think I've ever encountered such a consistent mess of trainerbabies, plug-pulling and people who literally cannot run the game on their system.

What is the cool kids SL range in DS3?

don't ever reply to me or my wife's son's posts ever again




70 for invasions. No one cares about dueling.

I'ma do it anyways. Fight me.

Post yfw blessed infusion is still shit and worse than physical infusions

Can you get the Pale Shade Set if you don't level up at Yoel, so Yuria doesn't show up?

Knight(or the other skill specific rings when valid)

Just kill Yoel.

at least 27vig or 35 if you trade alot
20 is okay but consider 30-35 for ultras

I'm not the sunbro, and it just occured to me that I don't have a red sign.

What the fuck is that webm?
What game?

It looks like a ragdoll/physics game, and i love those

Why do people ever go to NG+ again

NG+ is artificial difficulty.

Gang Beasts

Any of the central bonfires

I just got a fuckton of armor and like a gorillion souls from him before he disconnected. I'm happy to wait if you want to go run through COTD real quick, but if not then I can put my sign down.

Twin Princes 'battle the camera as this faggot does nothing but teleport over and over'

Didn't answer the question

Best Dark/Chaos infused weapons post patch?

Drop yours. Did you still need Iron Dragonslayers?

Hey guys i know you hate reddit but the quakestone got the most retarded nerf today and i made a video and post telling you why thats bullshit. Please go raise a ruckus about this on the forums until it is fixed.

here is the vid if you REALLY wont go to reddit

>and listen to his gay brother's moaning
Oh, dear brother

The point isnt to make it competetive with physical infusions for dedicated physical builds
The point is to give you a passable sidearm for your faith-centric build
You cant have the best of both worlds, you already have Lightning Arrow


is this about as gladiator as I can get? Threw this together off the top of my head so open to weap/armor suggestions, but I think I got all the obvious shit

>beat the game with a magic build
>Start new playthrough with STAR

Holy shit great club is so much fun.

Managed to crush Aldrich in my first go

It did. Give it a moment, use that big american brain of yours. It'll come to you.

GUYS if im sl 80 for invasions which upgrade does my weapon have to be now? +6? (+3 for twink,boss weps)???

Yeah, that's on a brand new character I just started. There seem to be other people using the same password, so you should change your settings so you see PSN names instead and get the right person. Mine's Circlont6. What's yours?

fuck im a retard

Male Desert Sorceress chest

>You cant have the best of both worlds

Fuck you, I'm going to put lightning blade on Sunlight SS and you can't stop me!

We're not your personal army, faggot
Fuck off back to reddit and stay there.


What do you expect us to do?
We're not the ones with a Bamco CM in our pockets.


> everyone going crazy for all the fun things faith builds got

But what about Int?

Okay, sign's down at the High Wall now.