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just can't finish the payload stage on legendary ;_;

Why is sym so gassy bros?


7 new boxes, no skin - just voice lines, player icons and sprays.
An intro was the one differnt thing... ugh

Made an Infograph for the new PVE mode. Let me know what you think.



Spooky scary skellington

>after 3 hours of doding retarded picks and failing i finally finish the pve map on legendary
>it doesnt count for all heroes

yeah no fuck you blizz i wont even try it with a garbage char like tracer when people already get shit on with a bastion on the team

>tfw I finally got my first Ana potg
Shame it had to be in a pve mode.

Mei bugged and unplayable
Her M1 and Q no longer slow


>YFW a Blizz employee injects a new Mei bug every patch

>you are not dps
You've been playing with shitty reinhardts then

>torb is the carry pick.
Is he? I sort of assumed it would be really hard keeping your turret up. We based our comp around bastion, with a rein and mercy. Couldn't really decide on what the fourth should be. I felt like Orisa was decent because then you get double shields, but probably at the cost of more damage.

Hard mode is pretty hard but mostly because if the Rein is a total idiot you're gonna wipe no matter what.

We were doing fine and dandy until Rein forgot to charge the bombs three times and we moved the payload at 8% health with no one checking the back

>Don't drop the shield
>Smack the small bots away

Which one is it?

If you struggle with Uprising on PC then let me tell you a funny story.

Just like with Junkeinsteins Revenge, Uprising is on the exact same difficulty on consoles as on PC. Blizzard doesn't care how much slower is to kill things with a controller. For extra fun, Torbs turret damage is still nerfed on consoles even in this mode.

Every difficulty on consoles is much harder than on PC.

solo rez is worth it on payload stage

uhm, are we even playing the same game?
all hero mode is a fucking cakewalk and can be easily solo'd. it's nothing to brag about or discuss.

So if you can only get an uprising box from just the typical arcade rewards, what is the point of playing Insurrection after you exhaust all the rewards?

Has anyone managed it on the vanilla mode? I was just struggling on expert all-heroes, I can't imagine being able to take down all those bastions with tracer.

Does the expert achievement at least work in all-heroes?

yeah but it's console so nobody even gives a fuck

what's the point of playing this game

Anyone on EU wanna beat this shit on Expert ?

>use your damage boost
>you have a gun
makes you think........

If I have a daughter, I can only hope she would grow up to be a noble, altruistic, and intelligent woman like Angela.

I would gladly lay down my life for Angela should the need arise.

The world would be a better place if there were more people like her.

holy shit

how does this kinda shit even happen on the patches where they don't touch mei

achievements and fun and the joy of optimizing strategies for a new game mode.

Not bragging about anything, I know I'm a low level player. Sorry for discussing Overwatch in the Overwatch general. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

>Australia gets fucked by Omnics during Crisis
>Omnics are forced to admit defeat/sign a peace treaty
>Australia government displaces their own citizens to build an Omnic Factory
>Said citizens get pissed and rebel
>End up destroying the factory
>Potentially made Australia safer in case of a second Omnic Crisis

Roadhog's initial motivations were pure despite what came out of them
>"She'll be right"

thats fine but i just assumed when someone mentions legendary difficulty it's the limited version.

because all hero legendary is about as difficult as limited on hard

Any other new character interactions that people have noticed? Pharah/Mercy got a new one about Ana and McCree/Hanzo got one about liquor.

>overwatch matchmaking is worse than GO's in everyway
>cant even carry because of cheese/high ttks

epic really epic

both you nigger.
what, you cant attack and block at the same time?

Spaghetti code.
If I remember right, them tweaking Bastion's ironclad initially broke Ana's grenade so that it was debuffing friendlies rather than granting bonus heals.

Is dva actually viable pve

I'm getting gold damage even with Bastion on the team and obviously gold elims as well from doing chip damage to bots.

Her ult will instantly clear out all bots if the team gets overwhelmed

Pharah has a new one when you kill widowmaker, something along the lines of "should have left our family alone"

I didn't mention legendary difficulty. Maybe you should actually read posts before getting grumpy.

Dropped this game ages ago. This new update any good? What are the best skins?

Meant for

Apparently Roadhog has a new one about the wop wops but I don't know what map triggers it
I think it's Route 66

Right, saw some user saying that in the thread yesterday. Apparently Pharah also has a new one when she kills McCree and says something like "Got you this time Jesse"

orisa or soldier imo

orisa would provide extra barriers and her gun takes care of slicers and troppers decently while boosted bastion shreds the bigger stuff

soldier provides additional healing as well as more firepower for quickly focus-firing basically anything down fast along bastion

zen for discord to let bastion shred or dva for matrix/nuke could prolly also work pretty well

>people asking for more pve modes
>the shit got boring after the first time through
>it doesn't even play well like most PvE first person shooters

I'd rather have them working on new maps and game modes for pvp. This shit is not a pve game.

The PvE mode is pretty fun and actually difficult on the highest setting, unlike junkenstein

>what are the best skins

can't you just look at them and decide for yourself? but the answer is blackwatch McCree


muttonchops torb
lara croft widow
left tiddy genji
deathbot orisa

all the rest are pretty good too imo but these really stand out imo

You know I thought that it was weird the militaries of the future are apparently pretty lax about hair length in combat uniforms, but after seeing the new skins they're also pretty lax on letting someone wear fucking spurs all the time and stick a giant one on their gun

>duplicate blackwatch McCree
now gib amelie

>get forced to mercy
>only hard mode w/e
>Tracer doing Tracer things
>Torbjorn doing Torb things

What is it with Reinhardts and feeling the need to be fighting adds in the next fucking country over? Just smack Slicers and Troopers in front of the Payload, that's all you need to do. Let Torb and Tracer do their thing. You are the second easiest hero to play in this mode. It's literally free fucking XP

There's a new boostio line, he goes something like 'yeeeeeeeeeeeah' when it happens
did for me at least

Worth getting back in? I've been playing actual games that are fun, and I really don't want to grind and grind for skins to end up with fucking none.

>Be McCree
>Reach for my gun
>Fatal lacerations because my commanding officer insisted on gun spurs

To procrastinate and skip my accounting classes

>Very hard campaign

>2 orisas down, so far so good

>The bastion from behind

>Team get wiped

Every fucking time. Only way I've even gotten to 3/4 orisas is playing Sym and putting my shield generator behind the wall where he spawns to distract him, but after he finishes that he comes to pincer attack my team in the ass.

i thought overwatch is a paramilitary organization


>Worth getting back in?

real talk, no. If you quit before this event offers literally nothing that's going to interest you into playing more.

Where's the blackwatch McCree fanart?

tumblr, where they have already busted several nuts looking at his beefy ass tattooed arm

Does anyone want to group up for the exp bonus?
We can do QP or the PvE mode.
On PC, EU preferably.

I want to fuck Nesskain's art

Can't help but think of Kai Leng when I see the visor on that skin

In my experience, bastion, orisa, lucio/mercy, and torb or junkrat is the go to.

i mean that depends on whether or not you enjoy OW or not

like said, if you quit before then probably not, but i'd at least give the new PvE a runthrough to see if you can dig on it for the couple weeks its here

junkenstein's revenge was better

I've seen a lot of success with Rein, Orisa, Bastion, Zenyatta.

what're the odds McCree lost his arm running into his old gang? The tattoo is on his now cyber arm

Back off and focus him. You have enough time to turn around and kill him. Otherwies go left side and take out covering bastion, he will take longer to get at you, and you can stall him more easily

Why hasn't Widowmaker gotten this as a skin yet

so whats the pve meta


well thats your fucking problem. How fucking stupid are you?

top smug

because wow is garbage

>tfw keep running in to leavers and trolls al day

Literally had a Genji named Itachi roleplaying as him.

I enjoyed the theme more but then again I don't really care much about Overwatch's story.

I'd rather have a new skin that isn't fighting with Odile or Odette for Worst Skin.

new checklist is ready


> play new brawl as Tracer

> die almost immediately somehow

> leave match out of embarrassment

why is life cruel and why am i autistic

Good, that fucking spawn of satan needs to be removed from the game.

>Tracer dies 4 times before the second terminal
>"I beat legendary anyway"
In all seriousness though people that bad should be banned from the higher difficulty levels

>left the game

they could have res'd you but instead you chose to fuck everyone because the mode doesn't backfill.

Just installed the game
Any tips before I dive in and unintentionally ruin other peoples games?

>unintentionally ruin other peoples games?
you'll fit right in

letterbox version

Bastion orisa manditory. Bastion shits damage, and orisa can cover him perfectly, and her ult is good for clutch. After that its either lucio for booping away bombs, or mercy for res and damage boost. 4 slot is really up to you, dva or rine for countering tank bastions is good, but roadhog can hook bastions out of turret form too. The ai is very scripted, so displacing the bots is a good way to buy time

You are everything wrong with this event, I hope it was normal mode.
Play the event on normal mode and have fun, as long as you're not doing obvious stupid shit or leaving early you'll be fine

Eradicator with a deployable Slicer as a new character when, Blizzard?

Is there a meta for Legendary yet? I haven't been able to beat it on the standard mode but I heard even some pros were struggling with the all heroes mode. Is it actually impressive to beat the legendary mode?

Play bastion, sit on payload and shoot shit to death with rotary cannon. Failing that, go lucio, hide behind team and heal while booping bombs.


>vanilla PVE on expert
>3 games with solo low level players
>every game we make it to the payload without trouble but get our asses kicked by bastions
>4th game, high level players and a 2-stack
>can't even finish hacking the second point because these retards are all running away from the point in different directions apparently pretending to be pro DPS players who can solo this shit and I can't heal them all

I know levels don't equal skill but I'm still disappointed in those faggots.

Even the Wehrmacht allowed some to violate regulations.

But its more fun!

>lucio changes from ptr went live without any tweaking
blizzard is actually retarded

i don't even play lucio but i still recognize that it's REALLY fucking dumb that they did nothing about the fact that now you can't use the number of allies affected by your aura to gauge how many allies you will ult because the ult applies to different radius than your standard aura

how fucking incompetent

also i'm not sure why blizz thinks it's a good direction for the game that now everyone has to hug the lucio to benefit from him. do they seriously want every engagement to be a tight ball of 6 heroes clashing against another tight ball of 6 heroes?

Yeah, its usually the end bit where you have to take out the orisas. You have like 5 minuets i think, turret bastions all over, and as you approach tanks are dumped behind you, and thats usually when things fall apart.

>Play event all night
>play rein a while
>get aggressive and win more as rein
>win alot with a specific random 3 group + random
>later random teams always blames me if we lose
>hardly anyone else does better as rein, especially without being aggressive

Im convinced rein offensives are critical resources available to the meta of the PVE, anyone disagree? Id say violent reins are almost mandatory.

>post uprising difficulty
>post up to where you've gotten

Killed first Orisa before ulting Bastion kills us all.

>play Lucio in uprising for the achivement
>first time playing Lucio with other people
>have fun

oh no, I don't want to be a Lucio main