/digi/ Digimon General

Fireden archive is always broken one way or another so I don't know if we've used this image before edition.

Previous thread: >Cyber Sleuth Digilinks

>Digimon Linkz English Guide

>Digimon World Guides

>Digimon Adventure tri. episodes:
nyaa.se/?page=search&cats=0_0&filter=0&term=digimon tri

>Discord link

>Appmon Episode 27 [L Subs] have replaced [Waffle Subs]

>20th Anniversary V-Pet details

>Decide Your Digi-Destiny N0 Trailer

>Next 0rder OST [320 mp3]

>World 1 OST [192 mp3]

>Digimon Story Cybersleuth: Hacker's Memory

>Digimon Story Cybersleuth: Hacker's Memory Trailer

Pretty sure that's never been used an OP image.

And for good reason. She's the ugliest oversexualized digi of them all

If you want an attractive one for the op at least get a good one :(

Shit taste confirmed

She ruined digimon

There are worse Digigirls than Eri.

like Mimi

Reminder who the canon appmon couple is

>Japs being corrupted by the kikes and showing an underage homosex couple

This is what Hitler died trying to prevent.

Yoshino is the worst.
Literally no character and the stupidest backstory motivation ever.

We'll we ever get translated versions of this fucker's games?

>you go from Ryo to Daisuke

Jesus Christ.

i thought germany and japan was on the same side in ww2

That's the point. The Jews have already gotten their revenge on Germany and Italy, now it's time to move to the Nips.

Like I'd let that whiny brat get it on with MY Ryo.

How does Haru warrant Yuujin's love and affection?

He could have any guy or girl but he picks him?

The jews would never make a move on Japan. It's well known that the jews fear the japanese samurai.

Because Yuujin likes how honest and full-hearted Haru is when he sets out to do something despite his limits. Plus the inevitable rescue romance when Yuujin goes full L.

It wears more clothes than the character it is based on

I wish I was Mimi, guys.
She's so great!

>muh piano


Probably not the best place to ask this, but I'm having no luck anywhere else.

Does anyone here take art commissions or know any good artists that are still taking commissions? I'm DMing a Digimon game and would like to get some art for my players' partners.

(I'm aware it will likely cost money)

You can contact me on skype or discord if interested

Skype: Zebraoracle
Discord: Zebra#0489

Koushiro pls.

As soon as people start giving a fuck about translating Wonderswan games.

I thought for sure that after most of the big GB/GBC/NES/SNES games were done, the scene would generally migrate to SNK's shit, the GBA, the Wonderswan, and the PS1/Saturn. Instead everyone's trying to crack extremely difficult games, translating shitty licensed titles, and retranslating games to Spanish.

Who is Koushiro?

But Koushiro wants to bone Mimi.

I feel like Izumi is the worst girl overall. She was a blank slate and useless in all but one fight.

This turned out really bad so I'm gonna stop now.

Because sadly most digifans really don't care for Ryo so would rather translate anything else.

Wait. Where is the bad part?

>Still has the look of murder in her eyes
I think you've done a great job so far.

>stop drawing a lewd pic
The worst feel of edge. Is actually crawling my skin. Everytime.

Who's Ai?

Lots of mistakes here and there, and I find the pose boring/have no idea what to do with the other character.

Maybe she will be better If she is sitting down and the other is licking her legs.
It will be a shame If this ends like this unfinished.

>Still no good doujins, much less R18 fanart

Fuck, the nips really don't like canon homosex don't they?

Fujos aren't watching this show.

Could have the guy licking her legs instead if that's bothering you.

>venusmon and junomon hentai

What about them?

I just saw them.
>Juno with a dildo
>quality Venus
Just search Venusmon and put "Past Week" it should be easy to note

I saw the Junomon one on the discord but where is the Venusmon one? Same site as the Junomon one?

They weren't until now at least. Seem twitter lately? Haruujin pretty much took over the digimon tags. Just give the artfags enough time and we'll have quality doujins in weeks

Hentaiporn, Digihentai

Thank you friend.

Mimi is the best digi-girl. This is objective fact.

I hope so. This is probably the most goodlooking homo couple in Digimon.

Poor Ai.

Truly the OTP

The things she achieved through charisma alone are downright scary.

>Wonder "roll that neck" Women
>not evil


She loves everyone

This is too cute.

I'll try that, but it will take a while.
I finally found a second job.

Well, that's a lot of porn.

Lilithmon is cute, cute!

>that Dianamon
I want to unzip my dick and fills her mouth like you don't have idea
Absolutely sexy
Also congrats on that second job!

Thank you.

Does anyone have that massive high resolution Symbiosis Tri poster from the last thread? I forgot to save it when I was on my phone and then we died.

She sure is. Also, congrats on the new job and good work on that Dianamon.

Mister Draw fag, could you PLEASE do one of Minervamon? You can choose her pose and action. I just really need more minervamon

how do you make your lines so straight

>from Ryo to Daisuke to Miyako

It was a girl though?
Wasn't it the FeMC from Dusk?

This one?

Homeostasis BTFO by Ygdrasil

Yggi aint havin none of that pacifist shit

Ken's relationships really went from bad to worse, didn't they.

I like to think his interactions with Mimi often had her referring to being a better Digimon Kaiser than he was.

She never had a chance with Yuujin, should have just settled for Haru, now it's too late.

>tfw I might one day write a parody of School Days with these three involved

At least Izumi was sidelined. Yoshino should have been dropped when Ikuto came along. They should have made him a girl and Chika her lover.

I mean in general getting over shadowed.

But that always meant to happen. She is not like Akari or Zenjirou who got nothing despite doing shit for 30 episodes straight.

Yeah I know. Shit sucks though. Hopefully she winds up being a Leviathan underling.

I wouldn't mind that. In fact, my fanfics are counting on it. I'm not some shitty cancerous landwhale who is vindictive towards the obstacle of some homoshit pairing, I just need my art to be grounded in some form of reality.

They will kill your homo fanfics.

I don't care about canon, retardo.
If I did, I would be upset with Tri and the death blow to Joumi.

I can see that.

Sure, but it's gonna take a while since I won't have much free time anymore. Have something rushed and meh in the meanwhile.

They're not that straight but
>rotate the canvas a lot
>Manga studio stabilization 0-3
>x3 canvas not sure if this works but someone recommended me to do it

Night digi~

I am starting to think you can make great hentai work and specially blowjobs. Excellent work!

Wait he takes request!?

Mr. Drawfriend if you are here tomorrow can you please draw Lilithmon raping Beelzebumon while he cries out for Taiki or Mervamon to save him?

You're doing great work my man.

Ikuto should have hooked up with her period.

>hooked up with her period

He probably did. He is the closet she can get to her aniki with him being permanently gone.

>He is the closet she can get to her aniki with him being permanently gone
Masaru made the right call.

God Savers looked so fucking ugly

Who the hell thought replacing Digimon's previous artstyle with generic early/mid 2000's derp faces was a good idea

If they didn't have derp episodes they wouldn't be able to blow the budget on boobs in the important episodes.

Boobs that would then get censored poorly overseas.

Disney just didn't try with Savers.

What was the general opinion on Agumon Burst Mode?

Best digigame that's on PC or emulatable now? I'm tired of playing digimon world.


You could emulate Dusk.

Digimon world 2
Digimon world 2003
Digimon dusk/dawn
Digimon redigitize
And most of ds title.

What is this from?
is this canon?
Are the two characters with the least amount of personality from Frontier dating?
Will Junpei jump on the tracks?

Covers from the audio dramas which makes them "canon", I guess.

I think it looks cool.

I didn't know Takuya and Izumi were dating.

>Tamers CD Drama
I cri evrytiem

>No Ryo
>No Alice

>No Ryo
>No Alice

>No Alice
she ded