do you feel bad for the homeless?
Yes but throwing money at them won't help them get marketable skills to get a job
No I don't feel bad for people who deserve their fate
Do I feel bad? In a way.
Is it my problem? No.
No. They're homless for a reason and lots of them turn down employment because they enjoy the lifestyle. Also, if you give money to someone panhandling at an intersection, you are a total sucker. They make over $20/hr (women make more than double).
Usually I do feel bad becasue I see these people and theyre not there by choice
I like buskers and street artist types becasue at least theyre doing something
Buskers and street performers aren't homeless, sucker.
I feel bad about the fact that I can't bash their fucking skulls in.
No but theyre often not far away from it, or they have that street smart savvy becasue theyve been close to being fucked, not all of them, its easy to tell
Ive seen well off young girls playing music on the street, of course shes not homeless
You're fucking retarded. I paid $5 for a busking license and made $100/day pretending to play the mandolin at 12 years old. It's a hustle and has nothing to do with being homeless.
I believe you, just when i think homeless people on the street begging I think at least bring something nice, do something, give flowers away, whatever. But then you wouldnt be fitting that mould of "homeless please help me" so maybe its a whole strategy
I know people can make lots of money being professional beggers
You're an enabler.
I have been in arguments over this, I feel bad for them and try to understand it is a real person there and some of them might need help, some of them have just given up and changed their life to be something else, most of these people had lives before man, but what happened?
People i know say it is dumb to care though, they made their choices why would you care/judge since you were not the person making the choice...
It brings me down, majority are hooked on smack and it seems unlikely they'll kick it on street, I can't really relate to people who would take up such a destructive drug though.
I do. I mean it's a shitty situation to be in and I'd be a pretty terrible human being if I didn't feel bad for someone in a bad situation.
I give them money only I see that they are too old work.
But even in that case, there is the possibility that he was an alcoholic dad who beat his children and doesn't deserve any kindness.
I feel less bad for non-disabled old people.
You have 40-50 years to stash funds away, live within your means, learn new things so that if your field falters you can jump... They deserve nothing.
Don't let the elderly cuck you out of money. Ever.
yup especially with the media consistently hating on teenagers, they have nothing. old people have had their chance and they blew it.
I'd kick that faggots cup over
A guy right after Christmas begged me for money to buy a coffee. Instead of giving him money I went and bought him a coffee and a sandwich and brought creme and sugar out. He threw both the coffee and sandwich away.
no in germany they just need to go to the Arbeitsamt and get harz4 basicaly 400 euros for free
you just need to go to monthy meetings where they show you jobs then you do them 1 week and say the work is to heavy for you
some people arent geting letters from them anymore
many people claim they arent geting enought money but thats not true, these people have just poor comunication skils
if you do it right and fill out all forms corectly you can get them to pay you bills
need a new washing machine sign the corect form and they pay it for you
having kids? they need new shoes they pay it
In England, the overwhelming majority of homeless people are either drug addicts or illegal immigrants. It's hard to feel sorry for criminals.
I volunteered at a shelter all through college, because I was still a young and foolish liberal with zero real-world experience and taking the blue pill as a suppository.
There is an actual problem with poor, homeless families in this country... but you never see them, because anyone worth saving is invisible. They're trying to get help, and there are a million charities and shelters to help them.
You know what happens when you give the homeless on the street cash? They get even sicker, spending it all on drugs and alcohol. They don't buy food. They don't help their kids. They don't get that bus ticket to see their brother. They want liquor and heroin.
You want to help a bum, offer to get him to one of the shelters in your city, or to a church, or anything except his street corner. Spend your $5 on a taxi ride and get them someplace that could help. And when you do, 99% of the time they're going to say no. They just want the money, because they've no interest in the help.
We can't do anything about the mentally ill, unfortunately. The libs keep crying about how we don't do enough to help, but the services are all out there. Short of rounding them up at gunpoint and moving them into hospital camps there is no way to make a sick hobo get help. They have to be forced. (Being arrested for vagrancy is the easiest way to get the unwilling "into the system" so they can be forced into detox but libs have a problem with that too.)
It's difficult to feel sorry for people who are either unwilling, or too fucking stupid to take advantage of the many, many safety nets and aid programs available to them.
I used to feel empathy for the homeless.
Then there was this new homeless asshole in town 5 years ago shouting his slogans while he puffs on a smoke:
>Could you please help the homeless? I'd like a hot meal
>If everyone would just stop and care, the world would be a better place"
>I'm cold and starving, could you please give
>I'm a real Canadian, not an import
This dude ruined it for me
Every night we'd have dozens of empty cots. Every night we'd have stinking hobos sleeping on the front steps. I eventually asked around as to why.
The bums on the street? They're either mentally ill, burned out drug addicts, or frauds. (There are a ton of frauds because abusing the naive good nature of white people is greatly profitable. Just ask the blacks.)
They refused to come inside because there were rules, which basically amounted to nothing more than no drugs, no alcohol, and no hobofaggot gayfucking in front of the families with children.
They were expected to do a few chores. Helping with laundry, helping to make the beds, helping with cleanup of the meals, etc. The street-trash refused to do any of it. They had no interest in even contributing enough to society to even help themselves.
So they slept on the street, in a violent fuckbundle right on the front steps. They were like a small Black Friday crowd, sleeping on the steps so they could be first in line for the gibs. They'd push and shove themselves in, get their free meal, usually trash the place, then go back to their street corner to beg white people for money.
Bums fight each other for the best spots, too. If one piece of trash tries to move in too close to another bum's spot they'll fight like roosters. There were even a couple of stabbings over the highest dollar white-guilt ATM locations, like right outside of a church.
You want to help these people on the street give your money to a charity that actually does work to help them get clean. Or just put a bullet in them and put them out of their misery. They're not going to get better.
kek the guy was a bantzmaster
I feel bad for some of the homeless people in the US, but in Europe I generally don't give a fuck.
Europe actually has decent human rights, they don't need to live this way and in a lot of cases they purposefully make everyone around them more miserable.
theyre only there because they think someone will drop them fifty bucks one day. if no one donated they would stop being on the streets.
Homelessness is 40% mental illness, 40% drug addiction and 20% lazy fakers looking for panhandling money at a busy intersection.
Giving money to people on the streets is 0% helping them and 100% enabling them to remain on the streets/hustling.
Japan has the only acceptible homeless people (they dont beg for money and keep their spaces clean). Pick related
yep... all the hobo money goes to government workers...
there is tons of money for that use already, but it is spent inefficiently.
>back in NYC years ago
>on the subway
>have a long commute
>lady comes in with a crutch and a sob story begging for money on the train
>like 2 hours later she comes back into the same car without the crutch and a different sob story
No, I live in Chicago and have to spend 2 hours commuting on the train every day. You learn to ignore bums pretty quickly.
I guess in some way I feel bad for them. But fuck it, not my problem
>mental illness
Lets just be clear about what type of mental illness because its getting thrown around here indiscriminately. 9 times out of 10 these hobos are schizophrenic. A genuinely depressed person would have killed themselves if they ever became homeless.
>But fuck it, not my problem
until it is, and you loss your job, or get cancer and be fucked by medical bills, and you go to the streets.
I plan on building a homeless kitchen once I get enough capital invested in dividend stocks
Rice is 35 cents a pound, beans are 80 cents a pound. Myltivitamins are 20 cents each. Or 4 cents if I choose a really basic one. So about 1.40 to feed a single person for a day, basic nutrition.
I'm sure I could get the city government to subsidize my water and electric.
*Only accurate for third world countries and the US
Look at all these judgemental motherfuckers, and there still people who believe there are not people who are born in priviledge.