/meg/ - Mass Effect General

Dead edition.

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>MEG's updated Pastebin
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>MegSev adventures:
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>All previous Collages that we know of:

>Patch 1.05 has dropped


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Cora is cute. Black Widow best raifu.

Built for Scott.

We should expand the Sara me.

Let's say she likes coloring books too.

Well shit, is there anyone who DOESNT like coloring books?

It's the sense of accomplishment you get from creating art, but with half the effort.

She already drawed herself inflating dobson.

tfw your waifu dislikes the black squad member

What's her favorite food/drink?

>kett can't even beat these

>Guy who sings the song in the trailer is white

wtf I thought he was black.

dude's got a great voice.


What about a human archaeologist and an asari commando using a black widow?

The album is really great.

wtf was up with that human on meridian with a Quarian name?

Sweet Sundae Ramen

Quarian godparents

I'd guess her godparents are Quarian judging by her dialogue.

She eats the crayons sometimes.

Chicken tendies and red cordial.


>tfw we will never have another Mass Effect game like ME2
>tfw the characters in Andromeda are pale in comparison to ME2

I just want a male love interest that's like Jack. I don't want a romantic cliche like jaal or a normal guy like liam.


Tough shit, enjoy the token relatable black guy and be progressive.

I'd rather just have another ME1.

angara are cute.

Well that was quite a bit of fun.



dump your tortanic folders

>let's make a meme XD
you don't plan shit like that, it happens naturally.


That's not Mass Effect.

haha yeah and im sure people watched rick astley because they wanted to

The me3 ending still hurts. How do you cope?

>dump your [unrelated to Mass Effect] folder
Why not do that in the tortanic general?

>tortanic meme
that's so 2000 and lame

Read Marauder Shields!


5 years was enough to give Andromeda a chance.
The ot is unfortunately ruined forever for me though.


happy ending mod

what about this
in MEA3 when it's a literal copy paste of rannoch but with angara and remnant instead of quarian and geth.



I just want an alien romance with a handsome Turian, a cute Salarian or a cool Angara (Less Jaal, More Evfra)

We have had none, we're not even allowed to have flings with them or flirt with them. Just lame humans. It's very strange.

>12 gigabytes of RAM power

>Dell gaming mouse
>ram power
>Foxconn power supply
>GT 520
never fails to amuse, that poor fucking normie

So...how do I enter the Tempest on H047c again? I'm next to the ship but can't exit because SAM tells me that the radiation would kill me if I'd leave the Nomad.

hold T

Press T while in the Nomad.
This works in every planet.

Hold T

The games need more cool vehicles.

>It's very strange.
>coming from a studio that doesn't allow shortstack hotties

It's not that strange, Bioware just doesn't understand how deviant people actually are.

Thanks. Did they ever mention this?


The guy who was against dwarf fucking left.



>40 minutes to log in


Game ended at the Citadel DLC for me. Alternatively, it ends at Liara's farewell. Everything after is of little consequence and the outcome of the final charge is left unknown



Shouldn't that at the max just ban you for a year?

This worth buying?
Was going to but saw the Low meta critic score and had second thoughts
Is this really much of a train wreck as they claim or are they being drama queens?

Oh my.

My point remains, they either don't know how deviant people are (wanting to romance gay turians, salarians, krogan, etc.), or they're not going to spend time and money on that because they know that those people are actually in the minority.
It took four games just to get a romanceable female turian.

Who was against them?


No. Get the first/original Mass Effect.

You can find it in bargain bins in stores or on Origin for fifteen bucks.

>that cyborg line at the thigh


Had no idea, what's he up to now anyway?

Gaydar. Associated them with children.

>dwarf with big tits

Now, you're speaking my language. How's her butt looking?

It honestly depends on a per person basis by what you can and cannot tolerate.
The gameplay is pretty good as far as combat goes (and gets better when you get more abilities)
the writing and story is a really inconsistent mess, as well as the character interactions, you'll like some and hate others.
Quests are ok as long as you ignore the lesser tasks ( which are literal mmo fodder garbage) and stick to main missions/personal quests
If you imagine Dragon Age Inquisition with better gameplay then that is MEA

Don't post unrelated things.

Well he was an asshole
>Vetra having a choice
>either taking Sid to go with her for Andromeda in hope of a better life for the both of them
>risk Sid getting pulled into the life of crime kind of like how Vetra did to support Sid
Liam made it sound as if Vetra was just going to abandon Sid in the Milky Way if Sid didn't want to be a part of the Andromeda Initiative when in reality Vetra would have stayed if Sid didnt want to join the initiative

Rape roleplay with between a giant ox-man and his idealized self insert sparklebunny was apparently fine though.

Don't think they ever gave a good angle of it but seems pretty nice and thicc.


I-i actually like how she looks
someone please post in game screenshots of her looking hot
rule 34 doesnt really do it for me its too different
she like a kinkier version of nu lara croft

is this game even good?

Oh, jesus, those thighs. Probably has a nice butt, yeah.
>even wears fishnets
Muh dick! Also those heeled boots.

yea im not complaining I hate nigs too. Thats why Vetra is based and bringing Vetra along and shit on him during his loyalty mission... priceless




Not really, the RTS combat was terrible and really let it down.

Rest was pretty cool though, especially the waifu stuff.

She's so cute. She looks so innocent.

Would Vetra enjoy watching Hacksaw Ridge with Scott?

terrible as in lacking in depth? too hard or too easy? worth a buy?waifu stuff is like my weakness

Only straight people and lesbos since you can bang asari (yes they count) turian, drell and the fuckin prothean

I was pissed that the lizard girl was an awful Avatar reject and wasn't a lizard at all.
I wanted to strengthen my bloodline with more draconic babies.


but only for Scott

Depth, and well everything really. You could probably just leech it and skip the combat somehow and have some fun.

Worth a try at least.

Leave Liam alone! At least he's not Jacob.

Vetra would probably at least try to enjoy anything you would do to make you happy.

still mad, fuck Gaydar

Wait until the complete edition

not currently, if you can't wait you can pirate it

Even this?

this desu

>Harding's a real cutie
>can't fug
>it's fine to take Freddie Prinze Jr.'s massive slab of manmeat

Is Gaider actually gay?

How do I install this game from cpy
theres an origin setup and setup folder
in the folder theres mea and meatrial