/tf2g/ - TF2 General

last >list of good comm. servers

>Tips and guides
Blog: tf2.com
Wiki: wiki.tf
Class guides: pastebin.com/u/TheOperator
FAQ: pastebin.com/6t7WNtgn
Mods: pastebin.com/bzzUK5tz
Steam status: steamstat.us steamgaug.es
Preview Loadout: whatsnext.loadout.tf | steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/158547475
HUDs: huds.tf
Game Traffic: steamcharts.com/app/440#1y

Sites: scrap.tf | tf2outpost.com | backpack.tf | bazaar.tf
BP check: backpack.tf
Prices: backpack.tf | trade.tf
Scrapbanking: scrap.tf | scrapbank.me
Skins: p337.info/tfview/

Basics: playcomp.tf
Comp Wiki: comp.tf
Lobbies: tf2center.com/lobbies
Scripting: pastebin.com/1VmngMfJ | pastebin.com/H3WfKLaB
TF2 streams: teamfortress.tv
UGC (Global): ugcleague.com
ESEA (NA/EU): play.esea.net
ETF2L (EU): etf2l.org
AusFortress (AUS): ozfortress.com
AsiaFortress (Asia): asiafortress.com
FBTF (Brazil): teamfortress.com.br/forum/


>/tf2g/s looking to party queue

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Daily reminder to report, hide, and ignore any and al-oh who am I kidding, this entire thread is shitposting.

finally, a non-fempyro OP

there is a certain saying about gifted horses and their teeth where i live

Some people are just dumb, no matter how often you shove it in their faces.

>Using the shortstop at all.

>he can't track

It's donkeys you moron


>He is this retarded

I am from Bulgaria, I didnt know it existed in german

It's a very common saying, not just in German, but in English as well. Never heard the donkey version myself.


someone has to kill the sentries

Post Engineers

We posted engineers last thread, you mong.

Howdy partner !

Not giving him my (you).

do you still play TF2?


I was too occupied that I didn't see that. Sorry your pathetic NEET ass sat through all 750 posts

Maybe once every two weeks

>He can't look through the thread briefly so see what's already been posted.

No wonder you're a medic/pyro main, you need others to do the work for you.

Wanderer, please get a trip so that I can filter you, k thanks.

It was posted just this morning.

Give me suggestions on a new hitsound and killsound.

Currently I'm using Quake's and the ''Excellent'' announcer.

That's the thing. I don't really check in the mornings. I shower, get ready, and head to work

Smoke weed everyday ? (a bit annoying with pyro , hilarious on a backstab)

use the stock percussion for a kill and keep the quake

Hilarious? How? Only 12 year olds would think that trash is "hilarious"

>get to watch my amazing f2p teammates play for 20 seconds

I have bad tastes

Why is coldfront so fucking fun to play?

>friendly pyro and enemy sniper on level ground
>pyro backpedals
>friendly soldier gets enemy medic and pocket to 5 hp
>friendly soldier retreats
>friendly spy hides in his own base.
>he's using the cloak and dagger
>demoknight hides in his own base
>we control mid

i have a weird sense of humor

Yea, nothing like watching a bunch of my teammates run around trying to melee a sentry.

no, you're just 12

> 10-20$ is normal for 8-12 hrs work.
What the fuck, I earn $19/hour


Ikr, pomson is literal shit and mini sentries are underpowered

Pomson spam, hoping Spies and Medics get hit
Iunno. It's a Vintage Lugermorph so it's prettier than a Strange Pistol
Gunslinger for easy set ups and Scout abuse

You sound really, really bad at the game desu

Testing a new version of my 5cp map, fraggers welcome.

At some point it became less of a truck barreling down the highway at 4 mph, now it's slow moving disappointment.

It gets the job done. If we're trying to push the cart and have 0 Engineers, that's my go to loadout

If I wanted to defend and didn't feel like playing Medic or Pyro, I've got a loadout got that, too

he only plays dustbowl, what did you expect

r8 my engy


>engineer puts level 3 sentry in a bad position
>pull out my homewrecker
>strafe around it and SMASH
thats always fun

anyone tried tf2c?

>voice chat
I want normies to leave my general.

Yeah, it was alright.
I prefer normal tf2 though


yes, I love the mode, my only refrain is that i become extremely dissapointed in myself if i am not first

>Widowmaker being paired with anything but the gs.
>No third cosmetic.
>Erect effect.


luckily it rarely happens, but i did see a new awful annoyance in the last two times i played, some kids r actually hacking in this game. sigh

Me and my voice are here to stay

can you purchase from marketplace.tf if you are permabanned from scrap.tf without the option to appeal?


>Not using the erect effect
its like you hate fun and building nests in enemy bases

>Starstorm slumber being anything but a shitty affect.

I don't get the appeal of it. It looks ugly imo, but just like storm effects, I guess it's just something 'nice' to have over your head.

Good set!

MGE me, engy vs engy

I guess the stars are kind of bulky, but to me it's a pretty comfy effect

I love all of the storm effects too, so I guess it's just the kind of unusual I like

Couldn't you theoretically do that with other wrenches too? The jag builds sentries faster and you can just sneak to the enemy base and rescue ranger your gun alive.

>he sold his unusual
why the heck i'm not suprised

imo, any effect that isn't inside of your head, is a below mediocre unusual effect. I don't want something floating near me, I want my head to look like somebody shoved a lightbulb in it.

Eh, I don't mind anybody with it. My opinion shouldn't stop you from liking any effect. Keep on doing you, my man.

boy howdy I want to get my hands on a strange shotgun

>9 ref
what's stopping you

With the Erect Effect you can maintain your teleporter more easily, allowing teammates an easy route to the inside of the enemy base.
It also allows you to build a nest faster due to the teleportation. Since you will likely build your nest in a metal starved area.
It also allows you to flank easily.

OwO wat dis

That's one of the reasons I like phosphorous so much, that buffer overflow .tga exploit power leaking into the game.

>mfw our engineer has an erect effect

>join game

why is hohoho conga is so funny

what happens when you overlap phosphorus and sulphurous
do you become a digital godhead

I love to conga! :]]]]]]]

i love my ball

[distant YEE-HAWing]


wonder what plasma/energy effects look like on top of phosphorous/sulphurous

WebM is a better way to show it

Pyro update soon, lads. I can feel it.


I actually kind of like the yellow digital flame with the green and red embers.

>the worse your internet is the better you are at pyro

i'm not sure if orange and green really gel together that well outside of some kind of spooky halloween context

I like it because it's relatively cheap and is pretty comfy.

assuming that non-stock skins ARE coming, and that there will be at least one weapon for each class, what are the obvious picks?
keep in mind that something like the crossbow wouldn't be a good pick, since there aren't many flat areas you could put interesting patterns on
>black box
>flare gun

>muffled YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE coming beneath the ground

>widow with erect effect
Sounds hot, but meh gamewise/10
What happened to wRRanger+erect setup? It's still capable of ninjaneering.
Also shitslinger with Widow+pistol is fun.


My problem with rescue ranger is the potential DPS you sacrifice.
With Widowmaker you dont even need to make sentries to be powerful.

>join another game
>people are dancing in setup time
>medic joins them
>gates open
>med has no uber ready

it's such a large area that's almost begging to be made interesting
I would unironically use a strange transfer tool on a decent razorback skin

Is a White Bills a show of skills?

i always see white bills being worn by shitters

>Not using the rescue ranger as a weaker huntsman.
>Not wanting to keep your sentry a disgustingly beefy aimbot.

>It deals half the damage
>No HS

>not flanking shitters who think they can take down your sentry with the shotgun

>frontier justice
gimmie those

bretty gud choices
if only the backburner wasn't just stock with a piece of metal on the front

Even better, how about MISSED OPPORTUNITIES.

Airman collection on the Air Strike
Cigarette collection on the Natascha
War Room on the Wrap Assassin
EVERYTHING on the Demoshields.
Top shelf on Frontier Justice
Top Shelf Bazaar Bargain
Camo L'etranger