Best girl edition
Best girl edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Wrong. Lulu is a shit insane loli.
What needs to be done to Mikael's to make it actually worth buying?
xth for Syndra
Which one user?
How to Karthus, /lolg/?
die in the enemy team and press r
As far as I remember, when it was first introduced it used to heal the target for x% max hp when used, aside removing CC.
It would probably be bought more if it had that effect back.
>cottontail fizz doesnt have just 1 big carrot but a shitty ass trident carrots
would buy desu but it looks garbage like this
left is taken, right is everyone's
I choose neither
stop replying to the lulufag thread, newfags.
Help me, I'm becoming a Pantheon abuser and I find it fun. I just love chunking people with my Q. It's so much fun but I feel bad doing it
Reminder this faggot is being a faggot with Xerath scripts/bugs and streaming it
people say its a bug with that corner of fountain but I'm pretty sure I saw his Q hit cross-map while he was at wolf camp
>situational item that isn't even built in the situation it's designed for because the generalist items are just that good
Mikael's is the Thornmail of support items.
>calls others newfags
>still gives a shit about the OP
off yourself my man
>find decent servers without subhumans
>ping is too high
Literally unplayable
it doesn't matter where he stands
it's a script, not really a bug
>1127 ap
>still cant carry because of range
>without subhumans
Hold on that clashes with all of the information I'd been given previously. As far as I knew the bug was Xerath's Q hitting the whole map if you aimed it in a super specific way in a specific spot, and the script was to do so reliably.
I think as its happened with yasuo and anivia at particular corners of fountain they say its a bug
he does always stand in the same corner and says its an exploit but idk what purpose it serves if the script does it
E the enemy tank twice, Q him, oneshot the entire backline due to splash
Why do you waifuposters waifu post?
What is the purpose?
I adore my favourite champ, but I don't spam obnoxious X IS DA BEST and use up posts.
Please help me understand.
that japanese font is slick as fuck desu
he ported to the wraiths and still hit people
but idk, I'm not an expert on this
rito should just disable him for now
>e something twice
if the enemy is in range for my e to hit twice they are either afk or hyperbronze
everyone who gets hit by E will back the fukk of son
>I am gaijin
Are you really this autistic or what
Friendly reminder.
x zed bby
where are you playing from?
I wonder what my ping would be from australia to the moon on NBN
he's playing vs bots, why not shitpost in chat
there would not be a /general/ without the circlejerkers
this is Veeky Forums you moog
were there aram changes? meddler replied to a quote claiming so but i'm not seeing anything in the pbe patch notes
No, not really, since you're aiming at the frontline tank not at a carry. I'm not sure if you're in masters or something, but it has been working for me in the few times I have actually picked Ryze in low diamond.
It was a prank
thornmail is kinda ok (but it's supposed to be excellent) in the situation where you're against a real fucking autoattack-heavy team AND you've already built previous armor items
but yeah it's terrible in 98% of situations
and god knows low elo people still build it so fucking often.
>tfw no comfy bf to play Ranked with
>tfw you will never get past promos and hit gold
>old Shen
>get Sunfire, Randuin's and Thornmail
>get a triple kill as Zed, Rengar and their AD carry try to kill you
how did you get an account on the jap client?
just go to the lol jap website and make one?
xayah cant even compare. dumb fake doesn't deserve to sit next to her in a png. ahri 110%
>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
Yeah just go to jap website, make an account and in client switch to Japanese server.
Let me know what ping did you have.
>play support because im a little bitch
>botlane tower goes down
>adc tells me to go mid
>midlaner tells me to go bot
welp guess i should go kill myself then.
Post Janna
Why is this allowed?
Cuck Rakan and fuck Xayah in front of him; while making out with Ahri.
EUW shitter here.
Gonna play Ranked, need to climb with someone. I'm still in my promos, but I wanna go Gold.
reddit gurl xayah skin when?
>pick rumble
>feed this guy some kills
>he builds bullshit
>takes kills from his team
>nowhere to be found during objectives
>toss my ulti in a teamfight
>delete enemy team with meme build
>all while taking turrets
>enemy garen loses his shit
>earns himself a 2 week
You kids are too easy.
Are you a cute gril?
Just be a good little support and obey your strong ADC. You'll be happier!
>When the autism of the enemy Singed works and you get this deep desire to kill yourself
What AP carries are good at killing tanks? Brand and Velkoz only?
I'm a female(male), if that's what you mean.
Support main here, over 60% winrate with Sons, my lane never loses and if I lose the game it's only because the other 3 guys fed a bottomless pit of hunger.
the voidstaff mahe
Remind people that Mikael's grants 2 seconds of slow immunity on top of the cleanse and 40% MS.
Make it purge stat reductions and DoTs
if you are looking at shredding tanks go Attack speed with BotrK and mask for maximum effect
the voidstaff mahe
I can't use Teemo mid, but thanks.
I wanna get out my promos and see where I hit, climb from there.
Someone wanna duo with me? I'm EUW, alright in all roles, but I do prefer being a healslut/support for a strong adc.
you posted already but you haven't posted your IGN
Fuck off, paedophile.
not getting it Sir
Diamond 2 here
Looking to boost or coach people in europe servers cuz I need some RP
Im pretty cheap and friendly :3
hit me up
I get 150 ping to the jap servers from OCE.
i reckon I could play some shit like maokai on 150 ping
Keep coming, not full!
I wanna see who's interested first.
But it's Homicidal Lolita, no I'm not a waifufagposter.
Brand is my favorite champion.
>needing a boost in EU
oh im laffin
what's that supposed to mean
but im not a scripter
eu drools na rules
It's an exploit, what the script does is that it shows you where you should be standing, doesn't matter where you aim
That's to receive damage to avoid leaverbuster
you literally have less people than eune stop shitposting
shit server
the voidstaff mahe
I doubt there's any difference tho
I wanna get out my promos and see where I hit, climb from there.
Someone wanna duo with me? I'm EUW, alright in all roles, but I do prefer being a healslut/support for a strong adc.
IGN: Homicidal Lolita
>weeaboo name
fuck off
>please give me attention: the post
fuck off
There's something wrong with where I'm from?
i'd like to duo with you but i'm way too skilled to play with the likes of you
I am just a shitter wanting to be better.
>still no Illaoi, Sol, Kled or Tali skins
VR league of legends when