Thread song:
Stale bread Clans:
PLSGO (good)
AWOO (drumph shitters)
PLEBS (PS4fags)
literally none
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Don't be blue and ask in the Veeky Forums channel
Thread song:
Stale bread Clans:
PLSGO (good)
AWOO (drumph shitters)
PLEBS (PS4fags)
literally none
>Where do I look up tanks?
>How do I find people to platoon with?
Don't be blue and ask in the Veeky Forums channel
Other urls found in this thread:
Why the fuck were light tanks nerfed again?
They were almost as good as medium and you can't have that.
Why not?
>overpowered invisitanks won't be overpowered
why is anyone complaining
is it the medium players crying because they don't get a new easymode vehicle to statpad in
who the heck wants more dpm mad invisitank shits rolling about
lights will be fine. medium players get out of my class forever
Is there any reason to go past the ISU-152
they were underpowered in the first test iteration. Now they are garbage.
t. maroon
>They were almost as good as medium
they were hot garbage but apparently that's just too powerful
Relatively close DPM and viewrange as medium but better maneuverability and keeping the full camo while going sanic and since med armor is useless for those tier...
i always forget how fucking bad the posers itt are, but then someone makes a post like this
Rich, coming from a person with 5k battles in Type 59
>since med armor is useless for those tier..
>when that motherfucking Parkinson's kicks in
>it says the gun is only compatible with spic
>never played the spic and already got the gun unlocked
can somebody explain this ?
i only played german heavies past t6 so i doubt it was because of some tech treee rework
Reminder that nothing looks better than the Centurion Action X in the pc version of the game.
too bad the hull is made of wet tissue paper
Damn, are you ok? Everyone here is worried about you.
I hope you can get over this and carry on with your life as normal as possible after such a shock.
>>Relatively close DPM and viewrange
Oh the horror!
Are you saying that light tanks could actually be effective in some way, though still worse than mediums?
Can't have that.
The role of light tanks that WG seems to push(spotting and under no circumstances anything but spotting), is not a role that is viable in the game as it is.
As it is now the team that gets a top tier light tank in their team instead of a medium or Heavy are at a disadvantage in all maps except maybe two or three.
it's honestly stupid. Spotting is important but a medium can do a scout's job better than a light tank can do a medium's.
Scouting isn't exclusive to light tanks. Hell I rack up spots in my Tiger if my team's scouts are too slow. This nerf is completely unnecessary. I hope they never bring it to console in its current form.
stop dying
So what happens if I choose a tank that's already in garage for TankRewards tier 4?
They will send the gold or credits equivalent?
So how are you guys enjoying 30v30?
I've had a lot of fun, even if I think that the attacker has a significant advantage.
Of the 8 games I've played the defender has only won once.
I quit playing WoT after NTR won their first campaign reward tanks.
I came back and played a bit more about a year ago, then quit again.
Is there any reason to re-install?
The solution to light tanks is just to balance them differently.
All light tanks should be dropped a tier. Problem solved.
I have with installed so I can shitpost about people's replays.
>That SU-122-44
He should Suduko
Other than playing with people you enjoyed playing with, no.
Do they have any patch notes, yet? I have been grinding the American and German light tank lines to unluck the T49 and Ru but if they are preemptively nerfing everything I might just give and Sudoku.
fuck of chss and fuck ur depresssive personality
Well if the tank is being moved to tier 9 it doesn't keep the experience, only if the tank is going to tier 8 from tier 7 will it keep the experience. Gib gold for xp conversion tovarisch :)))
Chssmius is a good guy.
It was meant to be a joke that also fulfilled people's expectations of me being autistic and having skewed priorities.
If you don't want to see it you can filter me. That is why I started using my name.
hey awoo commander please accept may application
the name raebodep please accpet
>anime OP
where THE FUCK do you think you are?
Why don't you enlighten us, user?
So is the game still unbalanced in favour of slav tanks?
this is a north-korean blog, you dumb fuck
>incest anime
>related to muh tonks
>north korean shill identified
Get ready to get nuked you slimy gook
Nip heavies are the new meta
>t. heat slinging arty
Why didn't anyone tell me that the AT2 is an impenetrable pillbox on wheels.
Because it isn't.
Because its not, none of them are because wargame doesn't actually play the fucking game which is why the maps are shit and the tanks are an unbalanced clusterfuck and balance between tiers doesn't exist and arty is still a thing and the wonky ass spotting still exists and there's grind out the fucking ass.
This is the Sturer Emil, say something nice
The Sturer Emil has excellent gun depression and alpha damage for its tier.
>my face when people call it the Saint Emil because it's abbreviated St Emil in game
>mfw I do that just to trigger people
Why are players from 3rd world countries (south america) so terrible?
It's like they're not even sentient. Do they even know they're playing a video game or do they just mash the keyboard while screaming?
The average IQ of south america is below 90, meaning they're nearing levels of literal retardation.
hahaha get it? its pedobear backwards. awoo should really accept this guy
>joining a stronghold and hearing all these brazil tier calls with brazil tier compositions
Kim will handle you, burger.
>not having a anime OP
You're in the wrong neighboardhood faggot.
>be in tiger 2
>3 APCR rounds into mauschen cupola
>all bounces
>can't pen up glaces
>can't pen lower glacis
>can't pen turret
So the tiger is such a piece of dogshit that it can't even hurt a tank in the same tree one tier above it?
thanks for the german bias WG you fucking niggers.
lol just flank
>he doesn't know what corridors are
just go down a different corridor lmao
>he doesn't play wot
Your computer must be a complete potato if it can't even run wot 3rd worlder.
Can't we just fucking remove arty since nobody likes them?
mad cuz bad
Play arty yourself, use your warpack to trace their shells and bully the nerds away. Like I do.
>27 loses and 3 wins tonight
I've just thrown the last 7 games in tier 8. I'm fucking done.
fuck this broken matchmaking
3 loss rule
stop playing if you lose 3 times in a row
no goy, you just need to carry harder! It's much easier to crry if you have a Defender you know.
>I'll need to platoon to get tank reward points this month
there's no objective fact behind this. 3 is just an arbitrary number i've chosen for myself
matchmaker is based off of the queue population, and if you're getting shit matches, you'll continue to get shit if you keep playing
it's good to cut your losses early. losing a majority of battles isn't very efficient anyway.
get good, mate. I would have won 20 games and lost 10 in your place
Hey can I join PLSGO?
Who do I contact?
welp not completing any this month then
Join AWOO today!!!!!!
You can just invite pubbies to your platoon and get the missions that way
>implying getting crucial contribution 5 times with pubbies
Join AWOO Today!
Is the api for console stats accessible to see their WN8? Does any console player have a WN8 above 700?
I wonder if these retards realize that no one wants to join a stupid le ebin may may: DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD clan that not only sucks in game, but also does noting but spam stale memes and worship arbitrary members.
Seriously, are they self-aware?
I envy their graphics but the platforms are trash.
>there's a world of tanks gen
anime girls and military tanks. what a weird sounding concept.
>that retard crying for help the whole time in the background
>the "I yolo'd into them so why aren't you guys following me to be my meatshields, just so I can get off one shot and run away" guy
so glad that no one actually uses voice comm in PC random pubs
>api reporting wn8
So was the retard in chat the vk45? or ???
Should I buy a KV-2 while the sale is going on?
Which vert stab is the type 64 going to be able to equip?
Jesus console is literal BR tier subhuman
You're dumber than the VK if you even think that's a possibility.
>he doesn't know how WN8 is calculated
Spoilers: The api is part of it.
I'm not a console pleb like you.
I know that allchat used to be on PC. And that consoles are assbackwards with shit like the wtf e100 still being in game.
Wouldn't surprise me at all if there was an alltalk for you kids.
My last team had five argentinians.
Now you've outted yourself as a humongous faggot AND retard