/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

Thonk Edition
Previous jej: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for physicians:

List of currently known and vaguely not as dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of Ded Earf
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's Mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena 2
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>Shadowverse, found in the shadowverse general, /svg/, not in this general.

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Other urls found in this thread:



Second for what centipede-buddah and what tumors?

Do you really want to know?

are there any good mods for spongos that increase performance beyond atrocious?

at this point im thinking of upgrading to 32 GB of RAM from 8

No point in not knowing

Nothing will change, spengos will eat up as much ram as you throw in.
Throw your pc in liquid nitrogen and overclock the CPU to 666GHz while hammering three nails in the other cores, then build a shrine to marek in a sealed chamber and fill it with Zyklon B.

+12hrs my arse

>liquid nitrogen
>not supercooled liquid helium with a dilution refrigerator
Is like you don't even want superior thermal capacity and lower temperatures

I beat the grilled.

>marek's abomination melts your fridge and starts spitting helium everywhere
>your room fills with helium, displacing all the oxygen
>as you drift into eternal sleep, you manage to scream GAS MAREK in a chipmunk voice

what is already ded cannot sleep user
on top of that even a ded one will rise when the clang is clang

Well you see user if magnetic monopoles exist we could use them to make computers with clock speeds on the order of 10^19 Hz. This is so fast that instead of emitting radio noise like processors today, they'd emit gamma rays.

A computer so fast it could kill you


>tfw finally a computer capable of running a 20 players server at at least 0.7 simspeed
>Ced literally dies to give us a server

Can you not have /svg/ in your thread name? It's fucking with filters on the catalog while trying to filter just for the actual Shadowverse thread.

our own jesus
1. we do not have /svg/, we have /svgg/, so it seems you aren't searching properly
2. we had it first and as the autistic children that we are we ain't giving our toys away


Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>Shadowverse, found in the shadowverse general, /svg/, not in this general.

This should solve your problematic situation, friend :^)

>we do not have /svg/, we have /svgg/
It still shows up under svg, that's my point.

I know this isn't the thread about Shadowverse, I'm talking about how it shows up pinned on my catalog as /svg/ just because you have /svg/ in the thread OP.

didn't even notice someone added it, marvelous

Is it really that hard to just look through the catalog for half a second and find /svg/? Do what I do and keep your browser and /egg/ open forever.

But this isn't /svg/ friend, this is /svgg/!
Maybe you got clicked the wrong thread!

/svgg/ predates /svg/ by a few years.
This "issue" is spawned of your own general's poor choice of abbreviation.
Your problem, not ours.

are you really so autistic as to not be able to take one second to click on the right general

maybe his autism subconsiously directed him here

>type svg/ in the field
>enjoy not being a retard

This program is terrible

26th for looking at your older machines next to your modern ones

Shame I don't have anything from the 0.05 days anymore, when my first planes were barely able to get off the ground and fly for a few seconds

Again, this isn't about your thread being named /svgg/, but about you literally having /svg/ in the thread OP and getting flagged by the automatic filter as /svg/.
Also, today is the first time I've ever seen /svgg/ in my catalog, so you must've changed something with this thread. It didn't use to pick it up automatically until today.
But do not fear, I have figured out something that both you and us can use.

Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying.
It's not /svg/ so maybe you should stop having /svg/ in the thread OP.

>Shadowverse general
What else would it be?

>not being able to tell that it literally already says (/)svg/ in my picture already
>not being able to tell that svg/ will also still flag this thread because you fags have ">Shadowverse, found in the shadowverse general, /svg/, not in this general." in your OP, which, guess what, features "svg/"
>you in charge of logical thinking
Ironic that someone browsing a thread about engineering games would be a brainlet

They grew up so fast.

Friend, I think you clicked on the wrong thread, you know?
Our OP clearly says /svgg/. It even says that /svg/ can't be found here.
I don't really understand what's your problem, everything is very clear!

>but about you literally having /svg/ in the thread OP
But we literally don't

>go to >click on the one that says "Shadowverse General"

>typing this post
>autocorrect keeps changing "svg" to "egg"

Hello my friend!
It appears you are looking for the Shadowverse general aka /svg/.

You have stumbled upon /egg/, previously /svgg/, that's 1(one) whole less /g/.


t. buttmad childrens card game player.

But that's a line saying /svg/ isn't here, not that /svg/ is in here

But we literally do.

next op ill be sure to tag as many variations of shadowverse general in the OP as possible

>But that's a line saying /svg/ isn't here, not that /svg/ is in here
And how does that matter for an automated filtering system?

>thread been up for less than an hour before first animufag starts complaining
Not sure if it's just an eggman (possibly OP) pretending to be retarded, or legit special needs child.

>you must've changed something with this thread. It didn't use to pick it up automatically until today
The current OP features a line, which you yourself happen to quote:

>Shadowverse, found in the shadowverse general, /svg/, not in this general.
Usually it reads
>Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general.

From now on it'll read both.

>not found in this general
You're the idiot that clicked it, don't blame us.


Are your eyes an automated filtering system, user? Surely you can read different bits of writing, otherwise you wouldn't be coming to a textboard!

Plus, seriously, you posted an image just now showing that you CAN filter us out, why are you even here being mad in your ass

Stop using a shit automator that opens the wrong thread then.

Thing is, despite being pretty autistic, no one here cares, at all, about other generals showing up, you guys and a bunch of other do all the time.
So go fug you're shelf with a wrench my friend.
Granted, the OP is usually tagged for /hsg/ because they're stupid cunts.
And make sure to have qt OPs

Whatever would be good, you picked something that was a subset of already used abbreviation, as previous /egg/user said, you brought it upon yerselves.

You are correct that something changed, there wasn't the part about this not being /svg/, but it was cleverly added, because of people like you mass-spaming us. Simillar to /hsg/.

And the worst thing is, I think you are not in a thread you wanted to be in, this is /egg/, formerly /svgg/, the shadowverse general (/svg/, for whatever reason) might be what you're looking for

read op, we have a new entry

Nigger, that's not my point. It hasn't been my point from my very first post.
I didn't -randomly- stumble upon this thread and think "Whoa, this isn't the Shadowverse general I was looking for! I've been fooled!", I came here with the specific purpose to complain about you guys having /svg/ in the thread OP and showing up on my filter.
That's literally it.
I've already figured out anyway how to circumvent the problem by just hiding anything with /egg/ in the name anyway, so at this point I'm only here to argue for the sake of arguing since you guys keep misinterpreting what I'm saying.

All of this time you've wasted being fusion boosted fission assblasted at a bunch of literal autists who like space legos when you could've spent that time talking about your digital hentai cards.

Yea, but literally no one here cares about that because 5+ generals show up when you look for egg, so you're being bullied for being a sensitive fag.

Sir, it appears that Clang has overtaken you, this is /egg/, not /svg/. We advice you take the complaints to the thread that's responsible for the whole mess (in case you're a physician: that thread is /svg/ not /egg/).

>I've already figured out anyway how to circumvent the problem by just hiding anything with /egg/ in the name anyway, so at this point I'm only here to argue for the sake of arguing since you guys keep misinterpreting what I'm saying


We've perfectly interpreted:
>The problem you have
>How it can be solved
>How to tell you this
And then told you (after fucking with you for a bit)

So there's literally no reason for you to be here? I thought the argument was caused because you thought you were having your time allocated for masturbating over cards wasted, so you decided to waste more of it?

I mean, cheers for the bumps, we're usually quite ded

Fuck off, nobody cares about your non-issue problems.



Orkz are the most /egg/ fictional species, they make otherwise nonfunctional piles of scrap work just by believing they should work

Isn't engineering all about caring about non-issue problems though?

I'm pretty sure these prop planes I made with contra-rotating props didn't have such crazy torque back in the day, something must have changed in the game's physics since then

Also fuck these are pretty weird to fly after getting used to how fast, stable and smooth my newer jets are then again said newer jets are built almost entirely out of lifting surfaces

No, it's about autism and worship of mechanoeldritch chaos gods.

Engineering is about creating problems to solve, not crying like a bitch to people who don't care.

How would you make a horror engineering game?
It'd have to be cosmic horror, of course.

engineering warships to defeat pre-samurai jack aku in space




Has anyone done the 'find 3 bits of gold' level in Besiege?
Where the fuck are the two bits that aren't the obvious one in a minecart?

Okay let me rephrase:

Besiege got two new levels along with that multiplayer announcement, the update wasn't solely a link to the multiverse trailer.

Has anyone even noticed this yet besides me?

>multiplayer announcement

Also dunno about that level, I haven't bothered with the actual game levels in a long long time

>besiege blen user misses update for his game
oh sweet irony
run mate

Never mind, found one jammed in a big-ass rock. Can only assume the other one's hidden somewhere similarly annoying.

Come on dude we spent ages talking about it, it's like the only time we've talked about it here in ages

I just don't check the besiege forums very often and when I do it's usually just the modding subforum

So I rebuilt my original frigate now I've had a bit more practice. Looks a little less shit IMO. Doesn't deal quite the same amount of damage via missiles, but I think the consistent DPS from the main gun makes up for it.

I found the particle gun to be good, but really, really inconsistent. And I didn't know how to design a ship properly back then.

Strange how much of a difference 50-70 hours of practice makes.

CLANG has struck my new creation though. I don't know why, because 99% of this craft was built with symmetry on, but there is a serious fucking list to the right for no discernible reason.

Got so bad it was just capsizing while stationary, so I stapled a load of lead to the bottom of the hull, then attached some jet engines. Now it's a bit fucky when it turns, but it gets the job done. Save for when the gun doesn't have enough depression, but hey, can't win 'em all.

The list may have been from being too high in the water. The lead must have lowered your center of mass to an acceptable lowness

Oh, it's still listing pretty bad. I'll try lowering it some more.

Does Oxygen Not Included belong in here?

I think that'd be more colony management along the lines of Rimworld/Dwarf Fortress, but those both have their own generals. From what I've seen it has no real engineering, just placing down pre-built parts. Maybe if the air flow mechanics are complex enough it could be considered life support engineering.

nope, it's closer to rimworld than to /egg/

Rimworlds general died last week, rip

maybe they'll join "o2 not in" and dwarfu fortressu?

Well, you DO have to worry about oxygen concentration and there is a temperature system in place that you have to worry about.
Though it goes beyond "hot, people are unhappy, cold people are unhappy, warm people are ok" but also overheat damage and state change (ie: you can liquefy gases if you cool them enough, CO2 and Chlorine are the easiest to liquefy and even solidify so you can make dry ice)
On top of that there are some borderline exploits with contaminated oxygen/water, liquefy contaminated oxygen and the pollutant disappear (google for "oxygen not included hydrogen bubbler"), and if you boil contaminated water you create clean steam and dirt.

No, it died a while back due to literal redditors and a futafag.

Yeah I think if they refine the mechanics of their fluid dynamics for gas and liquids, and provide more tools for manipulating the creatures (though you can presently build around them to include them in your systems), it would fit better here. In its current state, though, I agree; its engineering aspects are not very intensive

I feel like dwarf fortress is a big enough beast for its own general. Not much room for other games imo

This, its clang for fantasy simulation. And its getting "worse" all the time.

>Can you ...

>catalogue search "egg"
>engineering and qt animus
>comfy ded
>decent memes
Why is /egg/ such a best?

i just search for svgg since you can do that with one hand and it never returns anything but /egg/

if i wanted to look at anime girls i'd explicitly search for an anime girl thread

Autism but not namefag autism that makes things shit

but what do you do when you search for cute engineering anime girls?

Kinda looking around for lightweight but fun engineering games, theme and goal do not matter, performance does a lot.

I'd go back to Algodoo but
>muh 2d
besiege doen't run and Factorio's starting just isn't fun enough for me to go back to.

That does not apply to a lot.
Try some of the zachtronics games?

>What else would it be?
Change it to /shag/.

Highly educated autismos doing silly things that are nonetheless grounded in logic and hounded by a chaotic abomination. Chuck on the guise of anonymity and it's little surprise /egg/ is the best general.

Guys. He's false flagging and probably a kerbnigger. Nobody is actually this dense.

The light side of autism. We just wanna build cool shit, and then clang it with other cool shit.

Open world ocean, construct bote that can flote in the face of eldrich gravity-warping abominations. Also pirates.

>surprise /egg/
I had to do it.

So advanced Americans had to ban it as they choke on them.

I had to do it.