>2.6: Legacy
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Skilltree Planner
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
previously on /poeg/:
>2.6: Legacy
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Skilltree Planner
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
previously on /poeg/:
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top 5 for blade vortex
Oh, so Glacial Hammer + Melee splash is shit?
>he still hasn't got his L E G A C Y portal effect
What's your excuse?
>Ranged spells and attacks hit multiple screens worth of shit with just as much damage as melee
>Better nerf AOE
Makes ya think
This is almost as stupid as life vs es...
The fuck just happened
somebody put that into the dumb fuckin brain meme
It just keeps on going wtf theres like 400 of them
thanks game
alk is basically top 10 ssfhc in a week with a cleave build
turns out being skilled trumps those "balance issues" you care about so much
How does damage over time work? lets say i deal 100 fire damage per attack, 3 attack per second, 300 dps. when i ignite an enemy do i deal 20% of 100 or 300 per second?
>A hit of damage that has a chance to ignite is capable of inflicting ignite. Critical strikes inherently have a 100% chance to ignite.
>The base duration of ignite is 4 seconds. The burning damage over time is 20% of the initial hit of fire damage, per second. Therefore, over the base duration the target will take 80% of the damage dealt by the original hit.
>Separate applications of ignite do not stack cumulatively. Each ignite effect remains present on the target until it runs its course, but only the one with the highest damage per second will cause damage at any given moment.
use your common sense
your question is extremely stupid
>ssfhc top 20 filled with /poeg/ers
fucking retard
Armor, evasion, energy shield or mana /poeg/? whats your fav?
all of them at once
LMAOing at ur "life"
sounds like something ur mum would say
what did he mean by this
this general is toxic. not surprising though. this kind of games attract losers.
i read the wiki. so 20% of 100 not 300.
we take great pride in being losers here
there's no winners to be found here
we caught a stray from reddit
*cracks a cold one*
hmmm should I watch baked's stream...
we watch mathil here
>Try to go for some upgrades while leveling
>get JUST'd
fml stuck with a shit character midgame now
is how I'd go, you need min 200% life before jewels, grab IR and keep the tree compact
your tree is horrid
ths is my suggestion:
>sextant blocking
>people found out another way to abuse the shitlas
just fucking remove it already. the straind chain is absolutely disgusting and it is so much worse than buying gorges was.
no one forced you to chain strands, tard
thanks for the inputs. i threw something together just to get going but i had a hunch it was awful, hence why i wanted another pair of eyes on it. havent played HC in about 2 years so the %life guideline is useful
you wanna know why this kind of reasoning is retarded?
you can get to 100 by playing nothing but saboteur 24/7 like this guy because its his job, its how he pays for his rent
that doesnt make it a good fucking ascendancy you retard
>mommy players are playing the way they enjoy please make it stop
shouldn't you be playing d3 necro?
you're welcome to rival his efficiency with an obviously overpowered ranged build, but until you're able to, keep your armchair game balance analysis deep in your ass where you pulled it from because a melee player is embarrassing you on a daily basis
a vaal firebuild can get from 90-100 much faster than he could easily. Nice argument retard
VFB builds rely on Rolling Flames threshold jewels which makes them... an AoE build! you know, the thing that was nerfed and that you're crying bout? wow, look at you making yourself look stupid without my help, good job good effort faggot
>VFB builds rely on Rolling Flames threshold jewels which makes them... an AoE build!
The threshold jewels increase the RADIUS, which is NOT increased area of effect (WHICH THEY NERFED) you mongoloid
dont reply to me again, you got blown the fuck out
>that amount of backpedaling
>waaaaaaaah why did they nerf AoE
>btw look at this AoE build that's still super strong
war in nk lads
we need 3.0 beta to celebrate ww3
i hope nz gets a nuke a two
>check terminus est flicker guide
>113% life at lvl 70
ayy shitcrows
when's the beta
early may
>Strongest melee skill is a totem
>strongest projectile skill is throwing melee claws
>strongest spell is a buff around you
what the fuck is wrong with these devs
the game is not that simple, reddit
can anyone explain to me why there are belt mtx
Some do give affects. I think Belt of the Deceiver gives a dark-red aura-like thing on your character. You can also MTX swap flasks and that is purely for the little 2d button.
Autism, basically.
>>strongest spell is a buff around you
i mean i guess that's what vspark is.
fug trying to post first thing in the morning, anons.
And VFB.
>reiddiots think shaped strand speed builds are """"""strong""""""""
have fun doing shaper with vspark lol
There's a guy that made lots of flicker strike builds have 190% life at the end. Though he does suggest Abyssus as an option with certain item combinations
I've got some decent jewels for fire skills, and a 20% flameblast, 20% firestorm 18% inc aoe and an infernal mantle im trying to 5 or 6 link
What should i play? Also im ssf
Wait, is this supposed to happen?
double dipping poison zombies with srs for spam skill
Has anybody tried to make a crit build with rutus lead sprinklers? I'm feeling like playing sunder and I want to hit end game this time.
dont report that bug. you will get blamed for hacking and get a ban
how come everyone is hopping on the frost blade band wagon?
Whats wrong with lightning strike (The skill that functions almost similar, except you dont need to actually land a hit
Reminder that this is a positive general and all negativity should be left outside this general. Here's a fRee for my nigga freeposter
try standing behind a small rock and fire off lightning strike towards an enemy behind it.
You're a fucking idiot it's not a hack it's part of the game.
Every time you kill something the game generates a random number between 0 and 1million. If the number it lands on is your level then it causes this
This is a bully free zone!
30 free pen
full conversation
*bullies you*
what are you going to do about it hehe
so dont stand behind objects retard
Keepers of the Trove Each monster drops a rare item of the same type.
Isnt the pen melee only?
How do you double dip memes with zombies and SRS? I presume you need United in Dream.
Tempted to reroll again as Baron but SRS focused. I've caught the reroll bug again.
you dont need ele pen to clear trash
Pretty sure some monsters get mods that cause them to drop loads of same base gears. That already happened to me plenty of times.
Yeah one spawns whenever the RNG rolls your level or a prime number over 100
i fuck for god, exile. who do you fuck for?
how can you leverage your poe expertise and your ability to reach l100 in softcore temp leagues into getting gf
Why get a GF when women these days pretty much give it away for free?
baked is a filthy redditor
they dont
They do.
Newfag here.
I've been buying good layout maps and running through them quick but why does it feel like this isn't paying off at all? The currency drops I got don't even pay off what I spent (I did get a reliquary key but not counting that in for obvious reasons) so it just feels like a pointless sink (I'm not aiming for experience, just want to earn currency). I might just cave in and run literally any shit map, knowing that even though I'm going slower I save myself a lot in map prices in the long run. I do realize it's a shit mindset to have, but it really feels like being able to run more at a price isn't worth it. Do people feel the same way and just run them anyways banking on super rare valuable drops?
yeah i own a united in dream id be doing that and i did baron its fun but i want something i could kill bosses with
good luck making a ONS into your anal sex slave
thats what streamers and alk is for tho
My little dick isn't gonna make a slave of anyone.
Zombies aren't so bad for bosses, though. Did you focus more (5l/6l) on zombies? Did you even use SRS? And what gems did you use for zombies?
People use very different gems for zombies all of the time. Some focus on even more damage, some focus more on attack speed and so on. I'd definitely recommend focusing on SRS (5l/6l) and putting Zombies in the helm.
>have my name for character and initials for what build im doing
>ask to buy shaped strands tell him i want to buy them all
>he tells me give him 12c
>sticks 10 shaped strands in
>confused but accept
>tells me i have his exs name
what a fucking cuck
what if his ex just died in a car crash and her last words to him as he pulled her off the car wreck were "we'll meet again in your hideout bby"
cucked by death
>having a girls name
yeah but what if i told you that
cast when damage taken immortal call
>not having your waifus name
you're waifu a shit
Doesn't help you against one shots, idiot
reminder to stay hydrated, and never support any streamers by following, subscribing, donating or even viewing their channels
*slightly unsheathes katana*
i shall give you 3 seconds to apologise
call me an idiot again dude i dare you :)
pls respond