Has anyone, at any point in history, even genuinely believed in Mormonism within the Mormon community? I find it hard to believe that such an organized religion would be accepted so widely right in the age of Enlighment.
Has anyone, at any point in history, even genuinely believed in Mormonism within the Mormon community...
Nothing in Moronism is any more stupid or obviously insane than mainstream christianity.
Has anyone, at any point in history, even genuinely believed in Christianity within the Christian community? I find it hard to believe that such an organized religion would be accepted so widely right in the age of Enlighment.
I do. If you want, I can stick around for an AMA about this subject.
Is this true that Mormons believe in parallel universes?
It's no more ridiculous than any other religion. They are only given legitimacy due to their age.
Maybe? We believe in eternal progression and that families are eternal so there's much more out there but we don't really know anything about that stuff other than its there. Also, if you ever ask a Mormon deep doctrine questions, they will tend to try to change the subject because we believe in keeping some things sacred and not just putting it out there in the world
Sorry, I forgot to clarify in my AMA that there are some questions that I cannot answer here if they are about certain topics that really shouldn't be discussed out in the open like this. If you do have one of those questions, I'll respectfully decline to answer them but try my best to refer you to material that I can send you
Jesus Christ, I'm an atheist an even I know that Mormonism is way nuttier than mainstream/orthodox Christianity.
How do you feel about young Mormon men being kicked out of their communities and left to die because the elders don't want anybody to take their wives?
Assuming mormonism is in your opinion the correct religion, do you think society would be able to function of these practices were done on a larger scale?
How so?
Was the person we call "God" ever something other than god?
This is only because you are conditioned to live around mainstream madness, but unfamiliar with mormonism.
Only because you grew up with christianity's absurd and stupid claims being mainstream. If you'd been exposed to Moronism to the same extent, you wouldn't find it any more ridiculous.
I think if there is 100% truth to that story, then it is gravely wrong.
Just to clarify, are you talking about polygamy in general or killing the elders?
God, in our scriptures, can refer to either Heaven Father or Jesus Christ. We believe in the God-Head, God the Father, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost.
This is a perfectly honest and legitimate comment, and observation on cults in general. There is no such thing as a religion, by the way, for in the English language, the word religion has a deeply positive and mystical connotatoin which may be attributed to the preferred belief. No such cult stands the test. There are only cults that have been around a while long, and therefore falsely believe themselves to be in any way superior to the upstarts (they aren't).
The only reason why orthodox and catholics have their smugness on this and other Veeky Forums boards (where a certain anti-protestant culture presently prevails) is out of a false sense of vindication via their respective traditions, their respectively invalid appeals to history for the shared pleasure of their respectively false culture, neither of which is one whit better than a Mormonism or a Scientology except by dint of having Old Books. Attention and reminder to all catholics and orthodox: you are every bit as false and every bit as wrong as a Mormon, and you are never justified for feeling any better about your cult.
t. atheist.
No really, how is anything in mormonism particularly less wonky than an undead jew rising from the grave and ascending into the sky after being his own dad but also not his own dad, who will one day return to do battle with the son of the devil in one final showdown after trumpets blare across the sky and a golden ladder pops down out of nowhere?
The complications of polygamy in general.
Was Jesus created?
I see. Well, it is quite an awkward thing in and of itself just in regard to social norms. For this reason, I don't think it would work out on a larger scale. The reason we did polygamy because it was a commandment from God to do so at the time. I'm still don't really understand all of the polygamy laws but basically, we did it because it was a commandment. Kinda like a mini Abrahamic test.
Christianity never claimed Jews lived in the Americas for one.
His Body was. We believe that we are all eternal. We have always existed and will always exist. Initially, we were intelligences floating out there in the cosmos and the God clothed us with spiritual bodies and the physical bodies. Jesus always existed but he progressed far beyond any of us and took it upon himself to be our savior so that we could all have a chance at salvation.
No but they believe jews lived in Ancient Egypt. And that there was some large super jew kingdom that has zero historical record from any other contemporary kingdom.
and just a clarification, when I say created, I mean organized from the elements
In a way you're right, but the oldness of these religions aids them in more way than having a built up, ancient tradition. since Mormonism appeared in modern times it is much easier to point out why it is wrong. you can see the testimony of people who "saw" his golden tablets and see how he plagiarized from novels of the day. we even have a burnt scrap of an egyptian text he claimed to have successfully translated to a story about Abraham when it is in fact just a regular funerary text
So then are you (Mormons in general, not you specifically) opposed to conversion or do you think that a commandment from god can be put aside when no longer applicable?
Because that already sounds like a schism.
conversion as in conversion to another church?
Sorry, I didn't see the second part of your question. We do believe that certain commandments from God can be temporary. For example, the Law of Moses. In biblical times, the Israelites had to sacrafice animals and observe a bunch of rituals that served the purpose of pointing them towards Christ. After Jesus Christ died and went through the Atonement, the Law of Moses was fulfilled, so now the saints had to live the higher law, the one that we live today. So in some circumstances, commandments can be temporary, but I can see where you get the idea of the schism.
Reminder that Mormonism is less stupid and full of contradictions/insults to intelligence than Islam is.
Reminder that Mormons are actually the most "genuine" Christians behavior wise.
>Is this true that Mormons believe in parallel universes?
doesn't the scientific community also belie in parallel universes?
Doesn't Hinduism hold to the idea that everyone is in essence the highest creator God and will be God of their own universe at some point (since every soul will be or has been reborn as Brahman)
desu if you consider Mormon beliefs within what we know about the universe today they are not crazy.
let me know if anyone else has any questions. Ask away
Do Mormons hate Christians and Muslims?
No. We try our best to love everyone like Heavenly Father does.
Also, although we have different beliefs from mainstream Christianity, we believe ourselves to be Christian because we worship Jesus Christ and try to do his will.
Mormon here. I genuinely believe in Mormonism, though a mate had referred to me as being a "deist Mormon" because I'm a fan of general spiritual stuff. To me the doctrines of Mormonism do a much better job explaining God and our relationship to God than any other religion. I served a mission in England btw, and though it was tough tits it is a massive positive for the growth and development for young people, especially in such a massively degenerate world.
Also I think Mormon culture varies. I'm in Australia. Some American Mormons to me are massive retards.
They hate USA for killing their prophet and until halfway through last century they had a pledge in which they promised to avenge him blood for blood, if that interests you
Hello Brother Anonymous. I was the one doing the AMA earlier and I'm actually getting ready to go on my mission.
Is that about the danites and such? We do not necessarily hate the USA per say but rather are against wickedness in general. It's best to leave vengeance up to the Lord. Also, with regards to the US, we do believe that it is a land of promise with the condition that the inhabitants thereof must serve the God of the land, Jesus Christ, or be swept off when the time comes that they fully "ripen in iniquity".
How do you deal with the numerous Old Testament affirmations of Monotheism, including the shema itself?
Well in our belief system we are monotheistic in the sense that it is ultimately God, the Eternal Father, whom we worship. However, we worship Him through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, whom we believe to be Jehovah, the God of the Old Testament. As I said earlier, we believe in the God Head, made up of three separate personages (God, the Father, His son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost) but are one in purpose. Heavenly Father basically delegated everything that has to do with us to His son Jesus Christ (hence the phrase "This is my beloved son, Hear Him!" This is why a lot of the old testament quotes about the Lord are talking about Jesus Christ.
No it's Henotheistic Tritheism. You yourself implied you worship both Jesus and the Father.
>we believe in the God Head, made up of three separate personages
Please, don't use such deceptive language. A Trinitarian would say the same thing and mean something completely different.
What the Trinitarian means by "one Godhead" and "three separate persons" (though a Trinitarian would probably say 'distinct', rather than separate) Is that there is one God, made up of three ousian persons. What you mean is that three gods come together in a council called the Godhead.
yes, but all things were done under the direction of God the Father. We worship Heavenly Father by worshiping Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is a god and he himself teaches mankind to do the will of the Father, his and our father. He is our mediator with the Father because he went through the ultimate sacrifice of the Atonement. God the Eternal Father is Elohim, the God of Gods.
>"a god"
I did not mean this in a way which would make him appear as less than he really is. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. The beginning of the Book of Mormon states that its main purpose is to convince people that Jesus Christ is the Eternal God. "a god" was the phrasing that I used to merely show that he has progressed on to the point that he is perfect and all powerful just like Heavenly Father. "god" in the sense of an exalted, perfected man rather than say a nature god in a polytheistic religion. btw nice meme lol
Nice. Got your call? Been through the temple? I got home christmas 2014.
Advice: don't be a blind follower. One of my regrets is listening too closely to my mission pres and not having courage to listen to promptings because of it.
Not yet for either. Once I get my call, I can go through the temple. Haha I've heard that sometimes on missions your aps and zls can be hard to deal with sometimes when they over stress the numbers. Thanks for the advice. I'm definitely working on being in tune with the spirit so that I can follow promptings. I haven't really had much experience with following promptings in my life, but the mission will definitely give me opportunities to work on that. Also I'm pretty stoked for the temple and have heard a lot of great things about it (without actually discussing it of course). I'm trying to prepare myself for that so that I can be taught as much as I can bare. Nice to see a fellow Mormon on Veeky Forums. Apparently the two don't mix very well lol
>During a tour of southern Utah Brigham Young, along with some 60 other Saints visited the massacre site in May 1861. After viewing the inscription on the cross, Wilford Woodruff recorded President Young as saying “it should be vengeance is mine and I have taken a little.” The cross was then torn down and the rocks of the cairn were dismantled, leaving little of the original marker.
For this alone, it is the duty of every American citizen to kill the Mormon where he can find one.
AMA poster here. I forgot to mention one of the most important gospel principles that we believe in, personal revelation. If anyone is reading this thread and would like to know if the things that I'm saying are true, then they can find out for themselves. To do this, read the Book of Mormon, Keep the Commandments, and ask God in faith, believing that you will recieve an answer, if it is true and I promise you that He will reveal the truthfulness of it to you through the power of the Holy Ghost.
What massacre site is that? And I would highly discourage killing Mormons, particularly the ones who can be called saints. The punishment for killing saints us a very swift and harsh one. The Lord doesn't mess around when you do that. Killing the Saints is what led to the utter destruction of the Jaredites and Nephites. If society gets wicked enough to the point that they kill the saints, then they will be destroyed.
How did a Mormon end up on Veeky Forums? No offense but everyone of your lot I've met seems a polar opposite of this place.
God is not on your side, you fucking heathen. We will tar and feather your backsides like we did to your false prophet Smith.
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean? Sounds like unwarranted self importance..
Oho tell me your great secrets of the cosmos Utah man
Haha funny story actually. So I heard this place was the source of dank memes so I was like cool, let me check it out. But then I realized there was way too much porn on here (basically mormons consider pornography to be the plague and basically one of Satan's most powerful toola). Thank goodness there's the work safe filter but still, it is quite risky coming here. I was just chilling around and saw a lot of religion posts so I was like cool, I can share my beliefs will people and now I'm here
Haha apparently we don't.
Well mate, hopefully you get the call to beautiful Australia. Maybe I'll never meet you in this life but hey, there's another one coming after this right?
Godspeed, Elder.
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound stuck up or anything. I was just trying to point out that there are some gospel topics that aren't meant to be shared out in the open. Many people refer to this as casting the pearls before the swine or milk before meat. In order to preserve the sacredness of some things, we won't openly discuss it because it shows irreverence and it isn't the best way to teach people. Would you teach a child calculus if they haven't even learned basic arithmetic yet? Also God won't reveal many things to us yet because we aren't ready to recieve them.
why did you people stop being poligamist? i mean i get it was a political thing but why didnt you just continue the practice in secret then rehabilitate it when times change?
You have your agency to do so if you choose. We all fought in the great war in heaven so that we could continue to have our agency in this life. You can not, however, alter the consequences for your choices. I was just letting you know of the consequences. Also, I noticed that you got very angry at me for sharing what is taught in the scriptures. Getting angry after hearing the doctrine of Christ is a condition that frequents civilizations before they are utterly destroyed. I don't want you to go down that path. I invite you to repent of your sins and come unto Christ and be happy. It'll wash away all your anger and make you feel so much love. Peace my fellow brother or sister.
Haha true true. If I do get called to Australia then I'll ask around for the Elder on Veeky Forums and maybe we can meet up. Of not, I guess I'll see you in spirit paradise (hopefully, still gotta endure to the end)? And who knows. Maybe we knew each other in the premortal existence. Godspeed.
Because our prophet at the time took it to the Lord and then revealed to us that it was time to stop the practice. I believe I found a quote somewhere where the prophet even said that if we didn't stop it, the US would have shut down our church, thus halting the spread of the gospel. That could not happen because the gospel has to spread to prepare the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Also, this tested the obedience of some members who chose not to give up polygamy and unfortunately they left the church to make their own split off groups (flds etc).
AMA poster here. Peace out senpai. I'm gonna get off now and go get ready for church tomorrow. I'll be back later and happily answer more questions.
Lol I put senpai and it autocorrected to senpai
Does f a m always autocorrect to senpai?
Mormon AMAs on Veeky Forums have been a thing before I even knew what mormons are user.
How do you deal with the golden tablet bullshit and the fact that your prophet was wrong about the moundbuilders not being amerindian.
By receiving a personal witness through the power of the Holy Ghost that the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored on the earth today through the prophet Joseph Smith. We have to start with faith, but eventually we can begin to know that these things are true by experimenting through a spiritual lense. The golden plates are real, but the words found therein are worth far more than the actual plates. Like I said earlier, to obtain this witness, read the Book of Mormon, keep the commandments (basically loving the Lord, 10 commandments), and pray sincerely to Heavenly Father (having enough faith to believe that you will recieve an answer) about if it is true. If you do all of this, then I promise you that He will show you that it is true.
I see. That's a memorial for the Mountain Meadows Massacre. To the best of my knowledge, I'm pretty sure that it was completely unjustified and I don't even know why they did it. I'm pretty sure the members who took part in it were all excommunicated. The quote of what the prophet Brigham Young did to the cairn afterwards is from the journal of a later prophet I believe, but still, if it is true, then I don't even know why he did that because its like completely unrelated to the martydom of Joseph Smith. Well, that's about as much as I know about this topic. At the end of the day, prophets are still men and are imperfect like men, but they are called of God and are there to reveal His purposes to us.
AMA poster here. I'm gonna hop off and go to sleep now so I'll be gone for at least the next ten hours. Peace out
I was raised Mormon and while I still believe in God I have left the church and do not believe Joseph Smith to be a prophet(no offense intended to current members)
My question for the LDS members here is how do you reconcile the absolute lack of a archaeological evidence in the Americas for the events described in the Book of Mormon? How also do you explain the lack of linguistic continuity and genetic markers that would to tie American aboriginals to Semites (specifically Jews)?
It was all just metaphors bro.
>Force yourself to believe a thing. Voila, you believe it.
Top notch epistemology there, Broseph Smith.
because the age of enlightenment also meant freedom of religion, unlike modern atheists who spergs out just because someone believes in god, the founding fathers saw value in letting peaceful people have faith.
As someone who lives in Utah, I can assure you there's a disturbing amount of people who still follow the Mormon religion without question.
Though I guess there's not really any other way to follow it.
No offense taken.
We reconcile the lack of archaeological evidence by having faith and waiting for more light and knowledge to be given to us. I did read an article somewhere that did match some native American genetic markers, particularly ones that lived near the great lakes, to the Jews, but I'll have to go find it and send it here later. Also, technically the Nephites and Lamanites were a remnant of Joseph through the tribes of Ephraim and Menasseh. Evidence will come, but the main purpose is to learn about Jesus Christ.
Try it out. Once you go through it, you will experience things that you cannot deny and you will just be filled with so much love that you'll know it's true.
what would it take for you to believe they weren't connected?
That's true since we believe that the first law in heaven is obedience. However many people don't seem to realize that they can recieve personal revelation about what the prophets say so that they know they aren't just being blindly led along.
Pure evidence revealed to me that it's false or a spiritual confirmation that it's false. However, I haven't received evidence that it's false, but rather a spiritual confirmation that it's true and a promise that more evidence will come later in due time. Now is the time for us to exercise faith.
> all religions are equal
Nice meme
> what do you think of *bad thing*
> whoops havent heard of it haha ob to the next question
Every time
>spiritual confirmation
/x/ is that way
>it's an 'OP thinks subversive information just grew on trees in the old days' thread