24 years old

>24 years old
>dead end minimum wage job
How do I make millions?

Literally why I came here buddy, that makes two of us

Take a crAck at penny stocks. Be smart about it though. Do research.

How do other people make millions? Either breaking trust, providing value or a mix of the two.

Most millionaires are made from real estate

First step, quit your dead end minimum wage job.

Necessity will make you figure out something better.

I thought it was from owning your own business? Regardless how do you get the capital to do these things?

Some of the best advice ever posted is right there. Take it.

So sell drugs? Get rich or die trying.

the truth is that, its possible to get a job higher than minimum wage without even being more qualified. if you can drive a forklift for example, you've probably just boosted your hourly pay $5.

its not millions, but its a start. find a better paying job, live frugally, and start researching various methods of making your money "work for you" through various investments.

also, figure out methods of making money online in addition to the higher paying job. the entire point is to start stacking cash. and getting that cash into "vehicles" that will improve its worth.

skills help. diversify yourself in addition to your money

whats minimum wage

Listen to this man

>Sell drugs
No. I've been without a job for three weeks at this point (waiting on hearing back from management). I was working 9/hr. Clearing 430 dollars every two weeks.

My girlfriend is making three times that. Because I am in a advantageous position, I am quitting. A two-year job in the toilet because if I had stayed there, I would 100% never leave. It was too easy.

Today was my first day actually coming to terms with quitting and moving on. I rebuilt my resume from the ground up, found 7 jobs via Craigslist and I am going to write a cover letter for the ones I actually want.

Point is, quit, you'll figure something out. I don't know your situation, only you do but I keep hearing that same bit of advice from very successful people. Quit being content, literally just quit.

Im 18 still in high school, any advice on what to do? You seem wise. I dont drink, do drugs or go out so Im pretty frugal.

Don't squander your age. Don't believe quick money schemes. Work harder than you play.

you need to be 18 for this site

You don't, because you're not smart enough to figure it out yourself.

get rich in 3 days by buying Trump coin

This is the easiest. Also money in itself can be a vehicle since you in theory don't even need it if you trade something else of value or make a promise to make payments.

Business is a hit because it is a necessity for us blue collars to have a job and provide our base economy.

It's also a hit because if u can pay Ron and John 5 bucks and they make 10 for you then you have pretty much the work of one man and pay of several now.

Real estate is a hit because of necessity. We gotta have a house. Availability. There are houses where there are people and we are cockroaches. all over earth.

Don't even start on the tax law. That's a large part why the rich are in real estate. It's also considered pretty safe and not volatile if u need a place to just park your billions.

Not him but if I could go back? Get a skill and don't stop getting skills until you are content in life or die. Be autistic as fuck about it user. You will live an exciting life and be paid for it. Fuck anyone that says you job hop too much. Only problem is companies like a good work history so u will need to lie or take some shitty jobs.

Source: 31 and probably had 50 jobs. I will retire or die here tho. 3 years fucking off by myself and getting paid. Past job list of autism in no real order.

>sack groceries
>pull wells
>haul hay
>drive semi
>operate giant equipment (hoe, loader, shovel, etc.
>had dump truck and llc for 2 years
>fill orders at Amazon
>build large industrial pvc fittings
>build and repair pumps for pump jack

Trade school would be nice. And hindesite would pay better. But in doing this shit I leaned all sorts of useful skills.

Rebuilding my bathroom right now.
Helped a buddy change 2 deisle motors for beer money for us last week. Buying a pool table with it too.
Digging up my sewer and running new water pipes in spring.
Can weld from necessity at various jobs.

Have possibly the most autistic random knowledge base of any normis I know.

I can't load a muzzle loader but I can safely handle and use dynamite.

Still can not properly cook chicken, but I can make a meal for 5 on a idling generator.

It may be spastic as fuck. But I found a job I really like, make good money, and can pick up a hobby or skill pretty fast now.

I can't tight weld but I can any other. Probably take 15 minutes fmto pull off a passable bead with guidance or a day of trial and error.

If you aren't tied to family and friends I would go to welding school

Good luck to u kiddo. I wouldn't fucking settle until you find a place you really like or get hitched.


Lol, or just listen to this guy
There's no solid trick or advice since we don't know u. I dropped out of juco twice... yet I now have an easier job and make more money than anyone I know. I lie to everyone but my wife about what I make.

The guys 29 miles from me have an extra hour drive time, bust ass in shitty weather, get paid 5 bucks an hour less, and get treated like shit.

I haven't seen a boss or coworker in almost 1 year. I am shitposting from a comfy cuckshed watching Stargate reruns and shitposting. Sometimes it's skill sometimes it's luck. I'm 31 and I did what user said to do. I regret very little.

you obviously have the personality of a serial entrepreneur, but your approach is too crude and holding you back. Why don't you hook up with like minded people and start a proper business? you can still live off VC / Private Equity funding if your idea doesn't work out in the end

Pretty much this, for me it was like this so far:

Video store manager

Paintball arena worker/manager

Restaurant manager

CCTV watcher/inspector

TV technician

Sailor (mostly Yacht deliveries)

Microlight pilot (Mostly just doing flights for tourists with some long distance flight fir the rich ones)

Now currently a motorbike delivery driverand its the best damn job I ever did have.

I am now 24