What does Veeky Forums know about the Maya?
What does Veeky Forums know about the Maya?
I find this Maya deity still being worshipped curious.
Apparently, he was originally this deity.
Warriors during the Postclassic (900-1500s)
Maya queen of Palenque.
Maya ritual boxers. These were part of fertility rites in which blood was spilled to water the Earth. Conch shell knuckle dusters were used as well as large stones. People died in these fights and the art shows it was pretty brutal.
Water well.
Maya sea creatures,
More underwater supernatural creatures
A few more.
What drugs did they use?
This mural is one of the oldest of the Maya, it depicts the Maize deity being dressed for his resurrection. The ladies are his wives coming to assist.
Whoops forgot the pic.
The Maya did vomit rituals in caves at times, by consuming alcohol mixed with hallucinogens. This was done via enemas. Sometimes these enema rituals were also conducted in what looks like palaces.
Also possibly mushrooms, peyote perhaps traded from more northern regions,
What an advanced sophisticated culture. They put our modern day blunt rollers to shame.
everything they wrote down
>fighting with shells
Just how badass do you have to be?
They did have cigars too btw.
love their art
Teotihuacan (left) meets Tikal (right)
*Uaxactun I mean
Ancient America
In the Americas, we are now learning that the history of the Americas is much older, and much more complicated than was once thought.
New evidences of early human habitation are constantly being found, a few sites have produced dates of human habitation as early as 50,000 years ago and more. Sites such as Pedra Furada - Brazil, Monte Verde - Chile, and Fells cave in Tierra del Fuego - Chile, are enabling us to paint a new, and more complete picture, of the early history of the Western Hemisphere.
From Unknown-maybe 50,000 to 20,000 B.C. Australoids (people from Australia) were coming in. These Australians (commonly called aborigines), have been in Australia for 66,000 years.
The photo left, is of the Australian female nicknamed "Luzia", her almost complete skeleton, which bears the scientific name of Lapa Vermelha IV Hominid 1, was unearthed in 1974-75 in the Lagoa Santa region, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is about 12,000 years old.
20,000 to 7,000 B.C. – Polynesians were coming in.
Note: Polynesian is a term that the Albino people have applied to Pacificans/Austronesians who have significant "White Mongol/European" admixture. They reserve the term Melanesian for the original "Pure Black" Pacificans/Austronesians who have resisted admixture.
It seems highly unlikely that early Australoids could have crossed the vast expanse of the Pacific in boats that long ago. Perhaps a better theory is that they used a route around the Antarctic, just as the Amerindian used a route around the Arctic.
12,000 - 7,000 B.C. (the Clovis time-frame) – Amerindians were coming in across the Bering Straits, with the Eskimo being the last of these migrants. {a note here: the Eskimo is Mongol, all Amerindians may not be Mongol}. Some North and perhaps even some South American Amerindians, perhaps were originally Caucasians of the western Eurasian plains, who may have skirted north of the Mongols to enter the Americas.
Classic period reltaionships between cities.
Maya mural made during the colonial period.
Dancing couples (women at right facing the men on their left)
Maya scribe teaching his pupils mathematics on the left, and on the right on correct spelling.
These pictures are an albino fabrication that makes the natives look way brighter than they actually were.
In reality they were way darker than that.
This is more accurate. The ancient Mayans came from Australia, not Asia like white historians claim.
Skin color isn't painted in one of them cause it's just the lineart. The other vase shows skin color, and the correct one at that. Keep in mind body paint is also used sometimes.
Maximon is pretty fascinating. He's actually pretty syncretic, since there are obvious ties to older Maya dieties, but his modern day veneration is also inspired by nineteenth century veneration of Claude Henry de Sante Simon, a French revolutionary. Its weird that I can't seem to find many references on the internet to this, but the first time I ran across Maximon worship (in a class on Latin American saint worship), that connection was actually the one more talked about. In any case, his Spanish name, San Simon, is a reference to that. His veneration today is basically a mix of Mayan folk worship and continued veneration of an Enlightenment-era thinker who was the inspiration of a short-lived cult after his death.
His followers are also absolutely sure of his power. Like, more than any other saint I've seen described. According to people that venerate him, if you ask him for something, it will definitely happen. Which is many people are careful in asking him for things.
The original Mayans were black. Not brown.
Damn. I almost took you for a serious poster, my mistake.
You have been indoctrinated by white fabrications of history since birth but i can feel it, you know deep down inside it's not true.
Come to this site:
It might look weird at first but after reading some articles it will all make sense.
maximon was alpha as fuq tho
thats some wicked cool shit
Aside from a select few who actually contribute to threads like this, Veeky Forums knows next to nothing about the Maya
Beheading of a captive on scaffold with warriors and musicians observing it.
Aftermath of a war scene. Ruler sits on high throne under which is tribute, booty?, flanked by warriors. Bound prisoners with cut hair sit at feet of warriors.