Any advice for a young guy?

Hey guys I'm still in high school here. Any advice you can give a young lad like me? I want to make good decisions before it's too late.

>Don't drink
>No drugs
>Haven't had sex
>I go to the gym

I just want to provide best for my family and make my father proud.

Do lots of drugs
Have lots of sex

and invest in bitcoin you fucking faggot piece of shit and dont drop out

Dropping out is for degenerates. Why bitcoin though? Can you explain?

meth. do meth.

Try to figure out what career you want to pursue in the future. Be honest with yourself and evaluate if you have what it takes to succeed in that job. Find out if there is demand for your future job and if there are jobs close to where you live or close to where you want to live in the future. Check pay and cost of living in different areas of the country. Find out what the requirements are. Which school is best for your career choice and what are the requirements to enroll? Make estimates how much going to school will cost you, tuition fees, rent, etc. (include opportunity costs). Check if going into a trade instead is a feasible alternative.

Find a good balance between education/work and personal life. Allow yourself some fun. Nothing wrong with having nightouts with friends, having a few drinks and so on. Just do it in moderation and make sure it doesn't negatively impact other areas of your life. Once you are older and have less spare time you will regret having neglected your social life in the past.

Bitcoin is a fantastic investment for a number of reasons

I didnt mention dropping out
Be smart but do drugs. No heroin or meth though

Molly, shrooms, lsd in my experience are drugs that gives you healthy progressive thinking and life lessons while being fucking amazing.
This while being only mildly addictive, no chance for addiction if you're smart

Also, invest in dividend stocks. Fuck saving accounts and also fuck funds that require you to pay every year to hold them (at least thats the case where I live)
If you're bad at it or you dont want to spend time, buy ETF's. Make 8% a year with low risk and let your money grow.

Also: put some cash on the side. When the market crashes like 2008 invest in gold. When things recover SELL GOLD and put them into your ETF's. Chances are money doubles in 5 years.

Don't sit in gold in prosper times like now. It's only worth trading when things are difficult

If I could go back to school, I'd do one thing; find something I'm truly good in and work in that way.

I recommend you to start learning programming.

Also this , just without drugs.

Elaborate ons said reasons? Why is BTC better then stocks? Why the reward worth the risk more than stocks?

With stocks you can't hold them in your phone and use them like cash

Where do I buy legitimate coins? How do they work?

Thanks for the advice.

Yeah I'm already learning some from a cousin. He's fairly wealthy for his young age.

>hold them in your phone and use them like cash
You mean like a linked card?
Big fucking deal.

that img makes me depressed

you and me, brother

i'm in HS too man, don't be a pussy, weed is fine, you learn a lot from it, you can wake up to who you are, and its not what you think..just be a smart stoner and not a thug culture praising degenerate. started smoking in 8th grade, as disgusting as it sounds, man up, this world is cruel anyways, why not? you have to do work you don't enjoy, follow orders, mental slavery is the worst slavery once you wake up to it, please just don't be another fucking sheep, start meditating, start self discipline and learn finance, you'll be okay man. sincerely future billionaire, and i don't doubt it honestly at the rate i'm at. recently dropped out and going to do online schooling in a program where i can finish 3 years in 9 months, my friends think i'm crazy, i don't blame them, hell, i feel like a 50 year old man inside a teenagers body, its quite insane, that's what meditating and self education does to you I guess. ( watch Dave Ramsey and irrelevant but i'm going to buy Trumps book soon called " Think Big", can't wait for that, maybe you can too ).

Figure out what you want to do as a profession for the rest of your life

I have already taken a financial literacy course that involved Dave Ramsey and his CD's. Thanks for the advice bro. Good luck with online school. -OP

>Don't drink
>Haven't done drugs
>Haven't had sex
user stop being a faggot. I was a degenerate drug addict and pussy fiend when I was in high school, dropped out in sophomore year, and I'm probably richer than 90% of people on this board. Enjoy your youth.

What do u do and how do u do it?

Whatever you do in your life, don't be too lazy

>tfw 90+ gene

how does it feel to be a lifelet

he sells kneepads to young Veeky Forums entrepreneurs

do not listen to this kike! OP you are doing great, you can try to get pussy if you want but otherwise being physically fit and of sound mind is one of the best things you can do.

Yeah I workout a lot. So I'm not too worried about my physical well being.