Deep Lore Edition
Deep Lore Edition
>Posting with a name when you're not trying to form a group
>Posting here at all when there's no activities going on or news to discuss
Do you people really do this shit?
>deep lore edition
I approve of this!
Kill yourself namefag.
Wasn't me, I don't keep pictures of homosexual monkeys on my phone.
If you're planning on sticking around, then keep it Destiny-related, please.
lmao'ing at your optimism desu
>posting on topic in 2003+14
lmao ecks dee
Make me you fucking bitch.
I'll shove my 4 inch floopy right down your god damned throat you try to step me again.
I know people that have fucked people. And I can get them to fuck you.
I want to be friends with a conservative trap! What's your PSN?
Remember to just report and hide this bullshit attention grab.
Only thing more pathetic than larpers are the fags who actually believe it.
hell yeah I do
NF anyone?
Oh that's neat, I have a similar coat to that I bought years ago while out of state.
what's your gt bby girl we can move to a party chat
We are off to a very shitty start for this thread. Too many name fags and trip fags to report all at once.
Look i hate you but god damn stop responding to him you faggot.
Xboners get your fag boy in line ffs
There's only one thing to do:
Let's take a moment to really take in the deep lore and understanding in the Aksis encounter.
The entire room is in the shape of the Destiny symbol (Tricorn). The back, left and right areas make up the "Y" and Aksis' platform is the "0"
If you look at the environment of the area, you can see Fallen technology on the left and Warmind (Human) tech on the right. Aksis being in the middle symbolizes that he is the centerpiece or culmination of Fallen and Human technology being used together.
When you start the Phase 2 fight, Aksis and the structure holding him extends outward from a hole. This is similar to the Archon you fight after being raised by your Ghost, and it's similar to the Archon Rising you can find in the vanilla Cosmodrome when you choose a VIP Patrol mission; both Fallen bosses climb out of a hole in the wall.
If you spell Aksis backwards, you get Siska, which sounds awfully similar to Shishka, one of the first moderators.
can we delete this thread and start over?
Whoever it is that wrangled ytc should get on this asap.
Give me one reason why I shouldn't bomb this general.
You looking a dude wearing glasses and a Whig
Alak-hul stirs the gumbo
Keen eye, detective.
But Colt, what about the Marathon references?
>When your team fucks off B to cap A leaving the enemy to spawn behind you and kill you
Why the fuck can't people understand 2 points is enough
Sweden doesn't allow bombs. try a truck you dune coon.
I'll give you some
There are several Marathon references in Destiny, almost too many to list. Here's just a few:
In Marathon 2: Durandal, Durandal tells the player that he's resurrecting colonists from a nearby planet, giving them the choice to "make their own destiny or perish." This is similar to the process of becoming a Guardian. You were dead once, but you're brought back to life and begin to fight strange aliens.
At the Shrine of Oryx on the Moon, the arena is shaped as the Marathon symbol of looked at from a top-view. The giant ring in the middle is the inner circle, and the area where you can walk is the outer circle, and it gradually widens as you walk from top to bottom; the giant door is the small gap at the very bottom. Refer to pic.
In the Books of Sorrow grimoire cards, Oryx looks into the Darkness and sees how It works. He then comments that "waves make battles, and battles make waves." This is a direct quote from Marathon, in which Durandal sees how the universe works after becoming rampant.
Another direct quote from Marathon comes from Rasputin's grimoire cards. "It's just like my cousin said," is said by Durandal when mentioning his past as a door-opening AI.
Because you aren't the real zippy, and thus not actually a terrorist.
what the fuck did the thread literally reboot
Because we're the only reason you and the rest of your team are relevant.
Check and mate.
The worst part is, you're probably VERY bad at this game
Fucking mods finally woke up.
ded thred ded game ded mods
Is the thread really fucked up or should I go to bed
>they even say in an in game bounty that 2 is enough
>people still cap all three
>ded mods
All its posts got deleted though???
You forgot the MIDA Multitool being a reference to the MIDA coup on Mars that ended up in a massive amount of people dying.
I think it did. First time I've seen this: pic related
If only they could ban you in general.
Ip ban isn't enough, someone get the jumper cables.
fuck off ugly cunt
how about the IP banned now please
Its cool bro, I programmed a GUI Interface using Visual Basic to track their IP. Stay tuned to the news channel, fourhcyon is about to get its first cereal sasher.
Alright you yella-bellies I got a sisters cp, who wants to help me close out this raid for the week?
You will die alone, sad and awkwardly masculine
>you will never be such a social reject and hideous that you need to go to Veeky Forums of all places and hope thirsty virgins with no standards give you attention
It was obvious with Evan but this is just as bad
Sooooooooo anyone up for a Nightfall?
Sorry. I only nightfall with Alpha Team
Is it time?
where were you when xboners got btfo?
how did you wrangle teacup from being an annoying autist to a slightly less annoying autist? we need to do it again to this new trap.
Only nf with at, sorry
Gentle loving
>Even shitterreborn needs to get carried by alpha team
Is this some "playstation gets some paltry mediocre shit first so why bother playing on any other console" bullshit?
>Is this some "playstation gets some paltry mediocre shit first so why bother playing on any other console" bullshit?
Pretty much.
Destiny 2 launches September 8th on PS4, September 21st on Xbox One and PC.
Yo, 3/3 then
It's a secret
Is there a source to that claim?
Everything I can find says it comes out on all platforms on the 8th.
Even info thats only 2 days old.
>September 21st on Xbox One and PC.
still says 8th for PC and xbone everywhere I've looked
what's the trials map
what did i miss
What is worst?
1. Avatar faceposting trip trapfag?
2. Alpha meme?
3. Namefagging for no reason but to stroke that tiny e-peen?
Well for starters, teacup doesn't post, most of the "teacup posts" are an asspained shitter with an unhealthy liquid container obsession.
trials isn't up until friday you retard, you just missed alpha team getting thread's first once again
>mongoose wants to know whats its like to be inside a little girl
The PvP in this game makes me want to shoot up an elementary school
what's the difference? Pandox does all three, and he's one of the worst players in the general
> he doesn't know.
high where are proofs :DDD
oh so you're just spouting shit
got it
Jeeesus fuck this is the worst
>He literally doesn't know.
Oh wow.
looks familiar
>20 coins
Thanks Carmine
what you want fuccboi
I'm playing one crucru game then fucking back off
is it IB?
>actually booting us into IB
Anyone keen for a KF?
didnt know she was up dude
who the fuck plays destiny when the latest and greatest meme game of all time is out
stay salty my dude
>female titans
>female hunters
>female warlocks
>females at all
>He has a male titan.
Into the trash it goes.
Sorry was working, but yeah thats the gist of it.
This guy did the number crunching if it interests you.
Sunbreaker solar grenades are better but not so much so that they are the defacto way to play SS.
throwing this offer back out there
Thanks nigger of Alpha Team
>Somehow getting hammer multikills is harder than fist of havoc multikills
I am fucking livid
I want pc trap to sit on my face!
fuck bv and kazuto, lema at that pc trap