shitters dont have the Pandaria card back edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
Previously on /hsg/
shitters dont have the Pandaria card back edition
>Deck lists, news etc
>Open Tournaments
Previously on /hsg/
Posting the best cardback for justice
Vegenism: Revengence
Reminder that Journey to Ungoro saved Hearthstone
i just go vegetarian and live in korea
It saved me in arena. Playing some fucking top heavy taunt warrior here.
Best cardback for quest mage?
The faggiest one you got
Reminder that meat eaters are responsible for the literal end of the world
>tfw you both draw shit for the first couple turns
Welcome to vanilla times, where everyone tapped at least twice before being able to play something
Thats the sun you dingdong
>The entire last thread can be summarized as meat eaters REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
for everyone that's not a flaming homosexual, this is the best one
>haven't played in many months so I was reset all the way back to 25
>no gold and no packs, just craft some shit
>make elemental handbuff paladin to r10
>make a dragon priest to r5
this new rank locking system makes climbing without using broken aggro decks pretty quick and easy
now all they have to do is introduce good mechanics and stop removing huge chunks of the card pool and the game might be decent
*gossips about ecelebs while watching streams*
*shitposting about the sins of being a natural omnivore*
I use this, heroic naxx, and diablo backs.
I've never been good at this game but I could at least climb to rank 10 with my own shitty decks. Now I sit at rank 15 every season and don't move anywhere.
what do?
>go for elemental synergy with shaman
>shoot for dragon synergy or potion of madness stuff with priest?
>do other rouge stuff with rouge?
>Kripp gets denied lethal twice because of Ice Block
>First Block was created by Cabalist's Tome
They HoFed the wrong Ice-based spell.
Rogue got shafted on tempo cards and minions this set. No tomb pillager to save us now. No aoe replacement for skulker either. Poison daggers doesnt even work with blade flurry
Guys guys grill just added me and invited me to a friendly brawl wat do i do wat do i do she is a shieldbearer do i rekt her or let her win?
Hey there, I'm interested in getting into Hearthstone but a lot of my friends say its too late and too expensive to get into it at the moment, is this true for a free player? I'd like to be a little competitive in it
if she's rank 20 it should be evenly matched
Stay away, not a good time for F2P to join the game.
Open your wallet or you'll get fucking steamrolled.
i think i fucked it up already... she hasnt replied for some time. God damn it i should have kept my mouth shut
Just get the most powerful card. Your mom's credit card
why is one guy samefagging about vegans
Well, shiet. Thanks for the warning fellas
What if quest were neutral? Do you think someone else could use last failosaur and such?
Did you miss the last thread?
Vegan here, only play Malfurion. AMA
Drop like $500 and you'll be able to craft one or two good decks
Druid could.
Rogue could.
Priest absolutely could.
Doesn't sound like a wise financial decision, I'll just find something else to kill time.
You say you are a vegan but I have evidence of you taking the meat stick. What do you have to say for yourself?
>barely any counter-arguments
>mostly just 'reaction image + he's a VEGAN'
that dude arguing for vegans surely got btfo
>other amazing arguments include 'you use something that is not in line with saving the planet, whaaaat? btfo'
loving every laugh, fucking mental midgets everywhere
Back for a little bit more loving?
Why aren't you playing HSMod?
again, lol-ing at you
> not playing real hearthstone
>no multiplayer
>bare minimum deck management
>ai is shit
>stop removing huge chunks of the card pool
retards need to stop saying this, a rotating format will always be better than a non-rotating format at least for 90% of the playerbase. If they stop "taking out chunks of the card pool" when you will always play catch up no matter when you started the game.
You need to step the bait up.
>Shitty Brawl just before Ungoro
>Fun Brawl just after
>Neither has any connection to Ungoro
>They are so fucking lazy that they wait weeks after everyone's fucking done with the expansion to do a Brawl that actually features content from the latest expansion
Legitimately, the Brawl right before TGT was fucking awesome. What's so hard about doing more shit like that?
look at him
what is most vegan hearthstone card lads?
This doesn't make any sense. There is no way climbing now isn't easier than ever before.
All the decent people/people who can pilot netdecks have been locked into 5 (or maybe 10) and below. Meaning the overall skill of 11 and above is much lower than it ever was. And the people who you play just before you enter the cut off ranks are usually playing less seriously because they cannot drop out of their rank.
On top of all that it's like day 4 of a gigantic meta shifting expansion that removed like half the card pool, now is absolutely the best time ever to ladder. Any half decent deck will win games to get you to 10.
I also play pretty casually and only ever play my medicore decks, to get to rank 5 before took me the whole month if I actually played enough (though I almost never did), now I did it in like 3 1/2 days of some night time play.
>that autism
No cards in hearthstone is vegan.
If it was, they would tell you.
stop embarrasing yourself
You really have to step the bait up.
Here is what real autism looks like.
>not posting the replies instead
>which mostly are just images and no arguments
again, how pathetic are YOU?
user stop. You embarrassed yourself last thread already.
Why the fuck can my laptop run Overwatch at stable 60 fps, but then stutter to shit when I play HS?
This deck actually takes a dump on taunt warrior, since brawl is useless, and the hero power just activates the deathrattles. Just beat 4 in a row. Try to save elise/shadowvisions for when you know your gonna get a pack.
> free to play for two years
> still need ~25000 dust to craft meta decks
Has the dust settled /hsg/? Is it safe to start crafting any decks yet?
Looks like this loses to Quest Rogue
no one is playing that in legend so, its not a match up i consider.
Yes craft the vegan deck
I wouldn't say that. Some archetypes are going to be cancer for sure, but they are keeping their fine tuning for now.
how is this new midrange hunter even good
I keep getting shat on
lol nope wreaking this with discozoolock
because of the new beasts and lack of tunnel troggs/shamans in general on ladder
>Tons of quest rogue at rank 12
>Been stuck there with no dust
You need to get good, I guess.
>Implying this isn't literally the truth
I had a similar issue. Set your graphics to high and pick an actual resolution instead of leaving the box blank. Fixed my issue
Just play hunter against them.
Not enough dust to craft a good hunter
>implying midrange hunter is or ever has been difficult to play
it's how I got gold my gold hunter in the first place
hunter is damn cheap, except rat packs
Guess who? It's probably Jungle Giants or Pyros since I already have those.
>free to play for two years
i've been free to play for one year and I always have more than enough gold to make at least two meta decks each new expansion, do you guys just not do your quest everyday or something? how is everyone missing out on so many cards?
Assuming the ~50g average and the now 4 months in between each expansion, that's 6000 gold or 60 packs for each expansion. That's ignoring that ~1000g you get from getting 3 wins every now and then. If that doesn't get you a deck, even with dusting shitty epics you have from the past, then you're doing something massively wrong.
sherazin the corpse flower
Meme warlock quest
Not enough dust for rat packs
guess you're going face then
The problem is how hard it is for new and free players to acquire a card pool that will open ANY format, let alone Wild. Blizzard needs to fucking speed this shit up already. Back when there was only Classic and Naxxramas, it already took like 2 years to complete a collection. Now, pffft, new players may as well fucking forget it.
>If they stop "taking out chunks of the card pool" when you will always play catch up no matter when you started the game.
But that's still going to happen. Nothing's changed significantly. Tavern brawls give ONE extra pack per week and ranked gives some token dust and a gold common. That's fucking nothing. New and free players will always be playing catch up.
Loses to pirate warrior
Loses to taunts
>to complete a collection
Now they removed adventures too so new players will be even more fucked.
>rotating format will always be better than a non-rotating format at least for 90% of the playerbase
At the rist of being called a Blizzard shill again, if they rotated out classic then that'd make it way easier to catch up.
Then again ideally they should rotate half of standard to hall of fame and the other half to basic because some cards are just so class-defining.
eh... blizzard?
Which one is better
also general tips for elemental shaman or just shaman in general
>Shitty Brawl just before Ungoro
>Fun Brawl just after
I hope that was a typo. You have that backwards, friend.
Humongous Razorleaf or Voraxx. One day I shall plant that Voraxx garden.
I want this to be a new meme.
>non-rotating format
>meta decks have cards from sets A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H
>rotating format
>meta decks from sets F, G, and H
you can see the difference in the game right fucking now, the cost of wild decks vs the cost of standard decks
It's a different kind of flower actually.
Someone give me a quick rundown on tier 1 decks since meta snapshot is still on hiatus
I am sure you can make a plants only deck
I guess it depends on how lucky you are with your epics and legendaries. Some people got Patches or Quest for free and others Lorewalker Cho twice.
quest decks
pirate warrior and miracle rogue
> Humongous Razorleaf
> Voraxx
They are fucking meat eaters
I am. Others are as well, but honestly that's not the point. It takes forever to get enough cards to craft strong enough decks to win at all, let alone if you're trying to rank. And even in casual, you're up against people playing decks with 4 or 5 legendaries and 2-6 epics. It's a nightmare.
Yep. But they hinted at *some* sort of single player thing. Who knows what the fuck that will be.
>meta decks from sets F, G, and H
>And then I, J, K; and then L, M, N, etc.
It's not like it stops, moron. And for new players who start with nothing, it doesn't matter at what point they begin, they're always three expansions behind. The problem has NOTHING to do with rotation. Blizzard is just handing it wrong.
Only with Rogue, which pisses me off. I want a plant Druid, but I can only do Voraxx (which I don't have) and Razorleaf.
I'd rather have plants eat humans than humans eat plants.