>If china had a strong democracy
>If Islam secularized
>If more thought was put into the sykes picot line
>If India wasn't absolutely raped my mughals and brits
Thoughts? Anything to add?
Things that would make the world unquestionably happier
>if people didn't think the grass was greener on the other side
>If stupid people were rounded up and shot
>If India wasn't absolutely raped my mughals and brits
Then how would the savages learn how to poo in the loo?
>if the Americas were slowly introduced to European diseases
If everyone was happier
>>If Islam secularized
>only thing holding back Neo-Cons from enslaving the world.
>>If India wasn't absolutely raped my mughals and brits
You mean Brits.
Streetshitting is on a problem in certain parts of India.
You have to take into account it's sheer size when talking about Indian cultural practices.
>people only shit on the streets in SOME parts of India
Streetshitting is more of Britain's fault.
Britain's industrialization program which churned the country into a producer-only country disregarded the countryside entirely, driving shitloads of yokels with their public defecation habits. Since -really- that shit is OK in the countryside (sans being dragged into the woods by a tiger) but not in the cities.
China has a similar problem.
India is three time larger than USA, user.
>If this son of a bitch was never born
Population wise...
...not area wise.
If black people went extinct.
If the albino subhuman barbarians never pillaged Egypt to the ground.
If the albinos never fabricated history to make it look like all the ancient civilizations were white.
We founded civilization, cumskin. We invented astronomy, philosophy, math and so much more. We invented all that while you subhuman neanderthals were still living in fucking caves.
The Neanderthal is not us you retard is it is another species that was fully sapient.
>if Germany never existed
Yes, they are you. You are diluted by neanderthal blood, we are pure humans and you are subhumans.
You would have to have some sort of leg up on every other race to be considered the main line of humans.
As of right now, literally every other of what you consider race has thoroughly fucked blacks in every way shape and form. Whites did it, Arabs, and now Asians. You are running out of phenotypes to try an be superior to, no matter how many times you link the same fucking website.
Blacks are the masterrace, we are superior to the other races in every athletic field. The only reason we aren't beating them in science is because albinos and asians keep us out of those institutions because they know we're smarter than them.
We started civilization while the other races were still living in caves.
They can kick capoid and pygmy ass tho while outperforming abbos.
President Mugabe please stop shitting up Veeky Forums, the few white farmers left might resuscitate your economy if you don't pay attention
Yes and it ranges from 0.5 to 5% and that is in both Euros and Asians so we are not neanderthals, we are human.
You also arent pure humans because you have erectus blood in you nigger.
Pgymies are just their less hostile direct cousins in central Africa, while the Capoids are genetically closest to the original humans, Capoids are less hostile than blacks yes a prehistoric human group is less hostile than a modern one really tells you something about blacks now doesnt it? Must make them so mad whiteys gave these demons in human form control over Africa instead of them.
You repeat that Civilization thing as if it matters who started not shitting where they sleep. But what amuses me the most that what you are saying is 100% unoriginal.
Everything you have shitposted is shit that everyone else says about niggers, if you replaced whatever stupid synonym for white with Black or Nigger your shit wouldn't be too far from even the hardest of anti black pamphlet. You have so little to hold against the white race that you do what every nigger does when he sees something he wants but does not own.
He steals.
>If the global population was stable at less than 10% of what it is now
Negroids are the worst they really should go extinct no one will miss them and everyone will be glad.
Zimbabwe is the way it is today because of the oppression and racism that went on in Rhodesia.
You have neanderthal blood, we have pure human blood. You are subhuman.
We are the superior race though. Albinos talk like that because they think they're the masterrace when they are really subhuman neanderthals.
You do what every Albino does when he sees an accomplishment, land or resource he wants but does not own, he steals.
Albinos should go extinct, they have stolen, pillaged and raped the entire world and have the audacity to claim they're the fathers of civilization.
The USA is the way it is today because of the oppression and racism that went on in The Colonies.
You have neanderthal blood, we have pure human blood. You are subhuman.
We are the superior race though. Niggers talk like that because they think they're the masterrace when they are really subhuman neanderthals.
You do what every Nigger does when he sees an accomplishment, land or resource he wants but does not own, he steals.
Niggers should go extinct, they have stolen, pillaged and raped the entire world and have the audacity to claim they're the fathers of civilization.
You are not pure human homo erectus.
Look black just go extinct plz die already our lands were so great when you wild animals were still in Africa far away from us.
Cumskins always have to resort to dirty tricks like impersonating people. Typical
Our lands were great when you albinos neanderthals were still living in caves.
We never lived in caves jackass, Europe is a continental deciduous forest with some taigas in the north.
You have no lands nigger you lived in the wilderness like the savage creature you are.
Shitskings always have to resort to dirty tricks like impersonating people. Typical
Our lands were great when you Negroid neanderthals were still living in caves.
There are tons of caves in Europe. You Albino neanderthals were living in them.
We were building the pyramids in Egypt while you cumskins were living in the wilderness like the save creatures YOU are.
Cumskins can only resort to dirty tricks like this when they're losing. History proves this.
There are tons of caves in Africa. You Nigger neanderthals were living in them.
We were building the Cathedrals in Paris while you Shitskins were living in the wilderness like the save creatures YOU are.
Shitskins can only resort to dirty tricks like this when they're losing. History proves this.
55% of the population?
We lived in the forest you retard.
You didnt build no pyramids it was the north africans who built them while you negroid savages marauded in the Egyptians deserts annoying them.
I think the capoids are mostly depressed alkoholics now that get sometimes shot when they squat on ressources.
Are you implying that Europe had no caves? Or that living in forests is somehow a sign of superiority compared to living in caves?
Read that link. It shows you the proof about neanderthal monkeys like you.
We did build the Pyramids, whites fabricated history to say they built them.
Read that link. It shows you the proof about neanderthal monkeys like you.
We did build the Notre dam, blacks fabricated history to say they built them.
You lived in the jungle we lived in deciduous forest where there are hardly any fruits so they are harder to survive in compared to your dense jungles.
North Africans aint white jackass.
They weren't arabs till the Muslims invaded. They were black before that.
They weren't arabs till the Muslims invaded. They were white before that.
North Africans arent arabs either.
Directly below Egypt was the land of Nubia and the Kingdom of Kush (made up of actual black Africans), which was a fairly impressive, advanced, and lively civilization in its own right. It built numerous pyramids, and actually conquered Egypt at one point and installed a dynasty of Pharaohs until they were removed by the Assyrians. So as retarded as the wewuzer's claim of black supremacy is, the idea that blacks have always just been "hurr lol cave living savage niggerz xD" is equally so.
Is this some anti-/pol/ campaign, that is in fact, poorly disguised pro-/pol/?
Normally, I'd say take your RP to Veeky Forums, but they'd ban you so fast it'd make your head spike spin.
Islam wouldn't be a problem if Europe and Christianity were as strong as they once were.
World would be very happy if everyone was European and there was no Africans or Arabs.
Yes niggers are subhumans because the Nubians are not genetically the same as the Bantoids.
the world would be very happy if the raping and pillaging europeans never existed
That other guy is an albino /pol/ack impersonating me to drown out my message. It's only me if i have my tripcode on, i will never change it.
How is this bait so successful time and time again?
>the world would be very happy if the raping and pillaging europeans never existed
>there would also be no Veeky Forums and I wouldn't be here forever
I think you have the right idea
Fucking hell can Melanin Warrior and his faggot clone die in a fire, even with filtering they're shitting this board up
>secularized societies are some how better than over-religious societies
Degeneracy is degeneracy no matter how you slice it.
A secular society will sell out and crash just as hard if not harder than any other if you take away their illusion of freedom. Just messing with their mortgage, threatening and then eventually taking away and forcing people out of their homes due to lack of finances, or forcing them to feel hunger for the first time...the secular and their philosophies/ideals would get exposed.
These people would panic and freak out and overreact in fear to the point you could get them to sell their souls, their children into slavery if it meant they could keep the lights on and their bellies full. Just applying the pressure of losing their homes would bring out some ugliness in a lot of secular people who have no fear of God or consequences but only fear man and the world and the things in the world ie loss of money. No one truly knows suffering or can prepare for it until it actually happens. How many men would abandon their families? Mothers let their children go? Cowards won't inherit the kingdom of God for a reason.
I'm not muslim or anything, just annoyed at the idea that secularism is being presented as an answer to a better life, when secularism and having the major belief in self through self-will only works when you're in a society that programs people and rewards people to slave hard. When all your master has to do is pull back their hand, seize feeding you, seize loaning to you, to successfully dig their claws deeper into you as you come crawling back in desperation. You could argue that secularism leads to the bondage's of life.
>being a living breathing meme
Pathetic desu
>All these people falling for the obvious troll
He's barely trying you apes
Reminder that the first KKK was a black separatist movement before whites culturally appropriated it. As a black man, it makes my blood boil to see the likes of David Duke using the symbols of my ancestors. Long live the true KKK!
>>If china had a strong democracy
Democracy is shit
>>If Islam secularized
Secularized christianity gave us communism and the modern SJW monstrosities, I'm sure secularized islam would give us similar.
So move to Saudi Arabia you faggot.
>If the borders of Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, NZ were closed to Africa and all Islamic lands. Forever.
Indians dindu nuffin. Yes, blame the Brits for habits you admit are a product of the Indian mind. I don't suppose it ever occurred to an Indian to simply not shit in the place crowded with people? Necessity couldn't simply push them to invent a ...toilet?
You didn't understand my post at all did you.
"Secularized Islam" implies still keeping muslim values(which are shit) while just getting rid of the spiritual aspects.
>If the Ottoman empire still existed
You may have 'invented' finger painting on rocks, but that's about as far as 'your' culture got, and just stayed there.
>Democracy is shit
And you express this by using a site made in the figurehead of democracy?
>Secularized christianity gave us communism and the modern SJW monstrosities,
See pic
Define stupid
Manners and hygiene is a product of a well educated populous which India isn't. This isn't a fault of its own but the fault of British exploitation for not putting ANY education centers that catered to the Indians, therefore leaving it with a peasant population who don't know manners.
Its getting better however, no thanks to you
Go shit fling in /pol/ you trolling douche
because of gas pipeline plans?
Skyes-picot is meme user
Nope. Blacks are a large proportion of the population so if they all disappeared the world would be objectively less happy as you just removed all the happy black people to the benefit of a incredibly small minority of racists, and you wouldn't be much happier because you would just find something else to complain about.
>if we banded together to make anime real
There are no stupid people just ignorant and uninformed, unless he was referring to people with mental disabilities
>Blaming Brits for Indians shitting in the streets
While there's a lot of brit bashing on this board I feel like you may have taken it a little too far here.
Is it wrong of me to get mad at the parents not raising their kids right? Especially if they had a kid full of potential to begin with?
Oh, look, its somebody who paid money to study humanities. Lets throw him on the train.