Hey guys I have been doing some reading and apparently according to an agreement my country has made to the UN we are...

Hey guys I have been doing some reading and apparently according to an agreement my country has made to the UN we are obligated to take in 5,000 refugees from Syria. Which is a relatively small number and we've only fulfilled 250 out of that 5000 so far.

Now aside from feel-good factors and the fact that we signed an agreement, is there any actual benefits or reasons why we, or any European country really should take in immigrants?

I understand that some people will mention Germany, Sweden or Paris as examples of why refugees shouldn't be taken in, but in my country's case 5,000 refugees really does seem like an insignificant number.

Other urls found in this thread:


If you didn't accept them, they will join ISIS and fuck you up.

go back to

is this a kneejerk reaction meme?
Im literally just asking if there are any benefits to taking in refugees its a genuine question

your question is a political one and not a historical/moral one

Its not related to history or humanities.

>is there any actual benefits or reasons why we, or any European country really should take in immigrants?
More taxpayers at expense of higher crime rates.

Theyre not mutually exclusive lmao

I mentioned no political stance shit I didnt even mention a country. All I asked is if there is any benefits to taking in immigrants (obviously a moral question) that might be backed up with an answer with examples from history (thus making it historical as well)

I swear the kneejerk reaction shit in this board is getting worse, its nearly censorship. I myself am studying sociology in uni and this is why im asking this question.

It is the ethical thing to do.

The question then becomes, what is the benefit of acting ethically?

Yes but it is a political issue. You're not allowed to ask about stuff before 1991.

After 1991, sorry.

>if there is any benefits to taking in immigrants
Free and mostly cheap workforce.

>this thread isnt allowed but this is
Refugees I meant.

what is the benefit of acting ethically?
>Good feefees
>Sympathy of your peers

>Good boy points from your imaginary friend

They don't want to answer because there's fuck all benefit.


I guarantee you live in a welfare state. Those 5000 poor oppressed Syrians will be straight off the plane and down to the welfare office

I think it's acceptable for Veeky Forums to have at least ONE meme.

Well surely your ideal society is one in which everyone acts by your definitions of what is ethical? As such, doesn't it only make sense to act this way yourself?

Actually, quite a few are opening businesses. My barber was a Syrian Christian, just opened his shop a few years ago.

For the most part Syrians aren't like Afghans or Iraqis, they're educated. A lot of them used to be barbers, tailors, doctors etc.

I see your sociology teacher has been hard at work

>Well surely your ideal society is one in which everyone acts by your definitions of what is ethical? As such, doesn't it only make sense to act this way yourself?
Correct I guess, but unless you are a role model from large amount of people it would be a spit in the sea.

Go home anonek. Adults are talking

>Syrians aren't like Afghans or Iraqis
>or Iraqis

The coastal and northern ones were the alawites and christians dwell together with the rest arent, go to the eastern countryside and you are in sunnistan which could as well be Iraq.
People there enabled ISIS to settle.

>but unless you are a role model from large amount of people it would be a spit in the sea

Perhaps, but it's the principle of the thing.

He wasn't my sociology teacher, he was my barber I just said.

>Go home
Kek. Considers himself an """adult""" - starts crying when faced with opposing idea. Early twenties, male, white, liberal.
Research conducted by Germanys Federal Employment Agency found that 81% of refugees have "no formal education".

('Refugees in Europe: take responsibility, identify opportunities' - Junge Freiheit)

Ancedotes are not evidence

>correct I guess

No, fuck principles that are not beneficial to your ingroup or to an aliied one whose interests align with yours.

If the world would be such a good place that principles and absolute ethics would have a place outside from religion these people wouldnt have to flee in the first place.

You don't need formal education to be successful businessman.

Good point. I have forgot about it, since the gains from unethical behavior often make the gains from better society look irrelevant.

>is any benefits to taking in immigrants (obviously a moral question)
If you're asking for benefits to decide whether this is moral or not, then you're presupposing that what is moral requires to benefit you, which has fuck-all to do with what most people conceive morals to be.

Why do you save the child drowning in a pond, ruining your suit in the process and feeling really shitty for the day, because you have to walk around in cold, muddy clothes?
Because he might give you money some years down the line? No.
You do it because you think it's the right thing, or even an obligatory thing, to do.

Also, read the sticky:
>please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere.
Posting topics like these will just shut most people's brain down, because they're emotionally invested one way or the other, like this guy , so post this where it belongs, which isn't here.

Yes I'm sure every four out of five Syrians will be starting up enterprises in your country. They might have done the exact opposite in every other country they have settled in, but yours is special and unique

You never said whether you live in a welfare state or not

>won't answer the question

It's a loaded question and a question that doesn't belong on this board in the first place. Fuck off, I'm not opening anime recommendation threads on Veeky Forums either.

>yours is special and unique
It's not. In mine city they are well integrated community too. But they came here decades before the "muh ebul refugers" became a thing.

For many european countries, especially the northern and western ones, taking in young, working-age people balances the aging populations where a majority of citizens will soon be retired and in need of caretaking. It refreshes the pool so to speak. Now if we just manage to somehow integrate or atleast peacefully assimilate a very different culture we's good. Not looking that swell so far.


Most citizens pay less in tax than is spent on them and it is unlikely immigrants with a poor education will do better.

>muh ebul refugees
No-one believes that you dolt. According to Eurostat 80% of """Syrian""" refugees are not Syrian ie. economic chancers. People who were forced to move decades ago due to war do not fit the same profile as African men wanting social welfare

It did not work with the turks as well in general and our society is weaker and more decadent than either with an even harsher kind of people arriving in comparison to the others.

>fresh blood
I wonder if Japan wil stem its crisis by automatisation alone.

>Now aside from feel-good factors and the fact that we signed an agreement, is there any actual benefits or reasons why we, or any European country really should take in immigrants?

None whatsoever.
It's a 21st century feel-good fad inspired by misapplied "lessons" from WW2.

Your ancestors would think you have gone nuts.

>Now aside from feel-good factors and the fact that we signed an agreement, is there any actual benefits or reasons why we, or any European country really should take in immigrants?
5,000 is fuck all but no. They will not be a benefit to your country in terms of basically any statistics. This is coming from someone who works with refugees and supports distributing them around Europe. The /pol/ memes aren't true obviously, but neither are the pro-refugee ones. Memes like "Syrians are some of the most educated in the Middle East" are true, but misleading because a Syrian degree is barely worth the paper it's printed on, and degree holders are still much less common than European countries. Refugees are guaranteed to be an economic drain on whatever country takes them.

By "feel-good factors" I assume you mean moral reasons, and these are many. Even if you hate refugees and don't want to help them like I assume most of Veeky Forums does, Greece and Italy are really struggling, and distribution is meant to help them, not the refugees.

Personally I think that bystanders have a duty of care.

>hurr durr there were no such thing as refugees until 1991
Piss right the fuck off

> Your ancestors would think you have gone nuts.
Your ancestors done pretty of insane bullshit too, so fuck them and their expert opinion.

Is it really the ethical thing to do though?
How is putting others ahead of your country men and family more ethical than putting your family and countrymen first?

"Hey guys, I want to discuss this issue that is talked to death on /pol/"
"Fuck off, this board is for different kind of debate"
"But I want to talk about it from ethical and historical perspective"

>few posts later:
"No-one believes that you dolt. According to Eurostat 80% of """Syrian""" refugees are not Syrian ie. economic chancers. People who were forced to move decades ago due to war do not fit the same profile as African men wanting social welfare"

Every fucking time

I think overall America has benefited quite a bit from being a place of refuge for the last four centuries or so. Though it's not all smooth sailing, of course.

>can't defend his own viewpoint
>starts crying about the discussion
Poor babby. Maybe reddit will suit your tender sensibilities better? You can downboat everything you don't like

The difference is the "insane bullshit" they did created a prosperous society for your benefit while you support selling off the future of your children to save the children of foreigners.


Excellent point user.

Will the stream ever stop?
How many of the people you tend to are actually syrian or at least middle eeastern?

The whole crisis has been taken on in such a badly coordinated and utterly naive way its hard to think the streams of people from the third world who realised there is noone to *actually* protect the border but turkey (whom we hired because we are too afraid to do the messy baton and fence work ourselves) makes me expect that only massive bloodshed will turn the tide somewhere during the next decades when the economic drain might become existentially threatening.
Violence for which this overaged society lacks the will.

Ţbh it seems you're mightily triggered because he has stats and you have feels.

America acceptance of foreign immigration was the demographic engine that fueled the displacement and ethnic cleansing of the natives in the West, none of which would have been possible if not for the millions of new "Americans" being imported from overseas and starting anew life on the frontier.

Is Europe settling some new New World they're keeping secret from the rest of us?

Refugees are a economic problem. They are not going to stay in there country where they have absolutely no jobs and no hope for a better future for them. The only way the west can stop the tide is put significant effort to helping these countries to provide jobs and education for their citizens

That or just start shooting them.

> "insane bullshit" they did created a prosperous society
The same society that selling off the future of your children to save the children of foreigners. There is no reason to attribute positive moments to insanity of the post and negative one to insanity of the our times.

>No-one believes that you dolt. According to Eurostat 80% of """Syrian""" refugees are not Syrian ie. economic chancers. People who were forced to move decades ago due to war do not fit the same profile as African men wanting social welfare
And...? How's that relevant? I was talking about Syrian immigrants from different era.

You don't even know my viewpoint, I don't support the immigration I vote against it. I just don't want this obssesion with immigrants to leak everywhere.

>How's that relevant?
Is English your first language? How the fuck do your mythical decade old refugees have any relevance to what's happening today?

>Will the stream ever stop?
It's already mostly stopped. It depends on how the Turks feel, they'll go for a month trying to stop every single boat and then get bored and let like five through in a week.
>How many of the people you tend to are actually syrian or at least middle eeastern?
The numbers were like 50% Syrian, 25% Afghan, 15% Iraqi, and the rest were mostly Iranians and Arabs from various countries. There were a few Congolese, Eritreans and Ethiopians and in recent months there has been arrivals of Turkish Lawyers and civil servants because of the Erdogan crackdown. Not many though. These were the numbers where I was working and they're relatively consistent across Greece from what I know. Italy is a completely different story though.

I don't think the stream never ending is much of an issue. It's interesting, you can actually notice events in Syria from the influx of refugees, for example recently we got a tonne of Aleppoans because of the fighting there. The influx of refugees depends heavily on local events in the middle east. Unless you mean that the wars in Syria and Iraq will continue indefenitely in which case yes, that's a reasonable fear.

Refugees are the single biggest issue facing Europe. Just because you don't want to talk about it doesn't mean everyone else needs to shut up and follow your lead. You do not get to decide what people are allowed speak about.

Seriously if you want to chat away in highly segmented boards go to reddit

>50% Syrian
Untrue. Eurostat places it at 20% Syrian.

I'm talking about the island I was working at.

> Refugees are the single biggest issue facing Europe.
/pol/ is for discussions about so called biggest issues, user.

>Unless you mean that the wars in Syria and Iraq will continue indefenitely

Nah, while these wars might go on for another five years+scooping up remaining insurgents I fear that europe wont be able to react differently to instabilities in subsaharan africa which might indeed carry on indefinitly besides future conflicts around the mediterran in general.

For fucks sake I heard even some bangladeshis are making their way here.

>they're relatively consistent across Greece
Then why did you include this falsehood?

>let's ignore reality because it doesn't align with my mental illness
t. Madman

American natives were killed off by disease and most immigrants stayed on the coasts, but nice try.

First off all if you want to act like a janny literally go to reddit. The community there actually approves of triggered retards trying to tell everyone what they can and can't speak about.

Second of all mass immigration across several national borders without the express permission of said nations is a legal issue. Guess what law is you mouthbreathing spastic?

>Then why did you include this falsehood?
Do you have any source that it's a falsehood? Because the UNHCR numbers specific to Greece

reflect more or less what I was saying, and pic related is the Europe wide numbers for 2016 (the period I've been working)

If you don't have a source, why are you calling me a liar? Your tone is fairly accusative.

I'm talking about the displacement of the survivors, not some Marxist fever dream where 100 million natives were genocided by evil whitey.

It is indisputable that the settlement of the West would have been impossible without hordes of immigrants from overseas fueling the push. So if you're one if those leftists butthurt about the fate of the "Native American" (which you clearly aren't) then you should see America's immigration policy in the 19th century for what it was, a force driving ethnic cleansing. Notice how I said ethnic cleansing and not genocide by the way, while there is some room to dispute accusations that the "natives" were deliberately genocided it is objective fact that they were ethnically cleaned.

If the best example of successful immigration is actually a whitewashed act of ethnic cleansing what does that say about immigration in general? Certainly cause to be skeptical about people who wax about the benefits of immigration I think.

>I fear that europe wont be able to react differently to instabilities in subsaharan africa which might indeed carry on indefinitly besides future conflicts around the mediterran in general.
Yeah, my biggest fear isn't the middle east but Africa. Their population is exploding and their climate is fucked. I think we'd get a lot more right wingers on board with ecological issues if we explained this.

>For fucks sake I heard even some bangladeshis are making their way here.
Never met any Bangladeshis but there were a good few Pakis.

The sad thing is, you probably aren't educated enough to recognize that, by appreciating any statistics in this discussion, you just revealed to everyone that you don't actually want to talk about the only for this board legitimate topic in the OP: the abstract moral discussion, and instead want to apply the specific case to a current event, which belongs to /pol/.

Have you stopped beating your wife yet? Come on, answer the judge with "yes" or "no", or are you too spineless to stand up for yourself in court?

Rules don't exist in a vacuum. They interact, they conflict, they supercede each other.
In this case, law is a legitimate topic (>>>Veeky Forumsrules/1), but it's confined by >>>Veeky Forumsrules/3 and >>>Veeky Forumsrules/4, which are qualifications of >>>Veeky Forumsrules/1, and take precedence because of that.
OP could've made a legitimate topic by abstracting it, but due to all the context provided in the OP, it has inevitably devolved to belong elsewhere.

Your own source gives just over 30% and that's for asylum processing which includes those with no documents saying they are Syrian.

Eurostat - the offical statistics agency for the EU - gives 20% and is the generally cited source on this which I included in my original "accusation".

Why are you increasing the number of Syrian refugees out of proportion to reality?

>being this triggered
Kek. And you consider yourself educated.

>It is indisputable that the settlement of the West would have been impossible without hordes of immigrants from overseas fueling the push.

What an absurd statement.

I have lived next to the biggest refugee acceptance camp in my state for two years. it is in walking distance. you think I ever, ever was physically or verbally assaulted?

the worst things you'll experience is people being loud / people being drunken asshats / people throwing trash on the street.

>muh rapefugees

>muh shitskin savages

>muh sharia law

>muh no go zones

it's all bullshit.

there are benefits, there are cons. it depends on your country, no?

if you are, for example, lacking in workforce (as Germany is), there are benefits to immigration.

Yawn. You're boring me now redditor. This is a discussion you cannot stop or control. Get over it.

Again no statistics only butthurt and feels.

every single syrian I have talked to so far was frustrated beyond belief because they literally are not allowed to work by the german govt. until they have permission for "permanent stay".

they told me they felt like leeches and hated it. they were bored most of the time. a lot of them are college students who STILL work a full-time job. some of them worked a full-time job and a small job on the side.

Please go back 2 reddit. Your annoying attempts to act as a janitor are unwelcome

>Early twenties, male, white

literally a good half of this board, maybe every board on Veeky Forums

ebin prediction you shitcunt

also post source.

I didn't, but now I can at least safely assume that my reading comprehension is better than yours.

Law is always a legitimate topic on this board, according to . Because of this, I am allowed to talk about anything law-related in any thread, like how laws should interact, which Veeky Forums rules are an example of.
Because of this, meta-shit is always mandatory to be accepted. >:^)

Yes your ancedotal evidence triumphs over all statistics and recorded fact. Thank the stars you spoke to a Syrian.


>still triggered
>I-I'm s-so s-s-smart
Kek. You're a funny man

>According to Eurostat 80% of """Syrian""" refugees are not Syrian ie. economic chancers



I don't understand, why Germany is lacking in the workforce? Why not just let Germans work or something.

>no comeback
Weak as fuck banter.

> This is coming from someone who works with refugees and supports distributing them around Europe.

what exactly is your job? pretty interesting

Na mate you just stand out like a sore thumb with your pathetic know-it-all attitude and 'intolerance for the intolerant'.

>Post source

Are you able to fucking read?

Retarded liberal boomers didnt breed enough.

>he thinks he's being bantered
Kek. Your social skills are lacking

are my countrymen being gassed, killed or tortured for peacefully protesting?

are they user? because I think the last time Germany used gas on civilians was some time in 1945 :^)


The concept of controlled borders in of itself is oppressive, as it restricts freedom of movement and implies land ownership.

>he was shitposting this seriously

How is that relevant is a correct sentence you piece of shit. Maybe read his posts to know why it is relevant.

>Your own source gives just over 30%
For the whole of Europe. If you take out the Eastern Europeans, Africans etc. who take different routes, 50% for Greece is entirely reasonable.

>Eurostat - the offical statistics agency for the EU
Those figures are from Eurostat.

yes, it is acceptable to have the occasional thread about Veeky Forums memes.
Speaking of which. The mod who deleted the horus heresy thread needs to kill himself.

I wouldn't word it like fellow user, but he is essentially right The problem is that people are getting much, much older and are having less children. We cannot pay for their rent anymore.

Yes you piece of shit, but "post source" means actually fucking cite it. With a link.

>peacefully protesting

Killing muslimbrothers is kinda justified if your country is surrounded by hostile forces funding groups to subvert sociey.

Just as al Sisie who executed 500 they werent erratic in their actions either, Assad actually was relaxing repressions slowly.

This is exactly why all nations should be dismantled and welfare must be given to all people

>what exactly is your job?
I was just a volunteer. I did plenty of things but the most important was boat landings.

It's cited you retarded cunt if you can't Ctrl-V into Google you're even fucking dumber than you seem you cum guzzling Down Syndrome

Maybe you should go back to TumblR if someone simply reminding you of the rules actually triggers you.

>Yes your ancedotal evidence triumphs over all statistics and recorded fact.
His anecdotal evidence triumphs over your absolute nothing. Your opinion is formed by literal memes. Statistics of how many are currently working don't bear any relation to the number that want to work. They aren't allowed to work.

>Thank the stars you spoke to a Syrian.
You should too. Take a bus to Cork there's a decent Libyan refugee population there. Or Dublin, plenty there too. Actually talk to someone instead of making shit up.

Are you honestly telling me that Assad did not gas civilians? Really?

I can, but that is not the point. Read the rules or fuck off.

If you post a source, you post it with link. I didn't make up the rules and neither did you.

I'm sure you would love if this forum turned into another meme circlejerking hugbox, but that is not the case yet.