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A good chunk of the indigenous population of Americans died out due to disease even before the Spaniards came over.
Vae Victis faggot
Most native Americans, especially in NA, died to disease that the colonists spread involuntarily. It wasn't murder, at best it you would have been involuntary manslaughter. Painting it as some conscious genocide is misleading.
Is the top right a lynched back? If it is, IIRC lynching wasn't as common as some groups would like you to believe.
>Mericunts do everything wrong
>Muh Putin, the savior of the west
>Europe=nr 1
Those are scars form flogging.
>100 million
Injuns were mostly killed by disease and 100 million is a retarded asspull of a number.
Slavery was inexcusable though.
Google don't care about 9/11 and it was just 15 years ago, so why should I give a shit that some Google got whipped over a hundred years ago?
>slavery was inexcusable
Utter horse-shit.
I know I would own slaves if it were legal today, and I bet you would too.
>muh 100 million
Was it really all that bad? Most died smallpox and any "civilization" had long since collapsed, white folks just filled the void. Now Mexicans are filling the void left by spoiled liberal millenials who aren't having children, as much as I don't like it, the immigration isn't the problem. Cotton doesn't pick itself either so slavery wasn't the problem there too.
>Utter horse-shit.
Slavery is the most evil thing a human can be subjected. Obviously the form of slavery is important and not all slaves are equally fucked, but US style chattel slavery is one of the worse systems.
>I know I would own slaves if it were legal today, and I bet you would too.
lel what are you even trying to say? People did it therefore it's okay? wow you really made me think
>US style chattel slavery is one of the worse systems.
Nah, Roman or Ottoman style was worse.
>100 million
>Slavery is the most evil thing a human can be subjected
Western culture. I know all morals are relative blah blah blah but let's not get into that tiresome bullshit now.
Human dignity
>human dignity
Do you really think if I thought slaves were human, that I'd be whipping the piss out of them and demeaning them to the point of total submission?
>Western culture
Not at all. Only perhaps Anglo culture.
Most humans will choose comfort over dignity.
>Most evil
Intresting. You would put slavery above murder and torture on your moral scale.
>Most humans will choose comfort over dignity.
Seriously doubt it and I seriously doubt slaves were living "comfortable" lives either.
>Do you really think if I thought slaves were human
Sooo we agree that it isn't ok now, since nobody who isn't a literal neonazi white supremacist doubts the humanity of black-skinned people? Good.
To be fair, torture and murder where kind of a given under slavery, considering slaves were considered objects and thus their disposability was a given.
>Seriously doubt it and I seriously doubt slaves were living "comfortable" lives either.
Aside from the new world chattel slavery, and even in there not all slave professions were bad, being a slave was much better than being free but of the lower classes. In the Roman Empire, especially late Roman Empire, being a slave was better than being a poor pleb. And in medieval Europe being a serf (inb4 serfdom isn't slavery because muh feels) was better than being outside the feudal system.
>above murder and torture
>implying slavery isn't torture
>implying murder is inherently bad
Disease FROM white people
Lynching was very common towards black people
cumskins can't do anything but rape, pillage and enslave
And where did those white diseases come from originally? Farm animals mostly. Farm animals should pay reparations.
>above murder
>and torture
Tricky, but I put slavery there as torture is necessary to enforce slavery. It's not like you can imprison them again.
>Lynching was very common towards black people
Uh oh, looks like you're lying. A simple google search and would you look at that
They weren't spread to Native Americans by farm animals, though.
White people often fabricate history to hide stuff.
Never trust Wikipedia because the editors there get most of their sources from white people.
>it can't be immoral because I'm okay with it
They came from white people at a time when white people had no idea about how fucking disease or resistances worked. It was an accidental genocide at the very most.
Europeans have enough shit to deal with - actual grievances against native North Americans down the line, but being blamed for ignorance of something they didn't know about in the first place shouldn't be added to that plate.
>100 million
>hunter gatherers
Yh no there were not even 10 million humans in 8000 B.C
Blacks have been enslaving eachother for millenia.
Slavery is still allowed in Niger and Sudan
The Barbary slave trade was orders if magnitude more brutal
>Slavery is still allowed in Niger and Sudan
Yes, and Mauretania too. Obviously that's also inexcusable
>The Barbary slave trade was orders if magnitude more brutal
Both irrelevant and untrue. They were both as fucked as each other really. Barbary slave trade was also inexcusable.
100 million?Make it 18-40 million and then we'll talk.
Nigga there was a plague that wiped out most Native Americans BEFORE white people discovered America. And I remember the last thread you made, quit giving Black atheists a bad name.
9/11 is still in living memory, the rest isnt.
>muh 100 gorillion
Truly the new jews
>murder isn't inherently bad
>but slavery is
Interestingly the couple in the bottom photo are Tlingits, to whom slavery was such an integral part of society that they erected a totem pole of Abraham Lincoln and vowed to never take it down until slavery was reinstated
I'm spanish
we literally did absolutely nothing wrong
tfw local girls loved the BSC
the what?
Im guessing it stands for "Big Spanish Cock"
They were spread to HUMANS by farm animals those monsters don't even say sorry!
Most died of disease, yes. But there was still a systematic effort to exterminate those that remained to make room for white settlers. You had ongoing warfare, broken treaties, indian headhunting, rape, hell even the buffalo were killed in large numbers in part because many plains people depended so much on the animal. When they couldn't kill them all they pit them in reservations to contain them and try to break them down culturally by giving them horrible land, in some cases disconnected from their ancestral homeland in hopes of 'assimilating' them by destroying their culture and identity. The Native American people honestly would have been better off if the British killed the American colonists. They should have never trusted White Americans.
Yeah, for the most part the British seemed willing to work with the Native peoples, as with the French. When both parties were effectively booted out of America, all bets were off. When the British handed some sort of autonomy to the Canadian locals, that was when the Canadians started acting like shitheads to the Indians, stopping short of wholesale wars that the US was waging on defiant tribes in the west.
and truly isn't that completely how morality works around here?
Wasn't there only 400 million people living in the entire world? I highly doubt there were more than a couple million natives living in North America.
1500 AD 425 - 540 million
1600 AD 545 - 579 million
1700 AD 600 - 679 million
Yeah, most Native American genociders pull numbers out of their ass. No doubt hundreds of thousands to low millions died, but 100 million?
I'm saying this because the entire world is getting sick of the blame whitey game. And yes, it was worse. Slaves were considered lucky to be taken to the US or Europe instead of North Africa and the Middle East, where they'd be mutilated, castrated, raped, tortured, and worse. European slavery was awful yes but it really isn't on the same level as Barbary coast slavers and pirates. It's aggravating because the only reason slavery even ended was because of the British. They made damn sure it ended, buying out slaves and freeing them or capturing slave ships and so on, Americans arguably had a civil war over it. No good deed goes unpunished. I don't see you faggots criticizing Asian countries, or African countries or South American countries or American Indians that practiced slavery. No because that would interfere with your pussy ass fallacious victim-oppressor dichotomy. Fucking misanthropic filth.
What a load of BS cumskin. Albinos have raped, pillaged and destroyed the entire world then expect all of us to be their friends.
Even worse is that you fabricate history to make it look like BLACK accomplishments are WHITE accomplishments.
Slavery in Brazil was way larger of a thing than the American South, but it's kind of forgotten.
Rio de Janerio had more slaves than all of America.
And? Brazilians were Portuguese Albinos who also stole Iberia from the original black Moorish population.
please explain how whites, the dumb inferior monkey race have suddenly dominated recent history, enslaving massive amounts of the superior race and colonizing their entire continent along with most other countries in the world. you and that all caps gnostic tripfag are ruining this board. I'd rather have Constantine back than see more of you two
It wasn't to 'make room' you fucking retard. Settlers would move out west and come home from tending to their crops to find their children mutilated in their bed or kidnapped. There were many active efforts to integrate and even live side by side. Alot of nomadic American Indian people were habitually warlike, especially in the South and Northwest and horrendously brutal. Treaties were broken by both sides over and over, rape also mutually committed. Buffalo overhunting was preventive because settlers would keep turning up dismembered.
Seriously get over yourself. Native American tribes were peace loving hippies connected to the earth. They're humans just like the rest of us.
Let me guess I'm gonna get the infamous smallpox blankets meme or some other critical theorist drivel
Which the Moors then stole from the Ugric population that remained in Iberia following the dissolution of the Finnic Empire after the Hyper war.
Black ppl must pay reparations to all the Ibero-Finns they oppressed and slaughtered.
I wasn't talking about race, I just hate brazil.
I'm just waiting for him to get banned. How pathetic must one be to attention whore on a fucking history board
Cite you sourced statistics on the actual ratio of portuguese to native brazilian populations.
White barbarian subhumans could only conquer us with the help of arabs. Just look at Israel and Egypt, the original Israelites and Egyptians were 100% black men till the Arabs conquered them, forced Islam on them and then forced them into slavery.
There is no such thing as the Finnic Empire.
It's a necessary discussion.
I get pretty much everything from here. Once you read it you can never go back to the white fabricated version of history.
I wasn't talking about race, I just hate brazil.
so blacks can't hold back whites and arabs but whites can colonize the entire world without problems? you're actually worse than /pol/ and their Jews
It's necessary to have discussions about race especially when whites have fabricated most of history.
We are the master race and subhumans such as Albinos, Arabs and Asians do not deserve to rule over us.
>We are the master race
>There is no such thing as the Finnic Empire
Lies and slander.
I wasn't talking about race, though.
I was just talking about brazil.
Slavery is pretty defendable and the killing of 90% of the native population was done by disease. nb4 cumskin die, I'm actualy Native I just hate how a disaster that people who've lost their family in isn't "that bad". Also thar happend under 25 years ago reported m8
Nigger lol
>The only reason you got off the continent was slave ships or white guilt.
How could ancient Finns even compete?
Only the extreme north of North America were hunter-gatherer (Inuit and Canadian northern boreal forest), along with a few outlying areas (like the PNW, where fish, other seafood and game was so abundant that farming wasn't really necessary). Even southwest or Andean extreme desert climates farmed, and reasonably successfully.
Farming complexes were typical all the way from the Pampas to the Great Lakes, even in deserts and jungle. Sweet potatoes, potatoes, peanuts, quinoa, amaranth, maize/corn, tomatoes, avocado, beans, pumpkin/squashes, pineapple, guava, papaya are all native to the americas. There are other, but that's off the top of my head.
The fact is, we really just don't actually know how many humans lived in all the Americas before 1491. Anywhere from 10 million to 110 million is a legitimately arguable number.
>I'm actualy Native
yea bud, your """Cherokee""" (mulatto) grandmother really qualifies you as native.
I feel like your just sotbborn but I'll give it a try try: Anything I can do to prove it to you?
Post your Indian status card or stfu.
Lynching means you get executed by a mob. There's no such thing as a lynched back.
Not canadian, also I'm ho chunk not charokee
why aren't cyanobacteria apologizing for committing the largest genocide in history?