I love Lissandra! she's a soft and pure qt who lactates ice cream!
League of legends general /lolg/
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need a jayce
I just asked this in the old thread, didn't realize it was pretty much donezo.
Thread needs fertile dragonladies
So what champion has the equivalent of the MOAB?
xth for syndra x zed
go liandries rylais for that nuclear winter aftermath effect
Rumble, or in a more literal sense, corki
Was it autism?
How do you know your MMR is not increasing?
it is going up.
don't check your mmr with a third party site like op.gg. all those sites do is arbitrarily assign a linear relation between lp and mmr and then look at who you played with/against recently. then they don't even update those players' rankings regularly. so the estimate is just wildly wrong and swings every which way every game.
just track how much lp you're gaining per win and losing per loss. i went from +18 to +20 after going 15-5 in last 20.
>tfw no adc to support and call master
Xth for fun games with a friendly support
Whatever happened to our boy REESE?
Matchups and checking Op gg
Ok, redpill me on Ezreal.
give me my (you). reeeee.
Ziggs. His ult is Mega Inferno Bomb. Considering MOAB uses fuel to ignite a large area, it fits.
I'm getting Like 24 a win
canon ships are boring
>tfw mine will be canon soon
would Valorans encourage Lulu raping or despise it? considering shes been exiled from her homecity as seen as a criminal/crazy person
One of the safest adcarry with good damage output. However, His pickrate is so high that you cannot know if it's a shitter or a main that will play him
so what that tells you is that your mmr is higher than your lp ("normal"/plateau gains are like +/-20) and you'll keep climbing even if you just 50/50 (although if you just go 50/50 then it'll slowly fall from +24)
what's the problem?
Oh boy here we go again.
How do we fix Ryze?
But nazi dude lmao
Encourage. She's a childkiller.
Valorans have biannual Lulu raping competitions where every male with STDs and no self respect competes in raping Lulu as hard as he (or she :^) ) can.
Aren't they playing on the BorK patch? Why are they back to playing ashe/varus every game?
nerf his ult, nerf his cd, buff (yes) his damage
this lowers both the skill floor and ceiling so that mere mortals can do well with it and doesn't allow pros to LCS BIG PLAYZ all around the map.
Redpill me on toplane.
cucks cucking cucks
Both can use bork while still bringing CC
You don't matter but you'll bitch at the jungler like you do.
Revert him to the state before first rework.
Make Q a skillshot.
Pick renekton or leave
because they prefer utility/engage carries
Will the Tainted Minds thing lead to anything?
lane bullys are actually gay sissy sluts irl, tanks are chill dudes, yasu/riven players are actually children, ranged cancer players are tryhards whether thats a good or bad thing
I guess I was more confused at op gg and the fact that my teammates/opponents seemed to be staying the same rank. Like it really didn't feel like it was changing. Thanks for the insight man.
Whoever picks first loses.
No, it won't, no one gives a shit about OCE (and they shouldn't)
comfy bfs~
Not really. If you are first pick just pick Shen. Its so easy last hit with him under tower and he is always useful in teamfights. Generally tanks don't have to know match up, it's irrelevant to them because they don't play for the lane
Is this what tanks tell themself when they get fucked in lane?
Gumi Cat is in this guys video
Shen is literally dogshit rn what
>is not a slut
seems legit
>only 1 mil points
>says he loves her
that's pretty sad
id fuck his gumi cat if ya know what I mean
what weapons do we still need in league?
Besides the obvious Whip.
Xayah fulfulls the throwing knives (feathers) meme, what weapons are leftover?
Dont think we have an iron mace in the game yet.
explain pls
feathers are not throwing knives
also morde has a mace
>iron mace
>"iron" mace
What do you mean? I think Taric has a mace
I don't know if Kled covers this but...
no im talking ball on a chain mace, his is different.
I know mace is multiple weapons in english, so its my bad but in my language there is a clear difference between mace on a stick and a mace thats essentially a mace on a chain on a stick
I'm really bad at videogames! I got frustrated so I went to the front to try and engage and got my dumb as killed, over and over.
I could post them without avatarfagging and then you'd never know I'm talking about you, you know!
I'm not a slut...
>irelia gives first blood to riven
>tp's back to get solo killed again
>walks back, gets ganked and dies
>gets into an autistic fit and blames vi over her lost lane, tells us it's gg and then walks to our lane to leech exp and cs, then just walks around the map getting killed
>meanwhile ekko is barely surviving yo yasuo
>turns out ezreal was the least of my worries
This elo is an abstract kind of hell.
New thread before image limit, whoa.
>split-pushing is SHIT for soloQ because your team will always group up and fight 4v5 before you can get any objectives
>meme fighters are tank food
>tanks have the easiest time laning but can't carry braindead teammates
>gangplank is the most busted top laner, alongside fiora
>ranged top laners are not as busted as /lolg/ likes to think, mostly because of the existence of lane bushes
>wave control wins lanes
>constantly pushing and looking for plays around the jungle is the best way to carry in shitter elos
and the most important
>most top-lane players are clinically retarded and will tilt off the face of the planet once they die, eventually feeding and losing their team the game. if you have a good mindset and if you can avoid dying, even in the hardest lanes, you're already better than over half the soloQ top laners, and you will eventually climb
we need a dual broadsword guy/girl
gummy pussy
>morde on my team steals my raptors
I'm glad we lost
>who is best girl
Someone who PUNCHES things. Not Udyr or Lee Sin, Udyr is about attack speed and Lee KICKS people. I want a JoJo-tier faintly homoerotic super muscular shirtless rippling abs barbarianish pugilist who hits people for like 800 damage punches.
You mean a flail?
xth for comfy bfs
Hecarim and his skins cover a bunch of polearms already
what do you expect when you play janna? either play a hooker (any of them) that can forcefeed the botbab or a mage that can poke them out.
oh fuck youre right im retarded its called a flail
Kinda wasted potential on a tank though.
so like chi punches
need my thunder mage soon *tm*
but also I want a jousting champ with a lance, not a spear like j4
that sounds lewd
Kled, Hecarim, Jax's weapon is supposed to work as a polearm even though it's a lamppost (and he would be using a polearm if he wasn't just fucking around)
That's still just punches.
>Someone who PUNCHES things
>I know mace is multiple weapons in english
Goddamn ESLs are retarded.
wew that bf sure is comfy~
Sejuani has a flail.
>take the wrong keystone cause you're too busy looking at shit posts on the internet
it is
>Skinny bitch with powerfists
Her hair is retarded too.
how do you die less /lolg/
Akali's shit looks like a Kusarigama
Karthus has a Scythe, but yeah, he doesn't use it for shit
Don't let your HP bar reach 0 HP.
Don't follow retards
but akali uses katamas or something
its an entirely different weapon
just because it looks like it doesnt mean its the same and skins dont count for obvious reasons please stop posting your retarded logics
I tried that a cople of games ago It went so badly it triggered me into playing Janna. How many loses at 0 LP does it take to get temoted a division?
>Tristana censored
>cartoon porn ads on left not
this never fails to get me
Kill more
Its hard toget s ranks cus playin like a little bitch sucks so i just aim for 20+ kills
What's twisted minds and whats the deal with them
i dont watch esports
but that has nothing to do with you. some jax unironically went 1/10/1. so what? just move on to the next game. at least you were more useful than playing janna.
don't trade kills
blow your summoners not when low but whenever in danger
and of course do not fight outnumbered unless ahead
Base hecarim is already a halberd/polearm, isn't it?
They tried to make a team but let the team sit in like 40 degree weather to practice with like 150 ping or something. They also had to pay their manager to use the managers car to go to the store to buy food because the house had none.
Play Sion