Reminder if hitler had won we'd all be speaking German AND have qt pure submissive housewives right now
Reminder if hitler had won we'd all be speaking German AND have qt pure submissive housewives right now
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Yeah, and you would shitpost about how we all be living under communism if soviet rekted him.
Reminder if hitler had won we would have all been euthanized for being subhuman autistic trash that doesn't contribute to society
Just go to Germany.
who would ever want to speak that disgusting language
I don't speak Arabic
Just go to Germany.
Like Hitler himself do you mean?
>Reminder if hitler had won we'd all be speaking German
Absolutely disgusting
>AND have qt pure submissive housewives right now
Even in a society with arranged marriage you'd be too ugly to get the mentally deficient mongoloid coward you fantasise about marrying.
>wife material
Reminder that if Stalin won we had all been speaking our own soviet republics language + Russian as AND have our own anthro house wives right now.
keep telling yourself that, cuck
A healthy nation-organism would have reasonable work for all, outcasts and disenfranchised people would be rare. Lower status males would have far better lives in a "fascist" organism than in a western-style capitalist one where they simply get endlessly exploited.
im not even german and im 10000000% mad, especially the gi one. ffs women are traitorous cunts.
Daily reminder that women in the North Americas and Europa are becoming more unintelligent, and are thinking rape is "just rough sex" and it's fine to act like an amoral animal.
Women arent your property. And they owe you nothing
except with social darwinism and eugenics the Nazis l i t e r a l l y killed everyone who was perceived to have a mental illness or was physically retarded, in order to improve the gene pool.
so all the autists, people suffering from depression, people suffering from social anxiety.. end up in the ovens.
hope you kill yourself
you're a pityful excuse for a human being.
most people were relieved after the war was over. the allied troops were not seen as enemies anymore.
hitler had sacrificed LITERAL thousands of Germans in the Volkssturm (of course you have never heard that term) for NO REASON AT ALL. he actively participated in killing off the German race.
stay getting triggered because a fucking blond girl sits on some dindus lap you weak, limp-wristed faggot.
>except with social darwinism and eugenics the Nazis l i t e r a l l y killed everyone who was perceived to have a mental illness or was physically retarded, in order to improve the gene pool.
>so all the autists, people suffering from depression, people suffering from social anxiety.. end up in the ovens.
Actual autists here are a small minority. High functioning autists (the autists you sometimes encounter here) would not be deemed as worthless and neither would depressed or anxious people as these things are only partly genetics and appear in most humans in varying degrees. Such basic nuances are clearly beyond you though, sadly.
>hope you kill yourself
Holy shit what's the story here?
> killed everyone who was perceived to have a mental illness
Yeah. Let's trust diagnosis of totalitarian state on the psychiatry matters. Many illnesses aren't of a genetic origin. The most blatant ones like a literal retardation naturally would not have a children with or without Nazi help.
german woman gave american soldier a BJ for cigs
they also fucked soviets and poles for food and germans later claimed it was rape lmao
btw i never even mentioned nazi germany or its kind of eugenics. I'm sure in your head fascism equals nazi germany (and nothing else).
>The bad guys won the cold war.
>Actual autists here are a small minority.
source on that
>High functioning autists (the autists you sometimes encounter here) would not be deemed as worthless
how in the FUCK would you know that? it is impossible to tell since we don't have a global nazi regime. being just slightly stunted in development was sometimes enough to get someone euthanized. as could high functioning autism.
And those housewives wouldn't want to touch your neckbearded ass with a 10 foot pole.
Also, Nazi women sure as hell didn't complain when they were getting dicked by the Soviets.
Germans are so blindly racist it's funny
thats people in general.
She is just realistic. No white male in America would marry some europoor immigrant wannabe journalist girl.
You smile, you're racist
Kill yourself misogynist shitlord. is that way.
>if [HITLER] had won we'd all be speaking German...
>... AND have qt pure submissive housewives right now[.]
Nice falseflag /pol/
You made the claim that some significant number of people here are "subhuman autistic trash" you imbecile. I'm waiting for your study on the prevalence of autism on Veeky Forums (one of the most popular sites on the internet).
>how in the FUCK would you know that?
Possibly by comparing what kind of people they saw as low value, with the group in question - let me quote you - "subhuman autistic trash". Head over to wikipedia and educate yourself on autism.
>it is impossible to tell since we don't have a global nazi regime
You seem a bit obsessed with nazis. See No surprises there though since you argue like a middle schooler/rabid tumblrtard and are essentially producing nothing but noise.
brahs, I know this is a /pol/ thread lowering the relatively high standard that Veeky Forums adheres to, but I would SMASH that statue
You're essentially arguing that hitler didn't want women to be submissive to men (since you disagree with OP), which is completely retarded. The female submission to the male is at the core of the traditional family unit (it is clear that female sexual freedom leads to the destruction of this family unit which is something they understood before the sexual revolution even happened).
Speaking of eugenics, it still baffles me that retards are allowed to be alive.
I honestly think that parents should be fined for not aborting or murdering retarded babies upon birth; that, or receive absolutely no state compensation for it.
Regarding already existing mentally deficient people, investigators should be sent to their houses to determine if they're of any worth to their society. If they're able to hold a conversation and work (even if they're slow), they can be left alone and work; but if they're completely retarded and unable to even think properly (see low function autistic) they should just be put down.
It sounds edgy, but there's objectively no sense in keeping them alive.
i know that all you tripfags are kind of retarded and you particularly come acros like a heavy case of poltardation, but why do you use caps all the time, thats what i dont get
what a great argument
It's a judgement, not an argument, but you're too dumb to know the difference, right?
I despise you, but youre actually right this time
I naturally expect tripfags to be stupid but COME ON, i'm sure there is SOME cognitive ability in there somewhere. I mean, you likely manage to breathe and use the toilet for example? Surely you can produce something with an ounce of coherence.
Your daily reminder that if Hitler had "won", he'd be ruling over the baking, irradiated cinder of Europe that had been nuked repeatedly.
Nice refutation.
>women sucking cock for cigarettes shouldnt trigger me
its like you dont have a mother or a sister, or, well i forgot your mother does that for a living, its no surprise to you.
Wow, I am angry right now. Good one friend.
It's a discussion and arguments are what should be expected and produced, not judgements. Try using your brain once, can be quite the experience.
>I can only feel for a woman if she is a direct blood relative.
what if they actually enjoyed it?
do you really think they were so desperate for cigs that they forced themselves to do it?
cigarettes are not food or clean warer
thats the opposite of what i said, can you read or are you just retarded.
>enjoying being humiliated for a pack of cigs
like i said, just because its normal for your mother doesnt mean its normal for the rest of us. do you enjoy sucking cock? seems that way to me
> do you enjoy sucking cock?
I don't enjoy smoking either, should we discuss how disgusting that shit?
Poor soldiers to be honest
Fighting for days, your friends die, your country is getting fuck, your leader just kill himself and now you're women's are enjoying the enemies dick.
I don't know about you but that's seems demoralizing
Reminder if grorious Nippon had won we'd all be speaking moon and all those pacific islands and overseas territories would look like Okinawa right now.
In my country, women who slept with German soldiers for higher social status/material items got their head shaven after the war. The past years feminist roasties and nu-males try to portray it as something awful, "oh but they were just trying to survive the war, you can't judge them!". My grandmother called them dirty whores, her father was sent to a forced labour camp and died of tubercolosis afterwards.
Fuck THOTs.
I remember being at a party my mother hosted once and one of her friends brought her child with her. Down syndrome girl of like 4 years with little mental capacity except the ability to run around the house aimlessly. The people at the party thought the behavior was charming.
How miserable an existence. An incapacitated being with no prospect of self fulfillment consuming and excreting while onlookers smile and clap satiating whatever reason they have in their minds to prevent them from viewing the spectacle with utmost disgust.
Who's the bigger retard, the child or the onlookers?
They're biologically programmed to have sex with stronger men and invaders.
Unlike men they have less loyalty and less capability for abstract thought.
Why are you white knighting there are no females here you autist
feels warui oniichan
I work at a library, and every day two retards come in at the behest of their carers, and all they do is scream and make vulgar noises for two hours then leave.
Truly progressive!
They were traitor to their country, demoralize the soldier fighting for them and makes the people look weak. The enemy will only get more aggressive I think
If she wants to run around aimlessly all her life that is her God given right as an American. No one's life exists for someone else's sake.