Ireland is making a big choice about whether or not abortion should be allowed.
Historically, how did the legalization of abortion change societies? Did it have positive or negative effects?
Ireland is making a big choice about whether or not abortion should be allowed.
Historically, how did the legalization of abortion change societies? Did it have positive or negative effects?
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OP is definitely a cumshot not deserving of a name if he can't read the sticky.
People would just do illegal abortion anyway.
Positive since stops happening.
Ireland literally has Islam-tier abortion laws
>By the early 20th century, many countries had begun to liberalize abortion laws, at least when performed to protect the life of the woman, and in some cases on woman's request. Under Vladimir Lenin, the Soviet Union legalized abortions on request in 1920, but in 1936 Joseph Stalin placed prohibitions on abortions this was restricted to medically recommended cases only in order to increase population growth.[7][8][9] In the 1930s, several countries (Poland, Turkey, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Mexico) legalized abortion in some special cases (pregnancy from rape, threat to mother's health, fetal malformation). In 1948 abortion was legalized in Japan, 1952 in Yugoslavia (on a limited basis), and 1955 in the Soviet Union (on demand). Some Soviet allies (Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Romania) legalized abortion in the late 1950s under pressure from the Soviets.
This discussion is well within the 25 year rule
Kek based Ireland triggering tumblrinas
Abortion tends to be good for society. Fewer unwanted pregnancies lowers crime rates and persistent poverty.
I find leftists incredibly dishonest when it comes to abortion rhetorics. Comparing sperm waste to removal of an embryo/fetus is ridiculous. The most disgusting thing is that they don't consider it killing. Termination is killing a life form. The only thing that can be debated is whether the life form is a "human" or not.
It stems from their rabid desire to hold onto the notion that everyone is 100% the same; killing people is wrong, so abortion is wrong if you're killing people. But if fetuses aren't people, then there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
Nice blog post, but off topic.
Nice reddit tier attempt to control what people can say.
If we can have abortion for women, why not have juridicial abortion for men?
Not incredibly off topic. Should have mentioned that it was critique towards the pic in the OP.
western whores have demanded and invented abortion free of consequences
this is the ultimate power fantasy for whores. this is why we are the best in the west
>Ireland is making a big choice about whether or not abortion should be allowed.
You're disguising a /pol/ thread, mick, fuck off.
> The only thing that can be debated is whether the life form is a "human" or not.
Who cares if it isn't humans really being killed? You are one of this vegans who cry about cows suffering for a hamburgers or what? Don't forget that life of unwanted child is basically a hell, so here is mercy killing at worst.
Abortion is murder. It's just a fact.
In terms of consequences for a society, abortion makes people far more selfish and narcissistic. It's all about me me me and it fosters an atmosphere of not taking responsibility for your actions.
Fortunately, most abortions are done by non whites. I'd actually be happy with it staying legal as long as it was banned for whites
Abortion is harmful to society and should be abolished. It was invented by albinos to genocide melanin babies, just look at what the founder of Planned Parenthood said.
You cannot have a strong race if you are killing your children.
>Not incredibly off topic.
Yes it is. The topic is not about the ethics of abortion, it's about what effects abortion has historically had on societies that allow it vs. prohibit it.
>Abortion is harmful to society
In what way?
Didn't read the last part of your post. Fuck you cumskin.
It kills babies. It is the disguised genocide of the melanin race.
Murder doesn't exist.
But even if we pretend it does, it's still not murder any more than using antibiotics to kill bacteria is, or removing a tumor. The fetus does not have any ethical worth.
Abortion was a common practice across most cultures. It was first criminalized in common law jurisdictions in the 19th century. How can it be that abortion is destructive to society when it was common practice historically, but went unnoticed by law until recently?
> It kills babies.
Babies that would harm the society most of the time, given an opportunity to live with a parents, that hate them for being alive.
t. sociopath
>It kills babies.
Even if that were true (it's not), that doesn't answer the question.
> You cannot have a strong race if you are killing your children.
Spartans done that and they were the manliest race in th history.
Using antibiotics is sociopathy?
Yes. Every life is sacred.
No, saying that murder doesn't exist and comparing innocent human beings to tumors does.
Abortion is the genocide of the melanin race.
The melanin race is fine. The only reason it is in a bad shape right now is because of Albino oppression. We are practically still slaves of the Albinos.
It is harmful to the already oppressed melanin race. We need to make babies.
Albino neanderthals were still living in caves while melanin men were creating civilizations such as Egypt.
White historians have fabricated that Spartans were white but they were actually black.
Obviously the point was that a mindless embryo is not an "human being" in the ethical sense, any more than a tumor is. And that "murder" is whatever we define it to be.
I wonder who could be behind this movement...
gonna vote nae just to piss off all the fags who were at this march for abortion yesterday, they actually got some tranny on who talked about how he identified as non-binary and was oppressed because he couldn't get rid of a baby he thinks he could have if he takes enough estrogen and becomes a real woman™
it's all a big meme
Didnt you go to bed after that laughable egypt thread? Cant you go back to bed please so actual humans can havea discussion?
>gonna vote nae just to piss off all the fags
The intellectual basis for the anti-abortion movement, ladies and gentleman.
And obviously my point was that that kind of evasive moral relativism has the same result as sociopathy.
It's 9:07 AM here cumskin. Not everyone sleeps till 12:00 PM lazy ass albino.
Also. Proof Sparta (and many other Mediterranean Civilizations) were black:
It's really not, the less shitty moms the better imo. Think about it, the tranny would have probably been aborted.
That's not moral relativism, though. And it's actually beneficial to society, so I don't see how it "has the same result as sociopathy."
never said I was against abortion, I think women who are going to have retard babies should terminate their pregnancies and those honestly contemplating it probably won't be good mothers anyhow, so why not
I think it's an overly hyped issue so I'm just going to vote no for a laugh like I did for gay marriage since it's going to pass whether I like it or not
>Abortion is the genocide of the melanin race
so what of aborted white babies?
Albinos are an inferior race so it wouldn't matter.
Alright, so it's settled. You're a racist bitch.
>never said I was against abortion
What does "being against" mean if not literally voting against it?
If whites are a lesser race than enslaving niggers must have been the easiest thing in the world.
Nothing wrong with being racist towards inferior subhuman neanderthals who enslaved MY people for hundreds of years.
Albinos are weak. The only reason they enslaved us was because they had help from the arabs.
>is the genocide
Genocide is a collective action by one tribe or politcal movement. Abortion is an individual chest. Unless you want to convince every melanin beauty is brainwashed by the inferior white race :^)
>waving away murder as just 'something we define differently'
Clearly relativism.
>questioning the status of a human being as a human being based on its short-term intellectual capacity
So it would be moral to kill an unconscious person, as they are in that moment, 'mindless'?
not morally against it like this street preacher
I'm pretty indifferent and don't mind very much if it gets passed
if it doesn't I'll laugh at all the people 'threatening' to move to France and all the other progressive countries
Abortion was legalized by white people because they knew we were poor (due to their oppression) and would be more susceptible to abortion. Abortion is the systematic extermination of the Melanin race.
Please ignore the troll from /pol/.
YOUR people were enslaving each other well before and continue to today, well after us oppressive crackers have abolished it.
Not to mention is was the Muslims who established the african slave trade model which Europeans eventually profited from.
You're boring.
/pol/ is a bunch of fatass albinos who jerk off to anime while talking about the superiority of the albino race. They are even more subhuman than the average neanderthal monkey.
The Muslims have oppressed us for hundreds of years. Islam is a slave religion just like Christianity.
Why are you even here if you find true history boring?
Also the only reason cumskins abolished slavery was because they found other ways to enslave us without calling it slavery, making themselves look more humane.
So what are you doing about the Africans that continue the modern slave trade which you're so desperate to ignore?
Please do not feed the troll.
What is colonialism cumskin? We wouldn't have slavery if it wasn't for the cumskins and arabs.
Typical cumskin always passing off my truths as "Bait" or "trolling" in truth you're just afraid of my revelations.
I know you want to go deeper. Read this site, start with "Prehistoric Egypt"
It's not relativism if it's just a statement of objective fact. Murder is defined by us.
And no, it's not the same as killing an unconscious person, since that is a mind that exists but is dormant. Abortion is not cutting a mind's existence short, it is preventing it from existing in the first place. In much the same abstaining from sex does.
I think the trap "pro-lifers" fall in is thinking their definition of when life begins is somehow NOT arbitrary, so by defending it they can take a stance against "relativism" or whatever. But it never actually withstands scrutiny, and it's ultimately as arbitrary as any other. Personally, I think morality deals exclusively with beings with minds, so that's what I worry about, not single-celled organisms.
I bet you're white. I bet you eat the shit outta cottage cheese and watch the brady bunch all damn day, ya ghost lookin' son of a bitch.
>Abortion is murder. It's just a fact.
Bullshit. Murder is UNLAWFUL killing of a person. Abortion is legal and fetuses aren't people.
Typical cumskin thinking everyone behind a computer is white.
Fact: more cumskins are on welfare in the US than black people and can't afford a computer because they're fucking their cousin inside a trailer. Shows how subhuman neanderthal monkeys really are.
Embryos could very well be considered to be dormant in the same sense a sleeping person is. Both will naturally and inevitably cease that state of dormancy if left unharmed. The same can not be said for sperm or egg cells before they are united. The formation of a zygote is clearly the starting point of a new, distinct organism in any species where they do form.
>It's not relativism if it's just a statement of objective fact. Murder is defined by us.
So is absolutely every word, to hide behind the fact that definitions can drift is relativism. We may as well say nothing at all, according to that logic.
Abortion is the systematic genocide of the Melanin race. It is murder.
Naw, nigga. You're pure Caucasoid. When you're done shitposting here or jerking off to pictures of Meryl Streep, you'll be buying Bon Jovi tickets then vote for Trump.
Niggers aren't people.
neither are the irish
Do not feed the troll.
Lol blacks murder their own kids at higher rates than us they are the bigger abortionist, heck african women sometimes eat their babies.
I'm pure melanin. Not even a half subhuman mulatto. You sound like a butthurt mulatto mad he can't be 100% black.
I laughed at the last part of your post though lol it's so true.
Neanderthal subhuman snow monkey's aren't people.
White doctors murder black children. African cannibalism is a myth started by Albinos during colonialism.
Has /pol/ literally become Islam personified now? jeez
has Veeky Forums become /pol/ 2.0?
>The same can not be said for sperm or egg cells before they are united.
Yes it can. A sperm cell will absolutely seek out and fertilize an egg cell on its own, and then you're left with a zygote. So no, it's not different.
But that's almost beside the point. The point is, why is THAT the criterion to be used, anyway? "Left to its own devices will become a human," I mean? It seems you've just taken the pre-determined conclusion ("conception is the all-important event") and then tried to find the criterion that supports that. But it's circular logic. You could just as easily pick something else, for any other stage in development.
>So is absolutely every word,
Not in the same way, though. "Triangle" and "disorderly conduct" are both human-made concepts, but one is more "invented" than the other, you know?
Consider this. If you walked up to me and shot me in the head, society would call you a murderer. But what if we were from two countries that were at war, and I was wearing a uniform? Society would commend you. Based on what? Just made up conventions.
Lowered crime significantly since black single mother sub 85 iq degenerates weren't forced to bring a Tyrone into the world
/pol/ alpha = stormfront
/pol/ beta = /new/
/pol/ 1.0 = /pol/
/pol/ 2.0 = /int/
/pol/ 3.0 = Veeky Forums
/pol/ 4.0 = /v/ (colonized)
/pol/ 5.0 = /tv/ (colonized)
/pol/ 6.0 = /news/
/pol/ 7.0 = Veeky Forums
What board isn't /pol/ when politics comes up
>inb4 Veeky Forums meme
>Embryos could very well be considered to be dormant in the same sense a sleeping person is. Both will naturally and inevitably cease that state of dormancy if left unharmed.
Going by that standard, babies aren't really people until age 5 or so.
I would allow abortion but make the mother name public in city bulletins as well at the dna matched father.
>Yes it can. A sperm cell will absolutely seek out and fertilize an egg cell on its own
That doesn't disprove what I said. A sperm is not a distinct human life, the fact that it can produce one is irrelevant. A zygote, if left alone, will be able to have a conversation with you one day. A sperm has no such potential on its own, the same applies to an egg.
>"Left to its own devices will become a human,"
No. It is already a human. If left to its own devices, it will grow. You are misrepresenting my position.
>"Triangle" and "disorderly conduct" are both human-made concepts, but one is more "invented" than the other, you know?
I see what you mean, but it doesn't change anything. You seem to be unwilling to take a positive stance on murder, while simultaneously asserting that abortion is not murder, based on grounds of linguistic subjectivity, I also fail to see the relevance of killing in warfare in this discussion.
No, not at all. By that standard, they would be considered the same status/value as a sleeping adult. A sleeping person is still a person.
How the fuck can a civilized country in the first world not have abortion?
Left on their own in a non-hostile environment, a sleeping adult will wake up. Left on their own in a non-hostile environment, a baby will die.
We have to save irish children
You don't want the future Saoirse to die
Because their state of dormancy before attaining a level of independence sufficient for themselves to be self-sustaining is different. This does not invalidate the analogy.
I actually agree with typical college leftists on a lot of things, but I can't help but despise them because of their non-arguments
>what is a framing device
Pretty sure it does. Babies aren't DORMANT people, they're POTENTIAL people.
You're why we can't have nice democracy
Voting age raised to 27 when
all votes have the value of a single individual with autism, I don't think changing the age limit will do anything for your democracy cuccboi
>A sperm has no such potential on its own, the same applies to an egg.
But a sperm AND an egg will. And you're ignoring the central point that that criterion is arbitrary.
What is the problem with that? At least these babbymurderes could die a gruesome death that way.
deterring memeing is more important than the abortion issue
some dumb stacy who couldn't stop being a slut is of minor importance compared to curing cancer, mars colonization and such
No he isn't. The reason we can't have a nice democracy is because people vote for what benefits them, not society
As I understand it there are three states of development in legal personhood. The third state is novel and not commonly expressed, but I think it's helpful to illuminate the issue.
The first is the majority when a man is in full possession of legal rights.
The second is the minority (and also incompetency) when a man is a lesser party of a conservatorship or a guardianship, where he does not posses absolute rights of liberty, property, or contract, but is in possession of the right to life.
The third is during gestation and it has no name as far as I know. It looks like a kind of super conservatorship, where no rights are possessed apart from the right to life, and that right is made conditional upon the consent of the parents. For example if a third party kills the fetus, it will be a homicide as he doesn't posses the right to terminate its life, while the mother is permitted to kill the fetus because she has absolute dominion over it.
A sperm and an egg are two distinct entities, a zygote a one. Human beings are not sperm and eggs, we are unitary results of the sperm and egg. The earliest observable instance of that is a zygote. I agree that determining a range of time post conception where abortion is acceptable is arbitrary, which is why I take the position that it is at no point acceptable under ordinary circumstances.
I am perfectly fine with abortion being defined as lawful killing, and I still support legal abortions. It's like putting down a dog, or assisted medical suicide. You're saving the children (and society that would end up supporting them, generally) from a bad situation in which they aren't wanted and/or their parents can't take care of them. There's no downside here. The fetus can't rationalize "oh wow oh geez I want to be alive." It's the same for newborns, it's just people like cute faces.
>which is why I take the position that it is at no point acceptable under ordinary circumstances.
Thus, as soon as artificial wombs are possible, having natural births should be considered as illegal as abortions, as wombs fail to allow implantation and spontaneously terminate gestation all the time, thus killing a unique human.