/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Cuck edition

>Deck lists, news etc

>Open Tournaments

>/hsg/ Tournament
Signup Sheet: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezW_F-LPJ8SRG7HvmDEH9ZqVTzKJMG-6wrVkRNR3BG4U2Yng/viewform?usp=sf_link
Tourney Discord: discord.gg/xHRA3Qz
Tournament is set for the next two weekends, NA first followed by EU

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Greetinks, trabeler.

>vs. paladin
>he plays spikeridged steed on a 1/1
>a 1/1 that is now a 3/7 with taunt
>a 3/7 that when it dies, drops a 2/6 taunt
>6 mana 5/13 at a minimum taunt that you have to kill twice

Who the fuck thought this was okay?

Silence Preist beats Quest Warrior without heavily compromising its Quest Rogue matchup
Why aren't you playing it right now?

I plan on using Quest Rogue, Exodia Mage, and Beast Hunter for the hsg tourney :^)

29th for fuck rogue quest.

Because you didn't post the decklist senpai.

So which is better, aggro druid or mid-hunter?

Not got patches or leeroy for them

Did you guys choose a team for free shitty Gadgetzan packs?

Did you pick montreal like I did?

it's not 5/13 just like cairne is not an 8/10
also it's a buff so it's either an 8 mana 3/7 with deathrattle or a combination of two cards

steed is very strong though, no doubt there

tavern brawl is the ultimate culmination of RNG horseshit

>*Power Word: Shield noises*

I'm memeing it up with secrets mage.
It's great when retards let you counterspell their quests.

yeah dude

go frenchmans

Is a Dinosized murloc raider bigger than Megafin?


I picked shawnee or some shit, I just want 1 packs.

Midrange Paladin has always been legit this expansion, both the Recruits and Murlocs versions are insanely good unless you're against Rogue.

Try this shit in wild with Echoing ooze.
>10 mana 20/20 that dodges single target removal
>8 mana for two 3/8 taunts that spawn 2/6 taunts when they die

Where's da link?
I'll do it.

Is Pyros viable?
Is Elemental Mage Viable?
Is Pyros viable in Elemental Mage?

Tidesoftime was playing it like day 3 in high legend.

>Is Pyros viable?
>Is Elemental Mage Viable?
Kind of, in theory
>Is Pyros viable in Elemental Mage?

>it's a "6+ drop you mulliganed is your turn 1 draw" episode
>it's a "win condition is buried at the bottom of your deck" episode
>it's an "opponent has the perfect answer for every fucking card you play" episode
>it's a "your opponent wins solely because of bullshit RNG" episode
Getting real tired of this game tbqhwyf

>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that think a card can be objectively good

I only picked Frenchmen because ça m'amuse.

Here's link, boys: us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/esports/tournament/tcs-hearthstone-national-championships-2017/choose-your-champion

So what are you guys playing?
For me it's hemet mage, the best way to use my only ungoro leggo

>Quest Rogue
Everything in the deck will get banned

>Exodia Mage
Most of the good cards will get banned

>Beast Hunter
You might actually dodge bans with that one

also >not having four decks ready
Are you fucking retarded

Well there are certainly cards that can be objectively worse or better than other cards.

With no patches, midrange hunter.

>pirate warrior runs the crab and kills off his n'zoth's first mate
that surprised me

It's minion with tribe tag you can play on curve that draws you extra card you can play on curve. Just don't think that 10/10-do-nothing-when-played is going to stick on board.

>freeze mage can beat control warrior now
what the fuck.

depends on the variant

>When you're on a winstreak and don't wanna stop playing until you lose

I'm actually relieved that rogue beat me, right after I got to rank 5 too, I can now sleep peacefully.

go maple syrup!

Which school has the most Asians on their team? There a roster somewhere?

>which school
all of them, all of them are full of asians

because secret mage shits on them harder

shit man my brother goes there

>tfw don't have tarim or light rag

Well fuck me guess I'll go back to being an aggro scrub... ;_;

Best deck to play?

the canadian one

Probably Cal

>EU poorfags go to sleep
>thread starts to increase in quality

>its a warrior gets to play like shit for 7 turns, lose the board, then brawl for an easy win episode
This card needs to go into the hall of fame next.

nice shitpost

go rutgers, milton friedman went to that school

Pirate Mage

get aids faggot

>Hispanic or Latino 37.2%; Asian 30.9%; White 14.6%; Black or African American 3.5%;

UC riverside seems to be the most asian so im going with that

my secret technique
not pictured: curator, primordial drake
swap frostwolf for dirty rat

literally how the fuck do I win in this tavern brawl

I just keep getting fucked with awful spells and/or minions

>Tonight, a tale of-
>You wanna cast a spell?
Every fucking time.

Rutgers has a professional player. All the rest are nobodies. Easy choice if you have a brain.

As someone who lives in California, do not choose UC Riverside. While yes, it has a lot of asians, it usually has a lot of the bottom-tier asians. Asians who couldn't go to UCLA, USC, or Berkeley. All my friends who went to UCR were like party asians who barely got by in high school and went to raves high on molly every other week.

post the list of players

thanks user. I guess it's cal then?

>Post a list of something I can easily find out by myself


I have the 80g quest on EU. Reply with your battle tag and I'll add you.

But only if you're not homosexual

it's a bank holiday so most will still be awake

Can a taunt warrior deck be decent with only one dirty rat and common taunt cards? I really dont have enough dust to craft brawl or any other epic cardin the list and I only have 1 rat

>but only if you're not homosexual


>The community think we don't work hard enough on the game
>Throw together a quick video to showcase how much time we're supposed to put into the game

Oh boy, I sure love playing against all these taunt warriors and midrange hunters.

>winning as Maiev against Tyrande

literally pottery

get fucked you stupid whore of illidan

>remember when /hsg/ memed this exact meme except with quest rogue and exodia mage literally two days ago

I'll make an exception just for you user

Reporting in with 12 wins from this 70.7 rogue deck

started watching this right now and it's got me wondering... is it better to do murlocs + something else, or just all-in murlocs?

i've been seeing a few "murloc package" decks and find it pretty intriguing. what do you guys think are the murlocs you need in a deck to make the "murlocs" thing work along something else? just the 8 in day9's list there? i was thinking of maybe trying to combine it with a divineadin list with rallying blade and argent protector and shit.

Looks like they're thinking of changing how minion tokens look in game. They wouldn't have shown this multiple times throughout the video for nothing

>poorshitter deck

I thought it was interesting. They could have included less corporate promo-speak, but eh, whatever.




i like the alternate hero and warrior, but i don't have the cash nor the tism to have all the good stuff
used to have some good mage and warrior decks but they rotated out

>climbing to legend
>start seeing the same people on my way up
>play a priest with discard zoo
>switch to handlock
>end up playing the same guy again
>his hand is dead for 3 turns
this is going to be easier than expected

This is just silly.

>let's see what netdecks are good at the m-

when will they learn

sniff my tusks

I fucking hate everything about Paladin in every expansion except the hero power
The most annoying class ever

What is it about memerange hunters and AFKing when they lose? They go from constant emoting to complete silence when they leave the match. I have also never killed a hunter, as they either always leave or spend their mana, then concede.

Reminder to everyone that Rutgers is the dark horse pick, they have noblord who is easily a top pro and often does a review stream/spreadsheet of deck lineups going into prelims/big tournaments that all the pros look to, it's like cheating having that guy early into a format/expansion. Then again muh RNG

Have a tier 1 deck.

>Miracle Grow makes control rogue viable.
>Pirates are pretty much dying.
>Fedora warrior is back
>Every class has a viable deck.

Great expansion, shame about the cost.

i took the one with the shortest name
whatever the fuck it was

Rogue is REALLY fucking cancer this expansion

0 mana spells are such a retarded concept

Quest Rogue isn't nearly as good as Warrior, Priest, and Hunter

bouncing back is a fucking retarded concept
4 minions with the same name is nothing

Quest rogue is a meme
Tempo rogue is OP

Which list? There are a few viable priest decks running around

^ The 80g offer is still up for EU.

Of course it is, its on EU and you said no homos

>People are finally figuring out how cancerous aggro decks are
About time

Why is the OP still refusing to link to sites like hearthpwn where, you know, they actually have decklists? heartharena is a stupid site

>how cancerous aggro decks are
>in a meta where taunt warrior is top tier


miracle rogue is so fucking good

>1 deck is enough to justify most of hearthstones entire existence where aggro decks have been top
Ok guy

I agree. The game would be better without him.


Beta Control Priest, Release Freeze Mage, Wallet Warrior, Miracle Rogue, Patron, Jade Druid, and Midrange Shaman were all either the best decks of their meta or one of them. None of them are aggro. In fact, there have only been four times where aggro heavily out matched control and midrange and that's Face Hunter, Naxx Zoo, Deathrattle Hunter, and Pirate Warrior.