/pg/ - Persona general

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>English P5 DLC schedule: personacentral.com/persona-5-dlc-scheduled-announced-english-release/
>Next major event announced for August 2nd in Sumaru City: personacentral.com/large-scale-persona-live-event-announced-august-2-2017/
>New Persona games to be announced 2017: personacentral.com/atlus-to-announce-several-games-in-2017-includes-the-persona-series/
>New Atlus studio "Studio 0" to create new RPG named Project Re Fantasy: personacentral.com/atlus-project-re-fantasy-concept-video-site-update/
>Persona 20th Anniversary radio CD announced: personacentral.com/persona-20th-anniversary-radio-cd-detailed/

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Haru is my NTRfu

Why are they so perfect together?

Persona 6 when?

If his hair was black he probably wouldn't style it like that

Is it just me or the game makes them sort of canon? Unless you choose to cuck him of course.

Why does bald glasses drunk senator sound so completely unfitting in the dub?

Haru has loyalty, has royalty inside her DNA

They're not. In the end, she leaves Ryuji to vent his virginity troubles to you on Valentine's Day.

Incidentally, that's why it was the saddest part of the game.

In 2-3 years but they're working on Project Re:Fantasy so maybe in 4 years.


Do we know which previous Persona characters get mentioned on the TV? I remember seeing mentions to Naoto, Chie, Yukari Rise, and maybe Katsuya

>local user incapable of understanding friendship

Haru has my DNA inside her

Look at that fucking forehead

Anne clearly doesn't like him like that, and we know she's just not some sort of Tsun because she's all over your dick in the SL.

Pretty sure in a few cutscenes the Persona 2 cast is visible on the giant TVs

Pretty sure Chie, Akihiko, and Katsuya got referenced together

Wada's doing P6 to avoid that.

Apparantly Hashino wanted to wait and Sega said fuck that.

Here you go

I love Adachi!

If there's anybody you'd be cucking it would be Morgana.

He sounds like the scummy skinny guy that's the antagonist's sixth best man. The one he kills when someone makes a mistake to prove how evil he is

I want to gently kiss it while we tend to our garden growing coffee beans for our cafe


Shadow Ops srpg spin off


please respond


They have bro bantz, like Yusuke and Futaba. They're not romantically involved.
Naratame is mentioned as well.

Adachi, Namatame, Akihiko

[keikaku intensifies]

Persona 5 felt like Death Note: Purse Owner Edition to me. Except instead of finishing off the rival character with your wit, you go mano a mano with your personas instead

>Why does x sound so completely unfitting in the dub?
I dunno, maybe because it's shitty. The only dub voice I can get behind is Ryuji but that's it.

I don't know why srpg but I'd love a Shadow Ops game



Most of the dub voices are at least passable, the casting for this guy is just totally confusing.

>Shadow Ops
What do they even do?

I was fine with that, really. Though I felt like the shocked reactions of the team upon hearing about Joker's "suicide" was cheating.

The entire thing sounds like they realized they could never compete with the Nip cast and gave up.

they designed their own uniforms once

Can someone post the Goro Apocolypse? I browse /pg/ till I finished the game so i could avoid spoilers

Sounds fine to me.

Try to stop shadow activity and fail miserably so other games can be stand alone.

A terrible idea really.

Clean up of unexplainable things

Yusuke's dub is a fucking treasure

Haru is for marrying and living a quiet life with!

>"I know that book you're holding is a Joker x Goro doujin."

Yeah I loved it. Me and my brothers recently watched Death Note together and they watched me do a playthrough of P5, we were all laughing when Potter-kun was fine with that smugass look on his face

If I could use one word to describe this game's characters and narrative, it would be juvenile. I'm fairly used to this with other JRPGs and anime I play/watch but P5 seems to take it to another level. It honestly feels like a story written by a 12yo for 12yo's, which is probably too harsh. Basically, the whole teens vs. adults theme that runs through the game really isn't hitting when the teens in question are so naive and see the world purely in black and white.

I feel like the morality of their vigilantism is an interesting topic of discussion but whenever you as the MC or some other character questions their actions, it gets shot down immediately since you're the good guys, end of discussion. The game treats the phantom thieves as incorruptible despite the fact that fame and fortune are very clearly things they care about and some of them even have personal motivations.

Also, the people you're going after, both in palaces and mementos, are kinda just all over the board and with the palace targets specifically, they seem to always have to add in one final twist to make them laughably evil. The game also really requires you to buy into the narrative that virtually all the adults in this world are evil/corrupt/spineless/inept/ect. because thus far, these are all problems that could have easily been dealt with by the police or school faculty. On that note, the phantom thieves are EXTREMELY bad at keeping a low profile making the fact that their identities haven't become common knowledge at this point pretty ridiculous.

I'm probably being too hard on the game but the fact that it has a real word setting and is dealing with contemporary problems really make it's child-like approach to everything stand out. I'm really hoping things start to change from where I'm at.


Witness our history

It's fucking shit.


You.. you cretin.


I liked Ryujis voice. It felt like Saitama was murdering shadows with me.

stop talking about groo hol

Nah m8 I think I'm going to go with Sugita over Mercer.

>There's a trophy for hostage rescue
>it only happen to me once back in Kamoshida's Castle
>I've already beaten the game

Yeah Mercer as Yusuke might be the only one that's better in English

serve as exposition givers in spin off games

The game does become more self aware towards the end, especially in the last dungeon.

Clearly you don't understand true art

You have got to be kidding. Sugita does a far better job at being eccentric than Mercer. The letter just sounds pretentious.

Fuck no.

Get the fuck out. How dare you insult Sugita.

I'd be devastated too

Persona 6 will be about ______

I'm glad the trophy for hearing all those Futaba lines was much easier than the Hardcore Risette Fan thing. Though I wasn't expecting to get it in the middle of the game.

Summoning Personas with coffee.

I wanted Sae and Akechi to be like them

and I wanted them to fugg


Forehead shadows.

Ryuji is a thotslayer so this is the worst forced ship since Kanjii and Nato.

Really enjoyed how mature the girls were when the boys where perving on them. Shit got annoying in P4 fast

>Persona 6 will be about ______

high school

Challenging fate.

>Talking shit about /our boy/ Sugita
Get the fuck outta here son

I geniunely think they're the best "Two best friends" pair in the series.

Yukari was too hateful towards Junpei and Chie was straight up abusive to Yosuke. Ryuji and Ann have a pretty healthy balance of geniune friendship and slapstick shenanigans

If you didn't know who Sugita was you'd never say that

kill this stupid website

do I get to a point where a cat isn't controlling my every action soon? I just finished the castle AND I DONT WANNA GO TO FUCKING SLEEP FUCK YOU MORGANA


friendship and bonds

and rip off Triage X's theme of curing a cities cancer, except it'll be literal cancer,
and there will be less boobs and murder

go back o bed right meow

A second year male Japanese high school student who is sent away for the year, has to go to a whole new school. and ends up discovering the powers of Persona and another world along with his new friends. Together, they all discover that their world is being manipulated in some way by a powerful deity.

Over the course of the year they participate in events such as The School Cultural Festival, going to the beach, and the schools annual trip to somewhere else.

>both posts clearly know who mercer is too
Wow you got em.


>Chie was straight up abusive to Yosuke

What was up with this?

>Hi Chie I broke your dvd my bad since I am the richest fucker in this shit town ill pay you back no probs
>Proceeds to chimp out and kick him in the balls.

I was genuinely surprised by it. When the beach scene hit I was ready for her to start getting angry at him and for the typical beach episode shenanigans to start, but she lightly teases him and everything is cool.

Except I didn't. It was only after I found his VA to be so good that I looked up the name of him. I could care less about who he actually is, I was simply listing the name the same way I listed Mercer. Yusuke's JP VA is simply better, it's not some seiyuufagging like you want to wave it away as.


Are you autistic?

Yuki and Aegis' robot child, Yuu and Nanako's incest child, and Joker and Yusuke's gay adopted child team up and fight shadows

Goro is best girl

Chie could be bad to him, but he ran into a desk. I think he even mentions this in another scene.

Enjoy your living curfew reminder
I can't fucking believe people like him more than Teddie, at least Teddie didn't make me actually seething mad

But which of them inherits the Fool powers?

>P6 will be about LAW BTFO CHAOS

screencap this

>Giving one of the best looking girls to fuccboi Groo
Truly the mark of degeneracy

a group of teens travel around the world in a stolen plane with their bird mascot and fight against a disease turning people into shadows created by some cult wanted to summon some kind of god that ends up being the final boss


They wanted to cast Char Aznable as the villain, so this includes his English and Japanes VAs.

Wasn't P4 law > chaos already?